i am now all caught up with american naruto manga. all 46. oh yeah.
[spoiler]i'm surprised he didn't kill pain at the end of 46 and then they just crown him hokage right there….i mean, the guy beat up 3 of 6 characters that took out the entire strong side of the village. and it took 1/4 of the pages that it took everyone else to get beat up.
oh right, i just remembered that sasuke has a vendetta against konaha, so it wont be over when he beats pain.[/spoiler]
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The 2009 Rant, Vent, and Share thread
Oh hell no I don't. I push people away before they get a chance to get close…and it's not like a few of them I didn't want them to be close. Just a defense mechanism, I suppose.I think the one girl I work with got my ill seeing as she wasn't feeling well and we sat in her car and talked after work for about four hours… ARGH…too bad nothing came of that, though. Won' get into the shit.
wait a sec, dont you have a fiance? or am i mistaking what you said up above? i sure fuckin hope so.
No, my brother is the one engaged. I am completely single. Not even dating anyone at this time. The one girl I was going to ask to marry me turned against me and decided she was going to bang someone else. So, no, it's just me and always will be.
aw i'm sorry man. i must have misunderstood. i'm really sorry dude,if it's any consolation, i feel sorta like a jackass, and being a hard headed bastich that aint easy for me to say. it probably AINT much of a consolation if it is, but i'm sorry for yer situation.
aw i'm sorry man. i must have misunderstood. i'm really sorry dude,if it's any consolation, i feel sorta like a jackass, and being a hard headed bastich that aint easy for me to say. it probably AINT much of a consolation if it is, but i'm sorry for yer situation.Don't worry about it. I've learned to turn off my emotions pretty well. Takes me about two days to get over something really bad like that. I always say, "You're hurting my feeling…I only have one…ANGER. Don't hurt that."
I took absolutely no offense to your comment in anyway, don't worry about it.
A warm day, tight jeans, and underpants slipping down a little bit… All these spell ultimate disaster when one **** slips a little down one leg of my jeans.
Hold mother of ****!
I had to walk very slowly for a while to counteract the crippling pain in my gut, then pull up my underpants elastic very surreptitiously to try and rescue the fallen and re-tuck my shirt just as surreptitiously.
This is why I'm very suspicious of men who wear boxers… either they have child-like genitals their jeans are always rather loose in the crotch.
you forgot the best cough medicine… Jägermeister baby XD!*is sick, lies in front of the 30' something flatscreen and watches National geographic, under the warmth of the blanket*
what's that Gullas? your house is a sanctuary for the ill?! LETS GO EVERYONE! FLATSCREENS,WARM BLANKETS, AND GULLA'S MOM FOR ALL!
A warm day, tight jeans, and underpants slipping down a little bit… All these spell ultimate disaster when one (bleep!) slips a little down one leg of my jeans.
Hold mother of (bleep!)!
I had to walk very slowly for a while to counteract the crippling pain in my gut, then pull up my underpants elastic very surreptitiously to try and rescue the fallen and re-tuck my shirt just as surreptitiously.
This is why I'm very suspicious of men who wear boxers… either they have child-like genitals their jeans are always rather loose in the crotch.
Now that was a lot of (bleep!)ing fun! Too bad I don't like to curse, or my language would be as dirty as (bleep!)…
Seriously? Seriously? One. fucking. class. That's all. The only thing keeping me from registering on time with the rest of my class is 3 credits on my score. They let me take upper level classes that you have to be an upper class-men in order to take, they give me a studio, which you don't get until your junior year, they call me one, my teachers and classmates call me one and yet they refuse. I even have more credits than most of the junior class, but they refuse because I don't have these credits. What's so wrong about letting me register at the right time with the rest of my class? How is it fair to give sophomores with the junior number of credits an early chance at registering with my class when they haven't taken the class either, and not extend that to me?
I just don't get it. School administrations are clearly purpose-designed to be as chickenshit and problematic as possible.
Woo Windows 7!
Thank you for giving us a WORSE VERSION OF MS PAINT
EDIT: Hm, it turns out I can fix its shittiness by going in to the control panel.
…Why?! Why not just put an options tab on MS paint?
Is Microsoft purposely trying to piss off everyone who goes near one of their computers? -_-
EDIT: Oh I was reading an old thread, about text anti-aliasing. I guess that brush anti-aliasing is here forever.
Fucking hooray. Now if they'd stop being morons and make the fill bucket at least have anti-aliasing, that would be lovely.
Or just do what normal people would do and give people the option to turn it off.
Woo Windows 7!
stupid people use computers now. they have to be stupid friendly. i for one don't even know what anti aliasing means. and i'm too ignorant to use google search to find it.
I don't want to kill people.
my friend is trying to pressure me to go into a different special ops job with him. Their only job, is to kill people. i don't want that.
i want to help people. i want to make a difference in literal lives. will the one i want require me to kill people? maybe. but the difference is self defense. i will never have a mission where i go in and eliminate targets. my mission would be to save targets, treat the wounded, and get the fuck out of dodge.
yes i could sign up for a medic, but i'm a by the books kinda guy. Medics never carry weapons (geneva conventions). Medics are normally a prime target for shooters. Pararescue allows for me to have that medic training, but still defend myself legally.
why doesnt my friend understand this?
you forgot the best cough medicine… Jägermeister baby XD!*is sick, lies in front of the 30' something flatscreen and watches National geographic, under the warmth of the blanket*
what's that Gullas? your house is a sanctuary for the ill?! LETS GO EVERYONE! FLATSCREENS,WARM BLANKETS, AND GULLA'S MOM FOR ALL!
haha, Gullas, ya can be my doctor any time. well not my geinacologist, but ya know what i ment.
Eww, i heated up this 'cashew chicken and rice' and it tasted awful >_< I can usually stand some of that boxed microwave meals but what the hell is wrong with them releasing that garbage.
Red baron mini pizzas and egg rolls are good though if cooked in the oven.
I've got lots of yard work to do tomorrow, but the yard is looking great so far. I'd do it more often if it weren't for the wasps and spiders. I mean i haven't been attacked yet, but i just hate them.
Also haunt #2 sucked ass, i know kirkman likes to take a while to set the story up and then start tearing it apart but the issue was just lame. (at least mcfarlane fixed his awful inking, that i'm happy about)
My first rant in a while. I lost my job this week over a horrid new "attendance" policy (2 minutes late, you get 0.25 occurrence; 6 occurrences, you're fired. No absences are excused except for 3 pre-planned doctor's visit, which didn't/doesn't take into account things like disabilities (unless you have FMLA, which can run out if you have something like a hernia operation and recovery prior to this new policy's implementation in July).
A friend of mine thinks the company may just be trying to lay off people without claiming it's layoffs, and likewise blame the employees for not meeting impossible standards. If that is so, then that's pretty insidious.
They fired a guy in a wheelchair before me, for not coming back from breaks on time (um, the office is under construction recently and all the walkways are super-narrow). I had a hard enough time on crutches when I near-broke a toe a couple months ago; I can't imagine trying to navigate a wheelchair!
Somebody's gonna sue (but it won't be me)…
haha, Gullas, ya can be my doctor any time. well not my geinacologist, but ya know what i ment.I dunno, maybe Jägermeister is good for that too? O_O
aaaw *puts away his gyneacologist's equipment* you should know Ozone, that Jägermeister has been scientificly proven to be the cure for testicle cancer. Believe me, I'm a doctor with PhD in scam- >.> I mean awesomeness ^_^'
haha, Gullas, ya can be my doctor any time. well not my geinacologist, but ya know what i ment.I dunno, maybe Jägermeister is good for that too? O_O
aaaw *puts away his gyneacologist's equipment* you should know Ozone, that Jägermeister has been scientificly proven to be the cure for testicle cancer. Believe me, I'm a doctor with PhD in scam- >.> I mean awesomeness ^_^'
that's a flat out, grade A lie…..everyone knows it's Jim Bean that does that, not jager.
i'm realizing today how much ive underestimated Van Halen.
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