I'd like to point out that exactly how 'altruistic' someone is can be determined by the consistent character they present.
Adolf was a charming fellow, by all accounts: almost everyone who met him was drawn to that warm, witty, attentive character.
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I get a warm fuzzy feeling when I beat up a mentally retarded defenceless person.
It makes me feel like I'm a REAL MAN.
I once trained under the voluntary rescue force which is part of The National Rescue Committee (our equivalent of national guard, except we don't have guns). It is solely employed by volunteers and receives all its funding through donations and charity sales. Despite that, it has some pretty impressive gear. I was part of the aviation response unit which is a first response team, reserved for extreme case disasters. Training involves lot of hiking since we were expected to be able to travel to hard to reach areas. The final part of the training involves parachuting to potential disaster areas in order to get there as fast as possible.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) I never got to test my skills since I moved abroad before any disasters struck. I had also only finished 1 year of the minimum 2 year training program which has to be taken in unison and I never got back into it after I returned home.
…I really should go into it again.
The "Character" of Hitler included mass murder, heinous war crimes and secret police. There is a big difference between personality and character.
Although OzoneOcean's Hilter-Jesus is hilarious.
And I'm not trying to make anyone out to be Jesus; that requires doing high-calibre stuff like raising the dead, curious lepers, demonic expulsion and other advanced stuff. I'm just saying Ozone and the other admins are genuinely good people.
And I was serious about the applauding thing. I have a very elderly-but-healthy Grandma and I would hope if she were to fall there'd be someone to help her back up if my family wasn't there at the time. The story struck rather close to home.
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