… everyone we ask goes 'Gosh that's terrible! I'll ask some questions and find out!' And while I don't doubt the genuine concern of the people asking on our behalf, we never hear anything back no matter how many different people we bug about it. :[What really pisses me off is that I went well out of my way to communicate with people to make sure that my entry was correct. I thought I might have been paranoid, worrying that they'd somehow screw up my entry, but clearly I wasn't. My concerns were well placed.
Seriously, I thought that being the squeaky wheel would have gotten me some attention. The only way I could possibly have been more annoying about it is if I had flown out there and knocked on the front door of Platinum Studios personally. Sometimes I wonder if my persistence prevented me from being dropped from the book entirely. Even if I probably drove Carly nuts.
What really irks me is that I asked so many times if I can somehow be given thumb nails of my pages to MAKE SURE they were right, and every single f***ing time I asked that, my channels of communication went silent. I NEVER got an answer to that. Each time, I was told to just resubmit my pages, because that's probably the only way to be sure. Well, that obviously didn't work. I can't tell you how angry that makes me.
I could sense that I was attempting to communicate through a chain of about five people, as the message that needed to get through was being dropped about half way. It was like throwing blindly into the dark. And I know it's not the fault of the person with whom I was directly communicating, although I think I may have gotten snotty with the wrong people anyway.
I try to look at the bright side, that my comic is more or less intact, barring one small gaff (the name of the city is wrong), because it is pretty close to what I wanted, but after being promised the moon, being told that the Platinum deal was going the make the book EVEN BETTER, and having to wait three years for THIS, I'm just a little bitter.
And I don't even know if it's appropriate for me to express this, because all things considered, I got probably the best results of all people who got shafted on this. After reading everyone else's complaints, I've realized that mine is the least screwed up.
Still, this is the most incompetent thing I've ever been involved with.