I'm not so sure about that! To me that's the difference between "objectively attractive" and "sexy." Because I'll see a guy with all those traits but who is otherwise unremarkable and I might think "Oh, that's a handsome man" but often won't have any sort of animalistic urge towards them. As oz says, having something that sets a character/person apart from others is really important, and I think comic book characters in particular fall into that. All superheroes are hunky, and so looking at them doesn't have any effect on me. But the same character in a world of ordinary people, or the same character with a little something that sets him apart, might be a different story.Don't get me wrong! I'm not saying if you or I see a guy with all the 'right physical traits', that we'll feel the strong urge to jump his bones right there on the sidewalk! I'm just saying there's unversal hard-wired aspects, common points, that sexiness originates from.
Basically, I think sexiness as distinguished from objective physical attractiveness is often very unique to people and un-pin-down-able.
I'm saying that I don't think you (or me) will find anyone sexy that your (and my) litte inner beast doesn't find attractive on some level, based on these universal traits. Our subjective minds, our personal preferences, sort of build upon the little urge inside (that we're often unaware of). And it's never an overwhelming urge (unlike dogs in heat lol) - we can supress it pretty easily, sometimes to the point we don't think we even have it…
But it's always there… always there…
(of course this is just my subjective opinion!)