Inuyasha you are waiting for me to kill you?
Wait, that didn;t quite work…
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TFGM hmmm, acutally you make a pretty condeming case.
The champion of decent american values Limbaugh IS a lot like the fact sack of barely concealed racist human waste who spews mindless propaganda designed not to encourage thought but to stiffle it under the jack boot of partisan loyalty that we call Limbaugh!
*watches as his entire belief system crumbles around him*
Honestly, there are idiots on both sides. On the other hand there are things I agree with on both sides. For example, I believe that people should have to work for their money, and the military should be on of our top priorities. I also believe that we need to find alternative energy sources and find them fast.
See, by agreeing with both sides, I am a moderate.
I believe that I would pay money, any amount of money, to see rush limbaugh and michael moore with scissors taped to their hands and foreheads and thrown in a pit together for a death match. Watching them chase around till one and or both had a heart attack would let me die happy!
I believe that I would pay money, any amount of money, to see rush limbaugh and michael moore with scissors taped to their hands and foreheads and thrown in a pit together for a death match. Watching them chase around till one and or both had a heart attack would let me die happy!
Rush might have an early advantage due to all those pills rendering him immune to pain, but the cigars will take a harsh tole on his lung capacity, and with these two, struggling for breath will be a major factor after they have been running round for a minute or two.I think I can make this better. What if the field was covered in Landmines?
I believe that I would pay money, any amount of money, to see rush limbaugh and michael moore with scissors taped to their hands and foreheads and thrown in a pit together for a death match. Watching them chase around till one and or both had a heart attack would let me die happy!I like how you think.
Salsa we should make the bombs remote, as I want to see them staggering and collapsing under their own bulks a bit first, before I finish them both off.
Anyone who tries to lie, colour the facts or twist events to make me believe what they want me to believe pisses me off, whther I agree with their politics or not.
Except comedy bad review on the internet, they crack me up.
ok we also need to get Oprah, Rosie O'Donnal (SP?), that Coultre (again sp?)woman, and some other ditzy person who shouldn't be in politics and all the women on the view and throw them in there as well.
@ Hark: BRILLANT. well now I probably can't work at Fox, CNN, ABC, NBC, and probably half dozen other places, but this is too much fun!
Oh, indifference is where you simply don't give a flying fuck!I'm sorry, but I HAVE to now beleive that Hark, Pastel, and Kitty 17 are all MAFIA!!! I've never seen people help one other person "just because"! I understand Hark being bribed, but he keeps running campaign adds for Kitty! I have my doubts with them….Pastel is campaigning for her because they are lesbian lovers.
Hark is campaigning for her because she bribed him. And he takes them very serious.
I'm indifferent.
Whoa, wait, what!!! huh!?
Ah, so niccea and kitty are double teaming as our leader and pardoner, eh? Sounds good… unless one of them is mafia of course.
Anyways, I'm half expecting to die tonight as a punishment for being too successful with the last game so getting a protection from a paramedic or two would be nice.
What opening narrative? I must've missed it. (seriously)
EDIT: Found it. In a word, brief. And hard to spot with no giant text.
So I need to make them longer and with giant text, got it.
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