Irrevenant asked me yesterday and I said they range, depending how long they've dead for. So normal skin colour, to murky grey to green, I'd say.
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HA #9 - Wrath of the Zombie Queen (page assignments & references)
I figured that was the reason, and it makes sense (I can see a deeper, desatured purple working well, too) .
Conversely I based mine roughly off the teaser art and more traditional zombie colours.
I have no strong preference which we go with, but we need to nail it down so we're all drawing the same thing.
shastab24 wrote:
I did a pinky-purply color, myself, to associate them with Zombie Queen's power (since her reference has purple energy).
irrevenant wrote:
I put together a few examples because hey, why not? :D This is not meant to be all-inclusive, and there's no reason zombies all have to be the same colour, either. It's just so we have a common reference point.
I like them all, and I agree that they don't have to look the same, since the fun of zombies is seeing both the level of decay and just the immense diversity that you can get with zombies :D
I agree that a mix is cool, but if we go with that we still have to use a roughly consistent mix. The problem is that currently Shasta's pages use #7 exclusively then when you hit my pages they suddenly transform to a mix of 1, 3, 5 and 6. I need to know whether I should change some, all, or none to #7.
sux wrote:
I like them all, and I agree that they don't have to look the same, since the fun of zombies is seeing both the level of decay and just the immense diversity that you can get with zombies :D
LoL, this is actually getting *less* clear. xD
Can we please just get an official clarification of what the zombies in this issue look like that we can all use as reference? If it's not Abt_Nihil's call I assume it's AzuJOD's. He's the creator of the Zombie Queen, and ultimate arbiter of how her powers work.
In the interim, I'll put in my art as is, but I can easily tweak the colours once they've been nailed down.
I think the lesson learned from this is to have reference pics of the villain and her mooks before we start drawing. I'm not entirely sure we were consistent with our ninjas in HA #8 either..
EDIT: My second page is done. \o/
I'm not the ultimate authority on the issue of how zombies are colored, but here's my speculative input: We probably won't ever see the same zombie twice (and even if - who's to tell?), and they're in different stages of decay, so I think we could have the whole range depicted by irrevenant's chart.
irrevenant wrote:
LoL, this is actually getting *less* clear. xD
Can we please just get an official clarification of what the zombies in this issue look like that we can all use as reference? If it's not Abt_Nihil's call I assume it's AzuJOD's. He's the creator of the Zombie Queen, and ultimate arbiter of how her powers work.
In the interim, I'll put in my art as is, but I can easily tweak the colours once they've been nailed down.
I think the lesson learned from this is to have reference pics of the villain and her mooks before we start drawing. I'm not entirely sure we were consistent with our ninjas in HA #8 either..
EDIT: My second page is done. \o/
Easy, make them look like dead guys. We DON'T want uniform dead guys. This doesnt work the way ninjas do. You want variety with your zombies. Watch fulci zombie movies for good refernces. I mean, it'll make me sound sick, but they're art in their own way. Dont contain yourself, expand!
But I do see your point. I think with agreeing on a level of decay, all we need to really say is "mix it up". some zombies will me more trashed than others.
To help ignite the spark, I'll post some zombie references from some of my faves.
hell this is too fun! I might just post more later when I have the time. But until then, here's a gret little link.
Ya, variety in the individual zombies is cool. I was really just concerned that the zombies as a group shift colours noticeably from page to page (from pink to green to white/grey).
I give up stressing about it at this point. xD It would be good to nail these details down a bit more up front for future issues, though. Without being too fascist about it - just decide enough detail up front that different artists are able to render the main characters and events as recognisably the same thing from page to page…
BTW, is the plan still for me to colour PIT_FACE's pages? It's not flagged in the assignment list. Thanks.
I don't think any such shift would be too traumatic. As long as the coloring is done in the context that they're dead guys it should be okay. I'm just not sure it's worth so much concern. Maybe I'm biased because I want to see how wild people can get with these kind of schemes, but that's not to say that you can't do the same with a certain color scheme, so in that case, if we do want a color scheme thensomething in the purple span would be nice. not onlyis a user already using that, but it's reminiscant of ZQ's power. The purples can be any range from light light almost white lillac to green purples, to dark dark almost blacked purple maybe even sort of ulti-color. Bodies arent always necissarily one color depending on where blood pools and stuff (no I do not murder people and hide them under my bathroom.) so like, purples and blues with pinks and red splotches. throw a little moldy rot in there and black bile. i dunno. im not really coloring anyways so what ever you guys feel comfortable with.
irrevenant wrote:Sorry, just an oversight on my part. I also put you down for colors on my first three pages.
BTW, is the plan still for me to colour PIT_FACE's pages? It's not flagged in the assignment list. Thanks.
Thanks. :) I created a 'pages to be coloured' folder in the Dropbox. If any of your lineart is done and needs colouring, just drop it in there. I'll keep an eye on the folder, but it's probably worth flicking me an email to let me know too, just in case. (Most of you have my email already. Uncreative_Name I'll PQ it to you…).
Abt_Nihil wrote:
irrevenant wrote:
BTW, is the plan still for me to colour PIT_FACE's pages? It's not flagged in the assignment list. Thanks. Sorry, just an oversight on my part. I also put you down for colors on my first three pages.
Abt_Nihil wrote:
Is anyone planning on doing teasers or pin-ups? We could especially use some pin-ups of the R.I.S.E. characters. I will definitely do one for Cobalt, and probably for Alpha & Omega (= Archangel & Fury) and Militia.
I submitted a zombified picture of one of my characters in the dropbox.
And I should hopefully work on my page this week, curse my homework.
sux wrote:Great, thanks!
Abt_Nihil wrote:
Is anyone planning on doing teasers or pin-ups? We could especially use some pin-ups of the R.I.S.E. characters. I will definitely do one for Cobalt, and probably for Alpha & Omega (= Archangel & Fury) and Militia.
I submitted a zombified picture of one of my characters in the dropbox.
And I should hopefully work on my page this week, curse my homework.
Also, sorry for the delay - reference for Cobalt is now in the dropbox folder.
I'm planning to do a Chaos one - will probably knock it out over the next couple of days.
I'm happy to do teaser trailers for any of the characters who aren't already covered so long as there's reference available.
Abt_Nihil wrote:
Is anyone planning on doing teasers or pin-ups? We could especially use some pin-ups of the R.I.S.E. characters. I will definitely do one for Cobalt, and probably for Alpha & Omega (= Archangel & Fury) and Militia.
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