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Moonlight meanderer
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Narration 7

Mr. Z leaned back in his chair, he raised a brow. "I wouldn't know, personnel are under Major Geary's jurisdiction, you can find him i the west barracks. Though, I'm not sure how willing he'll be to help." With that Mr. Z span his chair, disappearing as it faced the team again. "That guy creeps me out…" Zach muttered, Green sighed and looked at Shirk, "So shall we find this major?" he asked, "Whatever…" Fras cut in, "I just want one of those items." with a grumble the team left the office, Rin followed after. She looked over at Shirk, who shot her a disinterested look, she wrinkled her nose, and avoided a wink from Fras, they made their way to a large black building with ruby spirals in it. "These guys really like their minerals…" Fras grumbled.
"RedCreek was a large port in the gem trades."
"I see." Green muttered, Shirk looked about, more heavily armed guards stood along the bridge as they crossed it to the west isle. He could smell blood at sweat from within the building's walls. Obviously it was one of the military's training facilities. A large black tank sat in the front yard, several mechanics working on it.

"Don't suppose the military will let us borrow one of those?" Zach asked, Shirk gave him a blank stare, the small rogue silenced himself. "The military is very protective of it's equipment." Rin said walking forward. "I'm a low ranking officer, so they give me pretty low-grade equipment." she held out her massive claymore, it had claw marks on it, and dents, no laser blades seemed to be hidden beneath the solid blade's surface. Green poke it, Rin gave him a frown, "Why did you poke it?" she asked, Green shrugged. "It just seemed poke worthy" he shrugged, Rin shot him a dark glare, but with a toothy grin the undead moved onward. "So… where is this Major Geary?" he asked, suddenly the earth began to shake below the team, as something massive approached. "What… the… Hell… Is… That?!" Fras lost his balance and smashed onto his ass, he let out an irritated growl. "I don't know…" Shirk's ears went back, his eyes glaring at the door before them, suddenly massive gears behind the door opened up, as a figure twice the size of all of but shirk stepped out of them. It was a massive werewolf, standing at 10' 3". Major Geary gave them all a look, towering over even Shirk. "What do you want?" he growled, Rin stepped forward. She saluted the massive wolf before handing her the quest paper, Geary took a moment to read the paper before nodding his head. "So you want to know about the traitorous scum? Very well."
"What are there fighting styles? How strong are they? And in case of Private Lucy, measurements." Green repeated himself, the massive wolf looked at the undead with a bit of disgust. "What do you need her measurements for?" he growled, the undead scratched the back of his head, "You know, cold dead bones, just curious and… you're going to eat me aren't you."
"…" The wolf looked displeased with the corpse.

"I assume you know of Private Bob's fate" the wolf began, Shirk nodded, Green just tried his best to remain silent, Zach looked around the massive armory they were standing by, however if he drifted too far, the combined growls of Shirk and Geary would return him to the party's side. Fras didn't look very impressed, he eyed the massive wolf dully. "You're to simply retrieve Bob's uniform, that'll be proof enough that he's dead, well we already know, I pushed him off the cliff.. Anyway… Private Lucy was an expert in the arcane, getting near her will be a challenge for rookies of your caliber, and with that rusted gear of yours, you may just find yourself dead, she's a cat girl you would not wish to fight."
"I see.." Shirk growled with a hint of annoyance in his voice, Rin gave him a nervous look, her ears drooping, and her tail going between her legs. He looked back up at Geary. "And the other two?"
"Private Grizmal is a werewolf much like me and you, he turned coats under the spell of Lucy, he may still be able to be saved, but it would require killing Lucy. If not, I wish for you to return with his uniform, even if it saddens me to have a fellow Lobo* die."

*Lobo is Spanish for wolf.

"And the Sergeant? By his name I don't think he's going to be much of a push over."
"He's not, he is a very skilled Dragoon, Lucy is a challenge, Helstrin is suicide."
"THEN WHY ARE WE BEING SENT ON THIS MISSION!?" Green spat, the werewolf raised his brow. "Why waste good men, when we can use fodder?" he said gruffly, Green grit his teeth. "You mangy-"
"Calm yourself Green, this is not a battle worth fighting." Shirk muttered.
"Listen to the wolf." Geary growled, with that he turned and headed back into the barracks, the large gate closing behind him.

Rin looked over the team. "I suggest you guys get some sleep before you leave, there is a hotel down town that Mr. Z has made some arrangements for you to stay at. Go there when you're ready to go to bed."

With that Rin turned and walked off.
"Wait! Where are you going?" Zach called, Rin turned and looked at him.
"My jobs done, I'm to return to my patrol."
"But you're a buddy now!" Zach waved his hands, Rim's face went red, she turned away. "No, I was only doing my job and helping you guys out."
"You're just going to leave?" Green spat, Rin sighed.
"Yes what part of that do you not understand?"
"The leaving part." Green pointed out.
"Yeah, we need a girl, this entire parties one big sausage fest otherwise." Fras cut in. "By the way where can I find some smokes?"
"FRAS! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" Green growled, he jumped the elf and began beating on him in a comical smoke cloud manner. Rin, Shirk, and Zach looked on with confused faces as the buggers beat each other up mercilessly. "Do they do that often?" Rin asked, Shirk blinked, he shook his head. "First time I've seen it."
"LEARN SOME CHIVALRY!" Green shouted punching Fras in the head, he got kicked in the dead gonads by the angry elf. "I'M NICCOTINE DEPRIVED!" he retorted, Green hit him with a rock, Fras smacked green with his shoe, Green's shoe that is. The two continued to beat upon each other, like two cats in a fight. Green bit Fras, who screamed something about zombie plague before beating Green with the butt of his pistol, only to be head butted by the corpse. Rin stepped away from the tussle as they continued their comical brawl.

"Should we stop them?" She blinked, Zach pulled out his dagger, and randomly plunged it into the fray. Green let out an agonizing yell as the knife lodged itself into his posterior. "ZACH YOU LITTLE SH*T!" He howled, the rogue jumped back and stabbed again out of surprise, this time Fras got it in the leg. "YOU LITTLE F*CKER!" they shot to their feet, chasing after the small rogue as he ran into the city, leaving Shirk and Rin to look on, dumbfounded.

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"Idiots. I hope they all kill eachother off." I mumble before turning to Rin. "It's a shame you won't be going with us. Another sane mind in the party would be a nice change of pace. And of course another sword arm is alwats handy."

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Zachary was running through the streets once more, this time out of fear. Well, wouldn't you be scared of a pissed off undead and a nicotine deprived elf? Anyways, running, running, and wondering why Green was so furious, Zachary had made worse mistakes before and he just laughed it off. Now though, there wasn't time to ponder this, just sprint through the streets and markets and snatch whatever he could get speeding by. And the insightful comment that Zach made on this while running for his life? This is what he said:"HOOOLY SHIIIIIIIIT!"

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Fras began to gain a little bit of self control during the chase. He took a completely different route. Heading through and ally way he hopped up on top of a few bins and onto a wall. He ran to where he thought was a good spot to see the rest of the chase. Climbing onto a roof he watched as green and zach ran around the area. Noteing a similar pattern. Fras hopped down from the building. It would only be a short time before he would be coming back around. Fras waited. Suddenly there was noise and the sound of running feet. Zach sped closer and he waited the second he got close enough to Zach he braced his fist screaming "THIS IS FOR MY BEAUTIFUL LEG!!!" With that he swung his fist as hard as he could towards Zachs stomach.

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(You're not actually allowed to attack another player. The way it works, is if you wanted to stop Mett.

"Fras Jumps from the roof landing in front of him, drawing back his fist he went in for the swing-"

This gives Mett response time such as

"Zach took the fist to the gut, he let out a grunt" Or "Zach faded into shadows and kept running only to be tripped by a-"

The GM is really the only person allowed to merciously beat people up if they so wish. -evil grins-)

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"Why did I not stab you when we were in the tunnels?" swore Zachary, but then he remembered, his ace up teh sleeve. He ducked under the fist, kept running, then held his hat in-front of himself. As he was running, he stuck one of his legs into the hat, and the rest of him was quickly sucked in as well. Then, only the shadows might know, a breeze carried the hat away.

An hour later, the hat was carried to a roof top, and the boy stepped out of his hat."Did those guys think I just wore that hat because it looked cool?" Zachary affectionately placed the hat on-top of his head."No, this old hat has gotten me out of worse messes than that. Well, before Green took me in, but this hat still brings me memories…"A rat on the roof then stood up and said,"Hey, you that kid from the sewers?""Yeah, and that matters why?""Cuz you killed the bitch, thats why. You did us a good favor doing that, you're welcome back anytime.""Uh, thanks, I'll be sure to take you up on that offer sometime. Okay, gotta go find my friends and Fras, bye mister rat!"

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At that moment Fras appeared out of nowhere. "Artimou?" The rat looked at him. "Ah, hello. I am Dalisun Fainswin. Artimou was my cousin." Fras began getting delusinal. He picked up the rat, put it in his mouth and tried to light it. "Fool! I am no tobacco product! Release me at once!" "Ok then, I've got tomorrows snack." Fras said pulling out a small knife for silence the rat. "Please sir. Spare me. I can lead you to nicoteen!" Fras' eyes lighted up like a little girl upon seeing unicorns. "Im off!" Fras jumped off the roof avoiding the use of the ladder.

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A hawk flew by and ate the rat, Zach looked at it blinking. "…Zach get down from there.." Rin grumbled climbing up from below. "What are you doing on the roof?" she grunted.
"RIN! You decided to come with us?"
"No… I got alerted to a disturbance, and figured it had something to do with you guys…"
"Wheres Shirk?"
"I left him in good hands."

-Back at Shirk-
A blonde haired elven girl looked over the large werewolf, she smiled, "Ello! My name is"
"Shut up" Shirk cut in
"Thats not very"
"Shut up."
"Shut up"
"I did not say"
"Shut up"
"Come on mi-"
"…Geez, I was just trying to take your order…"

"Oh, I'll take 40 hotdogs."
"…Thats alot."
Shirk narrowed his eyes

"Was that neccisary Shirk?" another woman said, she was wearing similiar gear to Rin's, but she was of the dragoon race, her neck length hair blew in the faint breeze, the color white as snow.
"Yes." Shirk muttered as he turned to face the woman, her obsidian horns coming from behind her ears going backwards, two black wings tucked themselves against her form. "I am Olivia, I was informed of your name."
"I see."
"I'm just making sure you guys don't cause too much of a disru…" she stopped, an explosion going off somewhere, suddenly a man shot forward, "ZEPH! What did I tell you about-" before she could finish, the man had jumped over the ledge around the bridge, and into the water, jumping shark to shark.
"…Who the?"
"Zeph. He's… odd to say the least."

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"Whoa, who's that guy on the water? He's awesome! He reminds me of the guild master, before the attack…you know, lots has been happening, I'm not sure how I've even survived any of this…do I even want to survive at all? I've always been trying to stay alive, but that's it, never really enjoying life, just avoiding death…"He stared down at the sharks…"I wonder…would Green be better off without me tagging along?"

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"DAMN MY BAD LUCK!" Fras said as he kicked the wall. "Damn my broken foot too." He decided there would be only one way to gain access to nicoteen. To take it from another person! "HEY YOU!" Fras ran over to an old gentleman with a pipe. "Can i have some of that?" The gentleman ignored him and went back to puffing on the pipe. "Please. Just one?" Fras said begging on his knees. "Sir i do not take kindly to beggars but if you must i shall tell you where you can obtain tobacco goods for a modest 4g" the man said. "Oh thank you! So where might i find this place?" Fras said. "Its not very far from here. Its just around the corner then take a-" before the old man could finish his scentence a hawk flew out of nowhere and lifted the man bringing him off into the sky. "I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE HAWK! JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE!"

Fras looked at the ground. The Gentlemans pipe and tobacco had dropped from his person as the hawk dragged him off. "What?! Oh my luck has changed?" Fras said as he lifted the pipe and tobacco from the pavement. He walked on with glee happily humming. "Maybe my luck has finally changed among the ladies also? I must investigate." Fras walked up to a pretty girl standing by herself. "Well hello there beautiful. Your radience is only matched by the sun itself. I cannot recall the last i saw beauty such as yours amoungst this world." As he stopped talking he noticed that the lady he had been romancing was a little tall. And her figure was off. She spoke. It was a camp mans voice. "And youre not to bad yerself handsom." "Uuuugh… NEVERMIND!"

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(Right, When you're ready to advance, the party can meet at that hotel)

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Zachary sighed, depressed he said,"You know, they think I'm just the happy fool, but I'm not…and I wish I was. The things I've done, seen, horrifying. I should have snapped by now, but I haven't. I guess playing as the happy little kid hides what I've gone through. If I had to live through my past much more, I doubt I'd stay sane long. I wonder if anyone besides Green knows how I actually am inside? Well, with the mascot of the party, no one pays much mind…". The officer guarding the fast-food joint said,"Eh, doesn't sound that bad. Sides, you were really depressed, wouldn't you have off'd youse'self by now?". The little rouge blinked, twice, then looked up at the officer,"Good question, I got the answer right here." And with that, the boy jumped off the bridge near the place.

"Ay! Aw, shit, he's dead, how'm I gonna explain this? Why I have to get all the loonies on my head?!" And then, the Top-Hat, with a propeller out of the top, landed on the bridge with the teen safely attached to it."See? Every time I try to off myself, my hat saves me. No matter what, by my hand or that of others, this hat has never failed to save me. Hey, there's Shirk! Hey Shirk, you didn't happen to hear any of that? Oh, and Rin's back!"

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I blink at Zach. "Hear what?"
The little human opens their mouth but I interupt "Never mind I don't want to know. Now lets go to that motel Rin mentioned. I could use some sleep."

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Okay, I'm getting sleepy anyways. Okay, you want any free food from the vending machine? With me, I always get my snacks free!

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Rin scratched her nose looking at Olivia. "So…"
"What about Mr. Z?"
"You mean Zeph?"
"We call him Mr. Z Olivia…" Rin sighed.
"I wonder why he was out running from explosions…" the dragoon muttered.
"He's odd… he does many things…" Rin sighed walking off.
"SO why aren't you going with them?" Olivia called, Rin stopped and turned around.
"I have a duty here."
"You just say that. What happened to the girl that wanted to strike fear into the enemy's heart? Be an adventurerer and see the lands?"
"Thats all childhood garbage, I've grown out of my dillusions."
"Have you? The little rogue seems to have seen far more than you."
"The little rogue has a demented hat." Rin twitched.
"I thought it was quite charming."
"It's as Charming as Mr. Z, and they're both weird."
"Whatever you say Rinny, just remember. It'll suck for you if you die here."
"OH shut up." Rin growled.

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I walk in to the hotel lobby and see Fras.
"Great, now I have two of them to deal with again…"

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You know, I think Rin is actually going to join us now, at least I hope so. She's a true adventurer at heart…Fras? Knowing him, he probably ate all the pillow mints…wait, we never did give Sloth a funeral, I just found a empty casket at the morgue to put his body in. Shouldn't we, you know, give him his funeral?

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The normally happy, spunky mascot of the team now stands still, his smile gone, an angry glint in his eye. "Fras, your attention grabbing and scare tactics aren't going to stop me this time. I made a promise I would give him a military funeral, and that's what I'm going to do. Either we find a Tech Wizz to get his remains out, or I cut them out of you. I personally prefer the second, but it's up to you to decide."

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Green had gotten lost in all the turns Zach had taken. "Speedy little squirt," he said. The kid needed to learn not to interfer with other peoples fights. It would get him in trouble. Green had just wanted to tan his hide and give him a long talking to. But that had changed when he realized the damn elf wanted to do worse. Half way through the chase he had decided it would be just best to catch Zach to protect him from the angry elf. "These old bones just arn't what they use to be. I use to be able to catch any trouble maker in my day," Green complained as he opened the door to the lobby of the motel to find his comrades already there. Zach looked alright. He had a wierd glint in his eyes though. One Green recognized as trouble. "Zach! I'd like to talk to you about proper etiquette in the matters of chivalry and other peoples' fights," he said trying to side track any trouble before it started.

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Moonlight meanderer

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