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Moonlight meanderer
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There's this guy I'm doing a website redesign for and he looks and talks exactly like Vizzini from princess bride. At least with a British accent instead of an American one… But he sees himself as very intelligent and he licks his lips a lot like Vizzini, same face and hair…
I want to play chess with him one day. …or drink  wine spiced with iocaine powder, which comes from Australia doncha-know?

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ozoneocean wrote:
There's this guy I'm doing a website redesign for and he looks and talks exactly like Vizzini from princess bride. At least with a British accent instead of an American one… But he sees himself as very intelligent and he licks his lips a lot like Vizzini, same face and hair…
I want to play chess with him one day. …or drink  wine spiced with iocaine powder, which comes from Australia doncha-know?

Posted at

I love those threads for inspiration. It's though for me to cooperate because I usually doesn't regard a person as 'strange' until I tell my encounter to someone and this someone is all 'this person did WHAT and you still talked to him/her?!'
I guess that the only person who weirded me out was a schoolmate that I had when I was 10. He loved to talk about meditation and other new age stuff. One day, he brought his zodiac stone to the school. It was, if I recall correctly, an amethist with the Gemini sign. I'm very curious and the first thing I did was to open the gem box and touch it. He then said, looking worried: "Don't touch other people's zodiac stones! You now have a curse and you will die at age 25."
Boy, I lost my sleep for a whole week.
A PS: I changed schools and didn't see him again until I was 15. I was going to a spiritist youth group at that time and he was there. He had shaved all his facial hair (ALL of it, even the eyebrows) and one day he invited the group to have a snack at his house. It was then that I discovered that his mother was a wiccan (it explains the zodiac stones and the new-age stuff). Actually, I guess he was a wiccan, too, and just liked to go to our spiritist group out of curiosity (which is very common, we don't mind). He and his friends had a RPG group and they invited me in. I would have accepted, but his friends were all huge guys, all wearing black, piercings and weird haircuts and my father didn't let me join (specially when I told him that I would be the only girl). I never saw my schoolmate again after that. A pity.
A second PS: I'm 27 now, in case you are wondering. Curses those days.

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I want to share another story, because to this day, I don't know who was stranger on this whole thing: the MSN guy or me.
It was at this time in which you would post your MSN in orkut communities ad join big chatrooms with complete strangers. I was part of a fantasy writers community and it wasn't surprising when a guy added me and started talking right way.
He presented himself as an erotica writer, and I didn't judge him by it. I mean, one of my friends at this orkut community wrote erotica, so whatever. We small-talked a little and then he dropped the bomb: he was very ashamed of himself because he was having sexual desires for his child niece, and he didn't know how to deal with it. I adviced him to look for professional help, among other things. He remarked that I talked like his therapist, and I said that maybe it was because I went to therapists a lot (it was not a lot - I visited a therapist precisely once - but I wanted to make him comfortable). The guy went offline and I was all "well, job done". Laugh at me as much as you want, I only saw him as a troubled guy.
The next day, the guy started talking normal enough. He mentioned that he had professional help and asked if I wasn't weirded by him. I said that I was pretty chill with things, as long as it wasn't a crime. His talk became increasingly naughty after that, and I started to try to put some sense on him saying 'things that my therapist told me' (I just wanted to give those things more strenght, like I said, I only visited a therapist once in my life). He asked me why would I go to a therapist and I said it was too personal (because it was a lie, you see).
He got more and more naughty until he sent me two explicit gifs. At this point, I was all "oh, so he is just a pervert wanting to get excited at my expense?" and started to have fun. I complained that he was making me upset and that my therapist wouldn't like it. I told him again that I didn't want to reveal why I was going to a therapist, until he got more and more curious. Then I made the 'reveal': I was a sociopath and I hoped he was chill at this. He asked what that was and I happily linked him to the wikipedia page on sociopathy (and, by extension, psychopathy). Than I said again that I hoped he was chill with it, that I should never have told him that.
This is when the situation leaped to "mildly weird internet tale" to "unintentionally awesome": there was a blackout at the place I was at that time and the power went off for half an hour. When it got back and I opened MSN again, the guy had disappeared from my contacts and I couldn't find him again.
So, to recap: I lied to a guy about going often to a therapist to make him more comfortable about sharing personal things with a stranger. I reacted obliviously to his attempts at perversion simply because I'm an assex and I don't react to sex things like other people - I mostly don't notice it until it's too blatant obvious. I didn't want to tell him why I talked so much to therapists because I didn't want to be caught on my lie. I send him the article about sociopathy just as a cruel joke because I finally understood that he was just a pervert.
And then, I weirded out a pervert so much that HE. BLOCKED. ME.

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KimLuster wrote:
I don't think that means what you think it means… :D
I fucking LOVE that movie.
@Strix- that guy sounds like a particularly bad strain of freak, lucky you got rid of him like that!

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@ozoneocean: Tell me about that! It was fun, but I definitely got lucky. xD

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@Strix: Wow that creepy chat encounter was… creepy!! :D

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The manager of Athens House Hostel in Athens has a thick helmet of dyed coal black emo hair, he wears white clothes that wouldn't look out of place on a teen boyband member. He creeps about and talks in a bird-like falsetto. And he's in his mid 70s.
Nothing wrong with that, but it took some getting used to.
I'll be back there on Sunday D:
There was a guy on the train back from the Mexican border in San Diego, he reminded me of something from Invader Zim… sort of like a wide capital H: legs straight but wide spaced. I think that's because his shorts were very wide and falling down and his tummy was big. There was a big brown stain on the back of those shorts. His eyes had black dark rings around them… staring out of deep shadowed sockets of his skull. All his teeth were perpetually  bared in a very worrying grin.
It was very unerving to have him stare at you because he'd just look at you unblinking, with that bared grin.
Like a zombie.

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I was waiting in a short line at the key kiosk at Walmart when the woman in front of me get into a conversation with one of the cashiers that included the cashier's entire life story.
I was not trying to listen in on their conversation, but what I heard was this:
He is dating someone who already has a son. He has a daughter from another relationship and his girlfriend currently has another baby that is "cooking" (his words, not mine). The baby/fetus is five months along.
Anyway, the lady went on to ask if he was married and he said, "Oh no, THAT is not for me. You see, everything changes once you sign that paper. I mean, everything is fine and is going good right now, but you never know what is going to happen a few months down the line. Like if a woman started flirting with me, I would flirt back even though I got my girl and I know she would do the same."
It turned out the guy was twenty-six years old. I wonder if he had a point and if it is true that a relationship changes its course once official marriage documents get signed.

Oh, and the woman who he was talking to rang up an entire counter of random stuff and when the total price showed up, she ended up not wanting any of it because it was too expensive.

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Sounds like he doesn't actually think too deeply about anything, he just falls into relationships like a dog or some other instict driven animal.
Two instances:
There was a heavy, very tall, bearded man who was standing in front of the doors on the train. When it came near to my stop I was starting to get a bit irritated at that because he was blocking the doors and he was so huge and frowning darkly. I got a bit of a "dangerous" vibe from him and was steeling myself to barging past him when the train stopped at my station.
So the train came to a stop and I'm standing a bit behind him but off to the side. There's small me all dressed in black, waiting to make my move…
The guy reached out and punched the door button so he wanted to get out too, yay!
But the doors didn't open…
He pressed it again, bewlidered. Nothing happened.
He slowly turned around, then he saw me. His eyes widened and he screemed in a high pitched voice "The doors won't open! They won't open! The doors won't open!!!" and he started puching the button frantically.
It was the funniest thing. I don't know whether he found me intimidtating or maybe he was just crazy.
Instance two:
This morning as I was walking away from the station towards work, I encountered a stange sight.
To walk to the street from the station you have to walk a little way along a bike track and then up a long ramp that ends in a nicely shaded corner. You turn there and you're at the street. Often people from the nearby office building go there and stand in that shady spot to smoke, and it anoys the shit out of me because there's no way to avoid it, you HAVE to go past.
So today there was a man standing there. I naturally though he was an office smoker. But as I got closer I could see that wasn't the case. He was dressed in jeans, a red T-shirt, and boots, all nicely clean so he wasn't homeless, despite his hipster beard.
He was standing there and yelping. Then he's go to pull his shirt all the way up and then tuck it deep in his jeans, before pullin it right up and and stroking his stomach, then tucing it and repeating the whole thing, all the while yelping and snarling…
And I HAD to walk past, very close to get by.
So I played it cool, not changing my pace, just striding up steadily and breezed on past the madly ranting half nude man…
When I neared the main entrance to the nearest office, suddenly a whole lot of fat businessmen came out in a hard. They were all staring at the guy with worried looks on their fat cowardly faces while urgently speaking into their phones. It was the funniest sight!
I'm pretty sure the guy was on crystal meth. A lot of it. He looked like a mine worker and that office building has the headquarters for a lot of mining businesses, so my guess is it's something related to them.

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lol Ozone you are a strange human magnet…!!

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Moonlight meanderer

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