The game is about to begin. Please take your time to familiarize yourself with the roles. Some rules have been modified and reworked since the sign up thread was created so I recommend everyone to look over them again. No more modifications will now be made.
Each night, the monster will attack the town and turn some of them into monsters of same type. Those who are turned, will also gain the ability to turn others as well. The town will try to fight the exponentially growing monster population but at the same time, the monsters will be fighting each other. If a monster targets another monster of a different kind, they will fight to the death (please see the monster defense rules for further information).
Here's some music to get you guys in the mood.
Roles and goals.
Their goals.
The goal of the town will be to destroy all three monster races. Since they will be fighting an uphill battle from the start, they will have two arsenals to use.
Each night (apart from the first), the mayor will organize a lynch mob and go after a specific player. If the mayor is ever killed, the town will loose their lynch ability.
Working independently or with the town, Van Helsing and his team of hunters will strike from the darkness with hopes to kill the monsters menace.
The Roles
Mayor (1)
Pardoner (1)
Bodyguards (2)
Van Helsing: (1)
Monster Hunters: (up to 2)
Scary movie fans: (2)
Townie: (the rest of the players)
The Mayor is elected at the start of the game and has numerous roles. His special abilities are:
Seal of the Mayor: Increased vote count of 2 during lynching.
Desperate times, desperate measures: The Mayor can declare 2 double lynches anytime during the game When double lynches are in effect each player gets two votes on two different people. (The mayor must notify the GM during the night phase or early during the the day phase so voting can be arranged accordingly).
Did you ever know that you're my hero…: Cannot be killed during the night while his bodyguard(s) are alive.
Let's celebrate!: The Mayor has the option of insta-lynching one player by the end of Day 1 once he's won the election. No voting takes place. Whoever the Mayor picks, gets lynched. Take heed if you plan to use this ability since no clues have been given that could tell you who's a monster at that time.
As a check and balance to the Mayor, the pardoner is the runner up to the Mayor. The pardoner has the ability to cancel two lynches throughout the game. This could be two single lynches, one double lynch, half of a double and one single or whatever. The pardoner will have to notify me within one hour of lynch vote results before the lynch is actually posted. He is also unable to pardon on the insta-lynch. Pardoner shares the protection from the Bodyguards.
Two random townies will receive the role of bodyguards, once the mayor has been elected. The bodyguards cannot be monsters or special roles, they can only be regular townies. As long as the bodyguards are alive, they'll protect the Mayor and Pardoner from being killed. Normally the Mayor gets to know who the bodyguards are but in this game it will be kept a secret. When a bodyguard is turned by a monster, the town will be informed via narration.
Van Helsing
The famous monster hunter has arrived to this town. He will function as a mixture of the vigilante and the detective. During each day and night cycle, he's allowed to do one of the following:
I sense a taint of evil!: Van Helsing can check upon a player and determine if he's a monster or not. He can only do this 2 times. Note. This power can also identify the monster leaders.
Who dun it?:If a clue is left behind, Van Helsing can ask the GM if a specific someone was behind the attack.
Tonight we hunt: Wan Helsing can spend his night action hunting someone who he believes to be a monster and slay him. A clue is left behind after every kill. Note. Can only be used during night.
Help Wanted!: During the night, Van Helsing is allowed to recruit someone to become a monster hunter. He can only use this power twice. Can only be used at night.
Note: Only those who are not monsters can become a hunter. He can only recruit two times and if he tries to recruit a monster, the attempt is considered spent and wasted. In those situations he will kill the target instead.
Special: Van Helsing knows how to defend himself against monsters and will survive any attack made by an underling. He is however defenseless against an attack from one of the three monsters leader. Van Helsing is allowed to pick a defense against one of the three monster types to render himself immune to attacks from one of the leaders. If Van Helsing is successfully attacked, he will not be turned but will instead die.
Monster hunters
Monster Hunters are recruited by Van Helsing. He's allowed to recruit up to two players that he trusts (can only recruit once per night). Every night, the hunters can target and kill someone who they suspect are monsters. A clue is left behind after every kill. A monster hunter can't be turned and will die if attacked. The monster hunters are not as experienced as Van Helsing and thus can't kill the monster leaders.
Scary movie fan
Night of the living dead, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, An American Werewolf in London. These guys have seen them all and many more. They know what to do if one is to encounter these types of beasts. Every night they're allowed to either protect themselves or someone else for the night. If a monster attacks someone who's protected, he will survive the attempt and a clue will be left behind, pointing at the attacker. If more then one monster attacks a person that's being protected, only the first attack is canceled.
All the villagers (including all the special roles) will get to choose a defense against one of the monsters types at the beginning of the game.
These are:
A hunk of Garlic (against vampires),
A silver pendant (for werewolves) or
A insta-light torch (to scare away zombies).
Example: If a Vampire attacks a player with a hunk of garlic, the Vampire will run away and the player is not turned for the night. A clue will be left behind which can tell us who the monster is. The player is still vulnerable from attacks of the other two monster types. Once a defense has been picked, the player can't change it again.
Rule Update:
Once a player turns into a monster his defensive item is turned into a offensive weapon and is required to kill monsters of that type. Here's how the combat system will work.Monsters!
Vampire (with Wolf defense) vs Wolf (with Vampire defense) = both die.
Vampire (with Zombie defense) vs Wolf (with Vampire defense) = Wolf survives, Vampire dies.
Vampire (with Zombie defense) vs Wolf (with Zombie defense) = both survive.
1 Vampire (with Wolf defense) vs 2 Wolfs (both with Zombie defense) = 1 Wolf dies, 1 Wolf + Vampire survives
1 Vampire (with Wolf defense) vs 2 Wolfs (1 with Zombie defense and 1 with Vampire defense (or both with Vampire defense)) = 1 Wolf survives, 1 Wolf + Vampire dies
1 Vampire (with Zombie defense) vs 2 Wolfs (1 with Zombie defense and 1 with Vampire defense (or both with Vampire defense)) = Vampire dies, both Wolfs survive)
1 Vampire (with Zombie defense) vs 2 Wolfs (both with Zombie defense) = All survive
Monster Leaders can't be killed using this tactic. They also don't require these items to kill other monster minions. Only opposing Monster Leaders, Van Helsing or lynches can kill Monster Leaders.
Their goals.
Each of the monster races are fighting for supreme control of the town. If two of the monster races are dead and the town is no longer able to defeat the third one, the remaining monster race will win.
The roles.
The Nosferatu = vampire leader(1)
The Alfa male = werewolf leader(1)
The Ghoul = zombie leader(1)
All three monster leaders have these powers.
I wasn't turned yesterday: The monster leaders are stronger then their minions. If a monster leader attacks another monster or is attacked by one, he will survive while the other monster will die. He will not be named in the progress but a clue, that might reveal his identity will be left behind. A monster leader can only be killed via lynch, by Van Helsing or another Monster leader who attacks him.
Welcome to our fold: The monster leader can turn mortals to one of their own. Each night they can target a victim and attempt to turn him. Once that player is turned he will stay on that side until he's killed. Minions also gain the power to turn others as well. If a minion tries to turn another monster, they will initiate a fight to the death (see monster defense rule for more details).
If the leader goes we all go!: The lives of the minions are sustained by the magics of their sires. Should the leader of any of the monster races die, all of his underlings will die with him/her.
This game will run at a 48 hour cycle. Each day or night will take 24 hours in real time. Day-/Night-breaks occurs at 24:00 GMT. During those times, a narration will be posted by the GM, explaining what's transpired.
For those unfamiliar with the GMT system, I offer you a conversion table for you to study.

"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time that the GM gives (as long as he's using GMT, that is). For example, if the GM says that something will happen at 6 pm and your living in a -5 zone, it means that it will happen at 1 pm your time. If you live in a +5 zone, it means that it will happen at 11pm."
Also for those living in America, here's a handy time table to show you at what time you can expect the narrations.

At first, you can expect that nothing big will probably happen. My narration will state how many people were turned, during the night but will not specify who it was. Only when an attack fails or if someone dies, will there be a fancy pants narration complete with clues and everything. As the days progress and the numbers of monsters swell, you can expect things to get very lively.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer them.
1: Niccea the great deceiver. A Werewolf. Killed during night 2
2: TheFlyingGreenMonkey the everlasting pardoner. A scary movie fan, monster hunter and the pardoner as well. Survived
3: kitty17 a werewolf. Killed during night 3
4: crocty a townie. Killed during night 3.
5: InuYasha_Rules a townie. Survived
6: Exzachly a bodyguard. Survived
7: Sea_Cow a townie. Lynched during Day 3
8: waff-Man. A scary movie fan, monster hunter and the mayor. Died during the final act.
9: Aghammer a townie. Survived
10:gullas the impaler. A townie. Killed during night 3
11:herio a Vampire. Killed during night 2
12:rokulily Van Helsing Survived
13:therealtj a bodyguard Survived
14:harkovast the patron saint of finger pointing. A werewolf. Died during day 4.
15:GarBonzo Bean a vampire. Died during the final act.
16:Salsa The Vampire Leader. Died during the final act.
17:Ochitsukanai a vampire. Killed during night 3
18:KillerBob a townie. Killed during night 3
19:Anthony Mercer a townie. Survived
20:Naughtelos a townie. Survived
21:Avalon comics A Zombie. Died during Day 3
22:Hakoshen the Spartan. The Werewolf Leader. Lynched during Day 4
23:ozoneocean The zombie Leader. Lynched during Day 3
24:Renga Studio an innocent bystander. Survived
25:the2ndredbaron an innocent bystander. Survived
26:ParkerFarker an innocent bystander. Survived
27;Nuclear_Hand the townie that just came home from vacation. Survived