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Moonlight meanderer

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More stuff!

skoolmunkee at Dec. 6, 2007, 10:10 a.m.

I have teemed up with a writer friend of mine to make a comic submission to and surprise we got selected to compete in the December contest. The comic is called Avast Ye. It’s the story of two computer techs that give up their careers as they trade …

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skoolmunkee at Dec. 2, 2007, 1:32 p.m.

hpkomic (Galactic Hub Serreven) and kcg (Horribleville) have teamed up and gotten a comic into Nickelodeon Magazine! Rush out and buy it and tell everyone how much you like Wizard Brothers!

Don't forget that Darth Mongoose of FanDanGo has made it into the top 15 finalists of Rising Stars of …

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The last newspost of November 2007 (probably?)

SpANG at Nov. 29, 2007, 3:19 p.m.

edit: skoolmunkee has added a couple to the end! Be sure to check!

Here are some milestones and announcements for youz guyz!

slimredninja would like to announce the following bit of awesomeness:

Morning Squirtz is back after a long hiatus we are about to post a couple of new Squirtz …

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The Wii is EXERCISE disguised as a GAME!

SpANG at Nov. 25, 2007, 5 p.m.

My arms are sore from boxing. Plus Red Steel is cool game, but annoying at the same time. But anyway…

Milestones and announcements!

A skoolmunkee appears!
The 200th page of Divine Leap was posted Friday!
The skoolmunkee ran away!

ShadowsMyst wants to let us know that Brymstone has reached 25 …

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Some like it hot.

Volte6 at Nov. 19, 2007, 10:37 a.m.

Lots of cool stuff happening in our little section of tubes on the intarweb.

Zuda comics is advertising with us! You'll see their banners around the site, give them a click and check it out!

Also, you'll notice that stylish red/black video player on DrunkDuck…. and likely a couple other …

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Despite its spelling, "news" does rhyme with "booze"

skoolmunkee at Nov. 17, 2007, 1:26 p.m.

Geez guys, send me a bunch of news why don't you!


I'd like to announce a contest that my publishing house is making of illustrating some scenes from my Art of Veiling book (the scenes can be read online in pdf format) where the first prize is 300 Euro …

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Hey... YOU! I'm talkin' here!

SpANG at Nov. 15, 2007, 1:13 p.m.

Don't forget that skoolmunkee is back to take your news tidbits, but feel free to send 'em to me too. I don't mind doing the occasional newspost either. It gives the impression that I'm actually doing some work! Ha!

Now for some announcements…

oachambers wants to mention that Weirdlings turns …

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Creator Interview: Fugli of View of Venus!

skoolmunkee at Nov. 13, 2007, 3:02 a.m.

Hey all! I'm back! You can send me your millions of news announcements now! (And if you sent me any before, I deleted all of them, because I announced I wasn't gonna be here and I can't be bothered to check to see if someone else announced them already. Sorry!) …

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New Contest!!!

Volte6 at Nov. 5, 2007, 10:08 a.m.

Okay everyone, check this out…

We're working with a company called Fix8 to put together a freaking awesome contest… here's how it works:

Fix8 has this software that puts a 3d model in place of you when you're on a webcam…. using this, you make a video.. Karaoke, movie scenes, …

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This is clearly another newspost...

SpANG at Oct. 30, 2007, 5:31 a.m.

Wasssup, Duckers! As a reminder, skoolmunkee is off for a few weeks and Black Kitty is a little busy with her moving and school. So, please keep sending your news to ozoneocean and me, SpANG, for now. Thanks!

Here are some milestones and other news in the world of …

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Moonlight meanderer

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