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Moonlight meanderer
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It's been 8 months since my brother took the PS2 to the college and being left with this 2nd-grade PC.

I am being bombarded with friends having a blast with Call of Duty 4, Team Fortress 2, Portal, Super Smash Brawl (Imported), etc.

8 months.


I am REALLY tired of being left behind all the time.

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less…and less…….and less…..

but it's still there….i'm trying to make filler for my comic on photoshop.. and i'm doing the interview thing…and i have work and a super important job depending test….on top of all that, i actually have to go into work everyday… it's stupid…there's no reason for me to be there…alls i do is post on this forum anyways…

i've lost nearly ten pounds…it's starting to show, and i like it….i think i'll spend more time in front of the mirror…

Posted at

Ugh. today's not a very good day for me…

My mom literally dragged me out of my bed early in the morning, and basically nagged me to hurry up and graduate from college so that I could have a more adult life, with a job and kids. WTF? like I can rush that kind of thing?

I'm so pissed at her right now… coming into my apartment and waking me up like that just so that she can try to tell me how to live my own life!

And on top of it, that little idiot who's been flaming me all week started up again via PQ when I thought he finally stopped. We used to be friends, so it upsets me a little that he became like this over such a stupid argument. Seriously, I really wish I knew where he lived so that I could just give him a little lecture about it. It's gotten to the point where I'm actually running that scenario in my head where I tell him how I feel about it. And then slap him to make him snap out of it.
And I thought that another "certain somebody" was bad…at least with that person, it's easier to avoid him when I'm not in the mood to put up with such pointless negativity.

I'd report the little idiot–but I don't want him to get permanently banned as seeing he's still young, and might come to his senses. Not to mention that It wasn't so long time ago that we were friends… and I hope that such a thing isn't lost forever.

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My supervisor is giving me shit.

You know, being too nitpicky about what time I arrive and leave. If I am constantly late and leaving too early, then there is enough reason to give me bullshit.

I arrive on time. With usually a 5-10 minute window… being EARLY. I'm never late. Then I still get shit for that? This is stupid.

I wanted to act confrontational and all but that wouldnt work.

Cuz it pisses her off everytime I act in a calm manner and say my points clearly in a calm manner.

She's trying to find stuff on me that will put me in trouble. I know it. That she badly wants to find fault.

Cuz she knows she cannot easily manipulate and boss me around like I'm some moron or something. She knows that I stand up for myself and my rights. She knows I'm not a 'yes man'. That is why it makes her uncomfortable.

Anyway I'm gonna leave this job anytime soon. There is no fulfillment whatsoever. Too damn boring. The good side though is that most of the time I work in isolated conditions and it gives me alot of leeway to chat on my cellphone, or talk in msg boards, or watch shows on the internet, or draw pages in my comic.

But fuck I'm bored. lol!

Posted at

Anyway I'm gonna leave this job anytime soon. There is no fulfillment whatsoever. Too damn boring. The good side though is that most of the time I work in isolated conditions and it gives me alot of leeway to chat on my cellphone, or talk in msg boards, or watch shows on the internet, or draw pages in my comic.

You talk on the phone and online, watch shows on the internet and draw your comics at work?


I wonder why she bitches.

Posted at

Anyway I'm gonna leave this job anytime soon. There is no fulfillment whatsoever. Too damn boring. The good side though is that most of the time I work in isolated conditions and it gives me alot of leeway to chat on my cellphone, or talk in msg boards, or watch shows on the internet, or draw pages in my comic.

You talk on the phone and online, watch shows on the internet and draw your comics at work?


I wonder why she bitches.

She bitched because of my supposed coming of 5 minutes. If she knew I was doing these stuff, she woulda bitched at me because of it and I woulda stopped a long time ago.

I do that stuff cuz I'm bored. And yes I'll find another job.

Seriously. talking on the phone, going online… it gets boring after awhile.

Posted at

Anyway I'm gonna leave this job anytime soon. There is no fulfillment whatsoever. Too damn boring. The good side though is that most of the time I work in isolated conditions and it gives me alot of leeway to chat on my cellphone, or talk in msg boards, or watch shows on the internet, or draw pages in my comic.

You talk on the phone and online, watch shows on the internet and draw your comics at work?


I wonder why she bitches.

She bitched because of my supposed coming of 5 minutes. If she knew I was doing these stuff, she woulda bitched at me because of it and I woulda stopped a long time ago.

I do that stuff cuz I'm bored. And yes I'll find another job.

Seriously. talking on the phone, going online… it gets boring after awhile.

You also realise that you're supposed to do more than just show up at RIGHT when your shift starts, right? A good rule of thumb is to show up at least 15 minutes early to make sure you have time to prep to get to work. Doing otherwise just shows you have a poor work ethic.

Kinda like browsing the internet, drawing and doing crap online at work does.

It's called WORK for a reason.

Posted at

You also realise that you're supposed to do more than just show up at RIGHT when your shift starts, right? A good rule of thumb is to show up at least 15 minutes early to make sure you have time to prep to get to work. Doing otherwise just shows you have a poor work ethic.

lol dude. I used to start 15 mins early, given shit for that.

Then 10 mins early. given shit for thaat.

I'm given shit for starting early. I should start on the dot. But how do you expect me to coordinate with people from the shift before me? They arent necessarily given an email by the company and I show up 10 mins before since I need to COMMUNICATE.

Communication is part of good work ethic, man. I dont wanna walk into work and be completely clueless of whats going on. I need around 10-15 mins to speak with people on the shift before.

So stupid my supervisor is. Poor supervisory skills. Complete idiot who cannot understand that. lol!

Well… for now I'd just deal with it till I find some more challenging work to do.

Kinda like browsing the internet, drawing and doing crap online at work does.

If I finish the job in 3 hours or less… and there is nothing else to do and I'm not allowed to go home early. What would I do then? :)

But I predict that there will be a big layoff coming up. And I'm one of the casualties.

And if I'm one of the casualties I'd be happy about it since at least I'm getting enough severance pay + employment insurance.

Based on my calculations, enough to last me at least 6 months. If you add that up with my savings. In the worst case scenario that is.

However I am absolutely confident of finding another job in a week or less.

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If I finish the job in 3 hours or less… and there is nothing else to do and I'm not allowed to go home early. What would I do then? :)

You go to your manager and say "I have finished my assigned duties, what more do you ask of me?" and then DO WHAT THEY SAY.

Posted at

You go to your manager and say "I have finished my assigned duties, what more do you ask of me?" and then DO WHAT THEY SAY.

In my shift there is no manager. I work in isolated conditions. If you're a 'people person' who just has the need to talk talk talk, you would go quit the job after a week.

Nothing to do, man.

Just me and my internet.

Dang I think I gotta learn how to astral travel during my spare time. And then I would fly into the clouds, and all the way outside the milky way so I can say hi to the aliens. lmao!


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My graphic design office job is like that. I finish all my work in the first 45 minutes and then do nothing for the rest of the time most days. Ha, there is no other work for me to do here (on the job now) either; the nature of the job is that I only handle the artwork, nothing else and once it's done, the job's done, unless and untill it comes back for revisions etc. -but that waits on other people, I can't determine it or speed that up.

I like the minimal respnsibility, the ease of the job, the free time, the pay, etc, but empty time gets a bit tedious. Heh, I'll just draw some more and wash my coffee cup. Argh, there's no milk left in the office kitchn! >.<

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I just got a new desktop, which if I was paying for it would have cost nearly three thousand quid (I got on a disability allowance program my uni runs) it's so sexy and shiny. There are problems though, of course there are fucking problems. I feel like my life is a fucking Rob Grant novel sometimes.

These problems are mostly software related, so obviously I haven't a clue how to go about fixing them at all. It won't connect to the internet, which wouldn't bother me if it was simply because I forgot to specify that it have to (which is stupid because all software needs to go online to fucking register before it can be used these days), because I could sort that out, no problem. No, the thing is that it possesses the requirements to connect to the campus network, but it won't. Just fucking won't, so now I've got a useless chuck of metal and plastic taking up my desk.

Oh, and there's the best bit, they put Adobe Creative Suite on it for me, pre-installed, pre-registered, pre-everything, all I need to do is confirm it and it's ready to go. So, apart from not being able to confirm it (no internet juice remember?) I'm good to go. Only not quite, why? You'll fucking laugh when you read this. . .

They're in Japanese.

All of it, Flash, Photoshop, After Effects, Illustrator. The loading screens, the start up screens, the toolbars, windows, the fucking name of the goddamn programmes when they were minimized to the goddamn toolbar. Everything was, for some stupid, inexplicable reason, written entirely in Japanese.

Why? It's just so utterly bizarre. 'Hey, here's this British guy in a British university ordering a British computer from a British company. HE MUST BE JAPANESE HURF DURF GGTRTJYUJERTHARYTH!'

The rest of it is okay. Well no it isn't it's fucking infuriating, but at least they were normal problems, problems I understood, problems that I can fix in one way or another. But this? THIS? It's like something out of an incredibly nerdy sit-com. WHAT THE FUCK COMPUTER PEOPLE? WHAT THE GODDAMN FUCK?

I'm actually finding it hard to stay angry about this. I spent five minutes collapsed on the floor giggling when I first saw it.

More? Yes, more. I just tried to put a tenner on my phone so I can call them and ask what they think they're bloody playing at, but of course the site is down for 'maintenance', but obviously they absolutely CANNOT inform me of this before I've spent ten minutes entering my details, my security details, my fathers maiden name, my grandmothers secret gumbo recipe, and the exact locations (including maps and coordinates) where my children play and then wait another ten minutes for it to get my hopes up and then smash them to bits. I can't use my card like I usually do because a) the shop nearby is closed on Fridays and I'll be damned before I walk a mile into town for ten quid and b) I lost it.

The company don't seem to have an e-mail address. Why? Why the fuck does a fucking computer company not have a fucking e-mail?

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I just realized I had a prophetic dream come true. No I'm not gonna get out there and start a cult. lol that is batshit insane.

I remember being 21 years old and being a totally confused guy who just wanted to end it all.

Then a voice in my dream told me that when you hit age 24, you will absolutely regret everything you just said. That was during a night when I ranted out on another website (and in my authors notes in this site) about how much I hate this life and I wanna kill myself.

I asked it how it would happen and all it said was something you would never ever even expect. I know how much you plan your life and always think 5 steps ahead but something will happen totally unexpected.

And at the same time I treated it like bullshit that just came from my imagination. I was totally depressed and dependent on meds and here is this voice telling me 3 years from now I will totally regret everything I said and everything negative I believed in. OMG AHAHAHAHAHA!!!

It was a change in thought pattern that was a result of traumatic events in my personal life that made me think hard and put me on a journey of searching for the truth. Of searching for answers. Of questioning reality. Until it came to a point where I am no longer a part of imprisoning belief systems.

Its just amazing how 3 years can change alot. Especially in this time of accelerated energy. Bullshit? Look at all the crazy weather patterns. I've seen how people in my office got sick except me. There is something with the energy field of this earth like its going through changes.

And btw I dont believe everything will end in 2012. 2012 would be the start of a new era of human consciousness.

Posted at

This is a quick one. Internet racism. I just… can't wrap my mind around the retardation sometimes. I think dealing with it would be a lot easier if I wasn't black, but alas.

You have 13 year olds in bumfuck Idaho running around and saying the most ignorant shit because there aren't really any penalties for it. And it doesn't end at just the stupid racist comments. I dunno.

By the way, is anyone else bothered by the fact that we kind of keep posting our own rants without thinking of the above person/s rant?

Custard, hope your laptop shit comes out alright.

Kyupol… Wow.

Posted at

This is a quick one. Internet racism. I just… can't wrap my mind around the retardation sometimes. I think dealing with it would be a lot easier if I wasn't black, but alas.

You have 13 year olds in bumfuck Idaho running around and saying the most ignorant shit because there aren't really any penalties for it. And it doesn't end at just the stupid racist comments. I dunno.

By the way, is anyone else bothered by the fact that we kind of keep posting our own rants without thinking of the above person/s rant?

Custard, hope your laptop shit comes out alright.

Kyupol… Wow.

Racism is stupid. Why?

- The body is the only thing that is different. It is just like an outer shell. The real YOU is not black, white, brown, yellow, or red or pink. The real YOU is pure energy and pure consciousness.

- Therefore, if I say you are inferior because you are black. Its like saying you're inferior because you're wearing a black shirt or something. lol!

I have a theory about racism though. I think it is the result of a consciousness or a group of consciousnesses that has manipulated humanity. So much that even the rest of the children will inherit the learned behavior of the parents and probably 100 generations of ancestry.

As to who the manipulators are, I'm not too sure about that. They are probably the devils mentioned in the bible or the reptilians in the conspiracy stuff.

Posted at

By the way, is anyone else bothered by the fact that we kind of keep posting our own rants without thinking of the above person/s rant?

It's not really a discussion sort of thread. The only reason it exists is to stop a million and one rant threads clogging up the front page.

Try not to let internet racism get to you, most of the time those kids don't even understand what they're really saying, or if they do, then they probably don't know better. Unless they do, then you're probably well within your rights to hunt them down a give them a slap, or a fist, or if you're feeling daring, a mace.

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Still, thanks a lot, guys.

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there's still racism, deforestation, world hunger, poaching, bullying, pollution, war and i have to wait for brawl weeks after it comes out… i feel guilty now ;_;

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The rant today is about nitpicking.

There's this other forum I visit that is full of debates that are basically all the religions (including atheism) that keep on debating back and forth. Sometimes it gets really stupid for instance when masturbation and having multiple wives is being debated.

For instance, a Muslim said its ok to have 4 wives as long as there is mutual consent and nobody is hiding them from each other. And then the Christian would diss the Muslim for being a false religion… that monogamy is the true way because it is what the bible says and the Koran is false. Also there are other variants of Christianity that say its ok to masturbate. Masturbation is also ok for some variants of Jews and New Agers.

Other topics are questions about why is Jesus portrayed in a cross? There are Christians who disagree with that and like to call the Catholics as blasphemers because they are mocking Jesus by putting him on a cross. And the classic bible disputes. For instance, the Catholics say their bible is the most complete one and the other Christians have decided to become heretics and delete parts of the real bible. lol!

I wonder. What is the ultimate consciousness that pits people against each other and causes divisions?

I also wonder why in these type of forums, it is usually the buddhists, agnostics, and some new ager variants who mostly keep their mouths shut and are less aggressive in enforcing their beliefs on the other. And it is the extreme atheists and extreme christians that are very loud and aggressive in enforcing their views on the other.

Why? What is closer to the "true religion"?

Posted at

I also wonder why in these type of forums, it is usually the buddhists, agnostics, and some new ager variants who mostly keep their mouths shut and are less aggressive in enforcing their beliefs on the other.
Those beliefs generally aren't as exclusive and proscriptive. It doesn't make for better, calmer, or nicer people, they just don't tend to get into arguments on doctrine as much.

But yeah, naive, extreme, and intolerant Christians and atheists (usually from Western Christian cultures), are the biggest dicks when it comes to talking about religion.

Ugh. I HAVE to finish that damned Pinky TA page so I can get on with stuff again! Dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted at

I'm sorry you haven't had much luck with the Pinky comic lately ozone. =(

Nothing much to rant about over here….other than I am annoyed with my headaches as usual.

Edit - Also, I have such weird stomach problems that I don't burp properly…but when I do it sounds more like a little goblin or something is trying to speak through my throat.

Posted at

As long as it doesn't make you fart! o.O
That would be embarrassing and stinky. -_-

Pinky TA.
I realised that it really IS all down to me and nothing else. Man, I had the NERVE to blame my work (even jokingly)… When one of the main reasons for getting these particular jobs was that I'd have time for my comic stuff. Ha! Once I realised that again I knew I had no excuse what so ever.


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grah! my ink bottle leaked all in my bag that I carry my comic stuff in! luckily only a few things had to be tossed out, my pencil bag, a plastic folder that I carried research in, and part of a notebook. And the bag itself. Could of been much worse since I spent 4 hours drawing art for ads last night. Luckily none of that part of the bag got doused.

But, now I'm out of ink ;_;

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101 reasons that living in Britain sucks!
Reason number 1: All the video games have to be translated in to EVERY. SINGLE. OTHER. EURPOEAN LANGUAGE, BEFORE THEY RELEASE THEM IN BRITAIN.

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101 reasons that living in Britain sucks!
Reason number 1: All the video games have to be translated in to EVERY. SINGLE. OTHER. EURPOEAN LANGUAGE, BEFORE THEY RELEASE THEM IN BRITAIN.

Damn!! that really sucks… you could always try to import the American version? or is there that stupid issue of region coding in your console?

I've always found it stupid how I couldn't simply import some certain games or DVDs that wasn't being released over here from other countries because of that region coding. I ordered an Japanese DVD once that actually had English subs on it and everything… and I found out that my (now old) DVD player couldn't play it at all because of the fact that could only play a certain region code format. So after that I decided to get myself a new DVD player that could play all regions from all the world. Of course, can't say the same for the consoles I own…It's not quite as easy to find consoles that can play all the codes.

can't have everything, it seems. =\

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Moonlight meanderer

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