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Maybe it's because I go to a single sex school…
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High School
After looking at some of the more depressing stories, I have this to say:
I would like to find the one who said "High school years are the best years of your life!" and bitch-slap him.
So far, all high school has done is bore me to death. I can't wait for finals to be over.
I have to say, high school years have been the best years of my life so far, but I believe it's only going to get better :D And I know my experience is entirely personal, if you had/have a hard time, then surely it will improve afterwards.
I just finished my sophomore year
I tend to stay out of the drama because 9/10 times its something completely retarded. Usually a girl over reacting because her boyfriend didn't call her last night, so he's obviously cheating on her. So understandably i avoid.
I hang out with the hippies, goths, band people, and pretty much any other group who on most occasions DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT. And its been fine…up til this year
For some reason my friends decided to start caring this year…and i hated it.
My best friend was determined to get a girlfriend for the first time (i can't blame him really) but when he finally asked out the girl he liked and she said no. He just wouldn't move on.
Then there is my other friend who has always been a very cool headed guy has been hiding his very unstable insanity side. He met a girl this year and he liked her. Then his best friend starting dating her (and the guy really likes to "touch" his girlfriends), which pissed my friend off, but he didn't say anything. INSTEAD, he felt it was okay to secretly start a relationship with her while she was dating this guy. When they finally broke up though, the girl goes and runs off with another guy who is a close friend. By this point my friend has stopped saying he likes the girl, and is saying he LOVES the girl. And he pursues her further. Meanwhile during the relationship, a guy that my friend REALLY hates decides to piss my friend off by all but throwing his cock in her face. So my friend almost gets to the point where he almost kills him (not a joke). Anyway, finally the guy gets the picture leaves her alone, her boyfriend breaks up with her for cheating on him with another guy, and she finally ends up dating my friend…for two days. This has basically been keeping up for about 6 months, and i think he's moved from "loving" her into "obsessing" over her. I'm very worried he'll do something stupid.
What else….
When i was applying for this art school im attending next year, my teacher's conviently spring up 5 or 6 other fairly large projects at the same time. Needless to say, my average took a huge beating. I had a 4.1 at the beginning of the year, now i have a 3.6 GPA.
Let's see my reputation as the gay guy at my school definitely got worse. I'm not gay, but apparently the fact that a girl's large breasts don't make me drool over her, makes me gay. So i get random hazing for that, some hazing that makes me really question the sexuality of those doing it. Like a guy sticking balls in my ear…twice.
and being thrown into a closet that openly gay guy who dry rapes somebody every 10 min.
I got all but stalked by this incredibly obese six foot girl who had some serious issues with self-confidence. Honestly, i don't care if somebody is fat, most of my friends are fat, they tend to be less conceited, but if you can't carry yourself with some dignity im not gonna pay any attention to ya. I wasn't mean to her, she hadn't done anything for me to mean to her about, but the fact that i treated her like a human made her lose her head a little.
And finally to top it off, i never asked the one girl i enjoyed being with this year out.
Hey, I just finished up my sophomore year, too.
Six words: No one gives a rat's ass.
We've all been down that road more than once. Besides me. I'm not the moron that actually says 'yes' to anyone that tries to start that shit. Why can't anyone see that no one in their teens can love?! It's like 'love' is a word they could just toss around like it's real! Teens don't have the mental capabilities to love! I'm sure NONE of you loved your girlfriend/boyfriend in high school. You just LIKED them.
Ouch, I'm really venting. I hate high school. Everything about it…
High school for me pretty sums up all work, not enough time for play and lots of stress studying. My parents had high expectations for me to excel my studies. I never played a single video/computer games and listen to any music in high school. I'm such a nerd. :nerd:
Meh, you're not a nerd. I heard that expectations are a lot higher in Asia.
I'm the opposite. I draw more doodles than I write notes.
if you had/have a hard time, then surely it will improve afterwards.
Remember. Its not gonna magically improve.
Your mode of thought should be the one to improve. :)
And to improve the thought process, one must wean himself away from the endless propagancrap being spewed in the mainstream.
I heard that expectations are a lot higher in Asia.
That is true, a lot of Asian kids are competitive in academics and sports. I hardly hear anyone bragging about wanting to have bf or gf in my highschool. Almost everyone are focused on competing each other. Everyone looks up on the person if he/she is a high achiever. If you scored last or failed most, you get judged as "unsuccessful". That's one of the problems with Asian's education perception.
I heard that expectations are a lot higher in Asia.
That is true, a lot of Asian kids are competitive in academics and sports. I hardly hear anyone bragging about wanting to have bf or gf in my highschool. Almost everyone are focused on competing each other. Everyone looks up on the person if he/she is a high achiever. If you scored last or failed most, you get judged as "unsuccessful". That's one of the problems with Asian's education perception.
Yeah… I remember in the Philippines… the "smart" guy is known to all and looked up to. On some occasions, the teacher lets the smart dude (or gal) to be the one to check test papers if the teacher is lazy. lol.
Howd I know that?
First hand experience. Me and about 5 others were asked to check the test papers. lol
Overall I had a good time in high school. The higher up the grade I went, the less drama there was and the more people became serious about their grades. I had good friends and it's been almost ten years now and we still hang out (hell, I was out with them yesterday :)) I was editor for both newspaper and yearbook in my last year so there was a sense of belonging and responsibility for me. High school was just a very secure place for me.
I was a bit of a slacker in high school. I definitely did the work but unless I was motivated, I didn't bother giving my all and doing my best. Art class was the perfect example: for the first four years I did enough to get 80s. I just wasn't motivated to put more effort into my work. The last year got interesting and I had more control over my projects so I ended up tied for the highest mark in class and got an art student of the year award for it.
I don't know if university was better. The academic side of it certainly became more interesting but socially, I just wasn't there. I think it was because of the commuting and I wasn't the type to stay out late in the downtown area.
I just finished school and will be having my convocation soon. I'm going to miss school and being a student. :( I was never one to like growing up.
We've all been down that road more than once. Besides me. I'm not the moron that actually says 'yes' to anyone that tries to start that shit. Why can't anyone see that no one in their teens can love?! It's like 'love' is a word they could just toss around like it's real! Teens don't have the mental capabilities to love! I'm sure NONE of you loved your girlfriend/boyfriend in high school. You just LIKED them.
I resent that. You have absolutely no authority to gauge everyone's emotional/mental capabilities in one statement like that. "In my opinion," "probably," "it's likely," etc. would be much, much better ways to word it. I'm sorry, you just got on my bad side.
Teens don't have the mental capabilities to love! I'm sure NONE of you loved your girlfriend/boyfriend in high school. You just LIKED them.
I agree.
…And how many percent of people actually mature past "Teen"… lol! And you know… (*bleep*) … man I better shut up now… lol
We've all been down that road more than once. Besides me. I'm not the moron that actually says 'yes' to anyone that tries to start that shit. Why can't anyone see that no one in their teens can love?! It's like 'love' is a word they could just toss around like it's real! Teens don't have the mental capabilities to love! I'm sure NONE of you loved your girlfriend/boyfriend in high school. You just LIKED them.
I resent that. You have absolutely no authority to gauge everyone's emotional/mental capabilities in one statement like that. "In my opinion," "probably," "it's likely," etc. would be much, much better ways to word it. I'm sorry, you just got on my bad side.
Sorry about that. I'm just so angry about my school. It's just the fact that I don't get a lot with anyone at my school, and I feel the need to vent on the internet.
Which is understandable. On the internet, your face doesn't have to be posted everywhere you go, so you can say things you wouldn't normally say.
On the subject of your debate, on the one hand, saying that teenagers can't love is a bit prejudiced, isn't it? There are some teens who do understand love(kudos to them).
On the other hand, since teenagers are usually going through that bit of insanity we all call "puberty", they may be a bit confused about what love really is.
I guess the long and short of it is is that love, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
See, if I said that at school, just about everyone would laugh at me.
On the subject of your debate, on the one hand, saying that teenagers can't love is a bit prejudiced, isn't it? There are some teens who do understand love(kudos to them).
Prejudiced? Nah. I'm 15.
It's just the fact that every time hear about someone's relationship at school, they are always saying how they were never loved by that person, and they needed someone to talk to when they went out. I would ask if THEY loved that person, and they would always say '…well… I don't know'. Meaning they don't.
Also, there's the fact that I have never loved someone myself. Not family-wise. (Am I cold and arrogant?)
I know, I was a bit harsh about what I said. Teens CAN love. Just not the way adults do. They just expect the outcome to be much better. So again, I apologize.
I've been mad all week because of finals.
I can be a nice person! Really!
Ah, understandable. I do agree that a lot of what teenagers experience while dating in high school is not "love" in a more mature sense, but honestly I don't think a lot of people EVER find that. Personally, I still believe that the boy I dated for two years from 9th-11th grade was in fact in love with me and I with him. It depends on the people and their personal growth, and if comes at age 15, 25, 50 or never is individual.
I always feel a big egotistical for saying this, but I'm a pretty emotionally sensitive and nuanced person, with a bit of a knack for intuiting people and emotionally reading a situation, and I've always been first and foremost caught up in that mess we call love. Not high school relationship love, but interpersonal delving and sharing, which is the simplest basis for love outside of that high school dating stereotype. With that first boyfriend, our friends always pointed out how "un-high school" it was that we were together for two years; it was because we loved each other, not because we wanted to experience the high school dating ritual. And my two boyfriends since then have followed suit: loving for the sake of the person, not the experience; and I think that's the very very basic difference. Of course there's more to it…
Ah, understandable. I do agree that a lot of what teenagers experience while dating in high school is not "love" in a more mature sense, but honestly I don't think a lot of people EVER find that. Personally, I still believe that the boy I dated for two years from 9th-11th grade was in fact in love with me and I with him. It depends on the people and their personal growth, and if comes at age 15, 25, 50 or never is individual.
I always feel a big egotistical for saying this, but I'm a pretty emotionally sensitive and nuanced person, with a bit of a knack for intuiting people and emotionally reading a situation, and I've always been first and foremost caught up in that mess we call love. Not high school relationship love, but interpersonal delving and sharing, which is the simplest basis for love outside of that high school dating stereotype. With that first boyfriend, our friends always pointed out how "un-high school" it was that we were together for two years; it was because we loved each other, not because we wanted to experience the high school dating ritual. And my two boyfriends since then have followed suit: loving for the sake of the person, not the experience; and I think that's the very very basic difference. Of course there's more to it…
You're very lucky to have found people you loved. That's a rare thing to get (in some to most cases).
It's too bad that where I live, I can't find one long lasting couple that actually loves each other. :(
hmm, I had a pretty contradictory high school experience. on the one hand, I was in all honors classes, and took five APs, and the lowest AP score I got was a 4; I did really well on the SATs (well… on verbal, at least!! XD). however, somehow I managed to get terrible grades!! I wasn't even in the top 20%!! I was in the top 100 though… so *whew*. I was just a really lazy student and I almost never did my work. I got C's all the time, and I got a D+ one semester in Algebra… *shivers* that was pretty bad.
my school didn't really have such cliques as you others have described. I did lots of stuff like Drama Club, the school newspaper (I was the illustrator! and copy editor), the art club, the spanish club, and the book club. through all these activities, I met a lot of people, from different "groups", or just solidified old friendships. I mean, believe it or not, but most of my friends hate anime… lots of us go tanning… and yet we (most of us… ok some of us) agree that Gerard Way just might be the awesomest guy ever.
high school itself was pretty good. well, my mom is really controlling and likes to imagine that I'm "rebellious", and since she taught at my school, I always had to be on my best behavior. I used to cut up my clothes and experiment with stuff, but my mom used to flip out at me about it.
so yeah, on the whole, high school was cool. not too many cliques, really (I just hung out with the intelligent kids.)
oh, but I really wasn't friends with many cheerleaders.
High school…
I had both my parents as teachers. I ate with my parents/teachers for most lunches. I did my homework. I didn't get invited to parties. I got almost all A's (one B because I snapped in 11th grade and refused to do worksheets that wanted me to "underline the predicate" – for God's sake it was 11th grade HONORS English…). Um, most people would have a conversation with me, but I didn't have a friend circle. I had a "fan" who would read the murder mysteries I was writing. Mostly, I just did my work, wrote/read stories and took cultural trips with my parents and/or school groups.
Everyone knew who I was (the two teacher parents accounted for some of that). I got called fat and ugly a lot. People mistook my guy friends for boyfriends half the time. I was called a lesbian once or twice – God only knows why… I had not a single female friend. My hair was really short, though… My second year, one girl threatened to kill me or beat me to a pulp on a regular basis – I never did learn why. Um, I was also voted princess of a school dance and voted most likely to succeed.
Goodbye high school. Rot in your hideous high school hell.
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