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Moonlight meanderer
Posted at

My two cents: If it's something personal, don't post(in the middle of a discussion); HEY SO AND SO, I LIKE YOUR AVATAR. That is the kind of useless posting Rut is talking about… i think. Also that and half the topics changing to either Disney or sex. One or the other. Don't quite know how that happens.

Posted at

That's because Disney sucks.

And there it would start. Please don't people.

And even then? So you read the line "Like your avatar". Let's say a mod doesn't delete it and it remains as long as everyone doesn't BITCH about someone posting that or draw attention to it what of it? Are you complaining that you went and read it? You lost 30 seconds. Like I said, if you REALLY had something better to do then be on the internet and reading it you would be. Hell this is a site for COMICS so why aren't you reading comics then? Screw the forums go make someone happy and read their comic. You can't tell me you read all the good comics on the site. You just ain't found another you like.

I'm personally for people saying as they feel. If someone makes a topic and people come in and of course eventually they get off topic, eventually someone new comes in and posts regarding the topic because that's what they will want to discuss. If not then the topic was dead anyways so let people have their fun. Not everyone wants to venture into TD just to talk to people. *shudders*

Remember, we are all human.

Except mlai. I'm 98% sure he's a real life Duck who wandered onto the site and is always pissed off because this site does not accurately portray his people.

Posted at

I love reading long dissertations on Internet Etiquette.

you could gather a collective of forums just like this one and title it…

"You Can't Do That on the Internet"

—————-side note(because I know how we all love to go off topic)

WILLIAM J. KOLE, Associated Press Writer

VIENNA, Austria - Kazakhstan and Georgia are among countries imposing excessive restrictions on how people use the Internet, a new report says, warning that regulations are having a chilling effect on freedom of expression.

â??Governing the Internet,â?? issued Thursday by the 56-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, called the online policing â??a bitter reminder of the ease with which some regimes â?? democracies and dictatorships alike â?? seek to suppress speech that they disapprove of, dislike, or simply fear.â??

â??Speaking out has never been easier than on the Web. Yet at the same time we are witnessing the spread of Internet censorship,â?? the report said.

Miklos Haraszti, who heads the OSCEâ??s media freedom office, said about two dozen countries practice censorship, and others have adopted needlessly restrictive legislation and government policy.

Among those are Malaysia, where a government official said this week that laws would be drafted for bloggers and authorities would not hesitate to prosecute those deemed to have insulted Islam.

Haraszti cited separate research by the OpenNet Initiative, a trans-Atlantic group that tracks Internet filtering and surveillance, which pointed to questionable online restrictions in Belarus, China, Hong Kong, Sudan, Tunisia, Uzbekistan and elsewhere.

The OSCE report says Kazakhstanâ??s efforts to rein in Internet journalism in the name of national security is reminiscent of Soviet-era â??spy mania,â?? and it says Georgian law contains numerous provisions curbing freedom of expression online.

Web sites, blogs and personal pages all are subject to criminal as well as civil prosecution in Kazakhstan, and the countryâ??s information minister, Yermukhamet Yertysbayev, has vowed to purge Kazakh sites of â??dirtâ?? and â??lies.â??

â??Those who think it is impossible to control the Internet can continue living in a world of illusions,â?? Yertysbayev told the Vremya newspaper in a recent interview.

On Thursday, in a speech at OSCE headquarters in Vienna, Yertysbayev insisted his country was committed to democracy and the creation of what he called an â??e-governmentâ?? that would expand Internet access and make â??our information sphere more open and our media more free.â??

In the most publicized instance of a government crackdown, Kazakh authorities took control of .kz Internet domains in 2005. It then revoked a domain operated by British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, creator of the movie â??Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.â??

Baron Cohen since has relocated his satirical Web site, which Kazakhstan considered offensive.

The OSCE report warns that Kazakhstanâ??s approach to the Internet has produced a hostile atmosphere where â??any dissident individual, organization or an entire country could be named an â??enemy of the nation.â??â??

Georgia, the report says, has laws that contain â??contradictory and ill-definedâ?? provisions â??which on certain occasions might give leverage for illegitimate limitation of freedom of expression on the Internet.â??

â??It is important to support the view of the World Press Freedom Committee that â??governanceâ?? must not be allowed to become a code word for government regulation of Internet content,â?? the report says.

Posted at

That was….long. So how do you feel then? And does this mean I'm right? If I'm right about something that means I get to eat that day.

Posted at

if this thread doesn't go back on topic, i'll lock it soon.

Posted at

Yeah, we should probably take this internet censorship business to Debate and Discussion.

I really don't mind posting in old threads as long as it's relevant, but some people pick the most inappropriate threads. Someone posted in a thread started on the 19th of October. The problem? It was about a dead student. It's completely irrelevant now, it's exceptionally annoying because people are giving advice to the thread starter even though it's now far to late for it to be helpful at all.

Sidwarrious: What you say is true, but it's like getting a stone in your shoe. It's small, you can easily take your shoe off and shake it out, but it's still annoying.

There is also the point that you think someone has actually contributed and has added another point of discussion, but instead all you get 'lol i liek teh piez!' and it fucking drives me up the wall, all over the ceiling, and headlong into the floor again. My idiot tolerance insurance doesn't cover that.

Posted at

Then isn't that your problem?

Trout's mommy has informed us her wittle girl can't handle small annoyances and because of her special needs we're all to be supperty-dupperty nice to her and make sure that of everyone on the internet and in the world that her needs are met first and foremost and that she never becomes frustrated or upset.

I know that's an asshole way of putting it but don't that sound right on about what you just said? Everyone's different. In the way it agrrivates you it doesn't bother me. What you see as a useless post I may not(Though I usually do) your religion isn't me own.

Where would you draw the line at unnacceptable? Only posts that are over a paragraph long should be posted in the forums and they have to use perfect grammer, because Trout doesn't like people to not use perfect grammer, and they have to agree with what you say and they have to be COMPLETELY on subject all the time? I know that's extreme, but everyone has something they could bitch about so why not fix it all? Why because we wouldn't be much of a community then would we? I like that when I get on I feel like I'm talking to other people. If I wanted debates I'd go to the debate section but I don't EVER post in there do I? No, because I like talking to people. I hate stupid ideas, not stupid people. The bitching I've seen in here has annoyed me more then all the "useless posts" on DD.

Now will you guys PLEASE lock this post so I can go back to being a nice guy and be the asshole no longer?! I don't like having to do this! Trout may burn me in effigy now!

None of that was personal, I was jes trying to get the point across.

Posted at

No, just being on topic and readable is fine by me.

Posted at

If you like talking to people you might want to do that in a PQ or AIM.
Some people avoid threads where they see the same people posting over and over.
If your okay with that then that's fine but there are those on here that are not.
Lets put this in a different way…
Lets say there are a group of people hanging out.
And there is a discussion.
What if there is one person who has to comment on every one else comment.
Trying to one up the others.
I don't know about you but I find that annoying and would avoid hanging out with that person.
We all have experienced this person.
This is a very similar instance with forum posting.
Does that make any sense?
I hope it does.
Understand what the original intent of what Rutger was posting was not addressed at specific people but a trend which seems to be occuring.
If you take offense maybe you need to re-evaluate your posting habits.

Posted at

I totally know that's bekefel in the advertising discussion.

What the hell?

Don't lock this until someone explains this to me.

Posted at

That's because Disney sucks.

And there it would start. Please don't people.

And even then? So you read the line "Like your avatar". Let's say a mod doesn't delete it and it remains as long as everyone doesn't BITCH about someone posting that or draw attention to it what of it? Are you complaining that you went and read it? You lost 30 seconds.

And that's where you're wrong. I don't care that someone posts that, at all. It would just be more appropriate to take it to a pq. You obviously care alot about this subject to take it into a tangent. My god, you. For someone who complains that every post shouldn't have to be a paragraph long, you sure pack a lot of crazy examples in your argument.

Posted at

I'm only like that discussing this.

But you said it Midge, it's all a matter of opinion. I'm not bothered by it. You are. So do we work everything to placate you? Do we work to placate everything everyone complains about? And then how do we define what was useless or not? And really how often do you respond to pqs? I pq people quite often and NEVER get responses and instead they'll answer me in a thread. Not one or two people, but almost every person I've ever asked or said anything to.

And even if there was someone who said something after everyone said something like I said I wouldn't care. There are real things to get pissed about and for me whether some guy online wants to get some attention for himself is rather small thing to be mad about. If this issue and how much it bothers you is oen of the top 50 stressors in your life then let's trade lives because you have it very easy.

And Trout see now you've specified what you want which is very reasonable but if we got into SPECIFICALLY what was on topic and reasonable and set alot of standards things would be different. Does "Hey Rut, I agree with that" is that really on topic when we are discussing? Not really no, but the person has expressed a though which is fully reasonable. I'm sure that line is not up for debate, but what if someone just saying something that simple annoys someone because they didn't want people to agree but to actually add to the arguement? Once again it's all a matter of who to pander to.

How was I wrong about that lullaby? That was specifically an example someone gave that pissed them off. If it was you then well, lol. But let's just say that DOES aggrivate someone then my point is valid. So here's hoping I'm right in some way.

AND STOP ATTACKING ME! My point may not be popular but give it to me that at least I'm trying to be nice to people. You guys are of the mindset "Not like us, well fuck you."

And also I've said MANY times that I'm not trying to be a bad guy, I just want you to really think about what you guys are actually complaining about. Ok? REALLY think about it. Don't just yell at me. I'm trying to be nice here! I really am!

Posted at

Sid, it would be best for you to slow your roll.
My post was not intended in an attack towards you and was never out of anger.
I am not complaining but addressing an irritating trend.
This is the same for Rutger's original post.
In no way was this ever about you but the trend, but you seem to be making it about you.
As to answering pq's if one is sent to me,I do respond…to everyone.

Posted at

It's not that Midge, it's you guys are attacking a group of people that you yourselves are into. Everyone does useless posts. EVERYONE. I've seen admins do it. I could go back and make a LONG post of every useless post done by the people who say they hate it.

and I never argued from the perspective of someone who does it. I argued from the perspective of someone watching and saying "Is this really something that even needs to be discussed". People complain, people always complain about something, but this was just stupid.

All I wanted to say in short was "Hey, let's all be friends. Don't hate a guy just because he never says anything interesting, you can hate him because of his interest, political affliation, his race, his religion, his astral sign or anything else instead".

The only way I've felt personally attacked is that I'm trying to be tolerant I keep getting it shoved in my face that I shouldn't be.

Posted at

I jes really like DD, and I don't want there to be a bunch of stupid new rules for forums posting cuz I think it's just strict enough as it is.

But now I'm going to buy comics, so hopefully everyone is making out and in love right now.

Posted at

Lol.. I'm not trying to attack you either.
My posts are always in playful jest.
but just for you…

The only way I've felt personally attacked is that I'm trying to be tolerant…

Don't hate a guy just because he never says anything interesting, you can hate him because of his interest, political affliation, his race, his religion, his astral sign or anything else instead".

*hugs Sid*
you're so up-settable XD

Posted at

No Sid, you seem to be confusing on topic with long. If someone wrote 'I agree' I would deem it pointless, it's all well and good agree with someone, but do you really need to just post that? Why not elaborate on why you agree. The same goes for disagreeing, why do you disagree? This may shock you, but people are genuinely interested in reading your reply and discussing topics with you, that's why they participate in the forums instead of reading a book or staring at the ceiling.

Following your logic, it is you being pandered to, as you are so far the only person who has objected to people complaining about pointless posting, this puts you in the minority.

We aren't 'attacking' you for being disagreeing or having a different opinion, but because you are causing the discussion to continue by giving us something to discuss (also because for some reason you can't comprehend the idea that annoying things annoy people). Nothing you have said so far as been pointless.

How do you not consider it annoying? These people are contributing nothing, and when the forum is particularly slow (It's annoying the rest of the time as well of course) it's frustrating to think someone has contributed something new only to find they think Mr.Mchypothetical's sarcastic remark about wheelbarrows was totally super rad.

Hell, why don't we just sod the rules all together? Ignorance is bliss after all!

Posted at

I love Mr. Mchypothetical! His house in the woods that you have to get to by getting in his black unmarked van that he tells you has candy in it is awesome!

Lulls, that was a joke. I was being ironic. Trying to make people laugh since this thread is so wholly depressing.

And like I've said many times, those things don't annoy me. I have other things that stress me out and I like to be my most positive on the internet. For reals, if I'm surfing through threads and I go into it and I see a bunch of pointless posts I LITERALLY think nothing of it. Nothing goes through my mind. I do not care. I could not care less. I don't even think about it. My train of thoughts is somewhere along the lines of "I wonder if someone commented me?/Have I gotten anymore views today?/I wonder if anyone has responded in *insert thread here* yet?".

And as for the contributing nothing, sometimes there really is nothing more to say without completely reiterating what someone just said, or you really don't have anything else to add. Look at the first page of this thread before I came. Hpkomic told me to not be an ass, shaneronzio's first post and mlai's comic(though he was obviously jes trying to be a douche) all useless. Go to the Fave riddle/joke thread! I actually made a big long list of useless posts in there, which I will not post because I really don't wanna "out" anyone. Like I said, we all do it, we just bitch when others do it. I'm just a realist here.

And as for the rules thing, like I said I actually like how the mods here are active. But sometimes I feel stiffled as in RL I have to be the guy always saying something funny and interesting and entertaining or deep and so when I go online I like to relax and not have to worry "Is this post long enough or on topic enough?" I do this for fun, albeit I didn't have much fun yesterday so I got off and watched tv. Technically I fell asleep as the tv went on, but still.

Like I said, I really love this community and if it became without flaw it'd be boring. Stupid people can be entertaining too and if you just go with the flow it won't bother you. You're(speaking of everyone who agreed with the first post by Ruttlings) putting too much into it and thinking too much about it. If I got bothered by stupid people on the internet I wouldnt get on the internet because most places 9/10 people are complete blabbering idiots. The idiots here on the forums are very much a minority, at least in the forums I frequent and the idiots there are I really don't notice. Honestly. If you got me to try I honestly couldn't list a single person on DD who outright annoyed me. I guess I just don't let the little things in and snap at the big things. I'm just kinda centered. I didn't even get pissed when some guys vandalized my car with toilet paper and eggs even though I spent all morning cleaning it, but I did get upset when they stole my radio twice. Why? Because one of those thigns is really worth being upset over and one is just people being stupid and I'm glad you're smart enough to argue with me, it means you're not stupid and idiots do need to be kept in check from time to time but realy cracking down and taking out EVERY post that doesn't strictly keep things moving in a nice and orderly fashion would make me bored and the admins insane. And the admins don't need to be more insane. Look at Ozone. Look at Sub. You don't think there is already something wrong with them? Sub's a youtube junkie! He keeps spamming the "What the heck" with random ass vids. I like the vids, but obviously the guy has something loose. If he had to honestly be on track for every retarded person posting he'd really go crazy.

Sorry, I tend to be long winded. Someone will quote me on that somewhere down the line.

Basically what I'm tryign to get across is the rules are fine now, perfect. I love them as is. If I had to worry about my posts getting deleted cuz it was deemed I didn't say enough I'd leave the duck. The only reason I stay here and no other forum site is I love the community. I really do. You guys keep me coming back. I don't wanna go back to comicgenesis. They took my ice cream and threw a condom on my car!

Posted at

AND STOP ATTACKING ME! My point may not be popular but give it to me that at least I'm trying to be nice to people. You guys are of the mindset "Not like us, well fuck you."

And also I've said MANY times that I'm not trying to be a bad guy, I just want you to really think about what you guys are actually complaining about. Ok? REALLY think about it. Don't just yell at me. I'm trying to be nice here! I really am!

But you're not trying to be nice to people. You're deliberately being mean so that your point will be more memorable. Saying "I'm not being an asshole" doesn't mean that you're suddenly being nice and polite. That's along the same lines as "I'm not racist, but…"

Aaanyway, as a mod I see useless posting as annoying (in my part of the forum, at least), because I basically have to check all the posts to make sure that no one's causing trouble, picking fights, etc. It's a hassle if The Game Room is suddenly swamped with threads with new stuff posted in them, all of which are either off-topic or are simply some guy saying "Yes." (or even worse, "lol"). Another problem is that some comments are way off-topic, and I have to debate with myself whether I shoudl delete it or not. Even worse if I catch it later and the whole thread has switched from Super Mario 64 to everyone talking about their favorite horror film. Do I dump it into Media Discussion, or just hope people get back on topic.

Posted at

I'm the only one saying anything on my side. My posts are memorable already and I didn't start actually saying anything mean until after that and it was to illistrate a point or maybe even be sarcastic, but I never meant anything in a spiteful way.

so tired of explaining. I really want this to end. This is why I don't go to the debate thread…!!! Dump it in there! Then I won't post in it EVER! ^__^ I like that idea. I'm tired of being the bad guy. Let the guys all say "Yeah we hate people posting useless posts/lol/Iagreewithrut" and I can die in piece not pieces. It's not in me to back down so just get rid of it and let this end. I'm too stubborn to just NOT reply when someone says something.

And yes you should be annoyed. But that's your job. It's what you wanted to do. If I had to go to EVERY topic I'd be pissed too, but I only frequent about 6-7 different forums and I only go to topics that interest me anyways. Hence why you've never seen me in that recipe one, but a couple times when I got interested. Now I don't care at all. Not me cup of tea, personally. But for the average person who the post means nothing to, it's different you must agree. If I see a useless post I don't have to react to it. You do.

*cocks gun and puts it at head* Now put it in debates or lock it! My eyes are actually bloodshot from this man! I'm going CRAZY!….Or…

My favorite horror movie is American Psycho! Doesn't everyone love American Psycho! Let's talk about American Psycho!

Posted at

Wait, you want this thread to be moved/locked because you are sick of posting in it? After you accuse us of being pandered to?

I'm not being mean here, but drop dead you hypocrite.

Posted at

Man I was joking. And haven't I mentioned we're all hippocrits? I could swear I did. When I said we complain about useles posts and do them.

I was kidding. Lighten up. How bout we put on a happy face. Or tell me ya did since I can't see it.

Posted at

Are you sure he's not joking? Because a lot of people have taken your "not being mean" posts seriously, and you've seen how annoying that is.

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I dunno if he is. I keep trying to say I wanna be nice and post. Trout hasn't so maybe he's serious. I'd like to think he wasn't and that everything is slowly turning to sunshine and giggles. That'd be awesome.

Also I like to think I'm NOT being burned in effigy right now. But a part of me wants it. It shows they care.

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Moonlight meanderer

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