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Moonlight meanderer
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Why Hark! I'm shocked. I had no idea you knew what fetid means.

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The random way that ayes died could be a hint toward either the flying green monkey or even…Hark himself given the refrence to jackals and the whole hand that is a weapon thing.
I only say TFGM because a death like that seems to be something only a comedic comic maker/person *Cough Cough HARK and TGFM Cough* could make but I may be reading into this far to much

Posted at

Anyone else get the feeling the Hark secretly wants to GM another game?

Well last time I played in a game where Hark was GM'ing, I was the Dragon of Awesome who managed to kill people with rock'n roll (aka the vigilante role). Although I killed about 2-3 townies I killed most of the mafias and won… what was left of the game <.<
I was a space wizard badger with a scar.

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No more actions.

Narration up in an hour.

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Rokulily yawned as the night wore on. She had been busy baking the night before and the scent of cake hung about here like the cloud of sleepiness.

"Kinda silly to put the person who had been up all day on night patrol," she said in a singsong voice.

"Mmmmm, You smell like cake. Wonder if you taste like it too," mused a voice in the bushes beside her.

All they found of the baker was the cherry hair-clip she had worn.

Rokulily the Honor Guard grunt is done.

As Roku's killer walked away from the scene there was shout from The other set of bushes.

"Hi, I'm Bob, and I'll be making bacon today," the newcomer said.

"Two meals in one night, oh happy day!"

As the killer lunged forward "Bob" brought up his weapon and open fire.

Roku's killer got away.
"Well that was disappointing," said "Bob"


Elsewhere, the Bug Man sat in a dark room with the comforting glow of computer screens to light his face.

"Well, well, well. Let's see what my little kitties dragged in."

Turns out it was something juicy


On the edge of town Ochi walked around the Wreckage of an old cargo hauler. Unaware of the actions taking place within.

One of the draftees stood in the single pool of light in the refurnished cargo bay of one of the sections. All he could see was a the outline of a chair and a guitar standing in a corner.

"So, you want protection, huh?"


"Well, you're lucky. I can help you with that."

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Meanwhile, Ochi still walked around unaware of the two sets of eyes following her. Suddenly, a Mark 249 grenade sailed in a perfect arc aimed at the pack she wore.

The grenade never made it.

Instead it was batted out of the way by the courageous young medic who had followed Ochi.

"Curses!" shouted the Demolitions Expert


On the other edge of town, the tank driver and the other medic enjoyed a game of chess.

Night 1 is over
All Day watch personnel, report for Day 2.

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Lynch Vote

Mettaur (5): ahead
Anthony Mercer

I am 1337 Master (1):

ayesinback (1):

TheFlyingGreenMonkey (1):

seventy2 (2):

Spud on FIRE! (1):
I am 1337 Master

Posted at

Kinda surprised to see Monkey still alive.

Kinda sad to see Roku dead again so soon. :(

I'm gonna suggest that Gullas might be responsible for Roku's death on the grounds of cannibalism and that Ayes might be the Bug man since cats were mentioned. However, we're dealing with night 1 clues so it could mean anything.

Ochi, what do you got?

A Reaver
A Reaver
Posted at

Kinda surprised to see Monkey still alive.

Kinda sad to see Roku dead again so soon. :(

I'm gonna suggest that Gullas might be responsible for Roku's death on the grounds of cannibalism

Check the schlockinators role description.
I think it may be 1337 since the roku was singing.
1337 has a link to his youtube channel with his songs.
Cake however may be a clue although this is more than likely due to rokus baking.
Then again this could mean the second attempt by the demoman was 1337 due to the guitar part of that narrative.
Then again he could be completely uninvolved with either.

Posted at

Are you? Are you really?
Well, it's either that you're lying of being a paramedic, that the resistance decided to spare you tonight, in order to make us suspect you of being a criminal or that they thought that the other guys would take care of you.

All in all, I have to say that I'm quite surprised how rarely it seems to happen that people get attacked when they claim to be an important role.

I mean… check how long Hark lived after he started spouting about being a bodyguard in my last game.
Check the schlockinators role description.
Ah, there's the guy. I was wondering which role attacked her. I have to admit I thought about the possibility of it being 1337, since the last time he got a kill role, he went after her during night 1.

All in all though, since I noticed that somebody attacked Roku's attacker last night, thus chipping of one of his night lives, I would recommend that this attacker repeats his order the next night, in case we fail to discover the identity of our terrible killer of bakers.

Posted at

Since I didn't win I'm going to be a pain.

Yes I killed Rokulily, with good intentions.

In other words if I did kill Rokulily I would admit it.

However I did not kill Rokulily.

Or did I?

I don't think you guys will ever find out since you voted the mafia into office this game.

Oh and by the way CAKE is one of my favorite bands but I doubt I mention that on my profile.

And I was inactive all night if you looked at my login last before now, telling people that I actually am innocent and putting death to the doubts, but now that I have got on I have no evidence…shit…

So I'm going to claim to be mafia again and hope you retarded peoples (it's okay for me to use this word I think) kill me so I can have laughs.

Derp and goodnight.

Posted at

Are you? Are you really?
Well, it's either that you're lying of being a paramedic, that the resistance decided to spare you tonight, in order to make us suspect you of being a criminal or that they thought that the other guys would take care of you.

All in all, I have to say that I'm quite surprised how rarely it seems to happen that people get attacked when they claim to be an important role.
I was implying that as a resistance fighter you would know that none of you attacked me last night. Just want to make this clear early on that this is a reference to the sign up thread. I have no proof to my baseless accusations.

@1337: They shouldn't of elected mafia into office. They shouldn't of done that.

Posted at

Give 1337 what he wants, after all he asked for it

A Reaver
A Reaver
Posted at

Are you? Are you really?
Well, it's either that you're lying of being a paramedic, that the resistance decided to spare you tonight, in order to make us suspect you of being a criminal or that they thought that the other guys would take care of you.

All in all, I have to say that I'm quite surprised how rarely it seems to happen that people get attacked when they claim to be an important role.
I was implying that as a resistance fighter you would know that none of you attacked me last night. Just want to make this clear early on that this is a reference to the sign up thread. I have no proof to my baseless accusations.

@1337: They shouldn't of elected mafia into office. They shouldn't of done that.

Herp de derpy derp derp.
Quarter master.

Posted at

Give 1337 what he wants, after all he asked for it
Settle for what you get but first ask for the world.

Take it as an inspirational quote if you must but I found that inside a children's guide to modern fantasy and it was talking about world domination.

I'm kinda pissed I missed last night though. :[

Cause today when I die my role will have been useless.

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i think mettaur killed rokulilly as the Shlockinator. He has strawberry death cake as one of his "recommended comics" and that's pry the best clue to eating someone. is cake.

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The cannibalism in Roku's narrative indicates that the murderer is the Schlockinator, who always eats his victims. If we lynch him, he can kill someone arbitrarily as a result, so we shouldn't lynch Rokulily's murderer. He has to be attacked twice, during night cycles. Although it seems he was attacked once already! Both the townies and the mafia should want to kill someone with this kind of power. Attacking blindly, he's dangerous to everyone.

I'll die soon, so I'm going to openly say I think it's bffsatan because of this, as well as the fact that his avatar is surrounded by dark clouds (like clouds of sleepiness). I know last time I accused him, it was wrong. This time, however, I'm innocent!

As for mine. There is an M249, but as far as I can figure via research, it's an automatic weapon and not a grenade launcher. There's no Mark 249 grenade. Salsa knows weaponry, so this is the clue. I looked everywhere for iterations of this number; there was only one, and it was Crocty's.

It's different now, but I screenshotted before mentioning it to anyone else. People always give me shit when I accuse Crocty, but I'm usually right in these cases.

OH YEAH and I agree with produpla that ayesinback looks like a good candidate, although if it's cats, there's always Harkovast.

I haven't done the set of clues with the bacon and disappointment, but I'm so damn tired of looking everywhere for the number 249 that I'll do it later, aaaargh.

Posted at

i think mettaur killed rokulilly as the Shlockinator. He has strawberry death cake as one of his "recommended comics" and that's pry the best clue to eating someone. is cake.
A reason to kill the political rival that stole my office? I'll take it!

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All right. Going to sleep now.

Try not to lynch a townie while I'm away.

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"Ugh, my head…"

"Uh sir," *orderly hands the People's Recruiter Lieutenant a memo pad*

*Looks at pad, sees one guard dead*


"Damn. It's too damn early for this crap."

*Meanwhile My GM persona has been enjoying all the speculation*

Posted at


i don't want to lynch the schlockinator, i'm too scared to do anything now….

hmmmmm…so mettaur or bff satan….

Posted at

Elsewhere, the Bug Man sat in a dark room with the comforting glow of computer screens to light his face.

"Well, well, well. Let's see what my little kitties dragged in."

Okay, yes, I have a comic called "A Cat's Tale" (and it is rather charming if I say so myself), but I have to hope that I'm more than just a one note clue.
And yes, Hark's a cat. And yes, TFGM is a bunch of cats (kitties?) in a man's suit.

But what about this profile portion?
"I also have two cats, One is named Tabby (the serious quiet type, leave him alone and he respects you)and the other cat is a kitten, her name is Olive (also a loving creature, but like all cats needs time alone and doesn't want TOO much attention)."

sounds like kitties to me

Posted at

But am I the only one who's spotted this profile portion?
"I also have two cats, One is named Tabby (the serious quiet type, leave him alone and he respects you)and the other cat is a kitten, her name is Olive (also a loving creature, but like all cats needs time alone and doesn't want TOO much attention)."sounds like kitties to me

You're laying down some pretty heavy evidence dude,then again if any of the accusers are attacked it will immediattelly draw attention to the person accused,but what if the attacker is someone else drawing attention away from themselves by killing the accuse* of another?Then we may get lucky and kill a mafia or resistance member or whatever,or we may have taken a foolish risk and linched an innocent that was on our side and it's hard not too.

Also whoever dies tonight so the killer can draw attention away,take pride in knowing it was because of me

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Moonlight meanderer

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