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Moonlight meanderer
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The secret to a good 75% of my college classes:


Here's the trick. A lot of professors like to engage their students. To make sure they're doing the reading, following the lesson plans, and you know, maybe even learning stuff. So they like to have lectures and discuss things. This happens a lot more frequently in smaller classes as opposed to the 250+ student lectures.

Anyways, when you ATTEND CLASS and then PARTICIPATE in it … you're almost cheating! Why? Because a lot of profs then make exame questions out of the things that are discussed in class. To make sure those not participating are at least paying attention.

By my junior year I noticed this trend. And got straight A's after that. Because it gets to a point where you are actually helping to shape your own exam. And let me tell ya, it's much easier to answer exam questions when they're based on things you actually talked about in class with your prof.

This doesn't fit all classes. Like the aforementioned 250+ student class. There isn't really much participation in a class like that. So you can't shape the exam. Also some classes are just different or require things that really don't go that way (like a lab, or an art class).

But when you get a class that's like 25 or so people, and the prof is very up on attendance and participation, then you now know a trick to making a good grade in that class.

Hope that helps.

College, as has been already mentioned, is a totally different social landscape. I would advise not even worrying about the social aspect of it. It's so much less harrowing than High School. So much more open. Have fun with it. It's a great time.

Posted at

Desks tend to suck, very small tops, I'd suggest bringing a clipboard so you can lay your notes and papers out on it.
So true.

The way I've made it so far:
1) Take time for yourself every day.
2) Alternate food to what they serve you at your caferteria. Find something else, please trust me on this one. It's usually pretty good, but you'll get sick of it.
3) If you have troubles paying attention to class, find something in the lecture that helps make it interesting.
4) Short hand your notes. If a word pops up a lot (like in my fresh year with geology 112 the word metamorphic turned into metmorf).
5)Take naps.
6) Find some way to pass the time other than studying. I'm not saying don't study, but don't do it all the time. I know some one else has said this, but it's importaint.
7) Eat healthy. Gaining the freshmen 15 is easy, gaining the sophomore 25 is easier.
8) Going back to 7, exercise! Doesn't have to be a lot, just a little helps, and it clears your mind a bit.
9) Stay organized.
10) Don't trust that you'll be able to print at the last second. That's when your printer will fail.
11) Don't trust the school's network. On the day of your big project the network will go down, taking email with it. Have back-ups.
12) Write down all importaint dates at least once.
13) Look at the prices at the places that sell food. Wal-mart may not always be the cheapest; but don't go over board and drive out of your way for the best deal, you'll just spend more on gas.
14) If you find a teacher that you enjoy studying under find other classes by them, even if you don't really need them. This gives you a class that you enjoy so that you're not totally stressing. (Also if you need a letter of recommendation they'll be likely to help you if they know you.)

Sorry, I know that's alot but that's what's saved my butt so far. Any questions just drop me a line.

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Moonlight meanderer

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