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Moonlight meanderer
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oorrrrrrrrrrrrrr we could bake a cake! I'm hungry! (sorry couldn't resist)

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Did we discuss whether HA members would reveal their secret identity to each other? I think we talked about it, but I can't remember anything substantial that came out of it.

My current thoughts about this: I had Bombshell talk about trust in HA #3, but I didn't mean to imply that this means everyone would simply reveal their secret identity. I bet some heroes would have a real problem with that, and if some would keep their identity concealed, there's no good reason for the rest to reveal it.

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We talked about it way back, but never as a main issue, I think.

Well, Virtus wears his mask for a reason, and with all the telepaths and mystics in the HU/HA-verse, the less people that know, the better, in his opinion. Titan's the only one that knows per agreement, but it's justified, as he's probably one of the slain heroes and posthumously unmasked in her timeline.

He has trust issues, yes. For the time being, he'll remain very secretive about it, while at the same time respecting the others secret identities, otherwise he'd be a pretty big hypocrite, wouldn't he? Trust will build slowly.

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Wireless can't really help but be revealed. All you do is splash some water on him when he's powered up and not paying attention and BAM, fried Kyle Canton. He mainly relies on the fact though that he's just a nobody with few friends who lives in a run down shack with his sister. He kind of has an anti secret identity. Instead of "GASP! Wireless! You're really Kyle Canton??" it's "Wireless is just some kid?"

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I kinda remember the discussion on the secret identities, for Peligroso he would keep it a secret being that he was a criminal during most of his life, and some other things I'll show soon ;)

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He kind of has an anti secret identity. Instead of "GASP! Wireless! You're really Kyle Canton??" it's "Wireless is just some kid?"
Yeah, I imagined something similar for Bombshell. If she was unmasked, she'd just be "some woman" nobody knows. She'd mostly have to avoid being in the media, so her colleagues won't recognize her.

The HU Commander knows Bombshell's secret identity. Relik's secret identity is known among HA members, at least. And Shell's as well.

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Didn't we talk about this problem, Jo? Does EVERYONE in HA know Relik's identity, or just the core members when he unmasked himself during registration? I'm cool either way, since his secret-secret-identity is "ZOMG! Brad's an alien?!" :D

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He kind of has an anti secret identity. Instead of "GASP! Wireless! You're really Kyle Canton??" it's "Wireless is just some kid?"
Yeah, I imagined something similar for Bombshell. If she was unmasked, she'd just be "some woman" nobody knows. She'd mostly have to avoid being in the media, so her colleagues won't recognize her.

The HU Commander knows Bombshell's secret identity. Relik's secret identity is known among HA members, at least. And Shell's as well.

Yeah, well that's how I'd imagine it would start off if V was unmasked as well, at least in the US. I mean, if Relik was exposed, it would lead to instant media coverage about Brad Stone. While, as you say, "just some guys and girls" are exposed in the cases of Bombshell, Wireless or Virtus.

But while they may not be celebrities in their secret identities, their costumed identities on the other hand certainly is. So I don't think it would lose impact in the long run at least, just 'cause the secret identity happens to be a "nobody." Heroes have enemies dying to find out where the hero is hiding to strike them at their weakest, or just very snoopy reporters that WILL find out the truth. We all know how much media can blow things out of proportion, just to sell issues. The loss of the delicate balance of a double life isn't a thing to take lightly, unless you're Elongated Man. XD

Also, ALL HA members know Shell and Relik's identity? I mean, I don't remember Virtus being on that meeting, even if I haven't written the issue flashing back to his absence yet…

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I'll have to retract my question, Seb, for the sole reason that if everyone in HA didn't know Brad was Relik at first, they must do now that he's undercover with the rest AS Brad Stone. But yeah, I guess whether Virtus would know is up to you… But no one knows Relik is an alien because he's scared they'll hunt him down like the HU did with Energize if they found out…

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while they may not be celebrities in their secret identities, their costumed identities on the other hand certainly is. So I don't think it would lose impact in the long run at least, just 'cause the secret identity happens to be a "nobody." Heroes have enemies dying to find out where the hero is hiding to strike them at their weakest, or just very snoopy reporters that WILL find out the truth. We all know how much media can blow things out of proportion, just to sell issues. The loss of the delicate balance of a double life isn't a thing to take lightly, unless you're Elongated Man. XD
You're completely right. What I meant is, if Bombshell were unmasked in the streets, no one could match a name with the face, so it wouldn't make any difference at all. But if her face were in the media, her secret identity would expire (one way or another) within hours.

Also, ALL HA members know Shell and Relik's identity? I mean, I don't remember Virtus being on that meeting, even if I haven't written the issue flashing back to his absence yet…
That's something up for retcon :P

if everyone in HA didn't know Brad was Relik at first, they must do now that he's undercover with the rest AS Brad Stone.
Yup, that's what I was thinking.

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Sorry, we must have been posting at the same time, so I didn't see your previous response, Symon.

Also, ALL HA members know Shell and Relik's identity? I mean, I don't remember Virtus being on that meeting, even if I haven't written the issue flashing back to his absence yet…
That's something up for retcon :P

Not so much a retcon when it's only in the notes for now. XD

I'll have to retract my question, Seb, for the sole reason that if everyone in HA didn't know Brad was Relik at first, they must do now that he's undercover with the rest AS Brad Stone. But yeah, I guess whether Virtus would know is up to you… But no one knows Relik is an alien because he's scared they'll hunt him down like the HU did with Energize if they found out…

Of course he's worried, and that's understandable, given how things turned out with Energize. But I think it's safe to assume that the HA will not under any circumstances let anyone harm/experiment on/arrest Brad just 'cause of that.

"Brad Stone…? I have absolutely no idea who that is."

And further down the road:

"So you're an actor AND an alien? I can't wait to hear that origin story!"

If they haven't figured out V's spa staff identity (even if Sven Johnson is just a portmanteau of two supporting characters in his own stories and not his real name) by the time he returns after Titan dragged him off, it feels unfair if the suspension of disbelief that smart people like Brad and Aria can't connect the dots applies to V but not to Brad/Relik in reverse. So I'm thinking that Brad's secret identity is unknown to V at this point, his secret-secret identity even more so.

Bombshell: *smugly* Come along, Sven.
Virtus: … You're SO mistaken, "Ms. Stein".

See, that's why I love this forum. Things write themselves.

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HAH! That would be fun for writers. Have one forum section that's a story. Each person writes so long and have the next one take over. See what the end result is ;)

So just out of curiosity Abt, do you have some story line in mind with this question or is it just for future reference? Because I'm totally seeing heroes having to go underground and hide as normal people in a place where the whole country has turned against them… like Canada *cough cough*

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So just out of curiosity Abt, do you have some story line in mind with this question or is it just for future reference? Because I'm totally seeing heroes having to go underground and hide as normal people in a place where the whole country has turned against them… like Canada *cough cough*
Right, I didn't mention this:
This came out of my reading SympleSymon's 1st draft of the Psychosis Wave script, in which he has BlueJay call Bombshell Aria. And BlueJay really wouldn't know her secret identity if not for some official "revealing one's identity" procedure.

As for any stories coming out this… well, anything's possible ^_^

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ah that makes more sense. I'm getting excited for this chapter now!

And yay! :D I'm totally thinking up a plot some time after Crossed Wires goes live. Maybe something like "A normal day at HA HQ (wow that's a weird mix of acronyms) when suddenly someone or something hacks their teleporter. When they awaken (the forced teleportation being a rough ride considering there was no time for calculations)they find themselves in the basement of an abandoned house. As they look outside troops and tanks patrol the streets shouting out 'IF YOU SEE ANY ONE WITH META POWERS, DO NOT APPROACH. CALL FOR HELP AND WE WILL COME PRESENTLY!' and so it begins. The Heroes must go underground and escape from Canada, the country that has declared a ban on anyone with super powers or costumes and who's fears of the rise in super powered crime has caused them to become violent."

Or something better if I had more than a minute to make it up on the fly :D

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Psychosis Wave is on the move!

In other news - I'm glad my reasonin behind Brad's secrecy makes sense and no one's like "The HA has a green girl on their team, why would an alien bother them?" because that's not all of his secret, which is so big even HE'S not fully aware of it, but may just change everyone's mind once it's revealed.

Damn I love being ominous and cryptic :p

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ah that makes more sense. I'm getting excited for this chapter now!

Which chapter is that? Psychosis Wave? It's almost done writing-wise, and I hope y'all love it!

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SYMPLE SYMON SAID: Which chapter is that? Psychosis Wave? It's almost done writing-wise, and I hope y'all love it!
Well technically I'm excited for ALL chapters, but ya, that's the one I was refferring to.
You know, I jokingly pitched this a few posts back, but the more I've been working on the HUniverse Wiki the more I REALLY want to see this come into effect so I think I'm going to pitch this story for real now. 
It won't be able to appear for a while (at LEAST not until after crossed Wires) but I really want to do a chapter where someone hacks the teleporter and several HA members are teleported into Canada in the middle of the Canadian Metahuman Crisis with no communicators and no way to get back but walking. It would be more a social commentary episode than a fighting episode where the heroes have to try and sneak out of Canada. They mainly walk as normal people to try and blend but then have to deal with the mass of super villains who walk the streets and attack people just because they can. However if they use any powers and people notice they will have the military, the police, MAPLE, and lynch mobs of citizens attacking them. Eventually they can run into Wireless who helps them escape as he's used to hiding from these enemies, and (although you can disagree on this part) when they finally get out of Canada it cuts to that ominous office of the leader of the villains with another villain reporting that the experiment was a success and they were able to hack the teleporter coordinates.
What I'd really want from this:
I'd want kind of a "Fighter crash lands behind enemy lines in WWII and has to sneak out" kind of feel to it
Only heroes that are able to go costumeless (sorry Virtus and Titan)
and finally… I'd REALLY REALLY want Shell to be in it (teleported when he's not in his suit) with Fukujinzuke giving input on how he'd react just because I think it would be really interesting considering SHELL's past as the man who fought against those "Reckless superheroes". I'd like to see what he'd think knowing what he does now being placed inside a country where everyone hates (because they're terrified of) metahumans.
Anyways, that's my pitch. Tell me if anyone's interested in this, thinks it has potential, or if I should start sleeping at night instead of writing up these story ideas :P

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Macattack: I for one am certainly glad you're developing this story! One of these days we need to plot out the course of the next few chapters.

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I'm glad you guys like it, and I agree, some kind of a schedule would be incredibly helpful

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Macattack: That sounds pretty interesting.

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I've been noticing lately that this forum's been needing 20 CC's of traffic and excitement stat! (Bad pun I know) anyways so as we've already determined I have no life I'm going to try and make the first step towards getting things moving again :P
I've been brainstorming some ideas for my "Heroes Alliance Underground" issue….. "Heroes Alliance Front Lines"? "Heroes Alliance Tenacious Teleporter"? "Heroes Alliance Discretion is Key"? …. I'll work on a title later… Anyways, and I was curious as to who was interested in having their characters in it. I'm thinking a small team of 4-5 who are able to look human (Which sadly knocks out a number of my favourites but it would be hard to explain otherwise)
I've already determined I want SHELL out of armor in it as that's too good a character study to pass up so that leaves 3-4 positions open.
I figure the heroes that can get away with this who have teleporters are
Comet Kid
Titan (if she just so happens to have body paint with her)
and if you can argue another character I'm good for it
Secondly I was thinking about the forum set up here and kind of was thinking it would be helpful if we has one post that's kind of a schedule of HA issues along with estimated end dates of current issues and estimated start dates of the next one. This would probably help make the forums look less stagnent at times and also help artists and writers get an estimated idea as to when they need to get their pages ready
These are just suggestions but let's admit it. It would be cool to see these forums a busy happening place of discussion and such :)

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^ There is a sort-of-schedule in "Page Assignments," but there aren't any dates. In any case, I think Blue Jay might make for a good addition to that team.

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Macattack wrote:
…I was curious as to who was interested in having their characters in it.
Consider me interested :3
Macattack wrote:
Secondly I was thinking about the forum set up here and kind of was thinking it would be helpful if we has one post that's kind of a schedule of HA issues along with estimated end dates of current issues and estimated start dates of the next one.
Good suggestion! We should establish a schedule like that somewhere. Probably doesn't need an all-new thread… just either more details in the page assignment thread, or I could just add that to my first post in this (storyline) thread…
And I agree with ZananIV - BlueJay would make a good addition to the team.

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Awesome! The spark is working :P And Bluejay would be cool, though I feel kind of bad about some parts as it gets kind of rough up north (Side note, Canada's actually awesome. I always feel kind of bad turning it into a warzone but it kind of needs to happen for future developments in the story to make sense, end side note) 
And very glad to get Bombshell in there. It allows me to have fun with one part I wanted to stick in where the few heroes who were teleported into Canada out of costume have to buy civilian clothes for the heroes in costume. Now all I need is a hopefully male hero who would find shopping for bombshell rather… awkward =D

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Moonlight meanderer

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