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Moonlight meanderer
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tell her to shut up.
This, she'll keep doing what she's doing unless you give her a slap on the wrist.

I'd rage if i lived next to someone and they had the nerve to blast rap at midnight, you should sneak into her house and dribble male goat pheromones(horrid unwashable smell that) all over her furniture.


Posted at

I lived in a dorm with ghetto trash who absolutely had to crank their music up all night. Going next door and telling them to shut up like a dickhead is a super way to get your ass kicked.

File a noise complaint and be civil about it. If you start crap with them, no one is going to take your side when things get ugly.

And I'm assuming it would if they have a domination complex that requires them to get in your face over smashing cans. Sounds pretty unbalanced to me.

EDIT: So this is interesting. AU cant get Left4Dead2 because "oh no blood and guts!", but its perfectly acceptable to have a comedy act involving five white guys in black face mimicking the Jackson Five.

Totally reasonable.

Posted at

-.- We complained a couple of times before and she had stopped, but she started up again. Our apartment complex has a three complaints, you are out policy. But it restarts with the month. I was too tired to complain last night, but if goes on again, I might have to call the police officer that is on call during the night.

Posted at

-.- We complained a couple of times before and she had stopped, but she started up again. Our apartment complex has a three complaints, you are out policy. But it restarts with the month. I was too tired to complain last night, but if goes on again, I might have to call the police officer that is on call during the night.

Calling the police is usually a good idea. Especially when the tenants of that room have a tendence to become hostile if you try to tell them to quiet down by yourself. You can also complain to whoever manages that apartment complex you're in. I myself am sometimes expected to handle that kind of thing by myself, but I always call for some kind of backup. I don't want what happened to me back in July of 2005 to happen again (though the reason for that incident was because of some nonresidents invading the swimming pool and not being happy about being kicked out). x_x

Posted at

EDIT: So this is interesting. AU cant get Left4Dead2 because "oh no blood and guts!", but its perfectly acceptable to have a comedy act involving five white guys in black face mimicking the Jackson Five.
I don't get it either.
One thing about that act- this is a different country; it didn't really have black minstrel shows or import slaves from Africa. Not the same history or legacy, even if the people speak the same language and both have a somewhat shared history of prison colony roots.

That said, it was F***ken moronic on a moronic show that should never have been broadcast. That show sucked when it was FIRST on and was always full of racist jokes about Asians and mean stuff about gays etc. No redeeming features.

Posted at

What a terrible day. Lost the tennis championships because of some stupid drama that I wasn't aware was going on between varsitya and JV. Now they want to make the team smaller for next year and unless I get better, I don't know if I have a place on that team. The worst part is that they don't even care. They're too busy crying and storming off like a bunch of 4 year olds.

Remind me to never get good at sports. It makes you a fat head.

Posted at

I need more help with homework. Show your work.

1. x^2 = -4

2. x^2 + 1 = 2x

3. x^3 + 3x^2 + 3x + 1 = 0

4. 6x^2 + 13x - 5 = 0

Posted at

1. (square root)(x² ) = (square root)-4
x = 2i

2. x² - 2x + 1 = 0
(x - 1)² = 0
x - 1 = 0
x = 0

3. x³ + 3x² + 3x + 1 = 0
no idea??
4. 6x² + 13x - 5 = 0
(3x - 1) (2x + 5) = 0
x = 1/3, -5/2

now I feel smart
kind of

Posted at

3. x^3 + 3x^2 + 3x + 1 = 0
Written out in a^3b^0+3a^2b^1+3a^1b^2+a^0b^3 it looks like this
x^3(1^0) + 3x^2(1^1) + 3x^1(1^2) + (x^0)1^3 = 0
x= -1

Posted at

I love graffiti artists. I hate vandalism. I know it sounds paradoxical and rather inane, but hear my tale.

Monday this week, I noticed a pretty cool stencil art piece on my bus ride home. It was obviously done by a talented person, but I didn't see it up close. I considered it to be a work of Banksy, but it probably wasn't. I still don't know. :/

On Tuesday I saw a few people taking photos of the work, so I guess it was pretty important.

On Wednesday on my bus ride, a woman asked the bus driver something. I didn't pay attention, but I did pick out 'Banksy' and she got off the same stop that I did, which was the bus stop nearest to the stencil. So I decided to take a picture of it today.

On Thursday, some idiotic chavs to did not appreciate good work when they saw it spray painted all over the piece, which seriously pissed me off. Furthermore, as I walking home, I saw another bastard just callously tagged a power box with no remorse. I didn't do anything though, since I knew that I probably would get beaten up by him.

Today I took a few photos.

The stencil itself was quite witty. A man in front of some bright red jumbled up words reading instructions next to a box that reads

Large graffiti sloagan
(some assembly required)

The vandal's works? Illegible and it seems that they're claiming that their graffiti was real graffiti. I'm pretty much raging right now. I need to get out of this crappy chav filled town as soon as possible.

Posted at

EDIT: So this is interesting. AU cant get Left4Dead2 because "oh no blood and guts!", but its perfectly acceptable to have a comedy act involving five white guys in black face mimicking the Jackson Five.
I don't get it either.
One thing about that act- this is a different country; it didn't really have black minstrel shows or import slaves from Africa. Not the same history or legacy, even if the people speak the same language and both have a somewhat shared history of prison colony roots.

That said, it was F***ken moronic on a moronic show that should never have been broadcast. That show sucked when it was FIRST on and was always full of racist jokes about Asians and mean stuff about gays etc. No redeeming features.

Wait, black face is out of fashion? When did that happen?!

Harry wouldn't have complained if they were mimicking aboriginals.

Posted at

On Thursday, some idiotic chavs to did not appreciate good work when they saw it spray painted all over the piece, which seriously pissed me off.

That really one the things I love most about graffiti. It doesn't matter how important or clever the artist thinks he is, he's only worth as much as the next idiot with a can of spray paint. You could write the secret to true happiness on a wall and the next day find it covered by a MacDonalds poster or 'JONY HARTS BIG COCKS'.

Posted at

I love graffiti artists. I hate vandalism. I know it sounds paradoxical and rather inane, but hear my tale…
That really irritates me. Street art can be so cool, it makes me really pissed that people did this. Seriously, why are they doing graffitti if not for art? Are they just trying to be dicks or rebelious for the sake of being cool??

Posted at

I love graffiti artists. I hate vandalism. I know it sounds paradoxical and rather inane, but hear my tale…
That really irritates me. Street art can be so cool, it makes me really pissed that people did this. Seriously, why are they doing graffitti if not for art? Are they just trying to be dicks or rebelious for the sake of being cool??

Maybe just being gang bangers, though I don't see any obvious gang symbols (though red paint could be enough)

Why do people always call when I'm sleeping? I work a midnight shift; please respect the dead.

Posted at

I hate dozing off at work. I get brief nightmares sometimes. Like last night… the daughter of a famous recently deceased Australian animal conservationist was kidnapped by a certain animal rights activist group and brainwashed so she would spread their message instead of the message her father put out. x_x

Or a recently deceased really famous pop artist suddenly haunting my house. It wasn't the ghost that scared me… it was all the fans that would pack into my house just to be close to him… X_X

Gotta love McDonald's Monopoly promotions. I'm sure people in Conus as well as Hawaii and Alaska have won these, but no one on this island ever wins… I sometimes think they refuse to send the major winning pieces here. I guess I should just be satisfied with the free coffee and muffins I get. :(

Posted at

I love graffiti artists. I hate vandalism. I know it sounds paradoxical and rather inane, but hear my tale…
That really irritates me. Street art can be so cool, it makes me really pissed that people did this. Seriously, why are they doing graffitti if not for art? Are they just trying to be dicks or rebelious for the sake of being cool??

Maybe just being gang bangers, though I don't see any obvious gang symbols (though red paint could be enough)

There's a guy(or, more likely, a bunch of guys) who spray paint "PEAR" all around the city. It's pretty much everywhere, and it's not done in a pretty way or anything.
I don't think there really is a point. Just something to do, I suppose.

Posted at

Saw something about this over at Juxtapoz. According to Graffoto blog there's no "official" confirmation that it's Banksy but everyone is assuming it is.

It sucks what those vandals did to it.

Posted at

The stencil itself was quite witty. A man in front of some bright red jumbled up words reading instructions next to a box that reads

Large graffiti sloagan
(some assembly required)

The vandal's works? Illegible and it seems that they're claiming that their graffiti was real graffiti. I'm pretty much raging right now. I need to get out of this crappy chav filled town as soon as possible.

Yep. That's a Banksy.

There's a big distinction between graffiti and street art. graffiti culture is about getting your name up and becoming a big name. That might mean "most wanted" status, hard-to-reach places, or something like in this case, doing something that is guaranteed to cause trouble. Gang graffiti is only something like 10% of all graffiti out there. So 99% chance this isn't gang-related ( Does Britain even have gangs like we do here? ). A lot of writers look down on street art for various reasons, though in my experience it's usually because they don't think it's "hardcore" enough. So to a lot of them, Banksy and the like are kind of like the worst of toys. They don't belong.

Street art on the other hand is done for more varied reasons, it can be about politics, beauty, interacting with the public, or 15,000 other reasons. But almost universally, street art has a message, whether it's deep or really basic and to the point. It's also a bit more varied in it's techniques. Street art is usually done by more "upper-class" artists who started in the galleries and art schools.

Street art is gaining legitimacy in the art world, as is graffiti, but you're always going to have a few assholes who need to burn other people's stuff, just because they don't like it. We had a problem here recently where the local arts council got some sculptures on loan from galleries to put on the street, and some toy walked by with slap tags and put stickers all over $10,000 pieces of sculpture just because he didn't like modernist art. Chances are good, some of the older writers will catch him and probably start painting over everything he does to deny him the publicity he wants. That's how they handle stuff like that usually.

edit: One of those tags looks really similar… I'll have to look on my way home, but it looks almost line for line like a copy of a tag here. In which case that's a seriously weird coincidence, but I might ask about it anyway.

Posted at


But that's all a lot of bullshit, isn't it?

If you're really trying to make a statement about beauty and politics or any other kind of message, there are art galleries and websites for you to put it. If an artist paints something on the wall, neither the artist nor anyone else has a right to complain when it gets painted over or washed off.

Because the street doesn't give a fuck about your art. It's really just so much paint on a wall, and it won't sheepishly apologise when it lets your art get painted over. Tough luck try again, that's all you get.

And that is why it's so wonderful. There's nothing superficial or false about it, we already know a graffiti artist isn't trying to make money, but it goes deeper than that. If someone paints on a wall where they KNOW their work is going to be destroyed, then it shows true dedication to art for the sake of art. No money, no recognition, just a painting you can barely see under the scribblings of whoever this 'BAZ' person is.

It also breeds creativity, or persistence at the very least (both very admirable qualities). You can't paint something once and ride it to fame and fortune like you can with other forms of art. Your work is constantly being annihilated. You have to keep going, keep creating, or burn out completely. The additions others make to a painting could strengthen, or even completely change the interpretation of the painting.

Graffiti is a seething pot of creation, destruction, reinvention and rebirth and THAT is why graffiti is great. Not because someone pansy art student hid a clever message on a wall somewhere. There is no distinction between 'street art' and graffiti except that the former sounds a lot more pretentious. There is only graffiti, and all of it, from the crudest of tags to the most beautiful Banksy, is of completely equal value no matter how much you whine or argue.

Posted at

But that's all a lot of bullshit, isn't it?

If you're really trying to make a statement about beauty and politics or any other kind of message, there are art galleries and websites for you to put it. If an artist paints something on the wall, neither the artist nor anyone else has a right to complain when it gets painted over or washed off.

Because the street doesn't give a fuck about your art. It's really just so much paint on a wall, and it won't sheepishly apologise when it lets your art get painted over. Tough luck try again, that's all you get.

And that is why it's so wonderful. There's nothing superficial or false about it, we already know a graffiti artist isn't trying to make money, but it goes deeper than that. If someone paints on a wall where they KNOW their work is going to be destroyed, then it shows true dedication to art for the sake of art. No money, no recognition, just a painting you can barely see under the scribblings of whoever this 'BAZ' person is.

It also breeds creativity, or persistence at the very least (both very admirable qualities). You can't paint something once and ride it to fame and fortune like you can with other forms of art. Your work is constantly being annihilated. You have to keep going, keep creating, or burn out completely. The additions others make to a painting could strengthen, or even completely change the interpretation of the painting.

Graffiti is a seething pot of creation, destruction, reinvention and rebirth and THAT is why graffiti is great. Not because someone pansy art student hid a clever message on a wall somewhere. There is no distinction between 'street art' and graffiti except that the former sounds a lot more pretentious. There is only graffiti, and all of it, from the crudest of tags to the most beautiful Banksy, is of completely equal value no matter how much you whine or argue.

I'd agree with every bit of that. I personally have no problem with Banksy being burned. And I'd bet he doesn't give a shit either. A lot of people don't like Banksy because they feel like he's gone commercial, like it is for money now that people are taking those paintings he makes and preserving or selling them. The location you make your work can be a part of the statement you make, there is no doubt of that, and commercialism could even be a part of that statement if you make it. Street art is a term that's just come to encompass the things that the traditional name of graffiti can't quite describe, like sculpture.

In the long run, it's really more of a larger movement that graffiti is part of, than a separate art style. They're one and the same thing, but a lot of people make the distinction and I was trying to point that out, however poorly I did it. Street art is more pretentious, but at the same time, it's also a way to admit that you're not in it for the same reasons as a writer is. Just like you said why it's great, it's also complex in the way people talk about it and treat their role in it. The only difference though between what you call yourself is your reason for doing it. In the end, it's all still the same thing. It's public vandalism becoming art.

Posted at

Well, I have a skype now. Through skype, I also learned that the boy I have a crush on has a secret girlfriend… and that his friend from Oregon is totally creeping on me now, via skype AND facebook.

Why do men have to live 700+ miles away to appreciate me? |:[

Posted at

I love graffiti artists. I hate vandalism. I know it sounds paradoxical and rather inane, but hear my tale.

Monday this week, I noticed a pretty cool stencil art piece on my bus ride home. It was obviously done by a talented person, but I didn't see it up close. I considered it to be a work of Banksy, but it probably wasn't. I still don't know. :/

On Tuesday I saw a few people taking photos of the work, so I guess it was pretty important.

On Wednesday on my bus ride, a woman asked the bus driver something. I didn't pay attention, but I did pick out 'Banksy' and she got off the same stop that I did, which was the bus stop nearest to the stencil. So I decided to take a picture of it today.

On Thursday, some idiotic chavs to did not appreciate good work when they saw it spray painted all over the piece, which seriously pissed me off. Furthermore, as I walking home, I saw another bastard just callously tagged a power box with no remorse. I didn't do anything though, since I knew that I probably would get beaten up by him.
One reason I admire street art is because I feel that in order to keep doing it you have to sort of take on the mindset that art is temporary because you might do something awesome but it's probably going to either be painted over by some crappy tag or a cleanup crew. it's a real bummer that street artists have to deal with that but it's cool that they can just move on and keep doing their thing.

Posted at

@Graffiti/street art stuff.

It looks to me as if only the silver tagging is a problem. The original art seems to have incorporated some red "fake" grafitti as part of it already and the rest of the apparently real red graffiti largely respects the original design by mostly drawing around it. If anything, the red graffiti all compliments the overall design nicely. Almost hard to believe it's not part of the same work.

The silver stuff is a little banal… But at least it also sort of fits in with the thing, if you read the sign on the box. :)


Working hard on comic stuff…

Yesterday there was a whether beaten lady of about 50 or so on the train. Big, tall, stocky build, wearing a white T-shirt and shorts, white running shoes and socks. Wheat coloured hair plated down her back in a thick braid.
She had hairy legs and a great big black retriever puppy lying down by them. The puppy had a jacket on saying something about a puppy breeder's association. It was very well behaved, but at one point it got up to vomit… She calmly put a little bag to its face and the puppy dutifully hurked up into it.

Very strange to see something like that on the train here. And I never knew that such stereotype "dog ladies" actually existed o_O
I suppose stereotypes have to be based on something.

Yesterday I was having some coffee chocolate stuff. The powdery stuff in the jar smelled so nice; salty and chocolatey. So I took a teaspoon full, dipped it my the cup and then stuck it in my mouth…
It was the most horrible thing I have ever tasted ! I wanted to spit out my teeth! I literally wanted to do that. It was actually painfully revolting, it was hard to stop myself vomiting. I had to rush outside with my mouth clamped shut so I could spit it all out and avoid doing so inside…I wanted to turn my mouth inside out and hose it off! The idea of that stuff still makes me sick just thinking about it.

It really did hurt where it touched in a weird way. It was like the inside of my mouth rejected it and couldn't bear the proximity…

Posted at

I need more help with homework. Show your work.

1. x^2 - 6x + 9 = 0

2. x^2 + 10x + 16 = 0

3. 3x^2 - 15x - 42 = 0

4. x^2 + x + 1 = 0

5. x^3 + 2x^2 - 15x = 0

6. 4x^2 - 9x + 28 = 0

7. 100x^2 - 2500 = 0

Posted at

Dog hurling and coffee
I wish my cat could be like that with her hairballs, i usually haul her to the catbox since i never have any baggies or paper towels within those 45 seconds of her first hurk to the inevitable projectile of hair, phlegm and god knows what else.

Also i thought you had to use a machine to make coffee and not just mix it in? Or was it instant stuff?

Speaking my cat she just caught one of those cool moths with the fluffy antennas out of the air. This is the first time i've felt bad for a moth she was torturing though, i put it outside but it's probably too late ._.

Things are coming along for my old comic but my style isn't quite matching up yet (too cartoony) I guess that could work since it's a flashback page but hopefully i'll get back into the groove.

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Moonlight meanderer

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