Relik sabotaging a mission and yet try to keep him away from the villain role could be tricky. The simplest solution in my opinion is to follow the story centered from his point of view. That being said, I draw a blank on what kind of sabotage he would agree to do, so we'll have to think about that as well.
I probably shouldn't have used the word "sabotage". It would be a "sabotage" from Bombshell's point of view only. There would be no "damage" to anyone whatsoever. It's more like: Relik would lead the mission to a successful completion, but by defying Bombshell.
The rest… sounds good :-)
And I always think of my best moments as disguised "talking heads" moments. That is, many of my comics have a tendency to be centered around monologues or dialogues. However, I've been trying to disguise this fact more or less succesfully, by embedding these "talking heads" scenes into some sort of action. I'd encourage you to do the same… or you just write something up and we can see what can be done with it.
*reads through the posts in question rather than starting from Page 6*
Oh… Hmm, I'd be done for that. And I wouldn't mind if Relik was viewed as the villain, if only for that short duration as long as
A) His motives are made clear, and remain true to his character. He's already agreed to somewhat spy on Bombshell for the Commander, so agreeing to follow the Commander's request if it helps prove that Bombshell is acting suspiciously with the group or seemingly growing out of control, or if it's for the good of the team, the safety of others… there's plenty of reasons he'd agree.
B) I'd need to be closely involved with this development - it's not that I don't trust any of you to handle it, but in the end, when all's said and done, it's me who is left to pick-up his reputation. And I'd rather it be left in as close to one piece as possible. Like I said before, I have no qualms for his "get the job done no matter the cost if it means saving countless lives" approach making him some enemies in the HA for a short while, and possibly even incurring some long-term simmering contempt. But please, I don't want us to reach an impasse where we either have to write him out of the HA altogether or not write the story at all. Neither results would be good, I'm sure you'll agree.
So, to reiterate, Relik is NOT a villain. He would just do as theh Commander requested if he weighed-up the situation and felt that Bombshell was already jeopardizing the mission by refusing to do it the Commander's way, or something like that. As long as you make his heartfelt motivation clear, we should be okay.
Okay… So 'Villains Unite' is the Season 1 finale? Where does that leave 'Psychosis Wave'? I'm writing it now, but if you don't want two stories from me in the same season, I'll put it on hold and work on VU and it's tie-in bits in other chapters.
Dave, don't worry - anything involving Relik will also involve you in planning. I was just tossing a quite vague idea around. And this idea certainly doesn't involve Relik being the villain. Morally, I see Relik as a more positive figure than Bombshell - pretty much like the Superman/Batman dynamic.
As for Psychosis Wave / Villains Unite: Well, it depends. I'd like either to be done right, and I wouldn't want them too closely together - probably at least a year apart. They'd both involve a lot of characters and probably a lot of fights between many of these. They would both be chapters on a pretty grand scale. And given the fact that we'll already have a "big" chapter for mid-season (The HU/HA cross-over), Psychosis Wave seems the better choice for a season finale for now. But that also depends on the nature of the other chapters inbetween, which we haven't planned yet.
(6) - What happens? A Captain Planet type Hero takes a little too much initiative and starts trashing companies and manufacturing plants that aren't completely eco-friendly. He tries to join their team saying he's doing exactly as they are taking initiative and going where the H.U. can't. H.A.'s all like "Dude, no. That's stupid." and chase him off. They track his location with their bad mofo detective skills or a tracker or something and find him at his next target to deal with him. Maybe we find out that the big bad was using him to laser target companies he needed taken out for whatever reason, probably because they're manufacturing stuff that poses a threat or that he wants people to buy from him. - Who is involved and why? H.A's team at the time. Especially anyone who's powers aren't 100% Eco-Friendly. The Ecomancer/Ecotist/Enviroman/Earth Guy who is wrecking places. - What's the point? To introduce a counterpoint/reflection to the H.A.'s primary argument by adding in a "We're not so different, you and I" person who by assuming his own moral superiority over the law makes the team and by proxy, the reader question the morallity of H.A.'s own action, providing a thoroughly ambiguous late 90's style ending.
I can imagine how the Audition would be.
Eco-Guy: So what do you think?
Bombshell: Ok…Mister…?
Eco-guy: *Does over the top pose( ALA Superman) ECO GUY!!! Bombshell: *Rubbing her forehead* Right right…Eco…I don't think we are going to need you for this…mostly because… You suck :P
I actually even designed a look for him cause I was bored
I have been going through most of the stories and been sketching stuff for fun such as a pod alien design or a hideous Brain Slug Emperor, just to pass the time at work, once I get them scanned, I will post them up here.
Dave, don't worry - anything involving Relik will also involve you in planning. I was just tossing a quite vague idea around. And this idea certainly doesn't involve Relik being the villain. Morally, I see Relik as a more positive figure than Bombshell - pretty much like the Superman/Batman dynamic.
Got ya… Long as it all works out, I'm willing to see what that path takes us. And as for Relik being in the Superman/Batman dynamic? It was pretty much what I was aiming at - an alien with superpowers but also human and moralistic, who will do whatever it takes to get the best outcome without endangering too many lives.
As for Psychosis Wave / Villains Unite: Well, it depends. I'd like either to be done right, and I wouldn't want them too closely together - probably at least a year apart. They'd both involve a lot of characters and probably a lot of fights between many of these. They would both be chapters on a pretty grand scale. And given the fact that we'll already have a "big" chapter for mid-season (The HU/HA cross-over), Psychosis Wave seems the better choice for a season finale for now. But that also depends on the nature of the other chapters inbetween, which we haven't planned yet.
Fair enough - just a quick question I've paused the writing process on the 'PW' script for (other than working on my NaNoWriMo project): By the time the Psychosis Wave story rolls around, will the readers know that the HU Commander has asked Relik to secretly watch over Bombshell?
By the time the Psychosis Wave story rolls around, will the readers know that the HU Commander has asked Relik to secretly watch over Bombshell?
Frankly, I haven't decided yet. It is sort of implied in HA #3, but not spelled out, so readers won't really know. I probably can't answer that question before scripting the HU/HA cross-over. But one thing's for sure: Whatever happens, once PW rolls around, Relik won't answer to the HU Commander any longer.
I thought up another story idea, bringing up not only silver age greatness but also the great old Sci-Fi's :)
Story: A Russian Scientist who after being scorned and rebuked by all the major science communities on his theory of reversing evolution decides to create a machine that can turn people into animals, and we get.. Animal Heroes :D. But that's not all the campiness I can provide folks, check out our brilliant villain :D
Professor Grigori Novaschenovski, a man with the body of Yeti, using the creatures power and strength with the use of his mad yet brillant mind, he will bring the world to its knees and defeat those who mocked him.
I have a soft spot for the Silver Age as well. Not necessarily for all the weirdness, but the sheer idealism of the era is certainly a big part of why I am the way I am today. Love the Captain Planet parody. Although I don't agree that Captain Planet has story value as nothing but a parody, I'm not opposed to the idea. ^^ Looking forward to the wackiness of Grigori in a future chapter. XD
So the season finale shall be the Psychosis Wave then. Just for the record, I definately want in on that finale. Book ends to the season and all that. ^^
I have a soft spot for the Silver Age as well. Not necessarily for all the weirdness, but the sheer idealism of the era is certainly a big part of why I am the way I am today. Love the Captain Planet parody. Although I don't agree that Captain Planet has story value as nothing but a parody, I'm not opposed to the idea. ^^ Looking forward to the wackiness of Grigori in a future chapter. XD
My thoughts are similar. I do see potential in the Captain Planet parody, but I wouldn't want to make it nothing more than a parody. We probably should develop this idea after we've covered some ground on the chapters currently in development.
So the season finale shall be the Psychosis Wave then. Just for the record, I definately want in on that finale. Book ends to the season and all that. ^^
Well, I've kinda got designs on him, that was one of my ideas I really wanted to write myself. And, I think I've settled on the Ecotist. He's not strictly parody. i mean, it's a nice basis for comparison and maybe a couple of jokes, but he is most definitely intended to be a different character and will be regarded as such in said story.
Well, I've kinda got designs on him, that was one of my ideas I really wanted to write myself. And, I think I've settled on the Ecotist. He's not strictly parody. i mean, it's a nice basis for comparison and maybe a couple of jokes, but he is most definitely intended to be a different character and will be regarded as such in said story.
I personally can't wait to see what could be made from this character :)
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