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Moonlight meanderer
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The voices inside his head told him too. 

More than half my lifetime ago I first stretched my writing/comic muscles in an Amatuer Press Association. There was a bunch of people who each put together a "zine" made up all the copies for the other members and mailed it off to a central guy who assembled it and mailed it back. This guy in question was a dynamic artist from South Georgia with a short temper and negative outlook but an increidble talent. He died of complications from diabetes a few days ago.  All the former members of NYAPA are coming back togetehr to express condolences for him. Always remember you Steve Addlesse.

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I'm glad you're alright, Skullbie! Any chance of getting out of that area?

After fidding around with the edges of my windows all the time for years, I finally had the sense to find a program that makes my windows snap to the edges of the screen and to each other. It's the greatest thing ever. Does that bother anyone else? I can't stand it when my windows are going off the edges or under my taskbar.


kawaiidaigakusei wrote:
This was the first image that popped in my head as soon as you put those two stories in the same sentence:

…just keep the snake away from Alice!
Children's literature is so profound and has themes that adults continue relating to throughout their lives.
Super cute! :P
Don't worry about snakes…I don't think I'd ever have the heart to kill off a character (even if it was a lovely symbolic thing like in Le Petit Prince). If I ever did I'd have to eventually bring them back and do that old "you didn't see me die so I'm not actually dead!" comic trick.
I think I'm getting somewhere with my story outline. Mostly through borrowing things from older, better stories but I think that's okay, right?

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If you come to Canada, watch out for SNOW SNAKES!

Hippie, I think it's okay to borrow themes and general notions from older stories, as long as the actual details are yours!

What do women mean when they say they want men to put the toilet seat down? Do they mean the whole thing? Both lids? I always close both lids, so a woman has to lift the first lid when she goes in the bathroom.

I think I'd be an excellent husband, since I always close the lids. But do women want the top lid left up? I can't get on board with that.

hahaha…I think I'm bored. I guess I could be trying to write a radio play submission…

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HippieVan wrote:
Le Petit Prince
Did you see that a full-length 3D feature of the Little Prince is in the works and will be in theaters in the Fall of this year? The trailer looks so good, it incorporates pages and illustrations from the original story.

Banes wrote:
What do women mean when they say they want men to put the toilet seat down? Do they mean the whole thing? Both lids? I always close both lids, so a woman has to lift the first lid when she goes in the bathroom.
This all depends on a number of factors:
-Are you alone in the house?
-Are you on vacation and sharing the restroom with multiple people, some that use the restroom IMMEDIATELY after you vacate?
-Did you just go number one or number two.
Method One
Shut both top lids. Flush.
Pro: This method supposedly keeps all the pee mist from circulating all around the bathroom.
Con: All the pee mist that is no longer circulating around the bathroom has now been shot full-blast at the top toilet lid, so no leaning back.
Method Two
Place the middle lid down. Flush.
Pro: No one will complain about the toilet seat being left up.
Con: No cons, really, unless you plan to use fragrance spray.
My method is a bit off-kilter, but it makes perfect sense to me. Let me explain.
My Method
I usally do not care regardless when I am at home, but when I am on vacation, a single bathroom has much more traffic, so desperate measures need to be taken. Therefore, I will lift BOTH of the lids up. Use Fragrance Spray. Flush.
Explanation: What people who leave either the top of middle lid on the toilet AND THEN use fragrance spray don't realize is that it is counteractive to shut the top most lid and spray because the next person is going to know exactly what went down. But, if the middle lid is the only one placed down, all the fragrance spray mist will land on the toilet lid, making the next person to use it end up with scented oil touching the back of their thighs (gross!). Therefore, the method I figured out not only removes any odor from the restroom, it also prevents any of the spray mist to get coated on the toilet seat.
I am a female and I lift up both toilet seats. I don't mind because if it is up because usually public restrooms that have just been bleached have both lids up and it just means it is more sanitary.
I guess the real reason certain people get upset about the toilet seat issue is because they hate touching the lid. The worst scenario, though, is if a person goes #1 with the lid down, has bad aim, and the next person needs to wipe it down (worst). A real germaphobic person would spray down the entire toilet with alcohol spray and giving it a full wipe-down before even sitting on the seat.

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kawaii, that's a better answer and explanation than I could have hoped for! Makes perfect sense to me!

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Banes wrote:
What do women mean when they say they want men to put the toilet seat down? Do they mean the whole thing? Both lids? I always close both lids, so a woman has to lift the first lid when she goes in the bathroom.

I think I'd be an excellent husband, since I always close the lids. But do women want the top lid left up? I can't get on board with that.

hahaha…I think I'm bored. I guess I could be trying to write a radio play submission…
Most likely to be the the 1st one but putting down both is hygenic for everyone. It's also a test to see if you're stuck in single bachelor mode.

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Ah…I didn't consider whether it could be some kind of test. Good call, Skullbie!

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Banes wrote:
What do women mean when they say they want men to put the toilet seat down? Do they mean the whole thing? Both lids? I always close both lids, so a woman has to lift the first lid when she goes in the bathroom.

I think I'd be an excellent husband, since I always close the lids. But do women want the top lid left up? I can't get on board with that.
Both lids! I'm glad other people here agree with me on this. I've always found the idea of fighting over the toilet seat to be absurd, because everyone should be closing the lid. When you leave it open and flush, tiny particles of icky toilet stuff go all over your bathroom. Yuck!
I also just find it kind of tacky when I walk into a bathroom - say to wash my hands or something - and I can immediately see the inside of the toilet bowl.

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Toilts deserve their own thread!
I put both lids down so everyone has to list the lid when they go :)
Both lids up looks like you've just given up.
That's sad about your comics guy Bravo. I hope you all do a great colab comic to remember Steve Addlesse.

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Best to close both lids. When I used to clean public bathrooms I would put all the lids down as the last step before finishing. It also served as a sort of final inspection. 

Of course when you have to really, really, really go, like explosive diaherrea, lifting that upper lid seemingly takes forever, but it's so much better than sitting on a bowl without any seat down. WTF! And guys as you get older and that spray isn't as strong and steady as it once was SIT DOWN! I'm sick of wiping down everything because you sprayed everything but the bowl. Even ladies that hover at least get it in the bowl. And as the guy who cleaned public bathrooms you wonder just how did they get that over there… I don't recall a chimpanzee gong in there and throwing it all around… have a dizzy spell while going and just pissing the whole booth? Geez.

Pass the hose through the window and just hose the whole room down. People are slobs.

And I will and have gone everywhere and anywhere. Ain't nothing I'm gonna get by putting my butt there but I just hate leaky port-a-johns in the rain. Am I sitting in piss or rain? Yeah it's COLD!!! That's rain.

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Actually my brother was the one who demanded both lids down – with six in the house and the toilets in demand (particularly when we were all returning to the house at the same time) and the top lid up, it was too easy and nasty to witness the remains of the previous deposit still en route.  That, and with cats in the house, it's a tad unnerving to catch one of them drinking from the toilet (that's the argument that swayed my husband).
I can't speak for Skullbie, but moving is not always the answer for finding a safe neighborhood.  Wacks are everywhere and refuse to label themselves so the rest of us know who they are.  It's a lame theory, but if people were kinder and more respectful to each other, maybe there'd be less stress and alienation, and maybe fewer people would lose it, or not lose it in such tragic ways.  Or:  Just medicate Everyone All the time and who the hell would know the difference about anything anyway.  I actually like the wine/percocet cocktail (nearly immeasurable what a nice whiplash can introduce one to), although my stomach doesn't.
So the flurries of earlier this AM have stopped and there's a bit of an hiatus before the big snowstorm predicted for our area begins and goes into tomorrow.  Time to be cozy and start a batch of soup; instead I'm antsy and nothing yet has grabbed enough of my attention to focus on.  This is usually when I do laundry, but I was feeling productive yesterday so, unbelievably, there's no laundry to do.  Okay,  I'm reduced to blathering–I will take this elsewhere.

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bravo1102 wrote:
And as the guy who cleaned public bathrooms…
Bravo, you have worked a greater number of jobs than most men are able to in three lifetimes. You usually have experience working in the field for each topic discussed on the forums. The last time was when we were discussing ties and you mentioned how you were, "a seller of fine men's clothes in (your) misspent youth (especially ties)".
I can imagine a comic where a young man is exploring a small town and your character keeps popping up in multiple places and working in a different occupation each time (Similar to Bert in Mary Poppins). It would either be called "Jack of all Trades" or "The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker"

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Ayes, I read that as "bitch soup", and it leanded a humerous seasiong to your post. :)
Kawaii, that's a hillarious idea! I imagine every single occupation and service in a city having a Bravo working there in reality.

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ozoneocean wrote:
Ayes, I read that as "bitch soup", and it leanded a humerous seasiong to your post. :)
Kawaii, that's a hillarious idea! I imagine every single occupation and service in a city having a Bravo working there in reality.
Ha!  Yeah, Bitch Soup could possibly be the prequel to Monster Soup.  And your take on Kawaii's musing had me seeing bravo1102 in that restaurant scene from Being John Malkovich. 
"Bravobravo"  "bravobravobravo.  BRAVO"  "BraVO!"  

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LOL! I forgot about that film! :D
That's it exactly!
As a side note, my spelling has deteriorated badly. I'm going to have to check my posts more carefully in future!.

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I think the multi career thing is all a part of Bravo's military and survival training. He finds him self in occupied territory for example, on a deadly mission, seperated from his tank and crew. If he falls into enemy hands, he'll be tortured to extract vital operational information. He's trained to withstand this, but how long can he hold out? Indefinitely of course, but his mere presence has alerted his captors and they'll instigate targeted counter intelligence operations. What can he do?
Thanks to his special training, he is able to avoid capture by blending seamlessly into the local population. He does this by clever misdirection. A stranger in town may arouse suspicion, but that fellow who's opening a new shop on the high street? Everybody is too busy checking out his quality menswear to give it a second thought. Instead of being tied to a chair and electrocuted, he's tying elaborate silk knots around the necks of enemy officers and picking up titbits of operational information at the same time. He might just as easily be a barber, baker, dentist or ballet instructor - it's all part of the training.

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Hmm…. so Bravo is the Mike Rowe of webcomics?  Interesting…

And right on time.  Something goes wrong with my car.  If it's not a car I'm using, its my bicycle (which makes my sister worry… and rightly so as it's dangerous to use a bike on the roads this day and age).  Something always seems to go wrong.

This time it's a "texas" sized hole in the back plate of my water pump.  Probably a large crack.  I've been told that "block seal" could repair such a hole, but I'm skeptical…  last time I used a stop leak solution I ended up with a gummed up cooling system.  Of course back then I used a powder.  This thing looks like a liquid.  Just mix it with hot tap water then pour it into the radiator, run the car for a half hour, then drain the system again and let the thing cool (with cap and taps open) for a day.  We'll see…

Aaand I have Jury Duty Orientation tomorrow.  And according to some people I know this means I may be called to be part of a jury for the next six to ten months.  And it pays $30 a day for each day I serve.  The extra money is nice, but it's gonna be a headache to get enough sleep as I also work nights…

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Ironscarf wrote:
ballet instructor - it's all part of the training.
That's the one you should really see. All right girls get those legs up, up UP And a one, two, three, One, two, three, knees, KICK! and one, two three KICK! Up and over ladies… that's you guys too, come oooonn people work with me here! One, two, three…

Hey aren't you Bravo the hard-core tanker, spy and all-around killer soldier from hell?

One, two, three KICK! Why no what ever made you think that dearie?

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Did any of you actually want to grow up? Were you looking forward to a future filled with day after day of the same drive to work, dull co-workers, and monotony? Were any of you expecting to still be where you are, a decade later? Did you think that the new millenium only held what you have right now, and nothing more? Were you hoping for smarter phones, and dumber people? Faster cars, and slower minds? Bigger burgers, and thinner wallets? If so, good for you!

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Babylon 5 is the best. I'm rewatching parts of it, and it makes me rethink some of my thoughts on TV in general. And then I go downstairs, see my sister poisoning her mind with "16 and pregnant" or "Beauty school dropouts" or even "Meet the russians" and I immediately remember why I stopped watching TV, and only watch stuff I illegally downloaded, but at least has some quality.

- - - - - -

I'm having trouble deciding whether I want to graduate, or just get rid of school things. I love being a student, and I loved hanging out with my friends all day at school. But now they're all graduated, and I'm stuck fixing the last of my grades, and sucking up to teachers I don't respect or like.

- - - - - -

On the whole toilet thing: Just pee into the sink.

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Kroatz wrote:
Babylon 5 is the best. I'm rewatching parts of it, and it makes me rethink some of my thoughts on TV in general.
My brother agrees with you. It is one of the better thought out Sci-fi series with an actual over-arching story. And then there's Claudia Christian. had some great characters. Ivanova's rules. Great sequence.
On the whole toilet thing: Just pee into the sink.
Yeah I cleaned that too. That hose thrugh the window.

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Kroatz wrote:
Did any of you actually want to grow up? Were you looking forward to a future filled with day after day of the same drive to work, dull co-workers, and monotony? Were any of you expecting to still be where you are, a decade later? Did you think that the new millenium only held what you have right now, and nothing more? Were you hoping for smarter phones, and dumber people? Faster cars, and slower minds? Bigger burgers, and thinner wallets? If so, good for you!
I expected to be living on a small yacht. A little sailing boat moored at a jetty. I would do graphic design as a job and then sail around when I felt like it.
But then I sort of lost interest in yachts and sailing.
The monotony of work is anoying, as is the monotony of any experience, but on balance it really does beat school and uni by a loooooooooooooong way! Mainly because there's no expectation of having to complete bloody projects, assigments, and get the right grades, plus you're earning money as you go, not creating debt. Unlike schooling you don't have (at last "I" don't) any of that long term stress that time sensitive crap in school forces on you ALL THE TIME. The only thing like that I have now is taxes, but that's only once a year, so, whatever.
Socially, going to uni was a blast. I did learn some good stuff and create some interesting things, but the working world is way better.- when you're not AT work.

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I love university, and fear graduating. Although I sometimes wistfully imagine what it would be like not to have all the worries involved with it.
In terms of new millenium hopes, I was only seven in 2000 and the most exciting thing to happen that year was that my little sister was born. And she's pretty awesome, so that's something.

I got boots! Found some at The Bay that are "weatherproof," grippy, and not too ugly. So far they seem good!
Now I'm looking for a pretty, lightweight traveling bag. (Well, hoping that when I find one someone else will generously buy it for me. :P) I want one like this but more vintage-y looking. I like the pattern on this one okay, but not the size or the wheels. I'm not really sure what to search for online…they seem to be called overnight bags, weekend bags, cabin bags, duffel bags, etc., but each of those also brings up things that I'm not looking for at all.

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Okay i have kind of a stupid question that google can't give me a straight answer; what do australians and canadians call their dollar in daily conversation? American it's 'dollar' but do they really say 'canandian dollars' or shorten it to 'dollar'?

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You don't call it United States Dollars do you? So I'm guessing that Canadians don't call their own currency Canadian dollars either. Except when the difference needs to be clear.

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I am not the authority on Canadian names for currency because I am an American, but I did live there for one year and these were my observations:

In Canada, they do not have a single dollar in paper currency. They switched to a coin with a picture of a loon a while back, so an individual dollar is nicknamed a "Loonie". There is even a two-dollar coin that is nicknamed a "toonie" (short for two loons). I still made a distinction for the smaller coin currency by calling them "beaver nickels" or "caribou quarters" (just kidding).

In restaurants and stores, they do not make a distinction, $18.80 CAD is read as "eighteen dollars and eighty cents". However, when converting money, there is a distinction between USD (United States Dollars) and CAD (Canada dollars). Most vendors in areas with heavy tourist traffic usually accept both USD/CAD, so there is a conversion sheet placed somewhere near the register for price adjustments.

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Moonlight meanderer

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