Pastel, it is the job of townies to observe everything in sight. Just cause it is a certain person, doesn't mean that a clue doesn't deserve a looking in to. Also "out of the blue" may be an idiom, but it isn't a very common one. It seems a bit out of place.
Actually, I see it a lot, so I would say it is common.
And I'm not mentioning it to save crocty or anything, but anyone else who might have a blue avatar.
I didn't mean to be insulting :/ but it really really seems like just a phrase monkey used to help in his narration. I don't think it should merit any stock.
"The attacker said sarcastically. “Suck it up you cry baby!â€" If he was saying that sarcastically, he wasn't serious. Which means the sucking clues has nothing to do with me. The only way I can see that being sarcastic, is if he was mocking him by immitating him. I never immitate people.
Every single time I implicate you or any of your friends, you're instantly on the attack, but there is no reason whatsoever to assume that certain phrases automatically can't be clues. It's a completely unfounded argument you keep making.
I'm open to arguments, it's fine and it can be constructive, but that one is nonsensical.
Whoah, wait. What clues are pointing to me? That one laziness clue? I don't really see how that makes me a definite suspect.
Okay, I'll give you that I'm a sadist, sarcastic twat, but clues aren't based on a person's personality…
Whatever do you mean?
"I'm one of those whiney annoying tossers who thinks everyone but them on the planet is a complete moron." "Okay I rearranged my top friends but then I realised that the way DD lets me arrange them is slow and then I got too lazy so I only have 8 friends for now. ):" "My list of stuff that does suck."
"I'm too lazy to chase you all over town." "Not a friendly medic." "Suck it up, crybaby!" The color blue. The behavior in the narrative - the sadism and the sarcasm - are both present in your profile. Such a personality is there, why shouldn't it be included?
Well, Ochi, if you're claiming the blue thing is a clue, then why would TFGM put another clue right next to it. The friendly medic is probably just a small red herring. He isn't saying "The person who is attacking me isn't friendly", he's saying "This isn't a paramedic. Also he just appaeared from that large area of blue."
The weird neon sign, and glowing sword have no connections with me, even though they were one of the biggest parts of the narrative.
Lazy clue, yeah, it's gonna be someone who mentions being lazy I guess.
-.- If I was actually good with clues I'd find who actually killed them. But I'm hopeless. And…You all seem kinda bent on lynching me…
Ochi makes a convincing argument. I think that Crocty is our most likely with in Inu in second. but then again, their are alot of avatars that have blue bgs or other major things that are blue. meh, i'll just what to see what others think.
Ochi makes a convincing argument. I think that Crocty is our most likely with in Inu in second.
What? So I have like 3 really obscure clues pointing to me, and Inu has two big ones, and that makes me the more likely suspect?
You people are So Zetta Slow…
dude chill, I'm gonna wait for a fresh perspective before I change my vote. So far it's been me, ochi, niccea, and a few others that have been mulling these clues over on the thread. I say we should get someone else's opinion on them and see what they think.
for a fresh perspective before I change my vote. So far it's been me, ochi, niccea, and a few others that have been mulling these clues over on the thread. I say we should get someone else's opinion on them and see what they think.
Slabs of Ham, Celery And Horseradish, Tons Of Asparagus.
…Oh god, my inner fanboy is stirring… Must…Fight…Urges to quote TW–AH I JUST DID IT AGAIN
I've was gone for a day, and I come back to see that everyone wants me lynched!!! I know that clues are against me, and I have no defence against the accusations, so I'm not even going to try. But if you lynch me, you'll kill an innacent townie!
The narrative says of the anime clue that it "wasn't important." If it's actually important, that's some damned misleading phrasing right there.
If an argument like "Crocty's PERSONALITY isn't in things HE WROTE, so personality can't possibly be included," why would a reference to the specific anime series Inuyasha's avatar is from be included? If anything, that's even MORE vague and indirect…
If you're actually innocent, obviously I don't want you to die, but rather than "This other person is more compelling because of _____," it's all "NOPE IT CANNOT BE CROCTY, DON'T EVEN START."
Why not? Why are others so much more compelling as to remove doubt?
Because she knows I'm innocent, and people will take any yoctogram of information they can get to accuse someone, perhaps?
There is no way to prove that someone is innocent except for verification by the detective. And we already used the detective to prove PP's innocence.
So yes, today we have to leap on any yoctogram of information we can find cause we have already blown through several suspects that logic dictates cannot be them.
Well, Ochi, look. If I was mafia, I wouldn't have made a hit. Clearly they'd decided to use the tactic that me and you have used before. If they were using that, why would I attack?
As you can see, I'm awful at defending myself, so why would I make my kill the only one there? I'd join the rest of the mafia and lay low, watching you all accuse anyone.
I'm just saying, I have no motivation to kill on the first night. Not only that, but I have no reason to kill Bocaj, you also know I'm not reckless enough to attack just anyone. There are a few clues that point to me, but I'm not that careless.
Salsa, whoa whoa! Stop right there! I am a unique original! crocty is just a pay imitator, a feeble mimic of my insane levels of bizzaro monkey business! Crocty WISHES he was half as bonkers as I am!
If this goes on any longer we will haveto have an "insane off"!
Salsa, whoa whoa! Stop right there! I am a unique original! crocty is just a pay imitator, a feeble mimic of my insane levels of bizzaro monkey business! Crocty WISHES he was half as bonkers as I am!
If this goes on any longer we will haveto have an "insane off"!
Crocty, sorry bud, but the sarcasm and sadism and the laziness are all in your profile and comic. Again, I would really like to have someone else's input on this.
@hark: I said a little, A LITTLE!!!! this means that he is just reminding me of you a bit.
Salsa, whoa whoa! Stop right there! I am a unique original! crocty is just a pay imitator, a feeble mimic of my insane levels of bizzaro monkey business! Crocty WISHES he was half as bonkers as I am!
If this goes on any longer we will haveto have an "insane off"!
an insane off aye? well then person to do the craziest thing is victorious *pulls out a notebook computer*.
Every single time I implicate you or any of your friends, you're instantly on the attack, but there is no reason whatsoever to assume that certain phrases automatically can't be clues. It's a completely unfounded argument you keep making.
I'm open to arguments, it's fine and it can be constructive, but that one is nonsensical.
Your so-called compelling argument is completely offensive.
I'm well aware that any reference or idiom can be a clue.
I made sure to point out that the reason I thought that idiom could be ignored was because 1) it's a very common phrase 2) it's meaning is directly related to "out of nowhere" and not specifically to a color and 3) it seemed fitting to emphasize the quick pace of the narrative and the chase scene.
It's extremely rude of you to attempt to belittle the points I'm making by insinuating I'm only attempting to blindly defend my friends, be they innocent or not.
I still think you're all missing the point. The fact that he said "Suck it up" sarcastically, doesn't make him a sarcastic person. He's mocking Bocaj for some reason. I just sarcastically insult people, I wouldn't sarcastically tell someone to suck their pain up. It's a pretty big clue, someone should look in to it.
Sorry to ask someone else to do it, but if I was good at these clues, I'd be finding out who really killed Bocaj right now.