The current chapter should resume regular updates in a reasonable time, and the chapter after that is also pretty much accounted for. The question is, when do you think "What you believe" will be ready to update?

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Stories & Storylines
That's a good question. I haven't heard back from all the artists, so I may actually assign myself some more pages. I want to get it done so it can go up after the upcoming chapter. A big factor is that, until people are done with pages for the current chapter, I can't reasonably expect them to finish pages for What You Believe. I don't want to make predictions until things become more solid. The most recent artist I assigned is one I gave a March 1 deadline for getting his page done. Therefore, I would assume sometime after that, and I should put that deadline in the What You Believe post. After all, it still says November.
But the current chapter is one I can't wait to see what's next. It still seems quite fun, and I understand the delay. Sometimes life likes to throw a wrench into the gears.
Sebastian_Sandberg wrote:shastab24 wrote:
Another is a more out-there idea for a story: a villain is tired of Heroes Alliance getting in their way and so succeeds in getting all the heroes transported out of the universe, replaced with their creators. It would be a fun story to actually show us creators trying to save the day, and possibly seeing our characters interact with the "real" world.
A story akin to DC's Crime Syndicate would be fun, too: where our characters meet their evil doppelgangers from an alternate universe. Evil designs can be fun to think of, as well as how a different personality can change a character drastically.
I don't know… While have a similar idea of Virtus someday meeting his creator (not God, mind you, ME! XD) I don't think that it would work for the HAVerse. It's a great idea to save for yourself so that none of us steal it though! ^__^
I DEMAND to be the one to write this Crime Syndicate story, preferably in three, or at least two parts. I already know who the big bad would be… ^^
But…but Villian's Unite! I thought we all had plans to have evil dopplegangers cloned of the main team? Abt made a neo-nazi anti-Bombshell, and everything!
But if you wanna jump in ahead of the Season 2 finale, that totally makes sense… alternate universe can be different from evil demonic clones, I guess. Right?
Instead of a "Crime Syndicate" reality, what about a "Justice Lords" reality? It would be interesting to examine where our characters could go if they're not careful.
And I've been thinking a lot about the "heroes meet their creators" idea. It just seems so fun that I can't help but think of what to do with it. As I see it: a lackey to a Kirby-esque villain feels he can appease his master by getting rid of many heroes from Earth in one fell swoop, enacting a spell to have them replaced by their creators. A long-standing adversary of the main villain contacts the newly-arrived creators to tell them who is responsible, and gives them an ability to fight back.
The main villain, meanwhile, captures Nepath (who would not have been in the same place as the others due to Energize's distance from the other heroes–everybody else would have been replaced with a hero who was at the HA base at the time) and the other creators realize they must save him, or else risk the entire universe being destroyed (held since Heroes Unite is basically Nepath's baby).
However, when the heroic creators storm the base of the main villain, he can only laugh, for it was his plan to get them all in his base together, where he can have them switch places with the heroes again, and he can do what he wanted to do all along: defeat each hero personally in one-on-one combat, before enslaving the Earth, as he has done countless times before.
Of course, it is a bit of wish-fulfillment, to see me become a superhero, especially as the "tools" given to the creators could either be weapons or super-powers (I thought it would be nice to take the idea that each of us gets a heroic identity which is a hero we have not used anywhere, and that the one who gives them has a limitation in that he can't make anybody a Mary Sue). However, I keep imagining, as well, a particular scenario to keep my character out of the action: if one of the main villain's lackeys sends some dogs to attack us, that would keep me out of it (I am very afraid of dogs I don't know, even chihuahuas). I'd probably be backed into a corner not knowing what to do.
Obviously, such a scenario would not work with it being a solo project for myself. I don't think such a villain would be worth a small effort, anyways. I don't have a character that could really go against a Darkseid-like character (well, Sparkle could technically, but not incredibly), and I could imagine a character like this could give Energize pause (though probably not as powerful as Stormfront is likely to be). Plus, my efforts to design characters are lackluster. Considering I would want the villain to evoke the grandeur of a Jack Kirby creation, I wouldn't want to screw it up and just make somebody who looks terrible.
Took me long enough to get back here, didn't I?
@Abt_Nihil: Believe me, I DO have a little deeper story ground for the whole idea of an alternate universe where black and white morality is reversed, where that leaves the grey morality etc. As already mentioned, whereas some stories have Superman facing off against Ultraman in an even fight, I was looking more at the idea of the story having two groups of characters on both sides, interdimensional equilibrium playing a role in the way the realities cross over and playing around with the roles for the characters in each team. Let's just say that the big bad I have in mind is neither a HU Commander that got tainted by an Angelblood or a Bombshell trying to impose a dictatorship on the world…
Also, I read the issue in question with that Powergirl story. And I think we can both safely say that we can't see that form of blackmail happen between Virtus and Bombshell either, no matter how much more interesting it would be. The hero has to have SOME pride.
@Symplesymon: But I remember you saying that Abt_Nihil's Bomber concept looked "too human…?" As you said, there's a difference between a team of generic evil twins created by mixing DNA and a set of alternate reality duplicates. Also, I predict that the evil twins won't get that much exposure than as elite mooks for the heroes to tussle with.
@"Justice Lords" idea: I can do that too, but I really want to do an full-on evil HA more, and I'd rather see the "Justice Lords" and the "Crime Syndicate"-inspired ideas as separate adventures. Or at the very least as two different realities rather than combining them at the cost of story possibilities for one over the other.
@Shastab24 about Breaking the fourth wall/Meta-fiction story idea: I really don't think that such a story would fit the HUniverse. I'm going to be adamant about that.
@Abt_Nihil about Crossed Wires: I wouldn't recommend moving Crossed Wires. I haven't finished my rewrite yet, and I was kind of writing with the mindset of it being set post-the HU/HA/Energize tie-in to avoid confusion and make it more fun for me to write, as I've had the worst case of writer's block with it. :( Moving it up to now would just destroy me.
Three things:
(1) What is that Crossed Wires rewrite business all about? I got an early script from Macattack a while ago, and I thought we really only needed to break it down into pages.
(2) I can NEVER tell the evil superhero-team stereotypes apart. Evil doppelgangers is what I can fathom, trying to make sense of the claim that any variation on that topic is substantially different will exceed my mental abilities :P
(3) Seb, I guess we're always bound to disagree on how far we can go in order to have fun with our characters. When I say that the PG story in question is what I liked, I wasn't implying doing something JUST LIKE IT. I was implying that if you wanna do something that's as much fun, you will certainly find a way.
1- Macattack and I had talks about making it a bit bigger to give it a little focus on Virtus as well, to resolve plot threads left hanging from earlier HA issues and bring closure to the cold shoulder he's been giving the team since their first adventure together. Mac sent me a newer script due to finding himself disliking how his old writing looked, which made it easier for me to do a rewrite with a fresher state of mind. He wrote the parts where he fleshed out Wireless role, I'm writing the parts to flesh out Virtus role. The tricky part for me is to find the balance with the others in the cast, sharing quips and great lines alike, which I can't stress through. And yes, I'm handling the breakdowns into pages as well, which might be part of what gave me writer's block in the first place.
2- What I mean is that in Symplesymon's story, I'm expecting the evil twins to be sub-plot villains, whereas in the alternate universe story, they would be the main threat.
3- Easy, easy! I'm sorry if I sounded snarky, but it's was more or less in the context that you brought it up that irked me. Sorry again.
ZananIV wrote:Yep! That would be very cool! PQ or email thanks!
Josh Holley: Hi, I'm the dinosaur story's writer. I'm not sure about this one either. In any case, you interested in looking at the script?
Josh Holley wrote:Done and done! PQ is in your inbox. Thank you!
Yep! That would be very cool! PQ or email thanks!
WH00T!! 2 conversations going at once! It's nice to see the forums so busy :)
@Abt: yeah I think the delay was mostly my fault. I looked back at my original script and it was APPALLING! Some 20 panel pages, no real direction, panels not specified, not updated for developed characters, incredibly vague… but it was written back when I was more used to movie storyboarding than comic script writing. It probably would have been faster for me to start from scratch but after a few hours I got the script rewritten and I think the improvements are very present. Still though as always, giving people an accurate representation of their characters is a top priority to me and seeing Seb's work in the past I'm excited to see what he brings to the script :)
So is the HA/HU crossover next? Not gonna lie I'm pretty excited for that one!
Sebastian_Sandberg wrote:If that means that the Mirror Universe is not completely evil, just as the regular universe is not completely good, then that that's exactly what I was thinking!
@Abt_Nihil: Believe me, I DO have a little deeper story ground for the whole idea of an alternate universe where black and white morality is reversed, where that leaves the grey morality etc. As already mentioned, whereas some stories have Superman facing off against Ultraman in an even fight, I was looking more at the idea of the story having two groups of characters on both sides, interdimensional equilibrium playing a role in the way the realities cross over and playing around with the roles for the characters in each team.
Also, since the Mirror Universe is not completely evil, that means there can be good versions of HUverse villains!
Certainly! As long as we don't disagree too much on things, I'm always open for input. Once again, if I write this story, then there will be no doppelganger pair-ups for the fight scenes. A) Since then I would just be rehashing one of the sub-plots of "Villains Unite" and B) I'm playing around with a dimensional equilibrium being in effect here.
If anyone wants in on this, feel free to submit heroes or villains or drop in ideas for their good/evil counterparts. Or you can just submit a character and let me do the thinking on what their good/evil double might look and act like. ;)
Perhaps I should start a separate topic? A two-parter like this feels like it could warrant it. ;)
Sebastian_Sandberg wrote:Sure, go right ahead :-)
Perhaps I should start a separate topic? A two-parter like this feels like it could warrant it. ;)
And any of my characters is up for grabs, of course.
You can definitely use Comet Kid and any of the other heroes/villains of mine. I've got ideas for Comet Kid's counterpart, though. He'd probably have very short hair and be extra somber, silent and serious. It's possible that he'd be wearing a spandex costume to contrast with Scott or maybe he'd be dressed in darker, moodier civvies like grey or black trenchcoats and dark colored pants and shirts. I think I'd like to see his powers be all destruction instead of creation, like he's be able to make constructs and everything, but they'd be like anti-matter, destroying everything they came into contact with except him. Probably be named something like Void Breaer or Dark Star or something. But, that's all just Jazz. Do what you will with him.
Loose threads
In this post, I'm briefly going to describe how I'd like to develop some plots that have been introduced on HU and HA. These are not ideas for complete chapters, but rather plots I'd like to see woven into the next chapters. (This is also in reply to an e-mail by Sebastian Sandberg.)
(1) EGO
Of course the rogue military satellite from HU: EGO has to come back at some point :-) I imagine he'll come across an alien race which will capture it and exploit the tactical knowledge in his databases, to launch an invasion of earth. EGO itself might be reprogrammed for this purpose to lead the assault, with a new "body".
(2) FURY
At the end of HU: Fury, both Alicia and Archangel were taken into custody of US government agencies, in order to control their dangerous powers. As far as possible, they were also used in military operations. I imagine that in the HUniverse, many states have superhero mercenaries on their payroll, and there's bound to be some sort of UN effort to control the proliferation of superhuman "weapons of mass destruction". HA isn't a UN organization, but Bombshell will still want to oppose the military use of superhumans.
(3) "Orphaned sidekicks"
Clockwork and the young Kaleidoskop are both anxious to get more info about the conspiracy revolving around the mole in HU, since whoever's behind this would be responsible for their mentors' death.
I'm just gonna throw it out there…
Can use Wireless
Can use Wireless
Can use Wireless
:P I'd love to see Wireless involved in some chapters when they come up. I also kind of want to maybe have him start showing his more logical side. You know how in most hero stories the person says "I'm fine!" and everyone leaves it at that? He's more the kind of guy who will push until he learns the truth :P
I have to admit though, it would be cool to close some loose ends and such. Especially the HU adventures had a number of loose ends (which makes sense considering)
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