I kinda want to throw out a suggestion for the ad placements. It seems weird that the profile info is located so far down the page, like it's located now:
Notice how far down the twitter info is as well. Nobody is going to notice that.
Instead I suggest that you move the ads around like this:
Now the profile info is located at the top, like it should be and the advertisements get a nice and even spread around the top.
Now my only concern left would be if people are going to bother reading the news on the front page.

Start publishing on
DD Comics!
The Duck PREVIEW Site is now Live!
I was thinking. My biggest problem with the name change is the coming from the colon. Right now we are Drunk Duck: The Webcomics Community. The change is being made to The Duck: Webcomics. I know it is something weird (which is why it isn't going into the actual site feed back spot…)
I dunno. Maybe just a bit could be tweaked in the name if Wowio is insisting on it. I'm getting a good vibe from Duck Comics strangely enough (Though it is a hardly better name in the long run). But maybe even Duck: The Webcomics Community. I really do think that Community shouldn't be dropped from the name even if Drunk is. Cause we really are a community. So I would go with something like:
[Adjective] Duck: The Webcomics Community
Having an adjective makes it really stand out. Just saying the duck sounds too generic. you need something to make it pop. One of the reasons I came to Drunk Duck, is that I got curious when I heard the name. The Duck sounds like a little news rag about Mallards.
I see a lot wrong other than the color.
I don't know about throwing that tower ad to the left, that unbalances things even more. There's already too much of a left-hand focus.
The contrast is the most flawed part of the current color scheme, imo.Haha, that is something I have been harping about since I saw the very first mockup. They are tired of hearing me say "black text, black teeeext!" The designers are like "why don't we just make it a darker grey" and I am just like "why don't you make it the DARKEST grey???"
The yellow is very tiring to read more than a few minutes on. I always suspected that might be the case, but it's hard to tell until you've got a working version there to see the actual effects. At least they should be using the lighter yellow as the text background, not the darker one.
We've chatted with Kinh and Lawrence today and I believe they plan to release some info soonish (tomorrow?) regarding what bugs have already been reported (mostly from the Satisfaction feedback, but they are also reading this thread) and we've suggested a list of planned features as well, and to use the Quackcast we're recording this week to address concerns Oz and I are going to put to them about the design, functionality, etc.
Please remember that just because you don't see something currently on the preview site, doesn't mean it won't be there. There's a bunch of stuff that they're implementing even as we report bugs and whatnot. this is part of the reason we suggested they release a list of planned functionality. For example, they're already talking about cleverer options of reordering pages, etc.
Product Placement - interesting! Although that wouldn't work on my downstairs laptop- I'd have to horizontal scroll. :[ It just fits, currently.
lefarce - iiiiiiiiinteresting. :] So what you're saying is the main page should be a list of the most recently updated comics, with a login box and a twitter feed, and an ad at the bottom? Very minimalis! Naw just giving you a hard time. I think I get what you're saying with the customized main page and subscriptions.
I agree that tower ad is kind of a bizarre shape for that space. What's wrong with another square ad? Maybe they're required to create certain kinds of ad spaces by the network?
About the name: The Duck
I think there are more important issues to resolve, and about those, I'm hopeful. Lawrence has been responding in the feedback site, and it looks like he's really trying to find a solution re raw html and comic forums.
But when it comes to the name, I was really disappointed in his response. very
But I kinda get it. My background: I work for an organization where initiatives are set by people who have no clue as to what's involved. "Roll out" dates are established without much consideration, and those are BIBLE dates: come Hell or high water, we WILL roll out on the date even if the new initiative is not ready.
So, as much as I agree with 1337's opinion that the intro of the preview on the heels of the server crash was too much for most DD users to absorb in too small a time period - - a roll out date is a freakin roll date. Those are set on high and set in stone, at least where I work.
So there was really no time to poke and test the preview adequately because the designers had to deal with band-aiding an emergency. And now, all of this extra time and effort must be expended to mollify users who are, well, shocked about how many things don't work in the preview. It's a regrettable waste of time and effort, but a GD roll out date is a GD roll out date (at least where I work). In my experience, that's how big operations operate.
But I think that given enough feedback and enough time (so go and leave feedback!!!), functionalities will be addressed. Most likely, not to everyone's satisfaction, but there will be noticeable improvement. That's life.
However, the name is not a functionality. When it comes to names, you're talking branding, and then you have to go to a totally different group of white collars. I suspect that Lawrence's response on the feedback site is partially from the standpoint that he's a designer and not a corporate rep/marketing guy. It's out of his hands.
So if people don't like "The Duck" (and, truly, it sucks. Why else is THAT name not taken already by the url squatters?), then Go To The Feedback site and raise the number of feedback responses.
It's not that I believe "getsatisfaction" is the greatest thing since sliced bread - it's because it's the established system and sometimes you have to work with the established system if you want change, like it or not. I am pretty sure of this: no Wowio exec is going to be looking in this thread, but I believe that Lawrence would be able to report "there's like 50 people upset about the name change" if there were 50 feedbacks.
Again, there are bigger issues. So goo and report them. please. And if you don't speak now, it'll be "The Duck".
I clicked that link for the first time. I finally had a moment today to just sit down and explore the preview.
Initial thoughts:
I'm on the fence about the color scheme. It almost seems like something I'd stumble upon on a preteen's myspace page. It's not terrible, but it does leave me with the surreal feeling that I'm a bit more "hip" just for signing up.
The TEXT though, oh LORD the text….yeah, that's got to change. It was an instant migraine. Perhaps it's just my laptop, but I'd like to blame it on the text color. I clicked on the comics tab to see how exploring new comics would be and for a moment I thought the page hadn't loaded because for a moment I couldn't even see the light blue text. It's called "Black" and there's a reason people use it so often.
Which does bring me to a bit of praise - the pages were loading very quickly, quicker than the normal drunkduck. Bonus.
The forums were that same god awful shade of canary yellow that would be a million times better if it only had BLACK TEXT. Also, there was no reply button at the bottom of threads in the forums. That would make things difficult.
Also, why so much scrolling on the main page? It's really tedious. The news is hard to find, though I like the placement of the personal control panel area.
The twitter box is like way the heck down there, though.
The four horizontal bars of icons is a lot more engaging than the current design for the 10spot and quails random. So kudos on the horizontal bars.
Altogether, I'd have to say the new "duck" leaves me feeling hopeful and a tad confused. They took away some things that really worked for the community (like readable text, mascots, and a gentler color palatte). They added some things (updated 10 spot, the ability to "like" a comic, and a revamping of many site related icons) that left me feeling like there might be plenty of things to look forward to after all.
Though I can't help but picture the person who picked out this color scheme sitting down at their computer and trying to actually use the new website and getting a very rude shock to the eyeballs…
First off, don't know that this is the appropriate topic/forum – regardless, apologies extended as due.
So, on the feedback site, I got a response to a "feeling" I expressed rather than to the body of the post. Maybe I have a different definition of "feeling", but my advice is that "feelings", as emotional responses, should not be the focus of a post.
— (wildebeests say: and there's more!)
Anyhows, the other point of interest was seeing the membership referred to at 10K. I'm curious as to how this number was derived. Is it an "industry" number, using a percentage of the total purported members (and looking at Ally Haert who joined 2 months ago, she was the 108,590th)? Or are numbers actually tracked?
If 10K is based on something more than just a rough industry attrition estimate, a 90% attrition over -what?- five years might be something to look at.
Is there ever an inquiry? an exit survey of sorts? Let's use Genejoke as an example (hope you don't mind, A). He is an incredibly active member and all within a year's time. What if he left? Suddenly no new comic updates; nothing in the forums. Is there any office at Wowio who would send an email to ask him why he was no longer active?
Maybe these numbers aren't tracked. Maybe they can't be tracked. But if they can be and are, do such emails go out? Please understand that I am not requesting this, I'm not even saying it should happen. I just would like to know how such membership numbers are thrown around.
—in summary: don't ask when you don't want to know ( Feelings . . . nothing more than feelings . . trying to forget — yada yada) and ask when you should know.
If 10K is based on something more than just a rough industry attrition estimate, a 90% attrition over -what?- five years might be something to look at.I think that's about active user accounts- traffic and all that. It's not that hard to track from the backend.
Though I can't help but picture the person who picked out this color scheme sitting down at their computer and trying to actually use the new website and getting a very rude shock to the eyeballs…Most of it was done on Apple screens… probably calibrated for printing. You know how graphic designers can be?
Anyway, even the initial PNG preview images weren't as bright as the actual html browser renderings. Unfortunately colours work very differently across multiple screens and systems. Even on my two main work monitors at home that sit side by side the site looks completely different. The designer is out of the country right now so changes in that end will be tricky for a little while. It's his job to take care of that aspect and implement changes.
But we can ask Zach, the creative director, about that in the Quackcast recording on Thursday.
I do know people running torrent seed boxes with 10 times the traffic DD gets, for $139 dollars a month. DD's new enormous costs come from having a lot of paid staff…. DD runs on free software (right now) and has free site admins… the server is the only cost… again, $139 a month covers that. The other webcomic sites also get by with about that amount… DD has only a few hundred webcomics that update and are current… the rest are just sitting on the harddrive, contributing nothing to operating costs.
I didn't take the time to read anything else new here… it's all the same stuff… legit complaints and suggestions, all shot down with excuses and explanations. AND THAT'S THE TRUTH… the responses to our complaints read EXACTLY like some corporate lawyer wrote them… which is probably the truth.
WOWIO is not going to listen to a single suggestion, not going to change a single thing… they're shoving this down everyone's throats and we can take it or leave it. I'm leaving it… so are most of the other people who bring hits to DD… the admins here (hoping for those cushy new jobs) are reading from Wowio scripts… we can all see that.
Now, we hear, Oh, WOWIO is reading this discussion… well, yesterday it was, 'post in the proper place because Wowio isn't reading this…
Wowio bought DD… they knew exactly what they were buying, they knew exactly what they wanted to spend. We're supposed to feel sorry for them? Poor Wowio, it's going to cost them so much, they're working sooo hard, they're spending so much money to help us poor artists out… bull… no one forced them to buy DD, no one WANTED them to buy DD… they're invaders, they're outsiders… and now they want us all to bow to them as our new rulers…
Anyway, my last post in this thread and on DD… I'm sick of the whole thing. You can find me on ComicFury
The designer is out of the country right now so changes in that end will be tricky for a little while. It's his job to take care of that aspect and implement changes.
Hey, maybe we could just change a few things around while he's gone. He'll never even notice! ; )
Edit: P.S. This is Izzy's response to the name change, by the way. He has generously taken it upon himself to replace our newly sober duck.

@Tim Wellman: I guess this is for me rather than for you, since you've announced you've made your last post.
I respect and even admire your passion about your grievances, but, frankly, I don't understand it. You sound betrayed, and I don't know what agreement was made that you feel was so horribly defaulted. Maybe you did go to the feedback site - I wouldn't know one way or another. But if you didn't, how did you help the problem? With your threats and fist-waving prognostications about all the "good" comic creators leaving, too?
I'm sorry to see any one go. DD is a community created by a fantastically diverse group, and each contributes in an irreplaceable way.
But people Do go, and the organic process of healing a loss and welcoming a new contribution will continue.
best wishes
@everyone else: if you care, say so by leaving feedback.
I do know people running torrent seed boxes with 10 times the traffic DD getsUm, no. Comic account userbase is 10k.
Daily traffic is much, much, much more Tim. Torrents work in a very different way. Sorry, but you're talking about amazingly different things here. A website like DD has loads in orders of magnitude larger than a torrent system.
As to this thread- Of course different Wowio people are aware of this. But they are NOT sifting through here for issues, bug reports and problems.
I wouldn't even do that, it'd be a fricken nightmare, and I collate stuff from threads ALL the time for all sorts of things as part of my admin duties.
It takes a lot of time and thought to write replies and explanations Tim. When you just ignore and dismiss them it utterly devalues all of that. I'm very disappointed with your reply.
Hey, maybe we could just change a few things around while he's gone. He'll never even notice! ; )Great plan… except that the creative director's still here :)
Edit: P.S. This is Izzy's response to the name change, by the way. He has generously taken it upon himself to replace our newly sober duck.That's so cool :)
@Tim Wellman: Alright, we get it, Tim! You're pissed and you're leaving, and yet you keep coming back and ranting on and on and on!
I don't know if you've checked, but if you've actually bothered to look at the get satisfaction forums (here specifically) concerning the raw html, you'd see that Wowio employees are, in fact, responding to the complaints, and they are talking about trying to accomidate some form of html editing and possibly even user-based adds. And frankly, they don't read like "lawyer-scripted" responses to me.
At this point you're doing nothing but lash out at EVERYONE who tries to make a valid counter-argument with you, and quite frankly, you're coming off as an egocentric jerk. If you want to actually HELP the DD community, quit making threats and complaining about how you're going to leave and maybe take 5 minutes of your time to make a gs account and post your concerns (your CONCERNS, NOT some hate-filled, angry rant where you're constantly accusing every member of Wowio of being some corporate fatcat whom you seem to think have some personal agenda of outright destroying DD, which if you stop a think for a minute, is really a bad business policy to begin with!).
And for god's sake, quit villifying the admins! I've actually been PQ'ing with one of them back and forth with my concerns, and THEY ARE working on them, and I'm going to see about sending a personal e-mail to the people at Wowio over my concerns. These are the people that REPRESENT us to Wowio. They've been around before DD was even owned by Platinum. Frankly, I think they have a lot more invested in the well-being off this site than they do as employees of Wowio.
So if you're going to leave, fine. You're more thank welcome to come back, but frankly I won't miss you. Enjoy your time at ComicFury.
Oz… Are you and Skool actually being paid by Wowio? If not, I don't regard you as their employees. I mentioned this a while back, but got no response. Why take heat for them if you're not being paid?
I also asked if the stats and ranking page was staying. That's 60% of the reason why I chose DD in the first place. Most other umbrella sites are just page dumps to those of us not tech savvy enough to upload hit counters onto our pages. DD's stats and ranking system was the only way I could tell how well/poorly my comic was doing. If it goes, I'm screwed.
And once more, in your view Oz, who/what is Wowio, anyway? Licensors? An advertising outfit? An intellectual property speculation firm? What? Sure, I could Google 'em, but I'd wind up with a PR page…
As to this thread- Of course different Wowio people are aware of this. But they are NOT sifting through here for issues, bug reports and problems.
But…. This doesn't make sense. There's a section of the forum DEVOTED to bug reports. They won't even read the forum for those? Are they scared they'll get Platinum cooties on them? "Brr, we didn't create this shit, leave us alone."
and looking at Ally Haert who joined 2 months ago, she was the 108,590th
Fun fact: I've been around for several years on a seperate account, however I never posted in the forums with it (as far as I can remember).
Poor Lawrence. Poor Skool and Ozone and Ayes.
Lawrence seems to be catching a lot of heat for things that appear way out of his control, while Ozone, Skool, and Ayes all seem to be babysitting users who are having temper tantrums. In the end though, most of the larger problems (the new name, the loss of user customizations, and the color schemes to name a few) keep falling into the realm of "out of their control".
But my question is this: Who are we supposed to be taking all this discontent to? Is there anyone designated as "the face" of Wowio at this point?
Leaving feedback feels a bit….nebulous, right now. Like we're just shooting complaints and suggestions into void without any reply. I've read that "these complaints will be passed on" and that "people at wowio WILL be reading through this", but it's all very vague.
I'm not trying to call Shenanigans here. I do believe that people from wowio will see some of this feedback - but only because I'm trusting the word of Ozone, Skool, and the others who've said so. But it'd be so much more comforting if Wowio would just prove they're listening by responding. Even if all they reply with is "You'll need to wait a while."
I'm under no delusions that change will come immediately. Wowio is large, and decisions won't be made frivilously (or quickly). But in the meantime? It sure would be nice to have WoWio hire or appoint someone as the "official" go between.
Or should we be taking responses from Lawrence and the admins as Wowio's responses?
Leaving feedback feels a bit….nebulous, right now. Like we're just shooting complaints and suggestions into void without any reply. I've read that "these complaints will be passed on" and that "people at wowio WILL be reading through this", but it's all very vague.
Lawrence leach has been responding to stuff on the get satisfaction thing and that has helped somewhat. I can't say it has erased concerns but it shows that they ARE paying attention and are looking to fix some of the issues.
and looking at Ally Haert who joined 2 months ago, she was the 108,590th
Fun fact: I've been around for several years on a seperate account, however I never posted in the forums with it (as far as I can remember).
Poor Lawrence. Poor Skool and Ozone and Ayes.
Lawrence seems to be catching a lot of heat for things that appear way out of his control, while Ozone, Skool, and Ayes all seem to be babysitting users who are having temper tantrums. In the end though, most of the larger problems (the new name, the loss of user customizations, and the color schemes to name a few) keep falling into the realm of "out of their control".
But my question is this: Who are we supposed to be taking all this discontent to? Is there anyone designated as "the face" of Wowio at this point?
Leaving feedback feels a bit….nebulous, right now. Like we're just shooting complaints and suggestions into void without any reply. I've read that "these complaints will be passed on" and that "people at wowio WILL be reading through this", but it's all very vague.
I'm not trying to call Shenanigans here. I do believe that people from wowio will see some of this feedback - but only because I'm trusting the word of Ozone, Skool, and the others who've said so. But it'd be so much more comforting if Wowio would just prove they're listening by responding. Even if all they reply with is "You'll need to wait a while."
I'm under no delusions that change will come immediately. Wowio is large, and decisions won't be made frivilously (or quickly). But in the meantime? It sure would be nice to have WoWio hire or appoint someone as the "official" go between.
Or should we be taking responses from Lawrence and the admins as Wowio's responses?
They are listening, but the only real place you can get direct feedback from them (besides Ozone and skool, I mean), is at the "get satisfaction" site here. From what I've read on there, Lawrence HAS been keeping up with the html issue lately and he is talking to Wowio's ad agency about things, and according to him, they're trying to find some form of editing that'll satisfy both people who prefer coding and people who prefer to use templates. They're just trying to figure out the best way to go about that. Apparently, Wowio's apprehension towards raw html is more of a security issue than anything else, which I think is understandible since they're a major publisher. Again, I only know this from what's been posted on there, and I don't know exactly what's being done, but as Genejoke just said, the important point here is that, yes, people at Wowio ARE paying attention.
Oh and to Tim Wellman, regarding my previous post, sorry if I kind of attacked you there. I understand you're upset (I think everyone is, including the admins), but please, if you want to argue you're point, you should do so without blatantly villainizing everyone.
But in all seriousness, if you want to help and want to be heard, please, click the link.
Why isn't wowio collecting bug reports/feedback from everywhereWe're encouraging the use of the Get Satisfaction thing because:
A. It's a built-in organized system which lets commenters 'agree' with reports, which in turn can help determine frequency/importance of issues in a simple way
B. Its format encourages reporting issues singly, in granular pieces- which is the most useful from a bug-fixing point of view
C. It's centralized - the feedback tab is on EVERY page on the preview site, which means users don't have to browse to another location to report things. And if almost everyone is using it, it's also very efficient on wowio's end, because they only have to look in one place to see what needs to be done.
What always happens when we have stuff like this going on is that there's a main thread in General (like this one), but people also start reporting things in the bug, help, and other random forums, often making duplicate threads, sometimes PQing myself and/or oz, sending emails to the info@drunkduck one, etc. Oz and I start tearing our hair out trying to keep up with all that. Now add in a whole other site with its own forums which people may or may not decide to start reporting bugs in…
and D. Because it allows people at wowio like Lawrence to respond directly to issues in an easy (time-saving!) and public way, as others have already talked about here.
OK? So- the way the feedback and bug reporting is going now, is:
1. Hopefully people are posting bugs/feedback/whatever on Get Satisfaction (which does let you report 'feelings' and positive feedback too, not just bugs), as a centralized location for the reasons posted above
2. Kinh is tasked with sifting through those and inputting most of them (not ones like the skoolmunkee one, haha) into the more advanced bug backend system that all the Wowio developers use. (there's about… 4 people? All with different roles and responsible for different stuff.)
3. People are posting stuff in this thread, and sending things to me and Oz privately, on a range of topics- from bug reports to feelings, complaints, etc. Kinh is reading this thread and pulling the bugs out and getting a general sense of the user response. Oz and I are also reading this thread and doing most of our responding/explanations here, since we're best placed to communicate with users directly. We're also watching the general user responses/feeling to determine which are the biggest issues (like the html). It's our role to organize the issues and come up with a more official response that can be 'worked with' at Wowio- we're your advocates there so we use your discussions as evidence in arguments, etc. We draft various documents (to create a record, and as something that can be passed around if needed rather than just verbal discussions), talk to/chase up the people we can get hold of (or put Kinh on the task), and try and do stuff like the upcoming Quackcast where we talk to the developers directly in public.
4. Oz and I are also feeding back bugs, site-wide issues, etc either personally or via the advanced bug tracking system.
5. Kinh and Lawrence will also be doing some official responding/information releases periodically, (like in the quackcast, newsposts, etc) although some of what they can respond to is moderated by 'Wowio' because that's what businesses do.
I don't think I've missed anything there…
Oz… Are you and Skool actually being paid by Wowio? If not, I don't regard you as their employees. I mentioned this a while back, but got no response. Why take heat for them if you're not being paid?
I also asked if the stats and ranking page was staying. That's 60% of the reason why I chose DD in the first place. Most other umbrella sites are just page dumps to those of us not tech savvy enough to upload hit counters onto our pages. DD's stats and ranking system was the only way I could tell how well/poorly my comic was doing. If it goes, I'm screwed.
And once more, in your view Oz, who/what is Wowio, anyway? Licensors? An advertising outfit? An intellectual property speculation firm? What? Sure, I could Google 'em, but I'd wind up with a PR page…
Sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you before. I think I just missed it.
1. In the interest of full disclosure, we spend about 40-60 hours a month doing admin stuff (the last 2 months have been about 60), so Wowio does pay us to acknowledge that, let's call it a stipend. :] (A consultation fee would be far too grand.) It's not much and certainly not enough to buy our loyalty, but it does make us much happier to do the icky work like bug reporting on a glorius Sunday, or spend time developing high-level stuff like the Quackcasts. This was actually something Platinum did way back (which didn't prevent some admins from quitting!) and Wowio has just continued. I know I just gave our detractors some ammunition there. :O It wasn't something we publicised, mostly because we didn't think it was a big deal (and most of the time, nobody's business).
I guess you just have to trust me when I say it really isn't a factor in how we deal with Wowio, except when I tweet something really grumpy to the big boss and someone says "yeah you probably shouldn't do that" and I go "what are they gonna do, fire me hahahahaha" but then delete it anyway because I am a baby. Actually if we did work MORE for wowio then maybe we would have been included at earlier stages or higher levels with some decisions and we wouldn't have had to fight battles later. I've been on DD since 2002 and oz since 2004, so DD and you guys are always first with us. We'd be fighting the battles for you anyway, it's just easier for us to do so since Wowio officially acknowledges that we are consultants and has ensured we have direct, frequent communication to people like Kinh and Lawrence who are on 'team duck' there. Although you guys don't see it, they do take our advice very seriously and have done various things based on our input, either directly or working within the company. Unfortunately it is a business and sometimes their hands are tied too. This is why the advocating oz and I do is better because it's official, because rather than being passionate but ignorable, it's a case of 'they're consultants, so they know what they're talking about.' Although you can't see this either, the working relationship with Wowio is a vast, vast, harkoVAST improvement over the noncommunication with Platinum.
blahblahblah, I think I got on a tangent there.
2. They do plan to have some form of improved stats tracking. I've suggested google analytics but I'm not sure what requirements might exist for that, perhaps it's not possible with DD's url structure or something, I dunno. But they do want to have actually useful stats.
3. Wowio is a 'digital publishing' company. They started out publishing ebooks (and still do), and they now manage a suite of sites- Wowio's ebooks, DD and WEvolt (webcomics sites), and PopGalaxy, which is like videos and stuff and is still pretty new.
My last post seemed ot get over looked (possibly because I was not screaming with hate for wowio when I posted it.)
Let me ask again…
Will there, or will there not, still be user made subforums on the new duck?
Will my old forum still be accessible?
Will I be able to link to it?
If the answer to any of those questions is "No" then my time at Drunk Duck will be coming to an end.
The loss or disruption of my forum is an absolute deal breaker.
MarioI'm not sure I'd call that constructive. :]
My last post seemed ot get over looked (possibly because I was not screaming with hate for wowio when I posted it.)Sorry, we are finding out about that. :] We can ask them specifically on the quackcast tomorrow and get back to you, if we don't find out sooner.
The comic forums will still be there. Lawerence Leach has made it known on the site feedback page.
I don't see why the old forum would not be accessible. But, that is something I don't know because it hasn't truly been addressed.
Link to it where? On you comic page? Cause in the HTML discussion part of site feedback they are talking about revamping it, but the actual changes that will be made has not been fully announced. From what I understand from my lurking, they are trying to find a happy medium between what they have to make layouts in the preview and custom HTML. And user links like those little banner links you have in your comic has been addressed.
I don't know if the discussion was brought over here, but the reason why HTML was scrapped at first was for security. To keep malware from being uploaded onto the site (whether intentionally or accidentally) and what not. So they are trying to find a safe way for people to make custom layouts.
Comic Forums
HTML editing
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