Oh I didn't mean to target Christianity specifically. I was just using it as an example.Just abandon religion overall. It has too many hassles. Christianity forces you to go to mass every fucking sunday.Uh, that would be Catholics. What most of the rest of us have isn't anything like that. As for forcing, it's more like highly recommended. The only requirements for being a Christian are:
And, Mettaur. If you were trying to be brutal but honest, then at least be honest.
*Admitting that you are a sinner. Hey I'm a Christian and I still need to admit to my transgressions.
*Believing that Jesus Christ died to cover our sins, and that he rose on the third day. This is the reason we don't sacrifice animals to atone for our sins.
*Committing your life to God. This could be as simple as providing a good example at work or for your kids/younger siblings, to actively telling people about the gospel, to being a missionary.
There are other things that are necessary to understanding what it is to be a Christian, but the above is the vital stuff needed to become a Christian. Most of the other stuff, like prayer and reading your bible, are meant to help you follow the path you've chosen. Going to church, our mass as you called it (though I think only the Catholics call it that), is recommended because it helps to have someone more spiritually mature to help you understand what you're reading and the vast majority of Pastors are more than willing to help you if you have a problem or a question about something.
As for me, personally, I have a hard time of it because I do screw up, a lot. I have done things and seen things and gone to sites that I wish I could scrub the memory away with acid, all just to forget my shame. I have fallen many, many times. I have definitely hurt my witness here and other places, both in person and through my online persona. I was and am still a sinner, but I still want to grow. I still want to show others the joy I find in Jesus. I still want to light a path so that others may follow.
Heh, kinda got off track there.
I bet other religions have their strings attached.
And Zach, it's just a game. Chill out.