This is what I'm talking about, haha he sounds like a douche XD I know this is a real serious thing, but seriously man, what the heck was he thinking with that?!
I live in Chile so i didn't know a damn thing about the candidates for the next presidency of the US, but i found out today about what this guy said in that ad… like… wut…?
Now i am glad he did for some reasons, particularly two.
one: he's basically made himself sound like the most homophobic idiotic person to run as president so now almost no one will vote for him except the really really dumb christian nuts (no offense if you're voting for him for some other reason)
Thes Two are my favourites so far
funny as hell
I truly have no real opinions other than he made himself sound real stupid XD

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I'm Rick Perry... and I approve this topic.
Yeah, that. I never planned on voting for him to begin with for a whole lot of reasons, but I'm pretty sure he just lost whatever supporters he could've had.
I'm also in the "why can't we say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays?" boat. But to use the repeal of DADT as paralell to the "Happy Holidays" thing? Ugh… that's just plain stupid. Two completely different issues.
To say he shot himself in the foot is an understatement; the guy put a grenade in his butthole with this stunt. Bye bye GOP candidacy for you, Mr. Perry.
"Why can't our kids openly celebrate Christmas and pray in schools?" Yeah, I feel you bud, but you lost the moment you tried bringing gays into this.
well i was raised catholic into a really religious family, and i just didn't care about the prayers in school, as for the christmas thing, i think it's dumb that you're not allowed to say it or something, if i knew a jewish man, i'd just happy hollidays to HIM and christmas to the rest, not to discriminate him, but because like he might not know exactly when christmas is, I don't really know when honnukah is (god i hope i didn't screw up the spelling) or how long it lasts exactly. We're just plain ignorant right now to a lot of things, but we know we live in a multi-cultural society(especially the US) and we are tolerant and try to be respectful to everyone, so we generalize it as "holidays" to TRY and not leave anyone out that might not be the giant majority of white christians living in america.
as for my country, i don't have to worry bout that cuz even other religions celebrate christmas just for the heck of it, we all seem to like it the most for it's crazy decor and stuff. also, we don't need to worry about that in schools because it's summer vacation already three weeks before. Come to the south! we have cupcakes! and we can go to the beach on new years!
The tolerance thing is a half excuse IMO. I've been in plenty of situations where I said "Merry Christmas" to someone who didn't celebrate it. What did I do? "Oh, well have a good one then." Problem solved. No one died.
My problem is that the American media tries extremely hard to pretend Christmas doesn't actually happen. Or at least, it does, but it's not called Christmas. You look in online catalogs for stores and you'll see such item categories as: holiday decorations, holiday trees, holiday gift wrapping, etc. Almost as if Christmas is a bad word we have to find a synonym for.
Just a few minutes ago I saw a commercial on TV that makes my point exactly. It was for Tommy Hilfiger. In this commercial, there were people at what could clearly be identified as a Christmas party. "Jingle bells" was playing, people wore santa hats, people drank egg nog, people were decorating a tree, the whole thing. And then they all turn to the camera, and a spokesperson says, "Happy Holidays." Really? Happy holidays? You were clearly partaking in Christmas-related activities!
NickyP wrote:It's all because of those damn gays serving openly in the military!
Just a few minutes ago I saw a commercial on TV that makes my point exactly. It was for Tommy Hilfiger. In this commercial, there were people at what could clearly be identified as a Christmas party. "Jingle bells" was playing, people wore santa hats, people drank egg nog, people were decorating a tree, the whole thing. And then they all turn to the camera, and a spokesperson says, "Happy Holidays." Really? Happy holidays? You were clearly partaking in Christmas-related activities!
Naw, it's all down to basic stupidity, that's all. They think they're being politically correct or culturally sensative, but they're doing completely the oposite. It's like some moron trying to avoid talking about eyes to a blind person.
People LIKE happy celebrations. Christianity has been part of some horrible stuff over the millenia but Christmas isn't one of them. People of other faiths aren't automatically offended by all the old, happy cultural celebrations of all the nations they happen to live in. Trying to hide the name of the holiday is the offensive part, not the other way around. Multiculturalisim isn't about erasing cultural distciniveness, it's about celebrating it.
And in the end it just plays directly into the hands of the insane religious right wing nutjobs who hate everyone else.
Bring back chirstmas to save us from the gay-hating rightwing religious nutjobs! ^_^
I have this feeling that if we stopped hiding Christmas and just said "Merry Christmas" in commercials and on signs and at stores, nobody would actually be offended. There would just be a certain segment of people that were worried that somebody else might be offended.
It's weird… when you tell somebody "Merry Christmas", you're literally wishing that the period of time during which Christmas is celebrated will be a happy time for them. There's not really any implication that they'll actually be celebrating it.
Hawk wrote:Yep, that's what I said - Referring to the first part.
I have this feeling that if we stopped hiding Christmas and just said "Merry Christmas" in commercials and on signs and at stores, nobody would actually be offended. There would just be a certain segment of people that were worried that somebody else might be offended.
It's weird… when you tell somebody "Merry Christmas", you're literally wishing that the period of time during which Christmas is celebrated will be a happy time for them. There's not really any implication that they'll actually be celebrating it.
As for the second - Yeah, I agree, I'm not offended if people wish me happy Hanukkah, Diwali, Ramadan, or Chinese New Year, none of that would constitute proselytizing, it doesn't make me feel like I should change my culture and belief system, they're all old, happy and revered cultural institutions. Knowing about them enriches me.
Whereas wiping away history and hiding things makes us all poorer.
So really, in spirit, the people that popularise those non-denominational holiday stuff are much, much closer to Rick Perry. Those types of people are cut from the same cloth. Just in his case he wants to force gay people back into hiding.
Just in his case he wants to force gay people back into hiding.I wonder if he realises that is just what would happen, they wouldn't vanish or stop being gay, they would just hide it.
Flip it around, what if satanism was a fully recognised religion (maybe it is) and they had a winter hioliday that involved virgin sacrifice (maybe they do…)would people be happy so wish them a happy sacrificial day? I would imagine not.
Genejoke wrote:That's not really a valid analogy though. Someone gets hurt in a virgin sacrifice, regardless of how you view it. No one dies for Christmas.
Flip it around, what if satanism was a fully recognised religion (maybe it is) and they had a winter hioliday that involved virgin sacrifice (maybe they do…)would people be happy so wish them a happy sacrificial day? I would imagine not.
@Nicky - It's slowly starting to bleed through here. It's nothing to do with political correctness though, people who do it are moron marketers who think it's a way to increase the effectiveness of the commercial opportunities around Christmas.
@Gene - Yeah, that's a bad analogy. Christmas is a fully established part of many country's social histories. A solid and real part of their culture, like the days of the week or the months of the year, like New year. It's a standard landmark.
I don't think you could come up with a good analogy in that particular vein.
The idea that Christmas is somehow religiously offensive to someone is a silly idea. The only group that is really and truly offened by Christmas are the same group who've always been offended by it:
Christians. (not all but a number)
It's true. In times past they wanted to ban it because they thought it was too pagan… These days they want to get rid of the gift giving, commercialism, and decorations that have been a part of the tradition before is even was Christmas. Some Christian groups even want it so that people of other faiths aren't allowed to enjoy Christmas!
Can you imagine not being allowed to participate in Chinese New Year?
Considering the connections established between Rick Perry and some very fundmentalist Christian groups doesn't surprise me in the slightest. (see Free Inquiry current issue)
I consider Happy Holidays to be more inclusive, not anti-Christmas. You got a holiday this time of year? Enjoy it.
The only people I've ever offended by wishing Merry Christmas were Jehovah Witnesses. "Oh I'm a WITNESS, I don't celebrate THAT! Here's a copy of the Watchtower about how WRONG and EVIL and PAGAN it is to celebrate Christmas"
Also not a good idea to wish it to Hasidic Jewry. You risk being cursed at in Yiddish. Happy Holidays was preferred as inclusive for Jews in the USA back when I worked in retail. Living in NJ that was an ongoing concern and why I did it. A professional consideration for a habberdasher even though I worked at the store synonmous with Christmas, Macy*s
NickyP wrote:Have you seen shopping centres near cheistmas? of course people die in those stampeds.
Genejoke wrote:
Flip it around, what if satanism was a fully recognised religion (maybe it is) and they had a winter hioliday that involved virgin sacrifice (maybe they do…)would people be happy so wish them a happy sacrificial day? I would imagine not.
That's not really a valid analogy though. Someone gets hurt in a virgin sacrifice, regardless of how you view it. No one dies for Christmas.
It was supposed to be a bad analogy, to get across the absurdity of those who bitch about it.
I consider Happy Holidays to be more inclusive, not anti-Christmas. You got a holiday this time of year? Enjoy it.
It's not inclusive. It's vague, insipid and meaningless. Like babrbidoll nippless boobs in bad anime.
If you're scared of offending people, say nothing. But it's better to say what you mean. Talking to a Jewish person? Happily wish them Happy Hanukkah!
Eh, I'm tired of this now, say what you like ^_^
…That Rick Perry dude is still an absolute areshole for conflating equal rights for homosexual people with his stupid religious crap! I hope he disappears without a trace- talking about the polls here.
The funniest comment I saw about the vid is that he's wearing the exact same jacket that Heath Ledger wore in Brokeback mountain!
I sure as hell started a weird debate, where i would've prefferred a lot more bashing on the guy who's saying he's an upperclass christian white guy and he feels opressed for no reason in particular. i still am finding more and more of these parodies, quite easy to find, some REALLY good.
and yes, he does where the same jacket, doesn't he? i found a funny one where someone voiced over Rick Perry in a gay lisp, exactly what he said in the same video. that one was hilarious XD
ozoneocean wrote:Read the Matt Taiibi piece in Rolling Stone. Poor Rick Perry's campaign goes down in flames.bravo1102wrote:
I consider Happy Holidays to be more inclusive, not anti-Christmas. You got a holiday this time of year? Enjoy it.
…If you're scared of offending people, say nothing. But it's better to say what you mean. Talking to a Jewish person? Happily wish them Happy Hanukkah!
Eh, I'm tired of this now, say what you like ^_^
…That Rick Perry dude is still an absolute areshole for conflating equal rights for homosexual people with his stupid religious crap! I hope he disappears without a trace- talking about the polls here.
The funniest comment I saw about the vid is that he's wearing the exact same jacket that Heath Ledger wore in Brokeback mountain!
As for the whole Happy Holidays schtick, I WORKED IN CUSTOMER SERVICE! I'm face to face with the lemmings and I want them to be happy while they buy unwanted crap for their holiday gift-giving. You say "Happy Holidays"! Ever have a cutomer throw the merchandise in your face and stomp out? Get cursed out in front of your boss for nothing you did? No thanks. Best wishes for the season. Now let me tiptoe out of here before Mr. Scrooge docks me for spending too much time with you.
Can I have another scoop of coal for the fire?
NO, BAH-HUMBUG and back to your work Mr. Bravo Cratchit!
I don't have the luxury. Happy Chris-kwan-akah.
Oh Jesus Christ, happy Saturnalia and winter solstice…
ozoneocean wrote:Read the Matt Taiibi piece in Rolling Stone. Poor Rick Perry's campaign goes down in flames.bravo1102wrote:
I consider Happy Holidays to be more inclusive, not anti-Christmas. You got a holiday this time of year? Enjoy it.
…If you're scared of offending people, say nothing. But it's better to say what you mean. Talking to a Jewish person? Happily wish them Happy Hanukkah!
Eh, I'm tired of this now, say what you like ^_^
…That Rick Perry dude is still an absolute areshole for conflating equal rights for homosexual people with his stupid religious crap! I hope he disappears without a trace- talking about the polls here.
The funniest comment I saw about the vid is that he's wearing the exact same jacket that Heath Ledger wore in Brokeback mountain!
As for the whole Happy Holidays schtick, I WORKED IN CUSTOMER SERVICE! I'm face to face with the lemmings and I want them to be happy while they buy unwanted crap for their holiday gift-giving. You say "Happy Holidays"! Ever have a cutomer throw the merchandise in your face and stomp out? Get cursed out in front of your boss for nothing you did? No thanks. Best wishes for the season. Now let me tiptoe out of here before Mr. Scrooge docks me for spending too much time with you.
Can I have another scoop of coal for the fire?
NO, BAH-HUMBUG and back to your work Mr. Bravo Cratchit!
I don't have the luxury. Happy Chris-kwan-akah.
Oh Jesus Christ, happy Saturnalia and winter solstice…
One other very import thing I just realised about this issue:
There's a very serious hidden problem here- Extremists hijacking universal symbols.
It's what always happens. Generally it's rightwingers, but not always.
What happens is that they rope in generalised, open, big POPULAR cultural symbols: typically war heroes, important holidays and celebrations, things like the national flag, patriotism, the head of state, monarch (whatever), the church, etc.
Then what they do is tie it to their twisted cause.
And then they sit back and reap the rewards as their moronic opponents start attacking that symbol instead of the cause that has been parasitically linked to it.
Like people minimising Christmas because of homophobes like Perry, like thugs attacking Islam because of Al quida, etc.
Extremists are fanatical about those symbols and what they represent. Therefore it is only natural that they hijack them and cling to them and twist them into the symbol of their fanaticism as opposed to the larger image it once represented.
The Confederate Battle Flag is a perfect example. Before the 1950s when it was adopted as a symbol of hate by the third incarnation of the KKK and those who stood against civil rights, it was no big deal. It was when anti-segregationists marched under it and even hoisted it over several state capitols that it went from the symbol of the Lost Cause to racial hatred because of its use by fanatical extremists.
And now we have Rick Perry. If you believe Matt Tiebe's piece in Rolling Stone he doesn't believe any of this, he's just using it for his political advantage because these extreme groups will give him lots of campaign cash. The current ad about him has him declaring he's a Washington outsider… but he's a proven political insider even if he's outside Washington.
Sadly a douche is only vinegar and water, Rick Perry is far worse than that. He's shit in a nylon dress sock with an American Flag pin on his lapel. But then I remember that the Nazis marching in Skokie wore those lapel pins too.
(No I am not saying Rick Perry is a Nazi. But he does share many views with the far right white supremecist movement which grew out of the American Nazi party. White supremecists are the most extreme of the Far Right Fundamentalist Christian movement but over the years many of their more extreme views have become mainstream among the Evangelical Christians who support Rick Perry)
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