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Moonlight meanderer
Posted at

Ah, yes the 90's. I remember that between the Spice Girls, Boyz 2 Men, Hootie and the Blowfish and the like there was a few years where I just assumed that I didn't like music. I didn't discover good music until about 1995. I like to tell people that the first album I bought was Dookie by Green Day but it was really So Much For the Afterglow by Everclear. Later I actually discovered Nirvana and Pearljam and thought they were pretty cool, (yeah, I didn't find out about Nirvana until after Kurt shot himself. How lame is that?)
I also remember kids at school made fun of how tight my pants were– not that they were really all that tight, just not baggy. They were also invariably full of holes, not a fashion statement, they were just old ratty jeans.
I also had a Super Nintendo. Those things were just great, I was never all that good at many of the games but they were still really fun.
I wish they still had cartoons like they had in the 90's. Like Animaniacs, Batman the Animated Series, man I loved those shows.

Posted at

I was told that if you wanted to do that blood brothers thing you had to use a jagged blunt rusty old knife. Don't know why, though…

Ugh… the last thing I remember from the 90s was my mother's death… from her third massive heart attack. Left only 15% of her heart still functional, which wasn't enough to keep her alive, I think. She passed away in 1999, just two months shy from her 60th birthday. :(

I guess that family curse is going to hit me next… no one on my mother's side of the family has ever made it past 60. :(

Posted at

They made better CD players back in the 90s -_-

Now they don't have to, what with all them newfangled iPodamajiggers the kids are running around with these days.

This thread makes me feel old. :P

But yeah, as someone else mentioned, the '90s was the last decade when Saturday morning cartoons were any good. Broadcast networks were still showing cartoons, dangit! Reality TV was restricted primarily to game shows and MTV's navel-gazing pioneer, The Real World, which I avoided in favor of Daria and Aeon Flux.

Also, anime on SciFi (before they decided to name themselves after slang for a venereal disease, huzzah!).

I'll actually go against popular opinion here and say I rather liked the influx of house and other electronica on the radio, but then again most people would agree my taste in music is terrible. It beats the "I Am Totally More Sensitive Than You, and By the Way, Who Stole My Eyeliner?" I keep seeing, at any rate.

Mario and Sonic were bitter enemies, killing each other in humorously inept fan art as Sega and Nintendo fanboys kept on keepin' on (I had a Genesis, though I still played the NES from time to time). Mode 7 was The New Hotness. The N64 debuted after several fits and starts, partially related to indecision over whether it should use cartridges or CDs, and the Sony PlayStation arrived in all its 32-bit polygonal glory. Along with the Sega Saturn, these all heralded the end of discussing gaming consoles in terms of bits, and dusty cartridges were replaced with scratched CDs as the bane of gamers. Ah, nostalgia.

I didn't go out much during the '90s.

Posted at

Wow, nostalgia ahoy! I didn't get out much as a kid, but I recall boy bands, Next Generation (I know it started in the 80's, but still), walkmans, Windows before there was a "start menu" (3.x, baby!), and those snappy bracelets that would give you welts after awhile.

Posted at

The 90's? Where to start? First off I don't remember large chunks of the 90's. I spent a lot of time in college which meant, back then anyway, smoking way too much weed and drinking way too much beer. In my town, at the turn of the decade, people still wore tight acid wash jeans and bright neon ski jackets to compliment their huge mullets. Then suddenly everyone had torn jeans and flannel. It was like the 60's all over again but with way better pot and a way worse attitude. Raves were all the rave and being held in abandoned warehouses. I was driving cab on the midnight shift when I heard about the sixth Cobain related suicide and I was thinking, "I hate that guy for giving so many weak minding fools an excuse to follow their idol to the grave." I remember the flannel culminated with jocks buying designer plaid from the Gap, not just to wear but to tie around their waste… I'm talking two plaid shirts on one body! That killed that! Suddenly everyone became a rap star and spent their day furiously working to keep their pants from falling down around their ankles (which wasn't a far drop). This was the same time I stopped working in DOS and finally bought into the whole Windows thing. Suddenly my endless string of DOS commands were no longer cool ice breakers at parties! But I didn't care, I still had the Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, Stone Temple Pilots, Janes Addiction etc (not yet knowing that they were all being quickly replace by Back Door Boys and Spice Girls). As I finally grew up (I'm a late bloomer) and started taking life more seriously the kids growing up behind me were suddenly calling meth recreational and it all started to look a bit scary. Maybe it was and maybe I was just too old to understand. I ended the 90's with a career and a wife. Now I have a son and I'm working on buying income property while I try to figure out how the hell to make a comic. I miss the 90's but I'm glad I got that all out of my system and can live a normal life in the 2000's.

The end.

Posted at

I remember I hated the music and people.

But doesn't that apply to today?

You bet it does.

Posted at

I was born mid-90's, all I really remember is that I was happier back then, being a little kid and all :)

Posted at

Ah… The '90s. Bad teen movies, butt-rock made a sad re debut, and DBZ was a regular on Cartoon Network. Last one wasn't so bad. Ozoneocean said there was crappy music, yes, indeed, but look at all the great bands that debut in the early '90s, KoRn, Pearl Jam, Rage Against the Machine, lots and lots of really awesome bands came out of the '90s. Kurt Cobain dies in '94, sad. Marylin Manson finally picks up in the '90s, good. Okay, enough music, lets talk movies. Tarantino debuts Reservoir Dogs in the beginning of the decade, follows it with Pulp Fiction. Two classics right there. He also brought out Jackie Brown, which was also very great. Natural Born Killers, Clerks, Mallrats. Indeed. But then again, there were some pretty crappy movies. (Cough) Titanic (cough). There were good and bad things going on in the '90s. They were better than the '80s, though (HAIR BANDS EVERYWHERE!!)

Why don't we all just watch "I love the '90s" on VH1????

Dr W
Dr W
Posted at

[I remember that :(
and I loved the first couple of series of Pokemon. It was just a nice, simple anime cartoon that was unpretentious and very straight forward. -With sexy Nurse Joy and officer what's-her-face… ^_^

Officer Jenny, is who your talking about. Yes the first season of Pokemon was indeed the best out of the bunch. Unfortunately now a days Pokemon has become a repetitive stale anime series. It's the same every episode: Ash and friends meet a new Pokemon or Ash goes for his next gym badge, Team Rocket captures Pikachu, Ash gets Pikachu back and sends Team Rocket blasting off again. The first season of Pokemon had the decency of putting Ash and friends in different situation that kept the story alive and kicking. Now it has just become the norm.

Dr W
Dr W
Posted at

I was told that if you wanted to do that blood brothers thing you had to use a jagged blunt rusty old knife. Don't know why, though…

Ugh… the last thing I remember from the 90s was my mother's death… from her third massive heart attack. Left only 15% of her heart still functional, which wasn't enough to keep her alive, I think. She passed away in 1999, just two months shy from her 60th birthday. :(

I guess that family curse is going to hit me next… no one on my mother's side of the family has ever made it past 60. :(
Does some one need a hug?

Dr W
Dr W
Posted at

One thing that I've been thinking about, people say that the past was better than it is now. Is that really a true statement? When one thinks about the past one usually thinks about their child hood. And 80% of the time people will say that their childhoods where great, no responsablity, you could rely on your parents to cook food for you. Childhood for some was a time of easy and I believe that's why so many people say that the past was better than it is now.

Posted at

One thing that I've been thinking about, people say that the past was better than it is now. Is that really a true statement? When one thinks about the past one usually thinks about their child hood. And 80% of the time people will say that their childhoods where great, no responsablity, you could rely on your parents to cook food for you. Childhood for some was a time of easy and I believe that's why so many people say that the past was better than it is now.

The past is never really better. People just look upon it fondly because they were kids and were not really aware of what was going on in the world at the time. For example, some people look fondly on the 50s and think life was like "Leave It to Beaver" or something on that order. In reality, the 50s had people like Joseph McCarthy, the Red Scare, and the very beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. We're all guilty of thinking like this. No one is exempt, not even a curmudgeon like me.

Posted at

Greatest cartoons of the 90's. in my opinion:

Freakazoid, the tick, doug, hey arnold, catdog, pinky and the brain, animaniacs and the legend of zelda(although it kinda sucked i still have fond memories of the series.)

Best tv shows of the 90's. Again, in my opinion:

That 70's show… thats all i can think of. Althought i used to be subjected to sabrina the teenage witch… it was… ok.

Posted at

I was completely off my face for most of the nineties, so I don't remember much of it.

I just remember being on a canal boat, completely smashed and every time we moored up by a pub, strange little people would come out of the bushes, handing us bags of stale donuts - "don't forget to feed the swans!" they said, then they'd vanish back into the undergrowth.

I know this really happened 'cos my future wife was there too and she says the same thing - she actually fed the donuts to the swans, until some other little people came out of the bushes and told her it was bad to feed donuts to swans.

Posted at

I was told that if you wanted to do that blood brothers thing you had to use a jagged blunt rusty old knife. Don't know why, though…

Ugh… the last thing I remember from the 90s was my mother's death… from her third massive heart attack. Left only 15% of her heart still functional, which wasn't enough to keep her alive, I think. She passed away in 1999, just two months shy from her 60th birthday. :(

I guess that family curse is going to hit me next… no one on my mother's side of the family has ever made it past 60. :(
Does some one need a hug?

do YOU need a twist in the tit?

i was in grade and middle school through most of the 90's so we had the shitty trends like huge ass baggy pants and crap music to grow up and thrive on. the early 90's werent horrible for music, but man….the later 90's was just fucking ripe.

Posted at

As bad as the "D-zeros" were for the UK they were never as bad as the 90s in retrospect. We were all still recovering from Thatcher and Major's descruction of industry causing suicides and permanent damage in the relationship between the public and authority, the IRA were still blowing people up, there was the Dunblane massacre, the illogical millennium bug was freaking people out…

And despite what people think about kids, TV programming back then was making us a hell of a lot more aware of it than we were letting on.

I was ten when the year 2000 started and I already knew the 2K bug was bullshit.

I got my first computer at 6 and I'd already changed the date back to 1901 with no bad results whatsoever. Also, I was smart enough to know that computers weren't self aware. Duh.

Posted at

Pokemon, good cartoons, and riding bikes because that was back when it was fun to go outside. How ridiculous.

Eunice P
Eunice P
Posted at

Back then, I thought 3D animation was cool. Now, it irks me.

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Moonlight meanderer

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