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Moonlight meanderer
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@ ABT-
 Animated- No speficic reason I was just poking around some of Fuku's animated SHELL pages and thought "why not"?
Unca Sam pitch- He was a really awesome character in HU and I would think there would be more than one of him, and since he's all decked out in the ol' red white and blue them getting hijacked and doing some damage in a forgien country (We could always just make one up) that has nukes and tense relations with the US could turn a mighty large profit to Warmongers and Weapons dealers (Change perhaps?). 
Fem Island pitch-I feel that HA has really awesome characters who are women, I mean you have Bombshell whos the leader, techy person Vora, powerhouse Titan, and Mystical/occult person Romey. I imagined a story where some fem-diety is trying to kill all of them so she can bring thier souls to what she believes is paradise, an all-women afterlife. 
The Extraordinaire- I always love the villian/hero hookups, and I also love Bond villians that start off as charismatic and charming but end up being evil bastards. The Extraordinaire is just that, a dashing, suave hitman, that would kill anyone for the right price, but sets his eyes on one of the ladies of HA. 
What ifs?- I for one find these extremely fun when done right, especially when you have ones like DC's Elseworlds stuff when they had that line of alternate universe/whatifs.

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Ducklslovakia… claiming it now

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Here's some ideas I've been bouncing around my head for a while now.

Firstly, a story idea where one of the heroes has their secret identity revealed to the world, and has to deal with their enemies attacking their family members.

Second, I think that for a story involving EGO we should send our heroes into outer space. They could discover that an alien species is planning to use EGO to wipe out another spieces they are at war with. I think it would be a good way to introduce some new aliens into HU continuity.


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How about some suggestions for "What Ifs"? Those are something we could probably get off the ground quicker than some of the other chapters we're discussing.

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Abt_Nihil wrote:
How about some suggestions for "What Ifs"? Those are something we could probably get off the ground quicker than some of the other chapters we're discussing.
What if we reversed the roles of who died in the bombings with the Clockwork duo. Have the child die and see how that affects the older guy. It would be relatively on it's own and quiet, but would be a good way to go into the characters head, despite his death.
I'd like to get working on the introduction of War script whenever there is free time. Let me know when you feel the time is right…or we could roll some ideas around here for it too.

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ironhand wrote:
What if we reversed the roles of who died in the bombings with the Clockwork duo. Have the child die and see how that affects the older guy. It would be relatively on it's own and quiet, but would be a good way to go into the characters head, despite his death.
Good idea, but I'd like to delay tackling this subject until we've properly established the consequences of Watchman's death in normal continuity. All we've really seen so far is a news report of it.
ironhand wrote:
I'd like to get working on the introduction of War script whenever there is free time. Let me know when you feel the time is right…or we could roll some ideas around here for it too.
I don't think it collides with anything we've planned (or does it?), so… anytime! :-)

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What If: Yeah that makes sense. It's always something to pick up on, though.
War: Only thing I have with this is that I see it as an actual issue for HA. War won't really be in the spotlight till the end where they recruit him (I have that scene circling my head now) - so could this be an issue? Also, I'm trying to think of a suitable storyline to go with this - I have ideas of villains but none really match with what I have in mind. If anyone has any ideas to go for this I'd be happy to hear them.

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so, about the Bones intro story, i was thinking that the UN would hire him to infiltrate some evil doer's camp or organization for some yet to be decided mission, something that may require a bit of underhandedness. knowing this, the UN doesnt quite let the rest of the HA in on why exactly they've chosen him, but it'll become apperant enough he doesnt have the best intentions the rest of them may. he's not evil exactly, but he is pretty scrupuless. the more they work with him, the more the HA become weary of him and suspet this might be something other than what they think it is and soon bones not only has to worry about the enemies of the HA, but members of the HA itself as paranoia after Energize may still linger. this is very lose still and im new to the HA universe so i'd love to be able to discuss this more to make sure it'd fit in naturally.
also, i think if Bones would become a more sydicated character here, he's bound to cross paths with Desperado and the most unholiest of drinking contests (and the desimation sure to follow after) ensues.
..who knows, maby some day someone'll be able to convince the bastard to actually do good for goodness sake.haha!

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I have an idea regarding the ninja storyline which was mentioned earlier. Basically, a certain clan is being lead by a man and woman who both have powers. A hero (not seen before) is able to contact the Alliance after being wounded in a fight and they set off to take the clan, and the powered leaders, down.
I already have some cool ideas for the fights that would be in that issue.
Has anyone got any ideas on the type of issue that I could introduce my character War? I'd like for it to be one where he really shines where the villain is playing on more than one front and only War notices it in time or something. Let me know.

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I got a cliche but cool story idea for us :)
Ok, The story itself is one of those classic tales of "Boy meets dog"…except the dog in question was genetically created in a top secret American government lab to become a secret weapon which can change shape into any canid animal.Now the Government sends out a hunter to claim the creature, and his actions stir up HA.
Now HA has to track down this creature before the government either recaptures it or destroys it, along with a small town.
Throw in a young boy who finds it and grows to love it.
And you got a humdinger of an idea :P

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So I've been polishing a potential story arc I've had for a little bit before posting it here, but I'll try to give a fairly good idea of it here.
Phase 1:
We see a flash of light outside a swamp in the Mid-Atlantic. A man in black armor based on riot gear (Riotmonger) is thrown into view, slamming into the ground. The story pans, from his musing about where he is…to a prison where big bads are kept. It would be AMAZING if we could have villains from past issues make at least cameo appearances (ideally more than cameo).
The scene changes to a police officer standing outside a criminal's cell, ordering them out so that they can transfer them to a new cell. The criminal acts confused- though through hinting, it becomes apparent that there is something underhanded going on with this so-called 'transfer', so the criminal comes along willingly.
Villains are gathered in the mess hall where the guard in question reveals his true identity- Riotmonger, who makes an offer to them- Join him in his campaign to overthrow a corrupt system- or…be left behind when the escape alarm is set off, left to their own devices.
We find out that Riotmonger has, until the last few months or so, been living thirty years in the past, in a land where time moves differently. Part of his desire to bring in new talent is to begin an upgrade of his suit- and to see what he's missed in thirty years.
When we snap back to HA, word has spread that a major jail break has taken place- and the heroes know which criminals escaped- but are left in the dark as to the ringleader of the whole thing.
Phase 2:
Riotmonger orders lower-tier villains to start doing obvious crimes- intending for them to be attacked/caught by superheroes. When the opportunity presents itself, Riotmonger has the bigger tier of villains join in as part of an ambush and makes it an utter brawl.
Only when things look their worst for the good guys does Riotmonger enter himself, taking one of his guns and shooting one of his cohorts with a taser. He proceeds to give a polite bow before pointing out all of his minions- and offering them as a tribute to the HA- if they'd be so kind as to join him in instituting 'real justice'.
We learn that Riotmonger is a cop who lost his wife and daughter to a murderer- who got out of prison on a technicality- and RM has been in a downward spiral ever since. Now, he's convinced the whole system is corrupt.
Riotmonger, when refused, will snap into a rage and pull out the real weapons, rallying whatever villains will still follow him and cry out for the destruction and bloodshed of the HA.
That's where I'm currently at in the planning stages- now, I do prefer to have volunteers, but I do have a few characters in mind, I hope.

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PIT_FACE and I are currently developing the "Wrath of the Zombie Queen" script which sux wrote into an HA chapter. I hope we can get this finalized soon and turn it into HA #7. Mostly because PIT_FACE is on fire =D aaaand we need a script for HA #7 soon, otherwise there'll be a longer hiatus after HA #6.
The current idea is for the Zombie Queen chapter to be divided into three arcs. The second one is basically the script sux wrote, which has Peligroso, Kaine the White Shadow and Azumorph battle an armada of Zombies which ZQ unleashed on the city of Darwin, Australia. The first act, which I have now written the basic skeleton for, has a darker team of heroes, who aren't part of HA but are government agents (PIT_FACE suggested a "hero reform" program =D) reacting to the ZQ's activity in a military base near Darwin, which might involve her stealing and modifying some sort of Zombie disease strain (still working on the details), only to find out that ZQ has already begun unleashing her Zombies somewhere else (i.e. what happens in act 2).
Now, if there are any suggestions, including what sort of characters you could also see take part in the "hero reform" program (I need some sort of Nick Fury type who's the head of the operation), or what you could envision for a third act (again, including additional characters you'd like to see), let's hear 'em =)

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Abt, I'm really trying to push to get What You Believe done in time to be HA #7.  I'm giving people a deadline of September 1st and will do any extraneous pages that aren't assigned by that time.  The only people I'm giving longer are those doing Heroes Divided (which, out of the artists on What You Believe, I believe are just you and fuku).  I really want to get this one up.  One would think it could wait for longer, but I realize I may have waited a bit too long as it is–the story really best makes sense before Heroes Divided.
But I need to update its posting.  I have artists I haven't mentioned on there, and pages finished I haven't updated it to show.

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I am open for art duties, man. I think I could a page or two!
I'd also like to talk to someone about the issue introducing War regarding the villain, who I think needs to be pretty tactical to make War shine even moreso.
I also have a ninja story planned - it's pretty much sorted except for two things. The first is I need the greenlight from abt, the second is I need a ninja like hero who can be in this issue, otherwise I will make one up solely for this issue and maybe a new hero to join HA (loosely)
EDIT - I think a better idea would be to create a new ninja guy entirely, which I am more than happy to do. I have this ninja story, however, pretty much planned out now and would love to get to work on it. Let me know abt

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Heroes Alliance: Shootin’ Star is a two part story arc that is based around Relik and Desperado.  
Actor Brad Stone is getting ready the biggest movie premier of his acting career. The film is titled “Shooting Star” and is a western based on a true story about a Sheriff who was the best marksman in history. When Desperado hears the news about this movie he is infuriated because he believes he is the best in history. He makes it his goal to go to the premier and show the world on International Television is the best in history. Desperado plans on challenging Brad Stone (because he obviously can not challenge the Sheriff) to a duel outside the premier while all the insider access TV Shows are present. It is up to Relik to stop the mad Desperado from killing Brad Stone or even worse, an innocent bystander on International Television. But Relik is faced with the challenge of Brad Stone and Relik needing to be at the same place at the same time.
I have the entire idea in my head I will start writing it if it gets chosen by an artist. It will take less than a week for me to write each story (figure around 22 pages per issue). This is just a brief synopsis. I don’t give away any secrets or inspire any other writers.. This arc will also feature Comet Kid.
I hope some artists want to draw it!

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Since there is plan of creating te Villains Unite, I wa thinking that before they appear, that the HA members would be introduced to other organized villain groups, or groups of villains. This would show a change in the villains mentality from I work alone to I work i a group. Also that they would be a bit ready and know, slightly, what to expect.
I was thinking that this could start in the bottom of the villain hiarchy, the muggers. I was thinking of a n organized group of muggers who have mugging gear and wear crotch protectors and are led by the Mug King. I was sort of thinking that they would be sort of like Hydra from Cable and Deadpool. I think that would be quite funny and probably at least 8 pages long.
I was also thinking that they could go against a group of skilled teenagers who commit crime for fun. I sort of wat to se the grown ups loose to a bunch of kids and eventually saved by the younder ones of their team.

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Ironhand, I (finally) sent you a note.
I keep thinking of different things to do, comic-wise.  Of course I'm planning the big crossover project I'm doing for next year and I still have to get What You Believe done, but recently reading the DC Challenge (which I downloaded ages ago) has kept me motivated to get the jam issue going after What You Believe has gone up.  After all, those pages have been sitting on my computer for some time now and I think it would be great fun.  Plus, I like the character I created for it.
But thinking of my crossover project, I have wondered if any HUniverse stuff might happen in it.  My characters of Sparkle and Astral will be a part of it, but I would love to see others be a part.  Heck, I'd push for Heroes Alliance as a comic to be involved, if I thought it was likely.  I know there are other stories waiting to go online that authors have waited for some time to get up, so I wouldn't think it would be a part of it, but I still like to think about such things.

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Eric_blitz wrote:
Heroes Unite is arguably the biggest super hero team in the DD universe, but what about a smaller one, not directly connected with them? A knock off so to speak?
The story I have an in mind is a cross over of sorts. A new group of heroes (including Cat Kid, War, and Bones along with others) are founded, a bunch of rookies who clearly don't know what they are doing and end up causing more damage then good.
And with that, Heroes Unite sets off to set this new team right. obviously, a confrontation is in order! 'Who do you guys think you are?', 'Is there only room for one hero team in town?' that sort of thing.
  This is actually something I'd meant to do all along :-) The "Wrath of the Zombie Queen" chapter features a team like this one. In the script, it has Bones, Archangel and Alicia/Fury. I'd love to add some characters and turn it into some sort of special OPs team, like Marvel's Thunderbolts or DC's Secret Six (i.e. including villains!).
I think it would be great if we could get War and Desperado to join, and maybe even JOD? My thought was that maybe JOD could join "incognito", without his armor, as a sort of strategist, before he is properly introduced in a later "Army of JOD" chapter. fukujinzuke, ironhand, AzuJOD, what do you guys think? Also, any other suggestions who could join?
Nepath: Excellent, I think Fearless would make a great addition!

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Also, for the story I proposed, I'd love to throw my hat in the ring for some writing duties!

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This "dark" team does sound pretty good-but who would be the leader? And would they be in the pages of the HA or would they have their own title? I could already have a few ideas of what we could do for the opening few stories for this team.
I have a few things regarding War, both good and bad of joining him this team. The first thing is the bad - and that is just that basically I like the idea of him being in the main cast of HA - because he adds the edge to them. So far, everyones fine listening to orders from their leader but War wouldn't do that and if he disagreed he would go and do it - or maybe if he likes the idea, sure - he'll follow orders. But I could see him having good interactions with the likes of Shell and building a good force alongside Bombshell. My only slight other issue is that he is quite a heavy hitter - as in he's strong and probably very loud.
The good of him joining this team is that being with villains wouldn't bother him. It would abit but then he's just following orders. He'll get the fight done - if he has a better method he'll do it but the villains wouldn't bother him. I could see him working well with this team.
At the end of it, I would like him on both teams, or maybe being on one team before moving to the other?

I have a little idea regarding Archangel - what if he's used in the team as a "bullet"? That guy is strong and could be the "Superman" of our universe - but his past has scarred him. I see him being pretty scary when they have to bring him out as the big gun.

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Ironhand; I actually mentioned this to Abt, because my character Cat-Kid also could not permently stay on a team once he found out their methods were those of villans or anti-heroes. Just because these characters start out on this anti-hero team, doesnt mean that is their perment space. Actually, I think this story is a good way to intragate some more heroes into HA.
At the end of the story, I could see Cat-Kid, War and I'm sure others, join the main HA team.  

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Yeah that would make alot of sense that way. I could definitely see War being on a team with villains even with the knowledge. After a while, though, I assume he'll either find what they're doing is wrong or just thinks his fight is going to be better somewhere else.

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I think it should be important to note this isnt a super villan team, just anti heroes. Think of a team of Deadpools and Wolverines. They arnt evil, they just arnt afraid to blow up a building to get to the bad guy (which–is why I think Cat-Kid will leave considering he vaules all life).
I also had another idea, I think leading up to this project, we should have maybe 5 page ministories about how each character joins the team. Maybe their leader (I'm not sure who yet, but I'm thinking some sort of business man, maybe someone looking to profit after their destrustion) tests each member, and then approches them after completeing their test, offering them membership. I think it would just be intresting and good promotion for the storyline. 

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Moonlight meanderer

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