My mother said if I made real food like pasta or even sandwiches, my male friends would love me more….she said cookies don't mean as much to them as things they can make a meal out of.That just sounds like a good way to get every guy in the neighborhood to crowd around your house like lions at the zoo feeding time.
I myself would be absolutely ecstatic to be given any food by a girl. But then, cookies are my favorite treat and after learning I tend to make more biological weapons with a stove than actual food, I'm not picky if a girl is offering. Every guy has one food that is more appealing to him than anything else on earth.
Nothing says, "I like you" quite like handing a guy a plate of his favorite food. It's possibly one of the only cues we truly understand. We're dumb like that.
edit: Since I'm kind of playing a slightly less active role around the forums, you can catch me on AIM at mouichidou. I'm trying to avoid derailing everyone's threads here with the few posts I am making right now.
I must be ugly then…cause no one is getting the "I like you" cue from me with food… T-T…..sad face.