Hm, maybe the concept's not quite clear yet? My idea was that there is this government program, the Hero Reform, which means they have heroes doing all sorts of odd jobs as a sort of community service. And they would have this special black ops team that might have guys from the Hero Reform on board. But they'd probably also have other guys, because the jobs would require certain types that might not be found among the Hero Reform guys. So, depends on who's available. For instance, Bones and Desperado would clearly by there for the "reform". Archangel too, for he messed up during HU: Fury. Fury/Alicia herself - not so sure. Would it make sense to put her in a reform program for something she wasn't really responsible for? (Kind of like putting Bruce Banner into a reform program because the Hulk damaged public property - seems rather odd to me.) Fearless - could go either way. Cat Kid and Shadow Fox wouldn't be in the reform program, I think, but on the team. …Did I forget someone? We should make a list of who's on the team…
Oh, and YES, this black ops team would be the Thunderbolts or Secret Six of the HUniverse.
Regarding "Heroes Atoners": Not sure the US government would name their team similar to HU or HA. They'd probably want to go a different route for PR reasons. So yeah, probably something more like "Strike Force", although I'd like to have the name sound more… meta :p "C.A.P.E." is nice though.
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Abt_Nihil wrote:You forgot War. I assume he'd probably be in just because the people running the show know about him and tried to recruit him. After that he'll just follow orders - perhaps eing outspoken in what he wants to do but always will be doing what he is told for the most part. I don't think he'd be there really to reform or atone - he'd probbaly be there because C.A.P.E would rather have him on board with them rather than someone else they may later clash with (HA, nudge nudge)
Hm, maybe the concept's not quite clear yet? My idea was that there is this government program, the Hero Reform, which means they have heroes doing all sorts of odd jobs as a sort of community service. And they would have this special black ops team that might have guys from the Hero Reform on board. But they'd probably also have other guys, because the jobs would require certain types that might not be found among the Hero Reform guys. So, depends on who's available. For instance, Bones and Desperado would clearly by there for the "reform". Archangel too, for he messed up during HU: Fury. Fury/Alicia herself - not so sure. Would it make sense to put her in a reform program for something she wasn't really responsible for? (Kind of like putting Bruce Banner into a reform program because the Hulk damaged public property - seems rather odd to me.) Fearless - could go either way. Cat Kid and Shadow Fox wouldn't be in the reform program, I think, but on the team. …Did I forget someone? We should make a list of who's on the team…
Oh, and YES, this black ops team would be the Thunderbolts or Secret Six of the HUniverse.
Regarding "Heroes Atoners": Not sure the US government would name their team similar to HU or HA. They'd probably want to go a different route for PR reasons. So yeah, probably something more like "Strike Force", although I'd like to have the name sound more… meta :p "C.A.P.E." is nice though.
I have an idea who can be added to the "Heroes Reform" program: The Ecotist!
As for the name, I have some suggestions:
Since the team is partially made of fallen heroes, we could call them "Rising Squad" or something similar.
Or maybe a name similar to Suicide Squad and Thunderbolts like "Dusk Squad" is better
Or what about "Second Squad" since they're all getting a second chance.
If you want an acronym, I suggest "R.I.S.E.", with the R standing for 'reform' (don't know about the rest though)
Also, any acronym with a H in it could have it stand for 'hero'
Sebastian_Sandberg wrote:
Since Crossed Wires was originally meant to be HA #7 (I *%)& up pretty bad)
Don't take it too hard on yourself Seb! No harm done!
Sorry for being so MIA as of late. I'm in the middle of
A) Potential job
B) Potential move
C) Potentially forgetting I graduated 3 weeks ago
Life should be settling down for me again by about September 15th (hopefully)and looks like I'll have a LOT of lore to catch up on
I have just one hell of a brainstorm for an idea at the minute - and I think this may work.
Bringing back EGO/Aliens - I think I have an idea for that which will bring him back - I read somewhere aliens may take over the EGO system. It's taken me a while, but now I have an idea surrounding that and another idea that I mentioned to abt about the HA getting a "arch-nemesis" of sorts. I think I'll run it by abt through PQ whenever he has the time - but just letting you know I have an idea for that, which I think may be pretty cool.
PIT_FACE wrote:I think C.A.P.E. is the name of the organisation as a whole - but for the name of the reform group, i'm not sure if we're decided or not.
so, ehm…..did we reach a verdict on what we're calling the reform group? it seemed we were leaning towards C.A.P.E. and then other things were suggested. just making sure before i go on with anything.
- Can I just add in that if you are writing this at the minute, do not include War yet…I'd rather introduce him myself and then work him in, if that's okay.
Mac, could we scrap Virtus involvement in "Crossed Wires" all together? I feel you're going to have better success doing that script on your own than you could ever hope to get out of my involvement. And with Wireless role in HA 7, which takes place before HA 6, I've become hampered by continuity one time to many. The idea I had for Virtus sub-plot has now become unusable.
I'm really sorry about this, but let's face it, HA doesn't need me to thrive, and I've always had commitment issues…
PQ:ing this as well, but I'll go right ahead and bite the hand that feeds me by stating that DD's PQ system sucks without message alerts!
I'm really busy right now and may forget things concerning HA that need doing. If I need to do something, please remind me. Except I know I need to write the Zombie Queen script and read the Ninja script :p
Also, I had a nifty idea for what RISE could mean. Sadly, I had that idea yesterday and forgot it in the meantime. But yeah, I like "RISE" in principle.
I think my story does raise problems in everything. The fact is that there are some lines that make it only make sense before Heroes Divided (and one's coming soon). I had thought it would be posted before Heroes Divided when I wrote it, and it was only after assigning pages and getting some of those back that Heroes Divided started. It was too late to change the dialogue, because some of it was right on those pages. Plus, I didn't know what would be invalidated at the end of Hunted, and some of it has been. It's the problem with making reference to the universe as a whole.
So an interesting hook came to mind after I got home from work.
I'm not really sure how much stock it's really worth, but, here goes. You probably have already gotten it planned out, but here's my idea-
A villain finds out about Bombshell's double-dealing shenanigans. Rather than go and jump on it immediately, they decide to wait and see it in action first. So they stalk one of the HA teams until they can see just how these phenomena happen.
Once they've got an idea of how HA acts, they set a trap. Have a lesser bad guy make trouble, let HA show up- and then let all heck break loose as anyone with even a slight grudge is let loose on HA.
oh, i like where we're goin with this guys! nice work!
Reform Initiative for Superpowered Entities (or Egos)?
also, i thought it might be kind cool to have some kind of I.D. the members would have to identify themselves with. like with how community service workers (at least the ones who are making up a debt to society) have to wear orange jumpsuits. maybe some kind of vest with "R.I.S.E." on the back and front? hm, but maybe some people wouldnt like how much that'd cover their character's costume. and for characters who transform, things like that would be well….short lived. so maybe some kind of badge or something? anyone open to this?
Sorry Seb. Didn't see that till now. First chance I've had to just relax and check this stuff in months! But life's starting to settle down for me now. Yeaaah, not certain what's going to happen with Crossed wires now… I wrote it so long ago that I kind of hate the pacing on it now and with the continuity as well… I'll have to figure something out though for introducing Wireless to the Alliance. This is still his main universe
I have a story which can easily be self-contained regarding a biological attack of some kind. Something will drop down from space and into the streets of New York (or at least somewhere big and populated) - and the next minute every person has turned into some kind of creature. So in a nutshell, some of the HA who are immune (have strong skin/armor etc.) have to go in and keep the monsters at bay from spreading - whilst others have gone in and been infected (before the realisation) - others, of course, are trying to figure out a vaccination and locate where this came from. What do you guys think?
Like I said before Mac, cut Virtus out of it completely and pick a writing partner that can be there for you like I couldn't be.
On another note, if anyone wants to write a story with a time/reality distorting event, feel free to retcon Virtus existence in the HA-verse altogether as one of the consequences of said story. I'm not trying to be bitter, but I feel that it would be a pretty good consequence and it would fit me perfectly.
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