Seriously. Why aren't you outside, buying lottery tickets or something?A) Because that would mean leaving the house
2) Because you have to be 18 to do that.
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No wonder you sleep 12 freaking hours a day. The only times I get over 9 hours are when i've stayed up 24+ hours.Buy up stock then. It is like the lottery.Oh gosh, that would require way too much work. D: No thank you.
No wonder you sleep 12 freaking hours a day. The only times I get over 9 hours are when i've stayed up 24+ hours.That was an exagerration.
EDIT: Can we plug ourselves for GM now? cuz if we can Vote Salsa For GM!!!
Buy up stock then. It is like the lottery.Oh gosh, that would require way too much work. D: No thank you.
plugWe're doing plugs now?
There's hardly a thing in this world that the addition of Yakety Sax wouldn't improve. Weddings, funerals, box socials, a single jar of pickles sitting on a counter in an abandoned farmhouse in the middle of the night…anything.What about…Paint drying!
In comparison to watching paint dry with no musical accompaniment, I'd have to say "probably an improvement!"
Dunno, though, paint drying kind of got a bum rap in the hierarchy of boring things. I mean, at least paint changes color when it dries. It's kinda neat. I've spoken with people who bored me more than paint drying ever did.
And I am sorry to be the one to break the news that Robot Chicken is terrible. It is a terrible show. Admittedly, that sketch is fine.
I mean, I'm automatically discrediting any notion that Crocty is mafia because it's just so dam unlikely. But I'm now developing the notion to spearhead a "lynch Crocty on the first day in every game" campaign because he receives a kill role in almost every frigging game and I just honestly think that it would be safer that way.
Niccea- Americans LOVE Benny Hill.
I mean people in Britain think he was funny and all, but Americans are crazy about the guy! I haven't heard anyone mention the guy in years over here, but that moving quickly thing still shows up constantly on American shows.
I guess it must have hit some kind of cultural resonance over there or something.
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