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Moonlight meanderer

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Thursday/Friday's featured comic is Beyond Human!

skoolmunkee at April 18, 2008, 12:42 p.m.

Fantastic art and compelling writing tell the story of three men who are beyond human. A wild half-man who seems to like stopping evil a little TOO much. Another man who recklessly puts himself in death's way and has an important secret to protect. A third seems like a typical …

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Today's featured comic is WINDs!

skoolmunkee at April 14, 2008, 12:04 a.m.

Bairei is a bit of a player- well, more of a sleaze really. However the one woman he wants (the woman dating his rich adoptive father) he can't have… meanwhile the beautiful Rui has decided she needs to expand her circle of friends (the old ones are getting kinda catty). …

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my dog is like rawr

skoolmunkee at April 11, 2008, 3:28 p.m.

OK guys, the last of the community interviews has been posted! Sorry it's up a bit late today, my internet wasn't working until a few minutes ago. :)

Today's interview is of Rutger (Arthur King, Life as Told by Rutger, and Sketching Reality), and conducted by Vakanai (Rumbles, Rumbles Late …

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more community interviews! woo!

skoolmunkee at April 9, 2008, 3:49 a.m.

Two more creator interviews! These are pretty good ones, guys! (Well, they're all pretty good). From Tuesday, we have TheMidge28 ([blood/hound] interviewing Bocaj (Laugh Out Loud Zombies)!

If you could create your own martial art, what would you call it and what would be your one forbidden move which you …

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Everything you THOUGHT you knew... is wrong! O_O

Ozoneocean at April 7, 2008, 5:12 a.m.

Today's featured comic is Opey the Warhead!

It's Opey's first day at school and he's a little nervous. Not because his dad seems to be a real weirdo who gives bad advice, or because the city he lives in (which he's never seen before) is some sort of manic psudo-future …

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Today's featured comic is Our Time in Eden!

skoolmunkee at April 3, 2008, 7:03 a.m.

Our Time in Eden tells a story of lost innocence, and even moreso a story of lost individuals. Two people, unhappy and alone, stuck in places that aren't doing them any good. There is a mix of comic and illustrated prose here, which is done quite well (the writing is …

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More creator interviews, again!

skoolmunkee at April 3, 2008, 7:02 a.m.

Drunk Duck Creator Interviews Extravaganza continues! (If you dunno what that is, click here

Today's interview is of Seventy2 of Ninja Wedding and The Good Life, conducted by Bocaj of Laughing Out Loud Zombies, Guy in a Dinosaur Costume, and others!

How much time does it take for you to …

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More interviews!

skoolmunkee at April 2, 2008, 4:04 a.m.

First of all, sorry there's not a featured comic today- I forgot to queue one up last night and now I have to wait for the next 'turnover' so that will be Thursday. :[ sorry sorry!


Drunk Duck Creator Interviews Extravaganza continues! (If you dunno what that is, click …

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More creator interviews!

skoolmunkee at March 31, 2008, 11:41 p.m.

Drunk Duck Creator Interviews Extravaganza continues! (If you dunno what that is, click here

Today's interview is of JustNoPoint of The Devon Legacy, conducted by Amanda of Salt the Holly!

Is there a particular message you're hoping readers will glean from TDL?
Um, not really. I think there might have …

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Drunk Duck Creator Interviews Extravaganza begins today!

skoolmunkee at March 31, 2008, 1:41 a.m.

What up everyone? Recently I ran an experimental community project - an interview circle, where DD members could interview each other! There are 11 of them and for the next 2 weeks, I will be posting one every weekday!

It's important that these guys get some props because interviewing is …

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Moonlight meanderer

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