Ok guys. I think we can all agree that Rokulily deserves a title by now.
I'm thinking of something along with "adorable" for all those cute pictures.
Niccea once suggested "mvp" (meaning most valuable player) since she was so good at drawing out narrations.
Any suggestions?
Oh, I completely agree about giving her a title! However, THERE AREN'T WORDS TO DISCRIBE HER PICTURES!!! How about: Roku, Right hand an of artistic angel! :p Ok, it's a bit long, but something along those lines!
If we can't decide on a title now, it's not the end of the world. There had been casual talks about giving me a title for 5-6 games before I finally got one.
Rokulily the artist Rokulily the cute Rokulily kill you with cuteness Rokulily the cuteist(cute + artist) Rokulily Cute but Deadly Rokulily the drawwing addict Rokulily the cute spammer Rokulily Mass producer of cute
"This is the song that doesn't end, Yes, it goes on and on, my friend."
"For the love of god! Please shut up!"
Harkovast was on the brink of insanity ever since a family of singing mice moved into the walls of his house. Well… he was becoming even more insane. There is a knock on the door. "Exterminator! I'm here to take care of your problems" said a voice on the other side. "Oh thank you so much for coming" said Hark as he opened the door. A shot gun blast to his abdomen quickly sent Hark to the great beyond where no singing mice existed. "Always happy to help" said the exterminator before scurrying off into the night.
[spoiler]Harkovast the Detective and the Bodyguard is dead…. again![/spoiler]
Finally after all this time, GarBonzo was on the trail of those who were responsible for her death. She was standing outside the house where Salsa's rampage had been stopped. The manor of which the berserker had been defeated suggested that extreme individuals resided in there. As she stood by the door to knock, she noticed that it was ajar. Carefully, the vigilante opened it up and snuck in, trying to make as little sound as possible. Inside was dark and GarBonzo heard no sounds apart from her own heartbeat, rushing with excitement. Suddenly there was a loud creek as a door leading to the basement nudged itself to a closed position. Curious the heroine moved to the door to peek through. A firm hand pushed her down the stairs, causing her to momentarily lose consciousness. "Waky waky, sleeping beauty" said the figure in the dark while moving a scalpel across her forehead. The pain shocked her into a coherent state and she noticed the two smiling figures snickering in front of her. "This is a big surprise, brother." "Indeed it is, brother." "For the first time, we get to kill the same person twice." "I can't wait to try." "We must not waste this opportunity, brother." "We must not."
GarBonzo's face was white with fear as the memories from that faithful night rushed back. The things they did to her. The tools they used. It was all going to happen again. An ending I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.
[spoiler]GarBonzo Bean the Vigilante is still alive.[/spoiler]
"The way you apply pressure to that surgical tool is atrocious." remarked the person behind them. "Let me show you how it's done." Startled, the twins turn around only to be shanked in their sides by someone who's dual wielding two scalpels. As the twins collapse to the ground the doctor turns his attention on GarBonzo. "Well it looks like I'm going to have fun tonight with three test subjects." says the ripper with a horrid smile. A groan causes him to turn around to see that the twins are standing up again. They're tougher then they look and the element of surprise is no longer present. "Sigh. I'm gonna regret this later but I guess we need to team up." continued jack and cut the restraints holding GarBonzo in place.
[spoiler]The Twins are still alive.[/spoiler]
Jack faced the armed twin and the two duked it out in a scalpel knife fight while the Vigilante took on the remaining sibling. Swinging their deadly tools around the two serial killers kept enough distance from each other, while constantly searching for an opening to go for the kill. The two killers knew exactly where to strike for a fatal blow as they studied each others bodies. One may have a PhD in medicine and anatomy but the other one had the exact same training through home study. The state of the basement was enough proof of that fact. The advantage was on Jacks side though since his opponent was already critically wounded. "I'm going to cut off your face and eat your chins!" proclaimed the twin as he moved in for a strike.
GarBonzo's head was slammed on the table causing the various organs lying there to jump. A large jar of surgeons tools lying in sanitation liquid flew off and smashed on the ground, spreading its contents across the floor. When the twin pushed down on her face, the Vigilante managed to jab him in his wound with her elbow. The shock allowed her to gain control and punch the criminal to the ground. GarBonzo could feel her face getting wet and the taste of iron touched her lip. The blow had opened up the wound across her face and blood now clouded her vision.
[spoiler]GarBonzo is going to need a plastic surgeon after this fight.
…. provided that she survives.[/spoiler]
The twin on the floor grabbed onto a bonesaw that had been lying in alcohol moments ago and stood up again with the purpose of dismembering the vigilante. With one hand over her forehead GarBonzo barely noticed the twin but managed to grab around the hand with the deadly weapon. The two struggled for a moment before GarBonzo kneed him in his wound again. "Stop hitting me there." Screamed the twin while the vigilante pried the saw from his hand. "You don't have the luxury of asking me anything!" argued GarBonzo and sunk the saw into the wound.
When these blades were forged, it was intended that their wielders would preserve life and do no harm. Ever since they found themselves in these current hands, their purpose had been perverted to the opposite spectrum. Jacks knifes had tasted blood tonight and the twin wanted the same for his own. Jack receive a cut on his side but it was only superficial. "Enough of this." growled Jack angrily and pushed a table to the side causing more alcohol bottles to smash and jumped over the mess. "I will not allow you to walk out of this house alive" screamed the twin after Jack. "You will have to catch me first" replied the doctor while turning on a lamp besides him and smashing it into the flammable puddle. A burning wall quickly erupted separating jack, from the others. Realizing what had just happened, GarBonzo jumped through the flames that barred the only exit from the room. She rushed after phony paramedic but Jack was nowhere to be seen.
The fire circled the two figures sitting on the floor. Taking great care Randomdudeperson removed the blade from his mortally wounded brother. ParkerFarker looked to Random with a puzzled look. "Brother. Are we going to die?" "Yes, I believe we are." "That's a shame. There was so much more we wanted to do." "I agree, brother. There was so much more." said Random as he held his brother tight in his arms. The burning tongues devoured them with their remorseless hunger.
[spoiler]Randomdudeperson and ParkerFarker the Twins are dead.[/spoiler]
The Mad Scientist was working on his latest experiment when a figure walked into his lab. The uninvited guest sat down on his examining table and demanded a treatment. "Doc, I'm hurt. Is there something you can do to help me?" "Uhm… I don't know." Said the scientist as he looked over his various shelves. "Here. Take two off these." Gulping down the pills the subject heads of home for a rest. The changes in his body would have interesting consequences.
This power has been granted to one of the villagers in Townston: [spoiler]Unusually high blood pressure: You're essentially a walking bomb. If anyone targets you with the intent to kill you, you will explode, taking out the attacker with you.[/spoiler]
Meanwhile the flasher was on the prowl again. He figured he'd make a house call this time. The surprise in the eyes of the one who'd open the door would be priceless. As he walked to the house he roaring flames barred him entry. "Hmm.. right. I think these guys have enough problems to be worrying about me." Said the flasher and walked off.
so, anyone know a good plastic surgeon? ha, my hunch about Parker was right! I should have known that Parker would go after me….the classic monkey gets banana, well who got who now? *sticks out tongue*
GarBonzo Bean and Jack the Ripper managed to send a kill request to each of the twins but the twins both sent a kill request to kill GarBonzo.
However since both GarBonzo and Jack managed to send in both of their requests before the twins managed to confirm their targets, the victory torch was passed over to the vigilante/serial killer combo.