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Moonlight meanderer

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Monday's featured comic is Panthea Obscura!

skoolmunkee at Sept. 29, 2008, 12:27 a.m.

Monday's featured comic is Panthea Obscura!

Mythical families that control different aspects of existence are a familiar concept. This family in particular made a vow to stop interfering with humans and to make the humans forget them. However, it's been thousands of years and (most of them) would like to …

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Milestones! Quick and easy...

skoolmunkee at Sept. 23, 2008, 2:16 p.m.

Just a reminder, if you sent me a newspost item and don't see it here (except phinmagic), it's been lost in the server move and I need it again. :)

Also, I'm sorry if some people have sent me PQs and aren't getting replies, my PQ box is acting weird …

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Small bit of admin business

skoolmunkee at Sept. 23, 2008, 2:40 a.m.

My PQ box is full and I haven't read any of them yet, so it may be that people have pre-empted me on these:

1. Anyone who sent me a PQ on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday (but not Monday, when the site was back up) will need to re-send it …

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... and MONDAY'S featured comic was Cricket's Creature!

skoolmunkee at Sept. 19, 2008, 1:20 a.m.

I somehow forgot to post this (I blame site logouts etc) and didn't notice all week. :[ Sorry!

Monday's Featured comic was Crickets Creature!

In a city not sure whether it's modern or turn of the century, Victorian-punk Cricket must take care of the alien Creature, kidnapped and left with …

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Thursday's featured comic is Signifikat!

skoolmunkee at Sept. 18, 2008, 1:21 a.m.

Thursday's featured comic is Signifikat!

Poor Sunhra. Not only is she a fugitive, but she picks up her getaway ride with a guy who is incredibly self absorbed and so hung up on his past all he wants to do is find the perfect chick so he can dump her. …

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Care to try a game of chickin' kickin'

skoolmunkee at Sept. 15, 2008, 4:12 p.m.

Lots of milestones today! But first…

Sorry about the periods of site slowness and database inaccessability. Platinum is working on moving DD to a new server, but apparently things are in Houston, which isn't really in a position right now to be messing with that kind of thing. So, as …

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Moonlight meanderer

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