I would wait until they're all drunk then take their ship and park it in the middle of the mall and say, "Look, aliens! the truth is out there! we are not alone! Here they are! never mind Area 51 and all the government conspiracy, These are the aliens they're trying to keep secret!"
LOL, I can see what the government would do. MEMORY WIPE TIME!!!
LOL, I can see what the government would do. MEMORY WIPE TIME!!!
That's why it has to be a massive public event like the Superbowl or the Jonas brothers concert or something. they can't silence us all! Let's blow the lid off this whole conspiracy once and for all!
I would wait until they're all drunk then take their ship and park it in the middle of the mall and say, "Look, aliens! the truth is out there! we are not alone! Here they are! never mind Area 51 and all the government conspiracy, These are the aliens they're trying to keep secret!"
The truth is usually more mundane but often far more interesting than the conspiracy theories. (research up on the Lockheed Skunk Works and what they were doing in Area 51 UFOs? We don't need no stinking UFOs we're pushing the envelope here!) Funny how there was a spate of wedge shaped UFOs just before the wedge-shaped F-117 stealth fighter was unveiled to the public.
Would you really want to find out that all the probing was just for a post-doctorate biology thesis?
That all the cattle mutilations are just illegal harvesting to make steroids?
Oh man, all that stuff for THAT? Jeez, forget the UFOs hey what did Lindsy Lohan and Paris Hilton do this week?
Then of course all this is misinformation I am obliged to put out by Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organization (SHADO), the Alien Defence Agency, various Defence Department Intelligence and Special Operations Units and the United Nations Intelligence Command (UNICOM the successor to UNIT). Excuse me I have to clean my sunglasses and iron that white shirt and pick up my other black suit from the cleaners.
Little do you realize, the Jonas brothers are aliens themselves. They wouldn't stand for other-worldly upstaging.
Isn't that public knowledge?
That's why it has to be a massive public event like the Superbowl or the Jonas brothers concert or something. they can't silence us all! Let's blow the lid off this whole conspiracy once and for all!
Then they'll make some huge cover story about the ship, throw you in to a cell for daily torture and then slaughter everybody else who saw the ship. Y'know, worst case scenario.
Nah, if you flew a spaceship into the Superbowl everyone would just think it was some elaborate publicity stunt to sell something completely unrelated to aliens.
As for the initial question, whether or not I get on the spaceship for the party depends on what kind of party it is. If it's something like a tupperware party, I'm out.
You people have got to get with the times. It is so 1980's to think our little Gray friends do anal probes. Nope, they take your private parts in hand and suck out sperm or eggs and then for you girls you get a false pregnancy and the fetus is sucked out around the 6th or 7th month.
The long needles no longer go up your rectum but up your nose. They figured it would be so much cooler if you saw it coming…
Hell yes. Anal probe or not, it's a once in a lifetime experience. I mean best case scenario you hook up with a Kirk-like alien sex-bomb with multiple ____ (whatever you want!!) Worst case scenario: you fiddle around with shit and start an intergalactic war in which the human race is almost wiped out… BUT: you're still on board and you've now become so freakin' unique as being one of a handful of human's left– high five!!
It's win win!!
But to be honest, I would take some precautions before I board in the more than likely chance of anal-probage. Like… attending all you can eat Mexican buffet before embarking on said craft.
But to be honest, I would take some precautions before I board in the more than likely chance of anal-probage. Like… attending all you can eat Mexican buffet before embarking on said craft.
You know I that is a great idea. Eat something sure to give you killer farts and or extreme diaherrea.
I know some who got out of real rectal enemas that way. One fart and all the medical professionals said screw this and said they would skip the rectal enema and do an ultrasound instead.
About getting it on with hawt alien babes; according to one eyewitness she may be great looking but she pants, growls, and howls like a dog during sex. But the bright red pubic hair was something to see. This is from a pre-Grey alien abduction in Brazil in the 1950s when aliens were tall, slim and fair haired with sharp features.
when aliens were tall, slim and fair haired with sharp features.
Space elves? Or anthro fox girls?
My old fart friends and I sit around complaining about our medical experiences.
The Nordic alien is a space elf and the classic Grey alien is a space goblin. Reptoids are space trolls.
So that invitation into the UFO could be just like that invitation into the Faeire Realm. Remember that like that trip to Mexico be careful what you eat and don't drink the water. But you can have as much Romulan Ale as you want.