i have made the switch. IE7 has been crashing on me lately. i told it that i loved it, that i didn't want to make the switch. but. but i had no other choice. i couldn't continue living like this. so i'm now a chrome user. and since then. well, i really can't give you first impressions, since we've only spent 20 minutes together ;) if ya know what i'm saying.
i found a bug, if you're using chrome, please go check the extermination station.
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DD Comics!
The 2009 Rant, Vent, and Share thread
So i was taking this fun little test here and got all them right except 4 and 3, which i thought 3 was a little unfair since:
#4, Divide 30 by half and add ten. What do you get?
#3, I went to bed at eight 8 'clock in the evening and wound up my clock and set the alarm to sound at nine 9 'clock in the morning. How many hours sleep would I get before being awoken by the alarm?
#4, 70. Dividing by half is the same as multiplying by 2.
#3, 1 hour. It is a wind up alarm clock which cannot discriminate between a.m. and p.m.
4: i put 25, i just don't get math
3: found it unfair since you've got to be familiar with cheap wind-up alarm clocks (i have a wind-up 1 hour egg timer that i've set over the hour mark without the problem)
EDIT:wait a minute i just got it =_= gahhh i suckkk jesus christ. in my defense i assumed a wound up clock wound go all the way through the course.
Ah, well. #6 is clever though, if all the other answers hadn't been quirky i'd have just put 'candle'. Also I kind of lol'd some of these were on an mba test, i can just imagine some 6'4" guy putting down '2' for "How many animals of each species did Moses take with him in the Ark?"
#3, I went to bed at eight 8 'clock in the evening and wound up my clock and set the alarm to sound at nine 9 'clock in the morning. How many hours sleep would I get before being awoken by the alarm?Yeah, I guessed 13 hours ^^ - I have never owned a wind-up clock
#3, 1 hour. It is a wind up alarm clock which cannot discriminate between a.m. and p.m.
I love quiz's with somewhat awkward answers you didn't see coming
I recently found this one:
1. How do you put an elephant in your refrigerator?
2. How do you put a giraffe in your refrigerator?
3. There is an animal conference going on in the jungle, which animal does not attend?
4. You are faced with the problem of crossing an alligator invested river, how do you get across?
1. Open the fridge and put the elephant inside
2. Remove the elephant and place the giraffe inside
3. The giraffe did not attend seeing as it is still in the fridge
4. The answers simple, swim across seeing as all the animals are at a conference
All fun ^^
So I found this DA account right? And it's been up for all of two days now, and look at the drama it's already started. A couple hundred pageviews, 40 or so butthurt comments, and a lot of B'aaawwwing. I didn't think that someone could cause so much angst with just a few clicks of a button and faving crappy art posts. And this guy is one of the smaller accounts like it.
It's kind of insane how quickly people get defensive online about the simplest of things. I mean, I thought I knew but holy crap I guess I didn't.
So I found this DA account right?link?
DA has a greater than normal share of young emo teens so it's not surprising. It's the site that Gia most people go to when they're not on Gia… or Myspace, or doing their video diaries on Youtube :)
Not that Gia is bad, or that all DA people are emo teens.
My fave record shop has been cut in half and they stuck a cafe on the front. o_O
While walking there I saw a big ugly frowny-faced man with a T-shirt with a slogan on the front.
(crude image of a flaccid penis)
Considering the size of the average horse dick, he can't have been much of a man.
is it already a quarter to ten? i gotta drag my body from this bed again….It's 10 past 8 in the evening here. Go back to bed. :)
i wish. i have dreams, dreams require work. and not getting in trouble at work. both require waking up.
also that's a quote from a song. it was actually 5:33am. but that's how i felt.
So I found this DA account right?link?
DA has a greater than normal share of young emo teens so it's not surprising. It's the site that Gia most people go to when they're not on Gia… or Myspace, or doing their video diaries on Youtube :)
Not that Gia is bad, or that all DA people are emo teens.
Didn't think I was allowed to post the link. but here: http://failcollective.deviantart.com/
I looked at a lot of his comments on people's work, and for the most part it all seems pretty fair to me. Kind of blunt and maybe a little too honest, but nothing I'd be horribly offended by.
Edit: There's a bunch of people on the comments saying "enjoy your ban", but I don't see the account being banned. Wonder what that's about.
I nearly died laughing reading the first 8 pages of this thread, and then it slowly became
well cept maybe this
"a bunch of gay guys told me i looked gorgeous tonight so im pretty psyched. they are obviously the best judge of hotness!
@aleximelvin, Absolutely! Especially when you have man features…
Ahhh, i need a life =_=
I swear, the only time I wanna visit horrible distruction upon my cat is when she wakes me up a four in the mornin…just like she did this mornin'. Oh, I'm not gonna actually do it, poor thing's so old, I expect her to die any day now, but dammit this is getting frustrating. I never could fall asleep easily, even if I'm bone weary, much less when I'm aggrivated, so it seems to be an exercise in futility at this point.
I went back to checking out comics from the random section on the front page again, and rating whatever i found for good or ill. Helps one appreciate when you find a good comic.
Anyways, i came back today and found sockpuppets trying to troll me for not 5'ing their comics! I can tell they're sockpuppets too, because well…they couldn't come up with a better insult than to simply spit my own dismissive words back at me! Hahahahaha, it makes my black heart glad to see these people get hurt and defensive of things i care nothing about. It's like i get to troll without actually trolling.
I think it's gonna be a good day.
You know I hear all the time how the webcomic community is so tight knit and supportive, but I'm finding it to be like any other artistic field. There are some geniunely nice people, but there are a lot of jerks who think they are god's gift to the craft.
Granted, I can be a jerk sometimes, but it's usually a result of someone pissing me off.
I'm just sick of people leaving comments like "Oh great, another furry comic." Wow, that's constructive. And your crappy"buddies playing videogames all day" webcomic is just revolutionizing the internet isn't it?
I can take criticism if it's constructive, and if I feel like the critic has a clue what they are talking about. But trolls just piss me off.
That was a long rant, forgive me. :)
Man, I'm startin' to think I shouldn't have taken up that second weekly update for my comic. I keep finding myself barely makin' my updates on the days they're supposed to happen, sometimes only actually finishing my pages that morning, and posting the page later in the day than I'd like.
I really wish I could produce this stuff faster, but unfortunately, any mistakes made in the inking/coloring process sets me back several hours as I redraw the mistake panel, and spend entirely too much time with the process of splicing it back into the page. And then there's today…
I must be havin' an off day, because it's noon, and I haven't even started on the new page, which is supposed to be up tomorrow mornin, by my own, self-imposed schedule. Sad part is, I've been trying hard to come up with a decent page design, and so far have only managed to fill up my garbage can. And I STILL don't have even the basic first sketches done.
Sorry, y'all…just had to get that rant out before I ripped my hair out…
I'ma go try to draw again…
You know I hear all the time how the webcomic community is so tight knit and supportive, but I'm finding it to be like any other artistic field. There are some geniunely nice people, but there are a lot of jerks who think they are god's gift to the craft.I've noticed that too, luckily I think the nice guys outnumber the jerks.
So I decided to tackle nanowrimo in the end and started writing on the 4th, worried that I'll remain behind.
Right now I'm at 26,116 words, which is beyond half of the 50k goal and going stronlgly. Just did a 1200 words action sequence and now I'm writing the buildup to the next one.
I'm sure my grammar is crap, but it should be fixable in a rewrite or two and as long as the story falls into place in the end it'll be fine.
I'll have a comic AND a novel for sale, haha. And a sketchbook… and I should do something about my music too, finally.
So yeah, this is what I've been doing for the last few days:
Writing a novel,
Reading Strangers in Paradise,
Reading Bone color edition (finished v4),
Playing Bomberman on NES,
Playing Bomberman II (also on NES),
Searching for the next game to play after I finished these two,
Trying to get myself to ink more sketchbook pieces,
Reading Tad Williams' To The Green Angel Tower Part 1 (first halfof the third volume of the "Memory, Sorrow and Thorn" trilogy),
Pretending I have no money problems,
Writing more… and so on
Writing a novel,That has got to be amongst one of the greatest list of things I have ever seen
Reading Strangers in Paradise,
Reading Bone color edition (finished v4),
Playing Bomberman on NES,
Playing Bomberman II (also on NES),
Searching for the next game to play after I finished these two,
Trying to get myself to ink more sketchbook pieces,
Reading Tad Williams' To The Green Angel Tower Part 1 (first halfof the third volume of the "Memory, Sorrow and Thorn" trilogy),
Pretending I have no money problems,
Writing more… and so on
Because I'm bored, I'm going to make a list of FAQS from my library.
Q: Where is the Children's Collection?
A: Downstairs.
Q: How do I get downstairs?
A: *points to stairs within view of the desk* Go down stairs
Q: Is this the information desk?
A: No. The sign says "Circulation." *Points to easily viewable desk with Information sign*
Phone Conversation:
Me: Circulation Department, this is [my name], how may I help you?
Person: Is this the information desk.
Me: No, but I can transfer you to…
Person: I told the operator to transfer me to the information desk.
Me: Yes. They put in the wrong number. I will transfer you. Just in case the extension is…
Person: They told me they would give me the information desk. (This was a long conversation)
Q: Is this the Chapel?
A: No the books make it a library. (There are more descriptors for said chapel, but it leads right to my school's home page if you google it.)
Q: Where is the clock tower?
A: Go outside and take a look. (Ok, I'm not that rude…but there is only one clock tower.)
Conversation #2:
Person: Can I check out a book without my ID?
Me: No. It is our policy.
Person: I have my number
Me: No
Person: I already have something checked out.
Me: No.
Person: Well I don't want to walk all the way back to my purse.
Me: Yeah…go get your ID. (Also she had nothing checked out.)
Finally, the strangest one ever asked:
Q: Is this a dry county?
A: There are two colleges in it, what do you think?
But yeah. To sum it all up…I think some people in college have issues with common sense. I know that there are people like that everywhere, but the "how do I get downstairs?" troubles me the most.
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