I wouldn't say it was a structurally weak film (it's so-so), but it's low on actual comedy. Let's derail the topic and have people point out genuinely funny moments.
Start publishing on
DD Comics!
Sick of this garbage.
I can get the basic premise of the site. Free hosting for webcomics simple.
But it just seems that there's no creativity here. Like the few books that are actually worth a damn reading are pushed down by the unmatchable number of sprite comics and boy love garbage. (i'm lookin at you charby the vampirate)
But i can even respect charby's dedication atleast. Atleast the guy puts in the work, he draws his stuff he colors it. And for the most part it's loli garbage,but he's devoted to his loli garbage.
The top 10 is broken as well.
Its to a point where sheer volume of pages rules over everything. Oh i have 800 pages so i'll always be on the front because people will always see that and click it.it's a almost constant stream of readers for those top 10 comics.Then the this just in section isn't big enough. it holds 10 books sames as the top 10,but they're off the page in seconds, and for what? more sprite comics.
i wouldn't even be bothered by it if people were going obscure to get their sprites,but they don't. its ALL pokemon sprite comics.
i've been a reader of webcomics for quite some time, and i remember only 1 ever made me laugh. Bob and George. And whether you know it or not, all of you jack holes have been trying to recreate that magic. and you all fail at it.
I heard about this site through a friend, who loves webcomics,and i think its a great medium.but it will never get any better if this is all we have to look forward to. is people who trivialize it,by throwing up their terrible pokemon sprite comics.
i read one book on here master chief meets sonic,and all i thought was wtf this isn't funny or even coherent. his flow was all off. terrible.
So i say you real creators the guys who put their all into their books,and love their fans.Refuse to click this trash. stop giving the pokemon sprite comics and boy love trash, clicks. even if you're not a creator and you just come here to read just don't read that trash,there's a world of better books on here for you to read help elevate them to the top.
Define a "good comic".
I think I agree with some of your points that not all the top comics are good.
Well that's my subjective opinion.
You know, I'm in to comics that have:
- fights and hot girls (that stuff appeals to the lower reptilian brain).
- angst, drama.
- on a deeper level I dig anything that's got anything about politics and philosophy.
Well, what can I do. One man's junk is another man's treasure. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is a market for sprite comics, gamer comics, and man-to-man love. I don't normally like those kinds of comics but if that's what the majority of people who read webcomics like, so be it.
I like comics like Edepth Angel, Apocalypse 2030, Vampire Phantasm, Dreams in Synergy, Maya legend of the Wolf, Per Adua, Devon Legacy, and I tend to be biased for any other comic out there that's anime style… and of course my own.
Tip: Use the search function to help locate comics. Just put in keywords of stuff you're interested in. (e.g. "vampire", "yaoi", "pokemon", "angel", etc.)
I wouldn't say i was trolling, i would say it was a false impression of whats good here.
Just by browsing the site it was hard to find stuff that's truly good. there's such a massive volume of stuff and what rises to the top is always the sub apr stuff. (imo)
i have no knocks for the work ethic of the creators here. i respect a great work ethic.
as far as whats here i couldnt' define it cuz i haven't read EVERYTHING,but i will say of the mainstream i like the walking dead, i enjoyed hunter killer and mark millar's ultimates run as well as wanted. and as far as webcomics i liked van von hunter the power puff girls doujinshi and sokora refugees,especially sokora refugees.
and i have nothing against gay things i love apollo and midnighter in wildstorm,but i've seen a vast majority of boylove be the same thing. its just a vehicle to draw boys hugging. there's rarely any character at all.
but i will say amelius i said i respect your work ethic,i don't even knock people for reading it. infact in the pile up on me i admited i was wrong. upon first glance alot of stuff gets OVER (an old wrestling term) but apparently it doesn't. i've been enlightened.
It's just because I blow them all.A little coffee goes a long way ;)
hey, ya listen to her interview on The Villain's Corner?Nope. Didn't catch that. Amy's been around a while here though. :)
Thank you Ozone for the defense, that means a lot to me. You said just about everything I wanted to say, I'm really glad you got my back! (I thought I'd let my head cool before I responded to this though!)No worries! :)
And good on you for the head cooling time ^__^
I wouldn't say i was trollingNo you weren't, but it was a rather… aggressive initial post so it created that impression. No fear though, if you want to you'll fit in to DD just fine. Post here in your main account, keep up with that interesting comic of yours and you too may very well get featured on the front page in due course. ;)
but i will say amelius i said i respect your work ethic,i don't even knock people for reading it. infact in the pile up on me i admited i was wrong. upon first glance alot of stuff gets OVER (an old wrestling term) but apparently it doesn't. i've been enlightened.I think the big thing is tha the criticisms you held were so inaccurate to the actual product that it just felt… weird. Not that I feel CTV is above reproach, but the criticiscms you make should be true to the subjet material.
Seriously dude, that is fucking gayand i have nothing against gay things i love i fell down the stairs
…the hell's THAT supposed to mean??
I wouldn't say i was trolling, i would say it was a false impression of whats good here.I'll be the last person to deny the ol' "what is popular ain't always right (or good, rather) and what's right ain't always popular" addage. But among the internet hosting sites (compared to say, SmackJeeves for example) DD's got a fairly diverse top 100, as far as styles and subject matter goes. It's the only place where I haven't felt like a complete over-the-hill weirdo outcast struggling against a sea of pre-teen pleasin' crap comics. Not to say that I think all of it's good. But it's not homogeneous, which is admirable.
Just by browsing the site it was hard to find stuff that's truly good. there's such a massive volume of stuff and what rises to the top is always the sub apr stuff. (imo)
(an old wrestling term)You do gain points with that one. ;)
No fear though, if you want to you'll fit in to DD just fine. Post here in your main account, keep up with that interesting comic of yours and you too may very well get featured on the front page in due course. ;)Geez Oz, now you're just going to throw suspicion on anyone who gets featured after this point. At least when I warned him we knew who he was I was subtle. T____T
You should have taken my view of "you can't use one account to promote your comic and bad-mouth everyone else on DD with another and still get featured" :]
It's a shame this argument has become focused on Charby which, although not to everyone's taste, is actually one of the better comics on the web. It's made the issue very emotive and has got everyone being all defensive.
There has always been both shit and gold.Absolutely, and I think the point Amazo3xt was originally making is that the noise made by the former tends to drown out the latter. Whilst not expressed in the most tactful manner possible, I don't see how you can disagree with that. It's not a problem unique to DD (or even to the comics medium), of course, but it is largely true.
It's also valid to say that, in a system which ranks comics according to pageviews (as DD and most of the Top Lists do), a lot of the higher-ranked comics will be where they are because of the size of their archives and the frequency of updates rather than quality. Again, Amazo3xt may have put people's backs up by the way he expressed this, but the underlying argument is fundamentally sound.
The problem is that people who make bad comics don't really care what anyone has to say. In fact, neither do the people make good comics. What basically happens is the bad people copy the good people, but since the bad people suck, they can't even do that right. For example with a good comic I could say,
"You're terrible at drawing!"
…and they'd reply with something like, "Screw you. Look at all the viewers I have. I have a publishing deal with a major brand. What do you have? You have nothing but my pity, or at least I'd say that if I actually gave a rat's ass about you." However, if you were to say something like,
"Stop making your lame-ass sprite comic!"
…to a person who makes terrible comics, they'd say something like, "art is a expresion. u cant judge art!!! fuk u pwn!!!!!!!11" Even then, just give some advice to a improve a sprite comic like fixing grammatical errors in the dialogue, and usually the creator says, "well thats how there supose to talk so im not changing it. its funnyer like that anyway lol."
In conclusion, most of the comics on this site aren't worth turning an eye towards. Mainly, it's because most of the comics on this site consist of sprite comics, poorly drawn fan-fictions, and story lines that Uwe Boll wouldn't even use, so let me just say this: If you have a sprite comic and/or a comic about a trademarked character, expect your comic to be hated, ridiculed, and derided. Sure, you can post whatever you want on this site, but pretty much everyone on here who has written at least a half-decent comic has the same mentality as this (they just won't say it aloud because that would be too upfront). Also, I have to point out that not all of these types of comics are bad, just all but around a dozen are (and that's being generous).
I wouldn't say i was trollingNo you weren't, but it was a rather… aggressive initial post so it created that impression.
Yeah it's kind of like running into Skywalker Ranch and yelling "STAR WARS SUCKS! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!?! …Oh, but Indiana Jones is okay." You would most likely offend a lot of people. …Then again, they all might cheer for you. ;)
I wouldn't say i was trolling, i would say it was a false impression of what's good here.
Just by browsing the site it was hard to find stuff that's truly good. there's such a massive volume of stuff and what rises to the top is always the sub apr stuff. (imo)
I'm going to be as nice as possible here, so don't read drama into this where there is none.
As long as we're using wrestling terms here, Amazo, frankly you came off as a major heel in your first post and your subsequent posts didn't help change that impression much either.
Your opinion of the comics here is not just exclusive to DD, that's just Sturgeon's Law in effect. I happen to think that most of the comics high on the list here are pretty high quality, but you must have some pretty high standards. The reason so many comics don't get noticed is because the artists/authors don't bother telling anybody or interacting with the community. Also, a lot of the high-quality stuff has either left the site to pursue big success or is hosting it on DD as a mirror which redirects to the main site, so their hits here are of course not that big. So naturally, good comics flee DD like mariners abandoning a ship. DD has a reputation for having a "glass ceiling" or a "plateau", if you will. A successful comic on DD is actually encumbered by staying here and when people are offered a better site, they of course leave us behind and don't look back. Of course, I've been offered the chance to do just the same, but it's my loyalty to DD's community that keeps me here. Plus I don't have this ridiculous impression that I'm "too good" for DD like I've heard other people say about their comics before.
but i will say amelius i said i respect your work ethic,i don't even knock people for reading it. infact in the pile up on me i admited i was wrong. upon first glance alot of stuff gets OVER (an old wrestling term) but apparently it doesn't. i've been enlightened.
I'm not blind, I saw that, and quite frankly it just rings hollow, know what I mean?
I hope you understand that I don't take comfort in your patronizing tone about "respect" for my "work ethic". That's basically saying "Aww, that's nice how you pursue your endeavors with gusto, even though it's wasted effort" it's hard to appreciate the sentiment when you clearly insulted me by insinuating I draw loli-boy porn! I'll note that you haven't apologized for that particular insult either, so why do you think I should let it slide just because you allegedly respect the fact that I work hard? And how do you even know about my ethic, you thought I was a MAN! lol!
That's why people called you a troll, dude, because that's what trolls do, they say something that doesn't apply just to rile people up. And since this is obviously a puppet account (or should I say, a plant?) for you to complain without your OWN comic coming under scrutiny, it just makes you look even worse. Or, let me put it this way: You couldn't maintain the Kayfabe that you were just a concerned reader and not someone with a comic here trying to talk trash without consequences. You really give it away in your concern over the "broken" top ten (readers don't give a crap about that) and your freakout over the stats example that Skullbie posted for you to look at. It was obvious to me, and obvious to my husband, and clear as day to the admins since you can't hide from their mighty powers!
Worst of all, you named names, and that's a big no-no in a community like DD. Even if we don't always get into everyone else's comics, we still support each other (Duck Solidarity!) and we don't appreciate people we don't know that well coming out and making insults personal. It would have flown much better for you if you'd just stuck to "A lot of stuff here sucks!" because you'd have found a MUCH more receptive audience here. Heck, I'm not that hard to please and even I think a lot of people here aren't trying very hard! People here love to complain about stuff they think is lame, you just have to be a little more subtle and indirect about it. When it starts getting personal, emotions flare up like they did here. People don't like finding someone talking behind their backs, least of all do they like finding out that someone is complaining about a comic they haven't even read!
So my advice for your future here on your REAL account would be to try and involve yourself in the community in the forum if you can't find something to occupy yourself in the comics.
I'm sure there's someone you'll connect with to discuss things you dislike. But don't become a fake/suck up because people can see that coming a mile away here. That is, if they've been here as long as I have they've seen it all…
And if you're looking to get into the top lists, why not try plugging your comic offsite. It's far more productive than complaining about the comics you think yours is better than, that's for sure! And have a little patience while you're at it. How long have you been here? I've been here 5 years, and I didn't get popular the first year I joined DD either. You're going to spend some time in the dark for a while, you might as well try making some friends here that will look at your comic in the meantime. Word of mouth is a pretty helpful thing. :)
Geez Oz, now you're just going to throw suspicion on anyone who gets featured after this point.lol! That's a pretty cool result :)
Carrot and stick ^_^
You should have taken my view of "you can't use one account to promote your comic and bad-mouth everyone else on DD with another and still get featured" :]I thought it was implicit.
DD has a reputation for having a "glass ceiling" or a "plateau", if you will. A successful comic on DD is actually encumbered by staying here and when people are offered a better site, they of course leave us behind and don't look back. Of course, I've been offered the chance to do just the same, but it's my loyalty to DD's community that keeps me here.Yep and yep. Same with me. :)
That glass ceiling thing is sort of true too, but it's more like trying to run through the ocean when you get to the top level of DD popularity. To go any further it's a hard slog…
Worst of all, you named names, and that's a big no-no in a community like DD. Even if we don't always get into everyone else's comics, we still support each other (Duck Solidarity!) and we don't appreciate people we don't know that well coming out and making insults personal. It would have flown much better for you if you'd just stuck to "A lot of stuff here sucks!" because you'd have found a MUCH more receptive audience here. Heck, I'm not that hard to please and even I think a lot of people here aren't trying very hard! People here love to complain about stuff they think is lame, you just have to be a little more subtle and indirect about it. When it starts getting personal, emotions flare up like they did here. People don't like finding someone talking behind their backs, least of all do they like finding out that someone is complaining about a comic they haven't even read!
I don't think there's anything wrong with offering criticisms about specific comics, especially if you feel that the top 10 is inherently flawed. I just think that those criticisms should actually be accurate.
Also, are you getting all these wrestling terms from TVtropes, or did you actually know all this stuff from somewhere else?
I'm really curious to see this guys comic, with such lovely things to say about everyone elses comics it must really be something~~
Man. I just hope there's more boobs in it than that stupid Ryu's Krew comic. That comic is terrible!
All joking aside, for all we know, he could be some sort of unnoticed professional or something.
But the chances of that happening, is not very good.
Also, I agree with Amelius, don't point your fingers.
It's a no-no.
see, i think we all know the real reason why Amelius and the top 10 get so much flack,YOUR ALL JELOUS YA NINNYS! im smarter then you guys, they all love me,im gonna worm my way to the top.then you'll all be like "oh Pit_Face, you beautiful amazing,sweet,sensative,caring yet extraordinarily strong willed beacon of hope and light in the universe,how can we be like you?" and i'll just say "HAW! TOUGH BALLS!GO CLEAN MY TOILET!" and you know what? you'll do it, you do it becuase i told you to do it and you've got no self respect you whores! now fucking get back to work!
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