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Moonlight meanderer
Posted at

Yes, I know what a license is. Owning an animal should be a privilege and not a right. There are a lot of animal rights problems that would be solved if there were a way to ensure that dogs and cats had responsible owners, or at least legal power to enforce positive treatment of animals. However, in many states abusing and torturing an animal isn't even a crime.

animal rights? what about human rights?

So you wouldnt mind Big Brother deciding if you have a right to own an animal or not? Sure. Why not. Afterall, Big Brother knows best. :)

Anyway in case you might get me wrong, I'm no animal abuser. I used to own a bunch of dogs, cats, an aquarium, a few birds, and a chicken. I always took care of them until I had to leave the country and hand them over to relatives.

Posted at

Yes, I know what a license is. Owning an animal should be a privilege and not a right. There are a lot of animal rights problems that would be solved if there were a way to ensure that dogs and cats had responsible owners, or at least legal power to enforce positive treatment of animals. However, in many states abusing and torturing an animal isn't even a crime.

animal rights? what about human rights?

So you wouldnt mind Big Brother deciding if you have a right to own an animal or not? Sure. Why not. Afterall, Big Brother knows best. :)

Anyway in case you might get me wrong, I'm no animal abuser. I used to own a bunch of dogs, cats, an aquarium, a few birds, and a chicken. I always took care of them until I had to leave the country and hand them over to relatives.

You need to go through screening to adopt a child too.

Posted at

Yes, I know what a license is. Owning an animal should be a privilege and not a right. There are a lot of animal rights problems that would be solved if there were a way to ensure that dogs and cats had responsible owners, or at least legal power to enforce positive treatment of animals. However, in many states abusing and torturing an animal isn't even a crime.

animal rights? what about human rights?
It is protecting human rights. In fact, I'd bet it is more about the people than the animals. I'm glad that if I get attacked by a dog, the police can

1) Find out if it has had rabies (and other) vaccinations.
2) Find the owner (who might pay my medical bills)
3) Prevent the person from having another dog if they consistently let said animal roam free or train it to be violent.

It's not that people shouldn't be able to own animals. It's that the government decided that people's rights to health and safety take priority. – Paying to keep a dog is kind of silly, though. Keeping tabs on them is a good idea, but "taxing" them is a bit silly unless the dog actually does some damage to the city or something… (And in some places, it probably is all about the money. Tax whatever you can get away with.)

I understand, however, that you prefer removing any and all regulations regardless of their reasons. ;)

Posted at

Your opinions are much respected but my whole point is to minimize the involvement of the state in individual affairs because I respect the individual liberty of a person. (that includes the area of pets)

Because the more the state gets involved, the more prone it is to abuse. As demonstrated by socialism, communism, and other authoritarian regimes in human history.

The involvement of the state is ok if we have angels running it. And even if we have angels running it, those angels will eventually grow horns and a tail upon the realization of the power they have.

Just my 2 cents. :)

Posted at

i'm in agreement with kyupol.

i luff my dog. and i'd stab anybody who tried to make me get a liscense to have her. that's bordering elitism. somebody could easily say. "that house is rundown, therefore this person can't take care of the dog." or something along those lines. i have a rundown apartment. but my dog is in perfect health. the vet even told me so on saturday.

Posted at

Once again as usual it's the Chicago wizard con, and i have no money to go,it's the same ol' promise every year, i'll save a little money every month.I wish special edition dvds were cheaper.Madmexcomics/countdown 2012-6 pages on line and moving along

Posted at

I realize getting 'government permission' to own an animal is a touchy issue. :) However there are so many people in the world who get pets for the wrong reasons, breed dogs for the wrong reasons, treat their pets poorly (either deliberately or through ignorance) etc. that I'm generally for anything that will keep animals out of the hands of bad owners. I feel that pets are more than just property and should be more than something you can just buy and sell at will.

My rant now is that I'm huuuuungry!

Posted at

Yea, it's a real shame. Animals, especially dogs, are getting used to having a master to take care of them, and as a result, these animals become defenseless and weak, housed in a body that man had made dependent on himself. D: Pets shouldn't be treated a novelty items.

Posted at

Yea, it's a real shame. Animals, especially dogs, are getting used to having a master to take care of them, and as a result, these animals become defenseless and weak, housed in a body that man had made dependent on himself.
We are letting technology do it to ourselves. Why would a dog stand a chance?

Posted at

Yea, it's a real shame. Animals, especially dogs, are getting used to having a master to take care of them, and as a result, these animals become defenseless and weak, housed in a body that man had made dependent on himself. D: Pets shouldn't be treated a novelty items.

Well that whole post was one big mixed message.

Posted at

some people should just be taken out back and shot. you know. cause the government needs to keep non intelligent people off the planet, and out of my oxygen.

computers should only be given to those who hate macintosh. i mean they had to dumb it down just so it fits their users. i mean seriously? who can't take a camera and plug it straight into a computer? it's the same cable on both systems. also right mouse button.

also fat people should have their food rationed. i mean, they obviously mistreat it. and they can't do it themselves.

gas should only go to those who dont speed. otherwise their just burning it up and causing gas prices to go up. (that last part isnt true, it's the greedy oil companies who reported a 33% profit increase from the previous year, and also reported the highest profits ever)

Posted at

You know what I'm sick of? When people say things like 'I don't like ignorance and hypocrisy!'. Of course you fucking don't. No one likes those. People who are ignorant and hypocritical don't go around saying 'oh boy, I sure do so love being ignorant and hypocritical'.

It gets even worse when the same people then say 'I fucking hate this entire group of people because they sometimes do annoying things and/or they don't share my taste in music. HOW DARE THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE NOT LIVE UP TO WHAT I CONSIDER PERFECT!'. They never see the fucking irony. And if I point this out (which I tend to, because I have this unfortunate 'being honest all the time' thing), they start whining and ranting in the exact same manner they claim to hate.

I don't like it when people do annoying things either, but I have the fucking decency to hate the thing, not the person doing it. Gah.

I am also sick of the idea that simple = bad. Especially in art.

I hate superfluous words. Say what you mean, and get to the fucking point.

Posted at

'I don't ignorance and hypocrisy!'.
That's what I'm sick off: Missing out words.

Not in your post Custard, I'm just using that as an example. I only hate it when I do it myself. It's so weird how certain words just drop out like that, or I type completely the wrong word instead of what I intend- For example, before I corrected it, the first half of the previous sentence went like this:
"It's so weird how certain words just drop out like you,"

It makes me think that there's not a direct line between the fingers and the part of the brain that thinks up the words… Some annoying middleman is getting things wrong and doing his own thing. Get back to work you damned middleman! :)

Posted at

And it's even worse when you don't notice. I keep doing that, I'm worried that I might be getting stupider.

Posted at

But Ozone, you seem to do that more than anyone else! Maybe it's because you type more and longer posts than other people and you have a retarded Australian keyboard, but you constantly leave out words and letters from your posts.

Sorry if it seems like I'm attacking you lately. I mean nothing by it, you just tend to be in my rant path.

Posted at

Yes, Arishi, attack someone else, it's irritating.

Maybe you need some time out Arishi? :)

Posted at

lol. annoyed comeback.

rank. because you have more than some one else, doesnt mean that you are smarter than them.8 times out of ten, it just means you've been around longer. also, the air force is not the military. we may fall under some wierd rules, and we wear uniforms. but we dont practice that strict discipline the marines do. or the tight sharp uniforms from the army. we're relaxed for a reason. it makes it easier to do our jobs. so stop being a douchebag and realize you're the only one who's getting a hadron collider from following the most strict rules.

Posted at

different rant.

facking american people and their wanton disregard for american citizens.

i mean seriously? it's nice that you help out asians who just lost their homes in some typhoon. but there are still homeless people from hurricane katrina (which is a different rant alltogether for me).

seriously, something something…..crap, i lost it.

Posted at

Teen pop "sensation" Hannah Montana (aka Miley Cyrus) drives me nuts. She can't even sing…her lyrics are practically her talking. My body automatically changes the radio station whenever her song comes over the air. I don't see the fascination little teenie-boppers have with her. She's horrible.

I rant about this because my favorite radio station just played her song.

Posted at

They just turned off our cable. :( I know we told them to do it, since we're moving, but I'm still sad.
I'll probably never have cable again if I can help it. I find the amount of TV I watch increases exponentially with the number of channels available. :) I stick with the free 5… Currently there's no TV shows I watch (they're all in reruns) though when new ones show there's still only 3 or 4 I watch for the whole week. If I got cable I'd just be paying money to sit on my fat arse more than I do already.

Kinda like junk food in the house, if I don't have it I'm not tempted. But if it's sitting around…

Yes, Arishi, attack someone else, it's irritating.

Maybe you need some time out Arishi? :)
Ozone you always get people's names wrong :)

Posted at

Me too, haven't had it for over 2 years… I don't even have local channels because of antennae. The few shows I actually like I just download. The main thing that is annoying about this however is I don't know when a new movie is coming out. Like Hellboy 2. Apparently people knew about it for a long time. I just caught a commercial for it this week at someone's home.

Posted at

They just turned off our cable. :( I know we told them to do it, since we're moving, but I'm still sad.
I'll probably never have cable again if I can help it. I find the amount of TV I watch increases exponentially with the number of channels available. :) I stick with the free 5… Currently there's no TV shows I watch (they're all in reruns) though when new ones show there's still only 3 or 4 I watch for the whole week. If I got cable I'd just be paying money to sit on my fat arse more than I do already.

I've never had cable. The only tv in my house has a smaller screen than my laptop and I think it's been buried away in the basement somewhere. I used to complain about it all the time when I was small, but I don't really want it now. If I like a tv series, I will rent or buy it. I do, however, make a point of watching as much crappy tv as I can whenever I'm staying in a hotel.

Posted at

I always hate it when I have a really great idea for a sculpture or other project and I completely lack the abilities to do it. I want to make some full-size models of creatures I've got mock ups for, but I need someone with the ability to cast acrylic or do injection molded plastic to do it. Not to mention I don't have the money to do what I want right now. I know I'll eventually be able to work on this project but I just absolutely hate having to work on it so slowly.

I also want to punch my brother-in-law in the face. Even if he is some stupid state wrestling champion. He never shuts up about it and every time I open my mouth in any conversation he immediately cuts me off, calls me a know-it-all and proceeds to try and explain to everyone how wrong I am. The idiot will even argue how wrong I am on things like how much you can charge per hour on a graphic design / illustration commission, which is my friggin' career field. He acts like I must be inferior because I don't drive a sports car, never played football or wrestled and prefer using by brain to my muscles. I must be the world's biggest embarrassment to my family huh. If I ever try to change the subject from cars or racing to something I'd prefer to talk about he ignores that I said anything and just keeps on about his stupid motorcycle. If I profess to being ignorant of something, I get called an idiot for not knowing. He's that perfect stereotypical Neanderthal jock.

Posted at

Ozone you always get people's names wrong :)
I know Slook, it's embarrassing :(

But my version of his name is better. He should change it to that :)

lba, you have a bigger brain, use it. ^_^
It's not hard to make an idiot feel inferior if that's your goal. Do some cursory research into his fields of interest and know more about them than him, shouldn't take long. then put him down by correcting all his mistakes and incorrect assumptions about what he thinks he knows.

Or… alternately, you could try and get along with him :)

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Moonlight meanderer

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