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Moonlight meanderer

2010s nostalgia thread

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Drunk and I'm on that again !

Do you think that the 2010s was better than this current time period. A simpler time that only pepridge farms remembers? Like..I was riding the motherfucker train and listening to Die Antwoord and thinking like… I miss Obama. What you think crew?

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Yeah, yet another decade that wishes it was the 1980s and I hated the 1980s but it was much more cool than the 2010s. Don't blame me you were born too late for a really awesome decade.

Not really. The 2010s were nice and stable with my job and webcomics. Nothing crazy just sort of there and conservative talk radio was very entertaining that decade. Totally full of it, but entertaining without being the nasty fascist conspiratorial thinking of today.

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Well, there sure were more physical shops to visit back then. Now the only reason to hit the supermarket or the downtown stores is to buy groceries. Boring:P

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I kinda miss any point between 2000 and 2016. I miss not being phone dependent. Like bravo, I member as time when conservative media was tamer. Now I do remember from those times that the 49% of the population that voted for "the other guy" were not happy about the results, but not to the point of violence had a sort of feeling like you would get when a sports team looses. Now I admit to being born in the very late 80s, so a lot of my experiences up until the mid 00's was that of a child.

I think that due to my age I missed out on a lot of good experiences during that time frame.

However, though I do miss a more laid back, less tech dependent society of even a decade ago, I don't miss my lifestyle from those days. Nothing like graduating from college at the start of a recession to make you bank account(s) scream in agony.

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Wow, the 2010s XD
I'm at the age when that entire decade was basically last Tuesday for me. It all happened last week, compressed. Weird.

For almost all of the 2010s I was the head admin in charge of DD O_O
Though actually Skool was still around till at least 2012-2013 I think?

In the 2010s fashion was getting annoying with all the really bad fake retro recycling of the 80s- crappy abstracted repeated prints in bad colours that were crap in the 80s but the fake retro versions were even worse. LOTS of hoodies, tight jeans.
The current 80s revival by contrast is SCARY accurate. Basically feels like time travel

And helmet hair hairstyles with this fringe (bangs to Americans) brushed forward onto the forehead and hooked to the side in a strange lego-person style of fake cow-lick. It looked DUMB. Beiber had a bad version of it.
Oh and we cant forget about the fake bead hair where guys would deliberately mess up the hair into the dumbest messy style so it would look like they didn't care, but ironically it was so carefully styled to look like that XD

Nasty narrow brimmed fedoras came into fashion and that stopped me wearing my panama hats and real fedoras for years because I didn't want to be at all associated with the crappy hat crowd.
And no they were NOT Trilbies, that's a myth… or rather that were Trilbies at the same time as they're fedoras because those are different names for the same hat but from different countries…

Lastly the "hipster" style of the 2000s, which was basically a fake bohemian artist look worn by people who carefully put together random styles in order to make themselves look as ironic and striking as possible (done by people who were richer than real bohemian artist types), got mainstreamed and commodified into a bland, mass-market version typified by people wearing scarves with EVERY single outfit in every weather!
other "hipster" aspects were the cheap narrow brimmed fedoras, trousers that were too short, no socks, boat shoes, cardigans, wired long tops and cardigans made from T-shirt material, fake Samurai hairstyles, BIG beards plus shaved sides of the head NAZI haircuts, long hair with topknots…


I didn't really follow the ladies fashions as much but I was happy when the tight jeans thing finally ended for them.

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Ozoneocean wrote:
Wow, the 2010s XD
I'm at the age when that entire decade was basically last Tuesday for me. It all happened last week, compressed. Weird.

Yeah, I mean we're not even halfway through the 2020s yet . . . nostalgia for the 2010s seems way too premature.

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Nah man… A lot has changed since the end of 2019. The world feels like an entirely different place. Maybe it's just me but shit feels way more serious now. Back then it was all memes and crap liked PewDiePie vs T series and Trump making stupid tweets. I remember being genuinely excited that B Beatelguse might go supernova… Since then there's plagues and war and inflation and seems like the planet is going fucking sideways climatologically. All my YouTube feed is full of culture war bullshit. Everybody is trying to cancel everyone else for everything. It's enough for me to wanna break out winamp and dust off there old MP3s.

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lothar wrote:
Nah man… A lot has changed since the end of 2019. The world feels like an entirely different place. Maybe it's just me but shit feels way more serious now. Back then it was all memes and crap liked PewDiePie vs T series and Trump making stupid tweets. I remember being genuinely excited that B Beatelguse might go supernova… Since then there's plagues and war and inflation and seems like the planet is going fucking sideways climatologically. All my YouTube feed is full of culture war bullshit. Everybody is trying to cancel everyone else for everything. It's enough for me to wanna break out winamp and dust off there old MP3s.

I play Winamp all the time :)

Trump didn't become US President till the start of 2017. He wasn't pres for much of the 2010s. That that Obama.

The worst change to happen over the course of the 2010s till now is that Google became evil and took over the internet…
Along with Apple, Faecbook, Microsoft and a handful of other big companies. The bought up everything and now control everything. Sites that Drunk Duck just play in the shallows on their sufferance.

All the big companies curate people's web experience through apps and search engines and social media sites. They own the net.

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2010's? sod that, can we just go back to the 90s and stay there? Before phones got smart and made us dumber.

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I don't really miss the 90s, nor any other decade, and the 2010s are only present in my memory because I still can't believe how fast they rushed by.

Most decades have come up with something cool to make them slightly more bearable, of course, and nothing's wrong with trying to keep those parts - which, truth be told, mostly boil down to far out designs and being more easy-going with everything, which however is just a blatant lie by us old farts who wish they had been. Politics and most other fads are important for history but no good for nostalgia, since they're just humanity's little way of making each other's lives unnecessarily difficult, you can't have good things if I can't have them, so that part is a constant that just takes on different interesting guises.

There has to be something to be scared of, of course. Life without anything to be scared of just ain't no fun: nuclear war… oh right and let's not forget acid rain and the ozone hole (80s), general existential angst because if things seem to good to be true they generally are (90s), globalization backfiring on us (00s), climate change (10s), climate change and backfiring globalization and nuclear war (20s). Don't get me wrong: they're very real dangers - imagined dangers just don't provide the necessary kick - but to some degree it's also our species' nostalgia for the cave bear that might just come back home any moment while your tribe seeks shelter in its larder and for how it kept us all on our toes; ah, life must have been truly exciting back in the day!

I wonder what people in the 2120s will say about the 2010s or 2020s. I'm pretty sure they won't call it the Roaring Twenties 2.0. They won't call it the Boring Twenties either, but I seriously doubt there will be a nostalgia wave as for the 1920s: Great Gatsby, Miss Fisher, jazz, speakeasies, you name it.

In fact, I'm not sure they'll call them anything in particular, because to me it all feels as if everything had become a bit muddy, less defined after 2006 or so (if you ignore framerates and people's willingness to listen to what woke people say). Might be just me, though.

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Moonlight meanderer

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