Who's this handsome bugger?
Well? Who is it?
Enjoy your primary school and your single digit age.
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Who's this handsome bugger?
Well? Who is it?
Speaking of wranglin' animals–here's me rescuing a bull snake off the road in Kansas so he wouldn't get squooshed…
I've found my Hippie glasses earlier today! You see I've lost them a few years ago and…let's just say I got lazy and thought they'd turn up eventually. Also i'd got a haircut and I thought it made me look kinda 'Beetle-ish'.
Curious, very curious!
Ooo, I love what you can do to photo's in photoshop! kissy kissy!
This one sort of reminds me of The Joker!
I've been going through quite a few of these pages and I've gotta say…You guys are sexpots. :D
…I have an inability to smile for the camera, hence the sinister look. D: It's such a mean little thing. I wish I had waited, cuz' I've pimped out my hair since then. But that background set takes forever to set up, and taking pictures of myself makes my feel acutely uncomfortable and adolescent. xD
I based my avi-thingamabob off this pic. Did I do a good representation? :3
I skipped to the end to post this, but I promise. I will loook at all of you!!!!! I love to see what everyone looks like, this was a good Idea, otherwise I wouldnt ever have done this.
Heres one of me (some white dot on my hair????) Glad to see there are several military people here, but I like hanging out with civilians more (no offense) I just feel normal around civilians.
and then theres one of a convoy I got from work. I never been to Iraq but I will go in 3-4 months, "Thanks for the support guys, it means a lot!"
Oh, I drive the fuel trucks, its basicaly a bomb on wheels, and I get to drive it through Iraq (Sound fun?)
PQ me I dont care who does it and why. I just love hearing from you guys. I love this site!
WOAH Rampallion~!! you're like…MADE of fuchsia XD
well lets see now~
me in my big ol white jacket thing. It's too damn cold around here XP
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