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Moonlight meanderer
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Nope. Me and Rokulily are still kicking.

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*nationalises Salsa's health care!*

You were warned!

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All righty then. The ongoing issue has been resolved and we're heading to THE FINAL NARRATION!

Tonight will be the night that will end it all. Finally we will realize who the true victors are in this game.

Sorry for the wait. It took some time to get a confirmation from all the remaining players.

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All righty then. The ongoing issue has been resolved and we're heading to THE FINAL NARRATION!

Tonight will be the night that will end it all. Finally we will realize who the true victors are in this game.

Sorry for the wait. It took some time to get a confirmation from all the remaining players.

Makes me wonder what's going on! 0.0

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Final Narration:

Townston was in disarray. For the past couple few days, people had been dying left and right. Its inhabitants subjected to insane executions, each more elaborate then the last. The mayor had very few enemies left since nobody dared to lift a finger against him, out of fear of becoming the next "contestant". The town had suffered greatly and if things would remain unchanged, it would certainly suffer a great deal more. But when all hopes seem lost and prayers for salvation become the most sincere, an answer often comes. The clouds departed, revealing a ray of hope. As it touched town in the town center a form could be seen appear in the bathing warm light. Mettaur had returned, descended from the heavens as the new champion of Townston. "Fear not my people, for I have returned" said the descended hero, receiving praises from the people as they gathered around this new beacon of hope.

Using his vault as his center of operation, Mettaur was quick to establish order in the town. His close allies were eager to lend a helping hand, providing help wherever needed. Townston was saved!

The End!

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ohthankgod ithoughtthiswasreal.

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Well of course a soul-stealer like you would hate a happy ending.

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"GEEAH!!!" screamed Harkovast as he jerked himself upwards in his bed. Man, what a horrible nightmare this turned out to be.
The distraught mayor wiped the cold sweat off his brow and put on his night gown with a matching head cover… did I say a night gown? No, I meant the most manliest robe you could possibly think off. As he traveled down the stairs to his kitchen for a late night snack, he couldn't help noticing the gift basket sitting on the table.
"Aah, how nice. Somebody is trying to bribe me before the next lynch" he thought to himself as he picked up the cupcake within to munch on. Hold, it? What's this? A note was lying in the basket.
It read: "Dear Harkovast. First off, I'd like to thank you for your very hard work at bringing the town to its knees. I'm forced to admit that it probably couldn't have been done without your help. However, we both knew that this day would come. We both seek power and the throne can only comfortably hold one. Your time, like all others who stand in my way, are up. Please enjoy this cupcake as a consolation prise.
With love.
The Godfather."

"Why that rotten little- My! That is a good cupcake" thought Hark to himself as he devoured the helpless pastry. The joke would be on her though. He was not gonna go down without a fight.

Sitting in his basement, a certain villager had been busy working on his new project. His sudden influx of money had prompted him to invest in allot of high tech gadgetry, creating quite the workshop inside his lair. He had just wielded the last two pieces together and was amazed how he had managed to finish his project in such a short time. Thank goodness for those montage moments. As he turned of his blowtorch, he noticed a faint hammering from upstairs. Curious, he walked upstairs to find that somebody was trying his patience on his door.
"Finally!" said the courier as Salsa opened the door. "I've been standing here for 10 minutes."
"Sorry, I was busy downstairs." said Salsa, apologetically.
"Yeah, well, this if for you." replied the messenger and handed him a basket while making a gesture for a tip.
Slamming the door behind himself, Salsa checked the contents, finding a cupcake and a note.
"Dear Salsa. I'm sorry to be the one to say this but you're living on borrowed time. I'm amazed that you were allowed to live this long but that is a condition that will be rectified very soon. Please enjoy this cupcake as you're counting the minutes that you have left.
Hugs and kisses.
The Godfather."

Salsa crumbled the note in his hands while looking at his cake. The hell he was gonna let that bastard get away with this. He knew very well who the mastermind was now and he was gonna come over with his new surprise and shove that thing down her throat.

As the sun reared its nosy head, the only noticeable activity at the commercial street could be seen at the bakery. Rokulily was finishing her last batch in the bakery. The air inside was strong with the smell of freshly baked goods and her clothing was lightly covered in flower and various other baking products, giving her suit a white tint. It was time to start her devious plan. Taking off the white, oversized kitchen hat and replacing it with her Homburg hat, the mischievous godfather was now ready to do her thing. Taking the stairs to her roof, she executed step two of her devious plan by opening up some cages and took a seat to watch the madness unfold.

Fluttering in the air were hundreds, no thousands of genetically altered butterflies that emitted rainbow colored gash over the village. Anyone caught in the colorful fumes were almost instantly thrown in a state of hallucinogenic frenzy, creating quite the interesting scene as the early risers of Townston felt its effects. Watching this scene from high above was Salsa, grateful that his jet pack was working according to his specification. His body armor and helmet fit seamlessly over his body and all systems were reporting operating at 100% efficiency. Thankfully his helmet had an inbuilt filtration device that helped him resist the effects of the gas. Salsa was quick to notice that the only street not covered in this strange gas was the one around the bakery. It did not take him long to theorize why and dove down to confront his opponent.
Suddenly he was swarmed with hundreds of buterflies that disturbed his view and navigation censors. Beelining to the ground, Salsa plow into the ground as the mad villagers hooted around him.

"And what the hell are you supposed to be? Captain Can and his farting fairy squad?" asked Harkovast as he observed Salsa and the vapor emitting butterflies in the hole.
Salsa wiped the relentless insects off his visor and looked around himself. He was surprised to see Harkovast acting normal around the crazy villagers.
"Harkovast?" asked Salsa confused "why aren't you being affected by this gas?"
"Boy, you need to understand one thing. You can't make someone insane if he's already nuts!" stated Hark with wide open eyes and aimed an over sized cannon at Salsa, firing rabid weasels at him.
The furious critters ran all over the powerarmored townie as the butterflies continued to swarm him.
"I'm starting to dislike this popularity" He said and activated his reinforcement protocol.
An army of robotized gerbils swarmed from his house, programed to attack anything that would harm his master in sight. As the gerbils encountered salsa, their programing identified the closest enemies and piled on top of Salsa in order to attack the butterflies and weasels.
"Ok. I didn't think this one through" said Salsa to himself.

Rokulily was having a great time watching the show from her rooftop and was holding her sides, laughing hysterically.
"Glad to see you're having fun. Would you like to see my punchline?" asked Hark as he aimed his critter canon at her.
"Don't you dare aim that thing at me." snapped rokulily at her her Mayor. "You may not know it but you've been poisoned. Soon enough your body functions will shut down unless you receive the antidote. I alone know what it is and if you kill me, I will take that knowledge with me to the grave."
This revelation caused Hark to hesitate for a moment. He liked living. It was among his favorite things.
"Well, it seems that if I'm going down, you're going to tag along with me" said Hark, Re-aiming the cannon at Rokulily. "That is of course unless you happen to spill where this antidote is."
"Fine. You want it?" replied Rokulily as she picked a small bag out of her pocket and threw it off the side of the roof. "There it goes".
Hark jumped after the bag as the Godfather made her get away down a shaft she had secretly made in the last few days. Before disappearing into the hole, she wiped up a remote control and activated it. The villagers will be unpleasantly surprised once they find out where Gullas kept the remainder of his explosive stockpile.

Salsa was getting tired of being the center of this living hurricane and activated his offensive mode. The mechanism in his arms sprung to life, revealing an oversize chainsaw on one arm and a ridiculously huge gun on the other. Setting the chainsaw on fire, he waved it around to get the animals to disperse. Only the butterflies remained, hugging him stubbornly.
"What the hell are these critters so interested in?" thought Salsa to himself. They've been hording me ever since I came here to return…"
Reacting quickly to his realization, Salsa opened up his side compartment, revealing his cupcake and threw it as far away as he could. Sure enough, the swarm followed.
He noticed Hark hording a small bag nearby as the Godfather was nowhere in sight. Launching himself up to the roof, he noticed the hatch that Rokulily had gone down.
He was quick to follow when he noticed a whole side of mount whathehell blowing up, sending a stream of hot lava towards the town.

Following a narrow passage down Salsa ended up finding himself in a small darkened room. As he stepped near one of the walls it opened up revealing a hallway. He was inside that vault.
"Oh? Hello." said a vault tech technician who was standing nearby, examining a fuse box.
"Did you see a well dressed girl, covered in flour just now?" asked Salsa.
The technician though for himself for a second and replied "Oh, yeah. She ran out of the same closet that you just came out of and headed to the control room. Say, were the two of you fooling around in there?"
Ignoring the accusation, Salsa moved down the hallway, to follow.
"So this is where the guys went" said hark as he popped out of the closet as well, launching couple of weasels at the technician.
"Oh god! Why did you do that!" cried the technician as the critters tore him apart.
"Well, for the XP obviously" replied hark and launched two more for good measure.

Inside the control room, the godfather was busy hacking herself into the monitor system and activating the security. She watch in amazement as salsa braved the bullets and explosions dishing out formidable damage himself. Using his freakishly huge gun, Salsa was quick to blow opposing turrets, firing irritated frogs with viking helmets at them.
At last he reached the door to the control room and used his last gerbil to commit a suicide attack on the reinforced door. The door blew off it's hinges opening up the path inside. Battered and bruised, he had succeeded at cornering the godfather.
Rokulily couldn't help being amused by Salsa's getup. "I thought it was cheesy enough when one of us was roaming around in a spandex and a cape. Now you're pretending to be Iron-"
"Laugh all you like. It is your last." interrupted the new self imposed vigilante as he aimed his mondo-gun at her.
"Hold it right there!" said Rokulily, with a finger over a button. "While you were out of town, I took the liberty of launching a satellite from your launch pad. It is now aiming a missile directly at this place, ready to blow up the entire vault. I suggest that you do as I say."
"You know what?" said Salsa. "I don't really care anymore what happens. Right now there are hundreds of insane people up there being burned into a crisp. If dying means that I get to take you down, then I'll gladly go for that option."
"Since I'm more fond of myself, I hope you won't mind if I 'weasel' my way out of this" said Hark and launched more pesky creatures at him from behind. With all the damage his suit had suffered, the weasels were able to find cracks to squeeze through and were happy to get to their canned food. "By the way. Thanks for plowing the way for me."

[spoiler]Salsa the Townie is dead.[/spoiler]

The Mayor and the Godfather now stood face to face with each other. Their eyes were lit with fiery intent as they stood there, ready to go at each other in the fight of the century. The screen next to them flickered, catching their attention as the vault computer had established a video up link with the satellite. They were greeted with images of townston half buried in lava.

The two figureheads watched the screen quietly for a moment. Then came the snicker. Then a full blown laughter. Before you knew it, the twosome were lying on the floor barely able to breathe. After this tension release the sat up for a moment and quietly contemplated their situation.

"Well-" said Harkovast, breaking the short silence. - looks like neither of us have much use with a burning town."
"Yeah. But we have to admit that it was a blast." replied Rokulily

They sat together for a moment more until Rokulily looked back at Hark.
"Hey? You know what would be fun?"

Rokulily and Harkovast watched the hellball rise into the sky from a safe distance as what little that was left of Townston vaporized in the explosion.
Hark stared intently at the scene until the mushroom cloud grew dark. "Well… Now what?" he asked, addressing his partner in crime.
Rokulily smiled as she showed him same's lucky hat, full of chips. "I swiped this from one of my underlings home, after he got killed by the vigilante."
Hark stared at the chips with an eyebrow raised "Vegas, huh? … Sure. Why not? We should be fun trashing that place."

[spoiler]Rokulily the Mischievous Godfather.

Harkovast the Insane Veteran

You are the sole survivors of Townston. Hope you are proud of yourselves.[/spoiler]

The official theme song for this batshit crazy duo:

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weird… i know that song by heart…

i would like to thank my team so here is our team pic!

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Haha awesome!
Oh well, that was a drag. :(

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i believe i made my point with how awesome hats are in general, so we are clearly in agreement.

he godfather picked up his machine gun and donned his Homburg hat.

need i say more?


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no no no… NICCEA told you all. before the game even started- what did she say? she said that hark and i are the most devious of the devious. and i agreed with a statement that explains this whole game…

ahem, ""Niccea" Said:

And since I'm no longer GM, I can say this: never trust hark or rokulily. (You really shouldn't trust anyone, but these two are the most devious of the devious.)

"rokulily" Said:
hm… the best part of being so devious is you never know when or how i've been devious, you just must then assume that i've already devianted and the course of action you take against me may or may not be part of my deviation in which will cause you to also deviate… "

so niccea wins.

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Damnit Hark! You traitor! You killed him! You killed the android! The railroad freed him, brought him to us to protect him, and you fired a weasel cannon at him? Hark is a terrible leader! Since the game is over, I can give my opinions now, and my opinion, do not vote him anymore, he always ends up screwing everyone over then laughing about it. Well, there aren't that many survivors, 80 so far, most are badly wounded. Oh well, we have helped others rebuild from worse. Do not worry Townston, we shall help. For It is the way of the good.

And seeing that Townston was shattered so in such bloodied, smoldering ruins, feeling that they too had gone through such times, the residents of the vault would help and nurture the town until it was well again. And then, Mettaur reappeared in the town square in a blinding flash of light, eating a pear, saying, "I'm back! Well, I said I would be and I am! Alright, we need a place for the dead to be buried, we can't have the bodies outside to rot, it will spread disease. Now get Doc Church here now, we have wounded to attend to, and get the town hall put out, we could use that building as a-" And when reviewing the security footage of the vault's camera security system, they had seen the flying hero suited in PowerArmor, he was then given a Hero's funeral. Using his vault as his center of operations, Mettaur was quick to establish order in the town. His close allies and friends were eager to lend a helping hand, providing help wherever and whenever needed. Townston was saved, it would take time to recover, but they would heal over time. And add to that the fact that Mettaur was leader of a group of Regulators, they had a strong law then, If the Mafia ever returned, the town would be ready. The town was saved, and Mettaur was satisfied.

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Hey! I never did get my hat back! Ooooo! ROKU I AM GONNA HAUNT YOU UNTIL YOU ARE SO SANE, YOU"RE CRAZY!

@PP: *dies from awesome overload*

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Just to clarify couple of things. As it should now be apparent, Rokulily and Hark formed a secret alliance that they maintained over most of the game. Since the game had reached a situation where all the remaining members had two night lives, I decided that the last few turns were going to be dreadfully boring. As a result, I contacted Salsa, Hark and Rokulily and asked them if they were interested in a final showdown where Rokulily and Salsa used their ill gotten funds to build devises that would help them take over/destroy/save townston, while Hark would do the same, using the town treasury.

The threesome agreed and gave me a list of objects that they wanted me to include. I tried my best to incorporate them all into the narration. Strangely enough, both Salsa and Hark asked for a gun that launched rabid weasels (I mean, what are the bloody odds?) but since that was the only thing that Hark asked for, I opted to give him the gun while I gave salsa an Iron man suit as a compensation.

I originally intended to pick the winner via a randomizer but eventually I opted to give the victory to both Hark and Rokulily (they would have killed Salsa anyways during the next lynch). Technically speaking, they should have fought to the death, being enemies and all but Hark never showed me any intent that he was pro-town and the two maniacs really wanted to share the victory so I opted to reward them it.

I like to give 1337 master the "Most Valuable Player" award in this game. Despite the loss of the pro-towns, he became the spearheading force that tackled the mafia and almost brought them to their knees. Every single night that he was active, he managed to target ONLY mafia members and the night he died, he was planing on going after Rokulily (she just managed to get her action in before him (not that it mattered that much since she had two night lives)).

Now for a clue breakdown.

crocty. Never got a chance to kill anyone so no clues were provided.

gullas. Managed to plant a single bomb on Niccea but it was detonated posthumously so no clues were provided.

same. Responsible for killing Mettaur and Anthony Mercer. First mayor clue was the fact that he stabbed his opponent from behind. By looking at his profile, you can see a picture of that same act. During the second night, I chose to re-address that clue, pointing out that he liked attacking people from behind (a reference to the fact that the guy in the picture is smiling).

Anthony Mercer Responsible for killing killerbob and D_Dude. I admit that his clues were really hard. First major clue was the fact that he was a split personality. This clue is based on his avatar which are two different people. Second clue was referring to his profile description where he mentions that he has an excellent culinary taste (Frank says I have excellent taste…)

I Am The 1337 Master Responsible for ending Crocty, Gullas and Same. Most clues were constantly pointing at his name. First clue had him boasting about being good. Second clue had him boasting about being great (Good - Great - 1337). Third clue practically spells out his name (I am the god damn Batman/ I Am The 1337 Master).

rokulily. Responsible for stopping 1337 master's winning streak. Two clues during that narration. Firstly I called her a probaganda master. It was a super obscure clue about the fact that she was demanding posters during the election so I added in the second clue - The Homburg hat. A simple Google search will should reveal that Homburg hats are the classic mafia hats. If you check her profile you will find a comic poster with a hat like that.

Finally, I made short and simple gift card notes to anyone who received a box from Seventy2. These notes contained phrases like: "Need some money? - interested in a good life? - Want to do something random?" these are referring to various things in his profile like comic names, threads he started and his description.

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so when's the GM election ending?

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I was gonna tally the votes tomorrow, after a nice rest but I can tell you guys the result in a minute.

All right then. I'm officially no longer the Mafia GM. That prestigious title now belongs to Salsa. Have fun with it.

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no no no… NICCEA told you all. before the game even started- what did she say? she said that hark and i are the most devious of the devious. and i agreed with a statement that explains this whole game…

ahem, ""Niccea" Said:

And since I'm no longer GM, I can say this: never trust hark or rokulily. (You really shouldn't trust anyone, but these two are the most devious of the devious.)

"rokulily" Said:
hm… the best part of being so devious is you never know when or how i've been devious, you just must then assume that i've already devianted and the course of action you take against me may or may not be part of my deviation in which will cause you to also deviate… "

so niccea wins.
I am prescient at times. Either that or I make self-fulfilling prophecies. Also, I would like to apologize to Randomdude. I told Hark that you didn't trust him before I died.

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And Rokulily, you should know better! Wasting missiles, don't you know that vault doors and exteriors are near indestructible? They were built to survive the nuclear holocaust, one puny widdle missile isn't going to do much, even one the size of the Vatican! You know why? Because the metals used to make the vault are mixed with the indestructible metals in a mettaurs helmet. Oh yeah. Score for the good guys! Woot!

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Sign up thread will be up as soon as I have a Pic.

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Well, here we are. At the end of Mafia XXIII - Back to the Basics. And the host of this game was a certain Product Placement. And this game, was really fun. It was simple to understand, yet enjoyable. And his narrations were great. Although we still are finding ill-tempered viking frogs in the air-conditioning system. Anyways, this was really fun guys. I enjoyed this game, and I plan to enjoy the next! And remember, there is always hope. The town shall be rebuilt, for true survivors, never accept defeat. They do not leave fallen comrades behind. No defeat, no surrender. If the Mafia wants us, they can come and get us, bu they won't be taking us back alive! Fight to the last breath, for Townston!

Posted at

Great game.

I'd like to thank the academy, Dainel Radcliffe and whoever that hobo underneath my basement stairs is. These people have made me what I am today, a dead superdoofus posting near the end of a game on the internet. It is quite humorous that I have recieved this award for [blah blah blah blah blah blah] and [blah blah blah blah]. Als

*ten minutes…days later*

[blah] Thank you and goodnight.

By the way…
Rokulily sucks!
Harkovast sucks more!

That is all.

Posted at


aw, bobby's so cute in there… but go team Mafia ^_^

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Moonlight meanderer

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