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Moonlight meanderer
Posted at

I think DD is different because we're investing more into our personas. We create comics and we want to be respected because of them, so we know that saying something mean or stupid reflects poorly on us as comic authors. It's not as easy to create a new person when there's a 100+ page comic tied to your current online persona.
Hey, that's an awesome point. I never even thought of that but I'm sure you're right.

Posted at

But honestly when it comes down to it, forums are no different than real life. There's assholes everywhere. Some places have a greater concentration of assholes than others. Call it an "asshole concentration camp", if you'd like. Forums about a certain subject that appeals to assholes tend to lure the assholes together, kind of like a neon sign outside a bar, blinking, "Live Nude Girls" but it instead blinks, "Fresh Car Crash!" because assholes tend to enjoy watching car crashes… that and watching other guys get hit in the nuts. Assholes also enjoy long walks on the beach, sunsets and falling asleep to the sound of the rain hitting gently against their bedroom window.

But as birds of a feather flock together the birds here at the duck tend to be of a different breed.

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Having read the thread in question I would say that the reaection you got was well deserved.

Your question wasn't a simple 'hey what is this forum for?' it was 'is this forum for making fun of webcomics?'.

1)this makes it look like you've been linked to the single thread for making fun of bad webcomics (which you also posted in about Powerup comics).
2)a cursory glance at the forum name and thread list would have been enough to show that wasn't the case.

you got two replies, one telling you to read the forum descriptions, the second being extremely helpful:

No. This is a forum for discussing Katie's webcomic, Awkward Zombie. It's titled "WHY DOES THIS COMIC SUCK" because she's very critical about her art. Also because it's funny, I guess.
We do, however, have a thread about bad webcomics.
Next time, just lurk a bit and look around before posting, so questions like these won't be necessary.

your response to this is to tell the first guy you didn't read the forum descriptions and ask the question again. When you do notice the reply tou argue that lurking is a waste of your time and it is much easier to waste their time by asking questions instead.

Another poster tells you to to shove it and the Mod you seem to dislike so much decides to close the thread before it turns into a flame war.

Then you start this thread.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but maybe next time people react badly to you on the internet you should think about why they called you names instead of making a childish thread about them being mean to you.

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Having read the thread in question I would say that the reaection you got was well deserved.
I'd have to disagree there.
The first response he got was a little rude, but not too bad. Then things got worse between him and Spoony (the first respondent), Hark contributed though. Then spoony went overboard and another user piped in and was extremely offensive in an unprovoked way.
Then someone defended Hark.

Finally a mod locked the thread and told Spoony off for being mean to new users.

So Hark was wrong saying that they were all mean and you are wrong in saying it was all deserved- seeing that even the mod didn't think so ;)

Posted at

Hello my name is bravo and I have a tendency to be an ass because I can hide behind this screen persona. No, I'm just an ass. (not arse, that's a bum; I mean a donkey. Dumbass or smartass, take your choice, an ass is still an ass)

There are a lot of things that get lost in the translation between your mind to your keyboard and then onto the screen. A lot of what is typed may not be what the poster meant to say and if you were having the discussion in person the reaction would be different because there would be visual clues and tone of voice. A smartass comment online can often come off as cruel and thoughtless because the inflection that would indicate the joke is missing.

The best forums are those where you run into friendly people who all share a common interest and can periodically run into each other in person. Model building forums are great that way. It also helps that on most of them you can't hide behind a persona. You can only post under your real name with a direct link to your email. Keeps you honest. There I'm like I am in person; a kind soft spoken gentleman. But give me that "bravo1102" and I'm "dumbass tanker moron personified"

(This is a joke)The whole point is to establish a great rapport with the mods who will then let you flame everybody because they want to see someone stir things up by making the other asses look like a bigger ass than you are.

I was invited on one forum to specifically do that. I could say anything to annoy the posters the mods didn't like. So my internet persona is still an ass. An annoying braying, stubborn, opinionated, ignorant, thick headed, beast of burden.

So I identify with all of you and sometimes we all open mouth and insert foot. It's hard to talk while chewing on your foot, but really easy to type.

Posted at

I read about 2/3 of what was posted here so sorry if I'm repeating someone.

Most people like to be mean. It's a stress release. Most people are not mean because they have morals or fear reprisal. People like to feel better than others. People like to feel included, they like to be part of something bigger. A group or establishment if you will.

How is it a big surprise that if you give someone moral immunity (anonymity) that they will not start a massive jocks vs. nerds scenario. Everyone wants to be the jock (this is a figurative statement, I am well aware that some enjoy "nerdish" behavior). This is human nature and if you don't like it get off the internet or stop complaining. It's not going to change.

Furthermore why would you want it to? I rather enjoy forums that have a high intelligence or humor bar. If someone comes in and says something really stupid chances are I (and most of the people on the forum) will not like them and will want them to go away. Don't post on forums for a group you don't belong to. Flaming is inevitable.

I'm really sorry that random people on the internets don't like you Harko. I like you. I think you are a nifty fellow. Just never, ever complain about this again or I'm revoking your interwebs street cred. Man up.

Best wishes XOXO,

Posted at

Huh. The only forums that I'm even sort of active on is this one, so maybe I'm not such a great guy to ask. Though one thing that I find sort of odd is that I've only had the classic forums experience, (people telling me to do my damn research, really stupid arguments, flaming etc.) is in real life. There was a friend of a friend that said I shouldn't bother talking to him because I don't understand how to construct a logical argument. There was another guy that said I should do my research before trying to talk about anything I don't understand, (by research he seemed to mean "read one related article on Slashdot." )
Maybe I just know more jerks in real life than I do on the internet. This could also be why I don't talk very much.

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yeah, in DD, I try my hardest to be real. I want to be respected because of my comic, but also there isn't tens of thousands of different posters on these forums. I have only been on DD for a few months, and when I come onto the forums and see someone I have not seen before, I notice it. There is more of community on DD than on other forums. I think that's why Drunk Duck is so much better than other forums.
I was once a regular poster on the… *sigh*… the Halo 3 forums. It was not as friendly because there were millions of posters and I felt more anonymous and free to be a jerk. I tried not to be and I think I succeeded, but other people didn't try.

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if the online gaming is an example of the kinda of people that post in that forum.


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I think that a lot of times it depends on how close the community is and how open those people are. A community like Drunk duck, at least I think, is fairly close knit, we have a common interest and if your active, people are going to check out your stuff. Sci-fi meshes seems to be the same way. (there's a link in my sig to my WIP thread there) In larger communities, like DeviantArt and CG society, there are literally millions of people on. It is really hard to get feedback from people and it is far more clique-ish, especially on deviantart. I hate to admit it but there have been times I have flamed a person or trolled them. I have matured some since then and I have tried to be more like I am in RL.

As for the thread tthat started this thread, I can't make a call on it because I can't load the page. ehh.

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And although it has been mentioned, I give a lot of credit to the admins and mods here, for keeping it so friendly. Also, every regular poster. We all seem to be nice, but have a sense of humor about ourselves, so we avoid getting too serious and then having angry-drama.

(Ignore all "I-don't-like-the-new-DD-layout threads from awhile back >_>)

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Turns out, I have PTDSD from my horrific online experiences. Thanks a lot, internet.

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we still have access to TD and sometimes I find myself lost in those threads for some reason.

the insanity.
*rubs his eyes out*

that was a cliquish time of DD.

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I honestly have to say Hark, I don't think these guys seem like jerks (at least not in that thread). Your first post seemed to come off as "I read the forum description, and from the looks of it, this forum is for making fun of comics. I think this makes you terrible people." I'm not saying this was your intention, but that it is how I saw it.

Spoony if I choose not to notice it, it is not true and does not exist.
That is called the scientific method, look it up.

In all honesty, this seems like your just trying to be rude, by saying "I'm the most important person, what you have to say is unimportant."

Lurk around a bit so questions like this wont be neccesary?
That seems a little impractical.
Look at my options.

I could read through reams and reams of unrelated pages, most of whcih are refering to things I, as of yet know noting about. Time taken= lots.

Or I could just ask someone, like you,and get an answer immediately. Time take= less.

This post is kind of like saying "My time is too important to waste reading several threads, unlike your time, as you have nothing better to do than type out the purpose of this forum."

I'm not trying to seem rude myself, but in all honesty, this is how your posts seemed :/

Posted at

Have you ever noticed how incredibly hostile most internet forums are?

yes. that's what happens when people are deprived of consequences for their behaveour. the turn into spoiled five-year olds. all of them.

oh, and it's "identities", "innate", "inherent".

Posted at

it's sociologically fascinating…
-what if there was no laws or anyway to enforce the social contract?
-what if people are able to survive without the help of other, do we stop being a society?
-if we have all our needs met by other things such as technology and we don't need to trade our services as goods (jobs) how would humans interact with each other?

hypothetically it could mean the end of trying to live. must be why governments that is run by trying to make everyone equal without the benefits of a higher status don't produce much fresh ideas.

ideally if everyone gets the same piece of bread no matter how much you work, people will just work enough just enough to keep their job.

Posted at

it's sociologically fascinating…
-what if there was no laws or anyway to enforce the social contract?
-what if people are able to survive without the help of other, do we stop being a society?
-if we have all our needs met by other things such as technology and we don't need to trade our services as goods (jobs) how would humans interact with each other?

hypothetically it could mean the end of trying to live. must be why governments that is run by trying to make everyone equal without the benefits of a higher status don't produce much fresh ideas.

ideally if everyone gets the same piece of bread no matter how much you work, people will just work enough just enough to keep their job.

were you meaning to post this in another thread?
you're post is too deep and meaningful for a thread about mean people on the internet.


and cliques are only seen as cliques by those not in them.

Posted at

Therealtj I find it really odd that you would take my comment that way.
My initial remark was me asking if they were just chewing over which comics they hated because I was very keen to join in a discussion along those lines(I've got a few axes to grind!)
I was not accusing them, I was just making sure I understood the conversation before I leapt in with full venom on the ones I hate!
If I was insulting people who complain about web comics they dont like, I was insulting myself, which is just getting confusing.
I actually mocked drunk duck (saying everyone just says they love everything even if it is crap) as well as mocking the idea of insulting people, so if they read it as an attack on them they over looked at least half of what I was saying.
Perhaps they were feeling self concious about the fact a large part of their forum WAS for bitching about web comics?

The scientific method quote was intended as a joke, since what I described was not the scientific method, it was just nonsense. If they thought that quote was serious they would need to have no sense of humour or have an IQ so low I dont see how they could turn their computers on successfully.

When I said I didn't want to waste time lurking around, I was responding to what was a fairly harsh response along the lines of "dont waste our precious time making us answer questions!", and once again, it was intended as silly rather then antagonistic.

Do I have to go to new forums with a cap in hand, bow down and kiss their feet?
Is having no sense of humour and incredibly thin skin a requirement for posting on that forum?

I actually got a pq from another moderator of that thread, apologising for the fact everyone was being an arrogant asshole (his words) so I feel fairly vindicated.

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It's pretty easy for humor to go awry ont he internet, especially false egotism, because some people opt not to see the 'false' part :]

Posted at

It's pretty easy for humor to go awry ont he internet, especially false egotism, because some people opt not to see the 'false' part :]
Yeah, I have to remind myself that Hark acts like a nut must of the time.

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Yeah, I think I offend Salsa with 60% of what I say (sometimes I even do it on accident!)
It's amazing how well me and him get on when you think about it!

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Well I have been on a site were the moderators and Admins were like gods. (That is the best comparison). They never posted except for special events and to even have one respond to you was considered a big deal.

That is why I like DD a lot. We all know that Skool and Ozone are no better than us and we won't be banned for thinking so. Well I guess they are better cause they have special admin powers…but they enjoy the site too and have comics and interact.

As to members, I have found DD very welcoming and easy to fit into.

Posted at

It's pretty easy for humor to go awry ont he internet, especially false egotism, because some people opt not to see the 'false' part :]

That character flaw is what lets trolls find the easiest prey.

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Moonlight meanderer

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