If it makes you feel any better, be grateful you've only been dealing with 13-year old ignoramuses from Idaho or wherever. Be grateful you've never had to deal with the TRUE fanatics.
I once had someone who decided (I guess as a "prank" ) to subscribe my email address to a true "aryan nation" style naziesque mailing list, where they were making plans and celebrating the birthdays or dead racist leaders of days gone by. Aside from the fact that I enjoyed emailing every single one of their racist posts to the abuse department of their ISP, it was truly sickening stuff. I did end up politely emailing their main person and suggested he unsubscribe me, as I really wasn't their kinda guy. He did.
On another level, I have also seen the online artwork of people who see African-Americans as much less than human and with a cold hate that most people never experience (and live). It chilled me to my soul, and that was 10 years ago! I try not to remember that stuff, but it's an evil that's in the world and should be regarded as such.
On a lighter note: kyupol, never stop with the conspiracy theories. Sometimes, they're the highlight of my day! lol!
This is a quick one. Internet racism. I just… can't wrap my mind around the retardation sometimes. I think dealing with it would be a lot easier if I wasn't black, but alas.
You have 13 year olds in bumfuck Idaho running around and saying the most ignorant shit because there aren't really any penalties for it. And it doesn't end at just the stupid racist comments. I dunno.
By the way, is anyone else bothered by the fact that we kind of keep posting our own rants without thinking of the above person/s rant?
Custard, hope your laptop shit comes out alright.
Kyupol… Wow.