Oh god i'm so sick of people not getting that and passing it off because they don't. It did make sense because it was to make mankind think the alien squid was from another planet, i.e. something worth looking out for and fighting together against instead of blowing each other up in religious wars. A bomb would have implied it was from earth and just spurred on another war, that would be forgotten and watered down in time just like Ozymandias had seen in Alexander the great and so many other times. Ozymandias wanted to be like Alexander but fix how his ideals/empire didn't carry on long after he died. The whole psychic projection was so everyone could be effected and remember it 'first-hand' instead of some biased news feed (like 911 or katrina for an example, people not there get sick of it after the 300th newsfeed).
I like bone so far, but i'd love to have the hardback of watchmen on my shelf since despite flaws, age, and the fact that the plots not spelled out for you on the first read-through, i still love it. So yes, it is a fair comparison.
No, I got it. I just still think it was pretty dumb thing to do. It was the one thing that just screwed with the suspension of disbelief to me. The psychic projection part would be fine, but I see no reason to bring the giant squid into it. Heck, even the movie writers figured out that they could easily take something from within the existing world and get a similar result from it. I just think there are far more effective plot devices out there that don't seem half as outlandish.
Wrong, the term "graphic novel" is older than that and it was used previously for Will Eisner's A Contract With God and for Bloodstar (illustrated by Richard Corben). Both predate Watchmen by several years.So it's just a decent novel then, without as much historical significance. Doesn't change what I was saying.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Watchmen is utter crap, but I think it's gotten over-rated for what it is in the comic community. I think there are better stories out there.