I don't know if I'll ever lose my faith in humanity. My grandpa used to say something that put it all into perspective for me. He used to say, "Ten percent of the worlds population holds 90 percent of the collective intelligence, and then there's 'the great 90'…" (who get stuck spreading the remaining ten percent amongst themselves)
That's not necessarily a bad thing. The world still needs these people. Someones propensity to enjoy NASCAR and Pabst over Hitchcock and Heineken doesn't mean the world is not worth saving, it just means they are simpler people with simpler tastes. It's okay for people to prefer nacho cheese sauce from the gas station over an aged brie, just think of it from a "more for me" perspective.
Don't misconstrue their inability to understand the world the way you see it as a lack of worthiness. If the world didn't have any assholes, we'd all be full of shit.

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When did you first lose faith in humanity?
The Birds was a really overrated movie and by far not one of hithcock's best, sorry.Even so, it was still a decent film (better then those low-production-value interpretations of short stories they showed the rest of the year by miles). I wouldn't take as much an issue if they actually had proper criticism of the movie. I am sure at least 98% of the class just wanted to skip it because it was old and had a lot of dialogue.
I assume this because, in the same class later in the year, we were given the option between watching the 1968 Romeo & Juliet movie or the terrible 1996 Romeo+Juliet. I wouldn't really call either a great interpretation of the Shakespeare play, but Romeo+Juliet may be another reason I lost faith in humanity.
Take a wild guess which my class chose to watch.
The Birds is still a great film, its just a shame that hitchcock's best work is often unheard of or generally ignored. When stacked to the library of stories he has crafted, Birds doesn't really reach the top of the list. Your class is still massively idiotic for wanting to skip over most of it though. As overrated as I might find it, the film is still very well put together and has held the test of time.
Romeo+Juliet is an unforgivable abomination that never should have existed. I expected better from everyone in that cast, but instead they turned that story into a complete farce. Lefarce. Whoa! Get it!? Its all coming together now…!
Well. I was a bit shaken this week. I'm moving in with the future in-laws who already have their own wireless router. However, no one in the house can remember the WEP code. My last computer was set up, but I got a new one several months ago and never bothered setting it up till now. I called my future brother-in-law and he gave me a list of possibles, but none of them worked, so his last advice was to find a manual for the router and figure out how to reset it. So, the other night I looked all over the internet. I found the manual for the router, but it only shows how to change the username and password (to log into the router and get to the WEP.) But, it doesn't show how to change or even set a WEP anywhere in the manual. It isn't enough for entire loss of faith. But it shouldn't be this freaken hard to figure out how to get my computer onto their internet. We are now deciding between resetting the router to factory settings and starting over or bringing my router and just plugging it in and not worrying about it.
Also…the help site specifically built for the router specializes in nonspecific one sentence answers. Like This So it made for a rough time of it.
It still baffles me that hollywood can spend so much money on most of the bullshit it produces rather than helping out some nations in Africa or something.
There's still good people out there though. Like with most things it's only the people with bad experiences that kick up a fuss.
When it comes to everything I've known to be true, it always comes up as being a lie. Something I was told to make me feel better or make the world seem less grim. Maybe that's why is suddenly seems so bleak? That all at once jolt of reality and what it entails when you're hit with it. This hit me in the fourth grade, a story I tell quite often and would once again like to entertain you with. If that's even the appropriate word.
For some reason, our teacher had to leave school in the afternoon. Perhaps her husband was ill or something like it. Doesn't necessarily matter, but for some reason, our teacher had left and my class was sent next door to the quote unquote "mean teacher." For some reason I always was spoken to well with her. Maybe it was because I'm so foolish or brilliant, a lot of people still can't figure it out which is which. I argue that it can go either way, sometimes. When we got to her class, the subject was American history. I've long had a love and patriotism for America, we all do for the most part. Gun toting action heroes who come out with lines like "yippy kai-yay, motherfucker!" as they kill foreign terrorists, Spider-man in front an American Flag just before fighting the bad guys, and all our cowboy movies the Italians made are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to our sense of pride. And that's only in the movies. I could go on, but this is about real American history. That actually happened, just a few generations prior.
The subject was the Indians. When I was a kid, we still called them Indians. Now they're Native Americans, but I still refer to them as Indians out of unfocused habit. The Indians were subjugated to something known as the trail of tears. Anyone of you guys ever heard of that? I know, its taught in the fourth grade, but who cares to remember things like this? I'll enlighten you on the take I had of it, which is the same as now.
The trail of tears is when the Americans decided to take the land from the people who were living here, forcing them to walk distances I can't even fathom walking, and then upon reaching this destination, were forced to re-locate even farther. Two journeys across America, full of famine, disease, and death. Brought on by our founding four fathers, whom we were supposed to believe in as heroes and all around nice guys. Within moments of this being told to the class, which wasn't in the text book but coming from the teacher herself, I had questions. Lots of them. How could this have happened? Why would it happen? And how has no one apologized for it?
stuff about the trail of tears…
Everybody has that relative you'd like to apologize for, and if you relate that to presidents, we've had a few. Andrew Jackson could arguably be one of those. Though he had many redeeming qualities, he was quick tempered and vehemently prejudiced against Native Americans and was responsible for ordering their relocation upon the trail of tears. Keep in mind that if you were in the army and your orders came directly from the president, disobeying these orders could be construed as treason, for which the penalty is death. Besides, lets face it, there were certain individuals who were probably more than willing to carry out these orders. Through press misinformation and blood feuds, there was not much love lost between many of the settled Americans and natives. History is often written by the winners. Imagine what would be written about the Allied forces had the Axis won WWII.
i dont think i ever had faith in them
but a point did come when i realized the Earth was doomed , no matter what a handfull of good intentioned people are doing , it's just not enuf and it never has been . the power of group stupidity is too strong . evolution is working against the humans now . the society we have here is enabling the stupid. democracy doesn't work when 90% of the population is mindless zombies. and just look at religion , its no wonder we have 2 of the most unenlightened systems of thought dominating the world rite now , religions are like corporations , only the meanesst nastiest ones survive and the gobble up all their competition , just like christians have rabbits overshadowing the suposed resurection of their god while muslims go halfway around the world to worship a meteor that is older than their religion . lol humans are so fucking stupid 1! i dont recycle anymore .
When I realized that the vast majority of them believe in some form or other of Sky Wizard. Or barring that, they hold some other idiotic, bizarre belief. "Water has memory! Aliens abducted me! The earth is flat! Ann Coulter has said things that aren't bullshit! Queers gettin' married destroys god-fearin' straight folk's marriages somehow! Insane Clown Posse makes good music! World of Warcraft is the pinnacle of videogaming! The world will end in 2012 because an ancient culture's calendar stopped on that date! Cutting out a little girl's clitoris is vital otherwise she'll grow up to be a whore and then get raped by every man she ever meets! Deepak Chopra isn't just spouting nonsense and throwing in the word 'Quantum' to sound smart!"
The rampant idiocy and lack of rationality that pervades the human species is absolutely inexcusable. I only hope that, when we inevitably kill ourselves off, we don't completely destroy the planet. That way a less retarded species might evolve to take our place.
Oh shplane, shplane… how can you say that when there is gold like THIS in the world?
And the beautiful, faith-restoring comment thread I got into with a very interesting fellow there:
@reinsmapanna11 To answer your post, I was drawn to believe that there is more to human life than what we can see. That life has a spiritual side as expressed in divine revelation. I have faith in God.
I see what God means about the error of men making a god of their own limited reason. It's also a way of men making gods of themselves. Men are creatures who need to seek their Creator before anything else.
I think men who dismiss God and faith in Him as vain fools
Actually stuff like this does Christianity/Judaism a favour by giving it such wide acknowledgement. These guys could make a great bible film if they wanted!
Making fun of Christianity doesn't do it any favors. It lowers Christianity's image in the eyes of most people who see it. The mob takes the easy path and follows what's presented to it. It's easy to laugh at something rather than actually analyze if the ridicule is wrong. That's why the mob will someday be swayed to kill Christians as the Book of Revelation says
You, like the book of Revaluation, are very nutty.
Hey, ozoneocean, you just lost the debate. When you simply name-call without giving at least some sort of a response, that means you don't really have an answer. Thanks for conceding defeat.
It was my pleasure nutbag ^_^
And you'll be damned if you'll stop the name-calling.
No one tells you what to do.
I bet you can't wait until the elite whips up the masses to start killing
Christians. You'll be helping to drag the Christians to the guillotines, swept along in the sub-human mob frenzy.
I hope Satan gives you guys name-tags so we can perhaps identify you as you drag us to the guillotine.
That would be freakin hilarious! YOU should be writing for this show ! : )
My brother asked me yesterday if I had a Bible. As it happens, I get people's Bibles when they die, so I said "Yes, I've actually a few of them so you can take your pick."
"Well, which Testament are they?"
"Is it the Old or the New Testament?"
"Uh, both of them…?"
So, anyway, it turned out that he thought the New Testament was just the Old Testament in modern language. What really got me was that he said "Both!?" like he was about to make fun of me for thinking they'd be in the same Bible.
It still baffles me that hollywood can spend so much money on most of the bullshit it produces rather than helping out some nations in Africa or something.
There's still good people out there though. Like with most things it's only the people with bad experiences that kick up a fuss.
Sorry to knock your idealism but your comment smacks of pure ignorance.
1, hollywood (or the US film industry) is a business, they make a product and sell it. Capitalism, look it up.
2, There are people in hollywood who do great things for charity they wouldn't be able to do if they didn't run successful businesses (this is not just hollywood). Yes I know there is a hell of a lot wasted on greedy bastards and drugs and who knows what else but just trying to paint a bigger picture.
3, even if they did give the budget of transformers 2 to aid africa most likely it would line a few peoples pockets and maybe 10% would actually help people.
I know exactly when I lost faith in man. April 7th 1997. That's the day I saw a man killed for his shoes by a pack of would be gang-bangers. In that moment I knew we were all just a bunch of filthy animals playing at a bunch of pretense and its all a crapshoot.
Now I just try to mind me and mine, and hold myself to a set of standards designed to make sure I never cross that same line.
Though honestly working in a call center will break you of any delusions you have about human nature and intelligence pretty damn quick too.
I have faith in humanity.
Yes I'm saying that because I've seen the best and the worst of this species.
I am more optimistic these days. I believe that freedom will prevail in the end. No amount of propaganda and chemicals is gonna change that. The people are waking up.
internet forums made me lose my faith in humanity… though these are easy enough to avoid, so maybe that's my fault :D
i work in food service, so i've got very little good to say about my fellow man. any optimism i manage to muster is quickly trampled upon (and yes, i'm an optimist, though a mite cynical, pessimism just doesn't fit my taste, and i'm not even good at faking it for long). it's not the customers, i don't know them, i try to give them the benefit of the doubt. sure they ask crazy things of me, make me mad, all that jazz, but i can convince myself they just don't know any better, or maybe i'm just unreasonable. it's the staff and management and the owners, who i actually know, that give me little to hope for. 'honor-less, greedy, lazy, self-serving' these are words that typically come to mind (though certainly not an exhaustive list of negative traits… that any person will stab another in the back given the right circumstances rather bothers me). it is hard to see the worth in the world when you're working all the time, barely surviving, and constantly being told you aren't doing enough. if they'd at least put down the whips… makes me wonder if the old, harder way of survival was more rewarding, if far less convenient - because i don't mind the work so much, it's the people i get hung up on.
to the actual question though, losing faith in humanity has been a gradual descent. perhaps it is the unrealistic nature of art that produced any 'faith' in the species to begin with. in reality, people just aren't nice. even the nice ones. :)
Here's a thought: maybe faith is the wrong word. If it's faith, then you believe and it's really hard to shake that down.
Maybe this thread is about expectations, and maybe those who "lose faith" are optimists who have large expectations. My experience is that I'm surprised that I can still be surprised, both good and bad.
The day 9-11 is the worst event that I'll have to live through, but it also brought about amazing acts of courage and sympathy. And true, true change to a lot of people who live here on the east coast.
As far as how we're evolving, I think it looks most like pendulum swings. But there's a much greater consciensenous (oh blast spelling) about "green" and that the planet cannot continually be strip-mined and then filled up with used pampers. Which is cool—it means we can get outside of ourselves.
I don't know that I ever had faith. But I do have hope.
I have faith in my fellow humans, it's patience that's lacking. ;) When you admit that you can be and have been as unworthy of the faith you want to have in others is when the world starts getting better. You can't change others and you can't enforce perfection in others, but you can perfect yourself.
They'll figure it out eventually but the road to self-realization is long and definitely not paved. Psychological studies have proven that 85% of people cannot accurately evaluate their own work or the work of others without well established guidelines or extensive critical thinking training. Which means most of us are incompetent and incapable of seeing it and of course everyone reading this will assume they are in the 15% who do get it. Trust me you ain't.
So most people are clueless and you just have to be patient, take them by the hand and show them the difference between an asshole and a hole in the ground.
I have faith, but then the world's religions have shown us that it is easy to have great faith in something that can never be proven and the flies in the face of all evidence. lol!
Humanity, I have faith in. It's come a long way from its beginnings and is still moving toward a future of equal access to the liberties, rights and freedoms that every human being deserves.
People, not so much. Unfortunately more people (at least in Western culture) have serious entitlement issues and cases of inflated self-worth than ever, and it's lowering the bar for expectations. Now it's possible to be praised as a model employee for simply doing your job competently. And that's on top of all the other issues that afflict people…
My general thoughts: welcome to the world. The whole thing's one big paradox and you'll have to learn to live with that. It sucks, but anyone who says that life is easy is either an idiot or just hasn't been hit with a real challenge yet.
That's odd, i was actually pondering on this topic on the bus ride home.
There are a lot of "faith removing people in the world" but there are still genuinely good people out there and i choose to believe that despite the apparent disparity between the idiots and the good guys, humanity is still something you can bank on.
and sometimes i can be so optimistic its sickening.
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