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Moonlight meanderer

QUACKCAST 101 - needs your contribution! Subject: Horror halloweeeeeeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I remember watching the first 30 minutes of Saving Private Ryan and just crying my eyes out at the sheer loss of life and the way it was done. :( 

But I think that wasn't horror, it was grief and the gut-punching feeling that the truth might actually have been even worse that did it. 

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-Your Favorite horror stories/movies/books/comics
My favorite horror books would have to start with HP Lovecraft's stuff. His aliens are so…alien they are creepy.
Which is about someone working at an air conditioned storage facitlty that starts to see things that shouldn't be there. Had me looking over my shoulder for quite a while. I don't nomrally find horror that scary, but, I found this story unsettling. Possibly because it is open ended and the mystery presented is never solved.
And the Marble Hornets Youtube channel creeps me out. It's based on the Slender Man mythos. The premise of this is just normal enough to  work for me.
In comics I was always fond of Werewolf by Night. Here on the Duck I like Evil Dawn, BZAAR, and Full Moon Stories. I also like reading some of the old horror comics from the silver age they have on
- What do you find scary?
The "normal" world suddenly becoming surreal. Blood and gore and monsters doesn't creep me out.  What creeps me out are stories that take a normal routine and twist it into a grotesque parody of what we call "reality."
Usually it begins with things that don't fit in. Seeing things that aren't there, or shouldn't be there, then it builds up to them beeing there and you can't get away from them.
- If you write/draw horror, how do you go about it?
I don't write a lot of horror, but, when I do, I follow the same slow distortion of "normal" that creeps me out.
- What makes good horror that works in your opinion? What screws it up?"
I think the horror that works is the kind that makes you look over your shoulder, even when you know there's nothing there. And I think that is accomplished by not showing too much too soon. For instance, Alien would not have worked if we had gotten to see the alien before the last scene. Horror works because of the uneasy feeling it creates in the veiwer/reader. You can only shock the viewer/reader so many times before they become blasie about it.
It's the monster you can't see coming that is truly terrifying.

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Moonlight meanderer

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