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Moonlight meanderer
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If it makes you feel any better, be grateful you've only been dealing with 13-year old ignoramuses from Idaho or wherever. Be grateful you've never had to deal with the TRUE fanatics.

I once had someone who decided (I guess as a "prank" ) to subscribe my email address to a true "aryan nation" style naziesque mailing list, where they were making plans and celebrating the birthdays or dead racist leaders of days gone by. Aside from the fact that I enjoyed emailing every single one of their racist posts to the abuse department of their ISP, it was truly sickening stuff. I did end up politely emailing their main person and suggested he unsubscribe me, as I really wasn't their kinda guy. He did.

On another level, I have also seen the online artwork of people who see African-Americans as much less than human and with a cold hate that most people never experience (and live). It chilled me to my soul, and that was 10 years ago! I try not to remember that stuff, but it's an evil that's in the world and should be regarded as such.

On a lighter note: kyupol, never stop with the conspiracy theories. Sometimes, they're the highlight of my day! lol!

This is a quick one. Internet racism. I just… can't wrap my mind around the retardation sometimes. I think dealing with it would be a lot easier if I wasn't black, but alas.

You have 13 year olds in bumfuck Idaho running around and saying the most ignorant shit because there aren't really any penalties for it. And it doesn't end at just the stupid racist comments. I dunno.

By the way, is anyone else bothered by the fact that we kind of keep posting our own rants without thinking of the above person/s rant?

Custard, hope your laptop shit comes out alright.

Kyupol… Wow.

Posted at

On a lighter note: kyupol, never stop with the conspiracy theories. Sometimes, they're the highlight of my day!


This rant this time is the continuation about the nitpicking part.

Have you ever been to forums that discuss conspiracies? There's a couple types of people over there I'm annoyed with.

1) The ultra-paranoid types - I say these guys are insane. They are the ones who love to make bizzare theories of everyone being controlled opposition or disinfo agents of the illuminati.
For instance, there was this poster who calls Alex Jones controlled opposition. Because he didnt sneak into the bohemian grove but was actually invited. Because everytime he gets "arrested", there is always a camera to catch it and post it on the internet. There was also this other poster who called David Icke a con man because he destroys the credibility of hard research by throwing in reptilians in his theories.
These ultra-paranoid types have fascist tendencies. If you dont agree with them, you are with the illuminati. Its us vs them. While these bastards complain about a fascist state, look whose acting fascist now?

2) The anti-semitic types - I agree that the Rockefeller and Rothchilds are Illuminati bloodlines and these people are evil. However the anti-semites paint ALL JEWS as part of the big big conspiracy. Hello. There are anti-zionist Jews. Zionist is not equal to Jew. These anti-semites are usually from Nazi, Muslim, and Black supremacist groups.

And the "nice guys" of the conspiracy boards are usually the New Age type. you know, those who believe in reptilians/greys/demons as part of the global conspiracy. They are fans of the "occult" stuff and believe in all those crystals, orgone, and all the psychic related stuff.
These are usually the types who urge everyone to respect each other because they believe that infinite love is the force that will ultimately destroy the illuminati, reptoids, etc.

There are also some atheists and christians over there that are nice guys. But sometimes they flame each other. Usually starts when the Catholic church is implicated in the big New World Order conspiracy… and when Jesus Christ is called a fraud. You know the zeitgeist movie? That says how Jesus Christ is identical to Horus And how Jesus Christ is just a big made up story of the illuminati for the purposes of controlling the population.

Anyway, I highly reccomend David Icke's books. Even though I'm around 50-50 on the stuff about giant lizards ruling the earth.

lol! thats funny to think of it. Like you know… imagine any politician you dont like… transforming into a big lizard and catching flies with the tongue.

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Scary how easy that is – for just about any politician! lol!

lol! thats funny to think of it. Like you know… imagine any politician you dont like… transforming into a big lizard and catching flies with the tongue.

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Ugh, my eczema's acting up again, I tried to have a bath the other day and it felt like my skin was burning after a few minutes. The skin along my arms and my face has gone bright red and crispy, it makes me look like a fucking lizard man. It got really bad this morning, I actually wanted to get a potato peeler and slice it all off.

There's more to it, but after this it gets into 'too much information' territory.

Posted at

I am the victim of censorship by none other than the site admins.

Seems today one of my comics had it's rating locked to "A", a rating reserved for the excessively pornographic, violent and that make full use of obscenities. The harshest word I've used in my comic so far has been "poop." In fact, the comic itself doesn't even deserve an "M" rating, as the content is perfectly acceptable for children. If anything, it's more acceptable for them than anyone.

Why, you may ask? I'll tell you.

Because everybody poops.

You poop, I poop, your mom poops, your dad poops, animals poop. Pretty much the whole of all things you could consider fauna poops, I just happen to draw a face in photoshop on my own poop, which seems to merit bumping me up to the level primarily reserved for pornography.

Well, a little digging was done, and I mean very little, since it wasn't hard to find double standards on the parts of the admins. Here is a comic that is currently rated "E":

Yes. I'm sure my poop with cartoon faces is so much more suited for a higher rating than this. Or maybe everyone just happened to miss the giant flourescent green and white letter "E" at the top of every page.



Apparently the rating has been changed to "M", which seems to imply that poop is not appropriate for children. Not only that, but it implies that a comic that shows just how regular my bowel movements are is "mature".

Posted at

Erm, I do think poo is on a way different line than pictures of people's privates certainly…I don't think it deserves an "A" rating at least. Though perhaps they did it because they think people would like to be warned that they're about to look at someone else's actual poop…though I personally think the title is enough indication. It may gross out some people though it's nothing worthy of a pornographic rating like you said.

What a weird thing to talk about…

Anyway my rant involves the wonderful world of technical computer crap. A while ago I got a set of new speakers, they worked out fine at first…but then one of the speakers (the left) started making hissing and crackling noises. Eventually it completely blew out…I thought, okay, it's a crappy speaker that blew out because I play my music very loud.

So I switched over to some older speakers. Granted they are older but they have been known to work well enough.

No good. Same deal and except even WORSE. The left speaker isn't exactly DEAD, just very very VERY low and muffled…like it's being covered up with something. Also when turned up to a higher level they start popping, mainly the right one that works fine for the most part.

So I have been listening to boring old low music that are "missing" guitar solos and other things because the left speaker isn't high enough. And don't say that it's because I'm blasting my music too loud that I keep ruining my speakers, my sister has used the same speakers for years and has turned her music even louder than I have quite a few times. It shouldn't make any difference.

It's really frustrating, I can't tell if something is set up wrong with the speakers, if it's the sound card, or something else….but I miss my loud music! :(

Posted at

Erm, I do think poo is on a way different line than pictures of people's privates certainly…I don't think it deserves an "A" rating at least. Though perhaps they did it because they think people would like to be warned that they're about to look at someone else's actual poop…though I personally think the title is enough indication. It may gross out some people though it's nothing worthy of a pornographic rating like you said.

What a weird thing to talk about…

The comic description was "I take pictures of my poop and draw faces on them. YOU WILL LOVE IT."

Anyway my rant involves the wonderful world of technical computer crap. A while ago I got a set of new speakers, they worked out fine at first…but then one of the speakers (the left) started making hissing and crackling noises. Eventually it completely blew out…I thought, okay, it's a crappy speaker that blew out because I play my music very loud.

So I switched over to some older speakers. Granted they are older but they have been known to work well enough.

No good. Same deal and except even WORSE. The left speaker isn't exactly DEAD, just very very VERY low and muffled…like it's being covered up with something. Also when turned up to a higher level they start popping, mainly the right one that works fine for the most part.

So I have been listening to boring old low music that are "missing" guitar solos and other things because the left speaker isn't high enough. And don't say that it's because I'm blasting my music too loud that I keep ruining my speakers, my sister has used the same speakers for years and has turned her music even louder than I have quite a few times. It shouldn't make any difference.

It's really frustrating, I can't tell if something is set up wrong with the speakers, if it's the sound card, or something else….but I miss my loud music! :(

I've had this same issue, actually. It sounds like one of the contacts on your soundcard has worn down, at least that was the case when mine did that. Thankfully you can pick up a decent soundcard (unless you need one with all the front panel goodness) for under $75 nowadays.

Posted at

acutally you can get a good soundblaster card from wal-mart for about 28 dollars….

so i've finally settled on a direction for my life. and i think i'm gonna like it. i'm normally a wing it kind of guy, but sometimes you just gotta plan. i doubt that i'll drop the whole, play it by ear part of life. but it's good to have a plan.

for a bit, the nightmare's returned. and not the traditional monsters and demons nightmares, but the she's leaving me over and over again in my dreams nightmares. those were some of the worst. specially when i got home last time. in my dreams we're together, or at least talking, and then she leaves, while i can do nothing about it. at one point i would wake up, and ask for her to hold me, only to realize she was gone. it was pretty bad. and these dreams aren't near that, but still painful. i'm just hoping to push past this, and finally be ready to completly move on.

i picked up fear files for the 360. it's okay, no where near the scariness that FEAR was. they use the same points that the original game did, however, they over use it. but a fun game non the less….

and that's how the story ends…..

post. script.
Five Iron Frenzy rocks.

Posted at

Don't mind the following rant, I'm in a bitter mood tonight, and I need to let my pessimistic, mad at the whole world, side of me speak.

ok so why is it that nice guy finish last, why is it that woman say they want the nice guy, but will choose the asshole. Why is it that when I was with the girl of my dreams, I was the sweetest boyfriend ever. I was never the controlling jealous type, I never had a problem with her going out with her friends, to the "bar scene" I was never really into. Then she dumps me for one of the asshole in her group of 'bar friends' the asshole who freaks out at her for talking to other guy at a party one night.
Why is that?

Why can't I get a break……

Posted at

Don't mind the following rant, I'm in a bitter mood tonight, and I need to let my pessimistic, mad at the whole world, side of me speak.

ok so why is it that nice guy finish last, why is it that woman say they want the nice guy, but will choose the asshole. Why is it that when I was with the girl of my dreams, I was the sweetest boyfriend ever. I was never the controlling jealous type, I never had a problem with her going out with her friends, to the "bar scene" I was never really into. Then she dumps me for one of the asshole in her group of 'bar friends' the asshole who freaks out at her for talking to other guy at a party one night.
Why is that?

Why can't I get a break……

Yeah I understand.

But women are naturally attracted to POWER. They are attracted to men who are leaders.

Doesnt matter if you are a CEO or a gang leader.

Doesnt matter if youre a good or bad man.

As long as you walk like an alpha male and project yourself like one, you will be an instant woman magnet.

Hope this helps.


Posted at

Don't mind the following rant, I'm in a bitter mood tonight, and I need to let my pessimistic, mad at the whole world, side of me speak.

ok so why is it that nice guy finish last, why is it that woman say they want the nice guy, but will choose the asshole. Why is it that when I was with the girl of my dreams, I was the sweetest boyfriend ever. I was never the controlling jealous type, I never had a problem with her going out with her friends, to the "bar scene" I was never really into. Then she dumps me for one of the asshole in her group of 'bar friends' the asshole who freaks out at her for talking to other guy at a party one night.
Why is that?

Why can't I get a break……

Yeah I understand.

But women are naturally attracted to POWER. They are attracted to men who are leaders.

Doesnt matter if you are a CEO or a gang leader.

Doesnt matter if youre a good or bad man.

As long as you walk like an alpha male and project yourself like one, you will be an instant woman magnet.

Hope this helps.


I'm about to blow the minds of everyone in this thread:

I agree with kyupol.

You need to be assertive (without being commanding) and you need to make her feel that you're more than just an overly sentimental pushover.

Posted at

I agree with kyupol.

I agree with kyupol.

I agree with kyupol.

It's like a hideous mantra that want to eat my brain and shit it out.

What's worse is that I also agree with him, this is bizarre, I mean, Kyupol saying something intelligent?

Posted at

You need to be assertive

I'd also like to add to it: Women are also attracted to DRAMA. Doesnt matter if its real life or in the form of entertainment.

I heard a story though of this guy who used an unorthodox method of manipulation.

Instead of threatening HER, he threatens HIMSELF then plays on feelings of guilt in order to keep her in line.

When requesting a sexual favor and she declines, pretend that you're totally upset. To make it dramatic, it would help to do some papercuts on your wrists or fingers… and tell her about how much she has hurt your feelings.

Dont forget to sound very convincing. Acting classes might help. Also dont forget the tears.

And when she's calm and compliant, woo her with poetry. Make sure you talk about death, blood, love, and pain combined.

It is an effective control method. But only effective against "nice girls". Total bitches wont fall for this.

Try it out. lol!

Posted at

Grrr, so I look at my forum signature today and I realize that the name of someone in the quote has been edited to something childish. One of the admins no doubt. I go through the trouble of reported all the DD bugs I know of in the Extermination Station to help out and THIS is how I'm treated?! I am not happy.

Posted at

I'd also like to add to it: Women are also attracted to DRAMA. Doesnt matter if its real life or in the form of entertainment.

I heard a story though of this guy who used an unorthodox method of manipulation.

Instead of threatening HER, he threatens HIMSELF then plays on feelings of guilt in order to keep her in line.

When requesting a sexual favor and she declines, pretend that you're totally upset. To make it dramatic, it would help to do some papercuts on your wrists or fingers… and tell her about how much she has hurt your feelings.

Dont forget to sound very convincing. Acting classes might help. Also dont forget the tears.

And when she's calm and compliant, woo her with poetry. Make sure you talk about death, blood, love, and pain combined.

It is an effective control method. But only effective against "nice girls". Total bitches wont fall for this.

Try it out. lol!

Everyone is attracted to drama. This is why we're on the Internet. :P

Seriously though, normally I try not to dip into rant threads (since it's all about letting off steam) but the guy you described sounds like a prick. I don't think I can even sit here idly for fear that someone might actually take that piece of advice seriously.

I know that I myself am not a bitch but even I wouldn't touch a man like that with a ten foot pole. Aside from being an manipulative, controlling drama queen, what if he turns psychotic? What if he's already mentally unstable? And I wouldn't want to have someone place the responsibility of their well being on my shoulders. Forget sexual favours, I wouldn't even be in the same building as him if I could help it.

Randomlogic, I'm sorry to hear the relationship didn't work out. I'm sure though that you'll be okay and perhaps one day you'll find someone else.

Killersteak, I have no idea who edited your signature but I do know that your help is appreciated. So I'm sorry that that has happened to you. :(

Croi Dhubh
Croi Dhubh
Posted at

I got my first complaint yesterday for doing my job!

Posted at

My feet and back hurt from standing all day to work in the deli. I need better shoes. I can't do much about my back. (It hurts because I'm "top-heavy," which can be another rant all together about how even outlet stores almost never have bras that fit me – and most shirts don't fit me either, because of the shape. -_- ) They have a back brace there, but it is WAAAAY to small for me. I might see if they'll reimburse me if I buy one that actually fits. Plus, I couldn't grip things yesterday because of arthritis in my hands. I'm too young to have arthritis. Ugh. I guess it's just an adjustment period – being my first week. I'm not use to so much physical work. My last job was as a biology lab teacher and tutor in graduate school, so I got to sit down, and my most strenuous labor was grading papers.

Oh, and the application process for *good* jobs takes forever – which is why I had to get the deli job to pay my bills in the meantime. Why are their so few jobs around? I can't pay back my student loans on minimum wage. :-/

Posted at

Everyone is attracted to drama. This is why we're on the Internet. :P

Seriously though, normally I try not to dip into rant threads (since it's all about letting off steam) but the guy you described sounds like a prick. I don't think I can even sit here idly for fear that someone might actually take that piece of advice seriously.

I know that I myself am not a bitch but even I wouldn't touch a man like that with a ten foot pole. Aside from being an manipulative, controlling drama queen, what if he turns psychotic? What if he's already mentally unstable? And I wouldn't want to have someone place the responsibility of their well being on my shoulders. Forget sexual favours, I wouldn't even be in the same building as him if I could help it.

There are other ways to manipulate your way into relationships. Things such as cocky and funny, neghits, changing your tone of voice and body language, sending mixed signals, etc.

These are the things used to manipulate human relationships.

At first I thought those things are just BS but I've actually experimented on them myself. Enough to see results without hurting the person being experimented on.

After that I've started to wonder. Why is it do I need to resort to manipulative measures in order to get women to like me? Cant they like me for who I really am?!?

Then I became depressed and all… trying to come to terms with the blatant truth. There was the initial anger at the TRUTH that thats the way this world works. Then later on I kept questioning my reality. Until now I obsessively question reality.

But now I've already accepted that I will never be loved for who I really am. Because I dont expect it to come from an outside source, I have to make it come from within.

The idea of loving myself.

I dont wanna get too spiritual about this but I believe that by willing it, a human being can generate the frequency of love that will re-energize himself/herself.

The frequency of love is very powerful. I remember when I was totally inlove with this girl (who mercilessly dumped me in the end), my sleep requirement actually decreased to 4 HOURS as well as feeling an overall feeling of increased alertness. It was a beautiful feeling. I felt so alive.

Now my goal is to generate that frequency without an outside source. Because outside sources are UNRELIABLE.

Posted at

I am of the school of thought that if I have to present myself in a false manner and have to constantly trick or manipulate a person in a relationship, then it probably isn't a relationship worth continuing.

Being funny or cocky is not a form of manipulation, especially if you are a funny or cocky person. Those are personality traits. Using body language or changing your tone of voice isn't manipulation. Those are different forms of communication. I could be funny, put my hands on my hips, or use an exaggerated tone of voice but I wouldn't be presenting myself falsely.

What you've outlined earlier are not those things. Telling someone that their refusal caused you to hurt yourself is extremely controlling and manipulative. You are counting on them to care about you and then using that against them. You are telling them that your own well-being and happiness is now their responsibility and whatever you do to yourself is their fault. What if they don't want to give sexual favours (or whatever it is you ask)? What about their happiness and well-being? To make this even worse, you're not even truly upset! You're just pretending to be upset and suicidal so that you can get your way.

I know this is a rant thread so I'm trying not to turn this into a back and forth debate. However I feel ill just imagining that someone out there could potentially look at that piece of advice and go "what a great idea! I'll try it tomorrow."

Posted at

I am of the school of thought that if I have to present myself in a false manner and have to constantly trick or manipulate a person in a relationship, then it probably isn't a relationship worth continuing.

I agree with you. That is why I dont have any relationship at this point. Because if I have, I'd most likely be in a manipulating posture. Which is against my principles. I've tried to permanently destroy all the traces of love in my being but I've failed. It took awhile for me to realize that attempting to kill the love is just like killing myself. It took awhile for me to realize that love is an essential life force just like the physical needs of food, water, and shelter.

So yes I'd rather generate the energy of love through meditation and prayer.

I am also convinced that there is no woman on earth (correctly speaking: in this version of reality) with my identical thought pattern/frequency that makes harmony and true love possible. Maybe in my next life I will meet her. But until then I will keep on creating my own "love".

Being funny or cocky is not a form of manipulation, especially if you are a funny or cocky person. Those are personality traits. Using body language or changing your tone of voice isn't manipulation. Those are different forms of communication. I could be funny, put my hands on my hips, or use an exaggerated tone of voice but I wouldn't be presenting myself falsely.

What if you're NOT cocky and funny? Thats a cliche in every PUA (pick up artist) guide. And you know what, most young males turn to those things because of a DESPERATION to get a relationship. It is the lack of love in their lives that drives them to use those tactics.

Every human being seeks love. And it is hard to find these days.

Just look around you. This world is full of negativity. LOVE is not in control of this world. If LOVE is in control of this world, there would be no wars, and no crime and no hatred. FEAR AND HATE is in control of this world.

Anyway, this whole PUA stuff (among other things) is just a reaction to this environment of fear and hate that is all too commonplace in this world.

If only humans would massively awaken to their true potential and fill this world with the frequency of LOVE… this whole planet will be a better place to live in.

Posted at

I used to have problems with relationships, so I stopped bothering with them.

I don't miss them at all.

Posted at

I have to agree with black kitty.

And I have to point out… using emotions to force women into doing sexual favors for you is obviously emotional black-mail, and can be a form of abuse. And all forms of abuse is evil. And doing such things doesn't create equal happiness on both ends… it only creates temporarily satisfaction for the one who's using it to get sexual favors.

The funny thing is… when I was dating as an teenager, some guy tried to pull that same shit on me. as an deaf person growing up around a lot of people you tend to learn how to read into a lot of body language, and you somewhat become a expert on reading people.
So When he tried that emotional black-mail shit on me, I just saw right though him. So I basically told him that such a shitty tactic doesn't work, and that he was being a real scum-bag for abusing a woman's emotions to get what he wanted.

It's in my personal opinion that any person using such cheap tactics deserves to be taken out and then shot in their most sensitive body parts repeatedly. After all, evil people don't deserve to be treated like humans if they seem intent on treating others like shit for their own personal gratification.

Posted at

Kyupol, if you are not cocky and/or funny then you are not cocky and/or funny. Should you lack either of those personality traits but attempt to exhibit them, it will be quite apparent to those around you that you don't have them. :P

The lack of love in the world does not change what I have said earlier. Tomorrow we could be eating hearts for breakfast and mothers could be dashing their newborns' heads into walls. We could be weeping until our very eyeballs fall from its sockets. It still does not change the fact that telling somebody "if you don't do as I say, I'll hurt myself" is a very manipulative and controlling thing to do.

Young males could be desperate for love but it does not grant them permission (nor does it excuse them) to manipulate and control young females into giving it.

Croi Dhubh
Croi Dhubh
Posted at

Don't listen to females about advice for bagging females. It's a game, it has always been a game, and it always will be a game. Play the game or sit out, don't bitch that you can't figure out the instructions.

On my own rant here…I look like hell in pictures, but on video and in person I look fine.

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Moonlight meanderer

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