- Don't think MrHades and SympleSymon's going to put Brad in a relationship outside of his own playing ground, if I remember correctly. A romantic sub-plot could work if it doesn't take too much place in the story, but first off, do we have any takers in that case?
- I wouldn't mind a showcase of all-new characters myself, could be fun if it's handled well, and still feels like it brings the storyline forward.
- Would this be a good or a bad sort of agent?
- Could be fun, but personally, I might think that cross-dimensional adventures is a bit too big for the first season of HA. I'm not saying I wouldn't have any ideas for a little deconstructive/reconstructive treatment of the Golden Age myself. ^^
- Would be a nice filler or alternatively a good thing to burn a few flashback pages on.

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Some great input there…
- There are no plans I'm currently aware of, but I'd be all for it. It's true what Seb says - ultimately, the creators have to decide -, but I think HA is a place to stretch the rules a bit. I've said this quite often, but I don't regard HA as "canon". Rather, I try to go with what feels right for the character, given the context. Also, I think fun can be more important than canon…
I sort of disagree with Seb on the "taking up too much place in the story" part. Most of the time, I have to argue with people about cutting down on fights. Seems like every superhero writer wants to write and/or see fights, first and foremost. Whereas I think balance is the most important thing. So, since there's NO romance AT ALL, introducing some can't hurt. (Of course I agree with Seb about the "too much" part, it's just that "too much" is relative…)
As for specific pairings, well… I could imagine anything XD (Bombshell needs to get some sometime ^_________^)
- I'm not sure you mean "all-new characters", as Seb said. I think you just mean: characters which weren't in the first issue. Or: characters which have been an "inofficial" part of the team (such as in forum discussions), but haven't shown up yet. And yes, I agree, we should adress that. Macattack had this script for a chapter showcasing the young heroes on the team, and if it was up to me, we'd have all sorts of teams, and not always the big guns. More a "Brave and the Bold" sort of thing (these days, everybody's probably thinking about the cartoon, but I'm actually more acquainted with the comic… but I guess they're similar enough).
- That might be one way of adressing potential political repercussions the formation of HA might have. I think we should adress those sometime, in some form or other. It's probably more pressing once HU is dissolved…
- YES! Cross-dimensional fight with golden age characters!! I'm all for it. Regarding what Seb said: I wouldn't make the whole cross-dimensional thing a huge plot point. Important is how the characters play off each other. Explaining stuff is for geeks :P (Kidding…)
- OK.
- Yeah, that would be good.
@Abt: Ironic… I was just watching Brave and Bold this morning. I must admit I love the concept behind them. It's almost like Batman's the host and every episode there's a variety of guest stars… I've watched season 1 part 1 and season 2 part 1 and other than Aqua man and the backs of the Justice league I haven't seen any of the big hitters yet (Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, The newer flash) which I have a lot of respect for really
As for romance… I think I secretly plot all my stories as if most the guys under the age of 20 are crushing on Vora and the rest crush on Bombshell :P I know I once had an entire conversation with Tempest once about how Wireless would act around Vora which was fun and kind of cute. Ended up being that Kyle would be shy around all the heroes as he really doesn't picture himself "A real hero" (which is a plot point I REALLY like playing off of with "What is a hero?") and Vora began talking with him and they were having fun. Then She had to go get something and… I think it was Imp mentioned something about her and suddenly Kyle got really awkward and was trying to avoid her with her trying to figure out what was wrong.
Ya… can't remember it exactly but it was actually loads of fun (though Kyle, despite crushes, is going to end up liking someone else) And really, romance doesn't have to take any words at all. I mean just HOW the characters interact with each other, how they look at each other… you can REALLY tell a lot of "Crushing, in love, respect, hate" from body language
- Would this be a good or a bad sort of agent?
Depends on your point of view I guess, but he/she would be the antagonist of the chapter. Im just adressing the point that the US government can't be 100% okay with a cabal of superteam taking up base near Puerto Rico.
-I wouldn't mind a showcase of all-new characters myself, could be fun if it's handled well, and still feels like it brings the storyline forward.
No its more like I mean the characters that aren't on the main team from the first book should have a chapter where a subgroup is formed and have thier chance to shine. Like how the Xmen have several different teams (X-force, New Mutants, X Factor, Generationm X etc…)
-As for specific pairings, well… I could imagine anything XD (Bombshell needs to get some sometime ^_________^)
We should definatley look into which members would make good pairs for each other!
-Then She had to go get something and… I think it was Imp mentioned something about her and suddenly Kyle got really awkward and was trying to avoid her with her trying to figure out what was wrong
Imp would definatley tease Kyle about sexual tension with Vora haha
I'll get to work on a short filler about the base.
If you want government tensions you should read the chapter I'm working on where they get teleported to Canada where the government has placed a ban on meta humans and the people are all terrified of them :P
As for getting the other characters together… what if there was an issue where the main team dissapeared or were kidnapped and one member or one hero who just payed close attention (Dr Destiny perhaps) gathered a team of secondary heroes to try and figure out what happened and rescue them… totally can see this montage of the different heroes fighting their own battles as Dr. Destiny swoops in out of no where to end the fights and call them off :P
I think Macattack's Canada is a special place when it comes to dealing with metahumans. I believe it would be interesting to explore the rest of the world's reaction to the "demise" of HU and the new HA team. HA would probably come into conflict with other superhero groups - people who had been part of HU and now form their own groups in different countries, or government-owned superhero groups, or the like.
Also, I wouldn't just think in groups, but also in team-ups. It could be fun have specific team-ups without having to think about another handful of characters at the same time.
I'm all for Brave and the Bold style team ups. I have a few ideas for a series of team ups between Azumorph and a few different heroes.
And if you're looking for heroes form another country, there's always the Oz-Stars. They're even government owned too, even while they were part of the HU.
OOOOO Here's one! A bit far fetched but would be kind of cool. What about a two issue story where issue one, the main characters get sucked into a portal and end up in this strange world where they find out it's actually the future. You can either do a futuristic metropolis or apocalyptic warzone because they failed at something (stormfront maybe?) and they have to figure a way back home while also saving the day.
Issue two would be what happened while the heroes were gone. The heroes Wes was talking about could try and keep the world safe while trying to figure out what happened to the other heroes.
Anyways, just another idea from the back of my crazy head.
OOOOO Here's one! A bit far fetched but would be kind of cool. What about a two issue story where issue one, the main characters get sucked into a portal and end up in this strange world where they find out it's actually the future. You can either do a futuristic metropolis or apocalyptic warzone because they failed at something (stormfront maybe?)
OR what about the past? or even prehistory? A WWII team-up with Powerpartiot would be interesting to play with.
Wes_Nero123 wrote:
OOOOO Here's one! A bit far fetched but would be kind of cool. What about a two issue story where issue one, the main characters get sucked into a portal and end up in this strange world where they find out it's actually the future. You can either do a futuristic metropolis or apocalyptic warzone because they failed at something (stormfront maybe?)
OR what about the past? or even prehistory? A WWII team-up with Powerpartiot would be interesting to play with.
The WWII things sounds good, and I wonder how Brad would react to see the hero he protrays in so many films XD, we could also have it that when they travel into the WWII era, their costumes change to that particular era, so we can have that good old silver age to Golden Age feel :)
Macattack/Wes_Nero123/sux wrote:
OOOOO Here's one! A bit far fetched but would be kind of cool. What about a two issue story where issue one, the main characters get sucked into a portal and end up in this strange world where they find out it's actually the future. You can either do a futuristic metropolis or apocalyptic warzone because they failed at something (stormfront maybe?)
OR what about the past? or even prehistory? A WWII team-up with Powerpartiot would be interesting to play with.
The WWII things sounds good, and I wonder how Brad would react to see the hero he protrays in so many films XD, we could also have it that when they travel into the WWII era, their costumes change to that particular era, so we can have that good old silver age to Golden Age feel :)
Yes yes! I'd really like to see that ^_^
Canon or not, I've just stated what either SympleSymon or MrHades (I forget who it was) said on the matter in another topic, so Relik's not one of the eligible bachelors behind the curtain. XD
I'm willing to put in Virtus up for getting paired up. It's HARDLY the first time I've done so. XD But that only leaves us with two names in the ballot, Miss Conti and Mister Sanders.
IF, and I'm calling that a BIG if, we'd go for this, I think that Virtus would have to be older for that relationship to develop into something serious. Not in body, I mean, but more in the sense of him maturing and coming into his own as a hero outside of the team, and losing a little of his humility. It's hard to put a finger on what I mean, but I really think that he's looked upon as an introverted kid by the older members. If we were to run with it, I might leave seeds (figuratively speaking, get your mind out of the gutter!) of an attraction between the two (Hey, it was Abt that could imagine ANYTHING, I'm just running with it), but since we're dealing with a younger Virtus here, he probably wouldn't react with anything more than an invisible blush beneath that mask of his if a flirty remark was thrown his way. Nothing overly serious.
I'll state that any VirtusxTitans hints in HA #4 are probably one-sided. And Macattack, methinks it's a cute idea with Vora being crushed upon by someone to get her mind of her own crush on Shell. And some talks I've had with Tempest would indicate that Vora would be more of a cool little sister there, making it fun to see our two resident V-heroes interact like that.
- Okay, I didn't pick my words well enough. I also meant that we'd be putting the focus on characters that haven't had much storytime in HA.
- Political repercussions, especially after the end of the HU, are always worth checking into.
- Personal opinion on WWII Time Travel/PowerPatriot Team-Up story: Sounds like a good idea, expect for the costumes transforming into something more Golden Age-y, as that just doesn't make sense. Save the Golden Age costume designs for that "Alternate Universe Golden Age HA" story someone mentioned instead.
Sebastian_Sandberg wrote:
I'm willing to put in Virtus up for getting paired up. It's HARDLY the first time I've done so. XD But that only leaves us with two names in the ballot, Miss Conti and Mister Sanders.
I believe that's called shota XD
Frankly, I guess it boils down to what you'd call a "serious relationship". I mean, I don't see them going out on dates or such.
Abt_Nihil wrote:I believe that's called shota XD
Frankly, I guess it boils down to what you'd call a "serious relationship". I mean, I don't see them going out on dates or such.Yeah, I know my japanese slang. XDWe
seem to share the point of view there. I don't see Bombshell going out
on dates either, unless prompted by other team members, but the date would probably thankfully end in another typical superhero situation. If I'd take a
guess, she probably isn't that much into the idea of long-term
relationships either, marriage, and as evidenced by her comic, kids. A purely sexual one (or if you think that sounds like a crude term, recreational?)
in the style of the title character of Bones?"How was your night with Bombshell?"
Same here - the new quote system only works for me if I edit it directly in html.
Just to be clear on this, I can see Aria going on dates. I just can't see her going on dates with someone who's more than ten years younger :P I'm not sure if they could have… anything else. Is Virtus even legal? XD
I don't think she'd be opposed to long-term relationships per se, as long as it could be made to work, which would admittedly be difficult. She's just not fixated on it. Like the Woody Allen movie… Whatever works.
Sebastian_Sandberg wrote:Classic XDAbt_Nihil wrote:in the style of the title character of Bones?"How was your night with Bombshell?"
Wes_Nero123 wrote:
Here's one! A bit far fetched but would be kind of cool. What about a
two issue story where issue one, the main characters get sucked into a
portal and end up in this strange world where they find out it's
actually the future. You can either do a futuristic metropolis or
apocalyptic warzone because they failed at something (stormfront maybe?)
OR what about the past? or even prehistory? A WWII team-up with Powerpartiot would be interesting to play with.
I think I may have a general idea for this story that the brillant Wes has told us.
Plot idea1: Ha members ( undecided at this present time) get sent into what is essentially a timewormhole and they get sent into a war-torn town, due to some strange circumstance… their clothes match the time peroid, they meet up with Power Patriot and they help him to stop the evil machinations of a brillantly insane Scientist by the name of Count Elias Von Dietfried aka The Crimson Count, who by employing technology not from his time… creates an army of "Steel Golems" who will wipe off the Allied forces, can HA complete this task without damaging the fragile timeline…?
Plot Idea 2: Its mostly the same but instead of a random wormhole, its more of a mysterious time being who asks them to keep the timeline safe and that only they can do so, perhaps if Titan is with the group, she can discuss how the time being feels about her changing the timeline and how it endures knowing that horrible things will be done in this time and they cannot do anything to stop that great tragedy
Heroes Alliance: Allies
-Story with the majority of the main team somehow being whisked away to WWII era Poland where Powerpatiot (and his sidekick) are trying to save a village from being occupied by Nazis and a valuable Polish scientist who lives in the village.
EDIT: Just read sux's post, totally down to mix ideas for this story
While Allies is happening….
Heroes Alliance: Renegades
-The main team is gone and secondary members are wandering around the base trying to find clues as to why they've dissapeard when they pull up files and see that they are listed as secondary members. Them being annoyed/insulted at this fact defect and form their own hero team and try to make a name for themselves. (I have an ending to this one I don't want to spoil until/if I start drafting a script)
If this story is going to involve WWII era Poland and "Steel Golems", then it should feature my character Syd the Iron Golem, who is a metal golem made in Poland during WWII. And the valuable Polish scientist could be the guy who created him (and Jacob Lieber's father).
Also, if you want the characters in period clothes, you could make it a reality warping magic spell that sends them back in time.
Macattack wrote:
there really could be a lot of cameos in WWII… I know in Wireless, WWII is supposed to be when Canada was actually full of super heroes and when MAPLE was first created
That sounds pretty good to me, and AzuJods idea works as well too…this will be a pretty epic story, I wonder if everyone has started thinking about what designs their heroes would have in that era? I know I have XD
If we can, there's one Golden Age hero I have that I made up for a history lesson I never got to in Wireless called Captain Maple! He's your classic build, blonde hair swept, can fly and has super strength, White suit with Maple red gloves, boots, and cape, and a big Canadian Maple Leaf on his chest. And if that's not enough, His super power is to project maple leaf shaped energy beams of different sizes that he can use to knock down enemies and use as shields…. If you can use him for this I'm totally allowing it :P
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