I think I already posted this somewhere else, but if there's a filesize cap can we look at removing the picture-width cap of 950 pixels? It's getting a bit silly when both monitors and even smartphones have much higher widths than that.
I figure it probably has something to do with inflexible page HTML, so I understand if it's not a quick fix but it really would be very handy. Heroes Alliance typically fits within the limit okay, but there are times when it would be cool to have a double-page spread.
Random aside: I wonder if autosizing the picture depending on platform would be a good idea or not.
Random aside 2: Is proper support for mobile devices on the wishlist somewhere?
EDIT: PS. OMG, lookit all the perfect line breaks!^_^
ozoneocean wrote:
You can't upload files over 1 meg- I think that code was always there but had been disabled by a bug. Since the site has had many of the bugs fixed that code has started working again. There should be a note of it on the page.
I think that with it in operation in lowers our hosting costs and also reduces the load on the server because it's not constantly doing image processing tasks. I'll try and get text put up about it.