Naw man, I'm saying I was your second (or further) choice, even as you were trying to console yourself by love-confessing to me, you were thinking of Virago…
See now you're just trying to get me to say something crazy like "I am Spang's motorbike" so you can feel like you have another chance with her. Well you can go confess your love to her all you want. T_T

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How would you (did you) react to a sudden "love confession"?
I've had a couple guys write me poems and such, confessing they loved me, and I would just go "awww, how cute" and try to avoid them at all costs. ;) It didn't take me long to fess up and tell them I wasn't interested back.
I've also been on the other side of the coin–the "confessor." I met a guy over a Dungeons & Dragons internet meetup group and I instantly fell head over heels. He lived in the basement of a house with a married couple. He was a bartender, so he had a lot of charm and charisma (and made good drinks). Eventually I gathered the guts to tell him how I felt. He was flattered and said maybe something would happen eventually, but right now he wasn't interested in a relationship with anyone. That "maybe" gave me hope, and I would drive three hours every weekend to see him and play D&D. I would spend hundreds of dollars each weekend to restock his bar. I got so broke at one point, buying gas and alcohol for each trip, that coworkers would donate me food so I could actually eat.
Anyway the guy led me on and gave me hints that he liked me–at least that's what I thought he was doing. Six months later, the husband of the married couple decided to tell me that the guy I liked and the wife of the married couple were having "intimate relations" with each other, and this had been going on before I even met them all. ….In other words, the guy and the married couple were swingers. I was so furious that the guy didn't tell me this when I confessed my attraction to him. I felt so betrayed, especially because the wife of the married couple was my best friend, and I would pour out my feelings and tell her how much I liked the guy, and she didn't say anything either.
I haven't seen them since that night, and I don't care if I ever see them again. They went from "best friends" to "scum of the earth" that night.
…The happy ending to this tale is I got a husband out of the whole ordeal. I became friends with a fellow D&D player who also went to the house every weekend. I never really noticed him because I was so fixated on the bartender guy. But the day after I found out about this stuff, this guy went over to that house and defended my honor. It was so chivalrous, so noble, like something out of a movie. I realized that here I was, fawning after this bartender who didn't care about anyone but himself, and here was another guy right in front of my nose who cared deeply about me all along. ….So I married him, and we have been happily together ever since.
And thus ends my tale. /bow :)
…The happy ending to this tale is I got a husband out of the whole ordeal. I became friends with a fellow D&D player who also went to the house every weekend. I never really noticed him because I was so fixated on the bartender guy. But the day after I found out about this stuff, this guy went over to that house and defended my honor. It was so chivalrous, so noble, like something out of a movie. I realized that here I was, fawning after this bartender who didn't care about anyone but himself, and here was another guy right in front of my nose who cared deeply about me all along. ….So I married him, and we have been happily together ever since.
And thus ends my tale. /bow :)
That is so cute and romantic! cept for the scumbags, but at least it turned out good in the end
I've never had someone I don't like ask me out, but what I can say for sure is telling someone how you feel and getting rejected is the worst feeling in the world.
If someone I don't like has a crush on me usually I get grossed out and keep my distance. Not the best tactic, but I seriously start interpreting every single action the other person does the wrong way… Crushes are too hard.
One time a friend that didn't know what he was doing just copied and pasted a Live Messenger conversation to someone I had strong affection towards. One in which I was panicking about him saying he was just going to copy and paste what I just said and that it wasn't the best idea.
I got one hell of an angry IM later on. But the reaction was understandable. Taken out of context the sentence made me seem like a clingy stalker. I would've reacted the same way.
So far, out right confessions have happened to me 4 times, 2 of which ended in a relationship, none of which ended pleasantly.
Ah! I fudged up my number! It's actually happened to me 6 times.
The extra two I forgot happened when I was like, eleven though. One I still talk to now, he used the technique of saying "I USED to really really really like you" but he at least understood that I didn't like him. Then a year went by and the another one confessed that he was "madly in love" with me- this time a kid from Britain who I nicely donated a DA subby to- but I was already dating love confession number two so he got rejected. He responded with telling my ex-best friend I was talking behind her back and we didn't speak to each other for a whole summer.
…All my guy friends from the Internet have confessed to liking me at some point (Jesus, I have one NOW that's doing the little secret-affections-pee-pee dance) They pass me around like a bong, I swear to God. I wish I got that more in real life.
I got one hell of an angry IM later on. But the reaction was understandable. Taken out of context the sentence made me seem like a clingy stalker. I would've reacted the same way.
God, IM conversations are the worst for that! I feel your pain!
I once been given an awfully embaressing love proposal that failed. I told myself that this stuff aint working with normal people.
Here is a useful advice that worked for me a lot: never confess in love with all those crappy love words! it aint working, only makes you look wierd. Its more effective to invite your love for a coup of coffee, or in cinema. works better *thumbs up*
I actually had this happen a long time ago. While the economy for precision grinding was down I took a second job working at McDonald's just for some extra spending money. Yeah, I hated it. I wasn't taking any college classes at the time, either. This was all about a year before the Army.
This one girl who worked there (forgot her name) was charged with showing me how to do things around the place…I mean…it's Micky D's…it wasn't rocket science. She was about my age and was nice enough.
We kind of hung out after work and since she was interested in "chasing ghosts" we'd go to alleged places of paranormal activity and try to find things. Because of her I met some other friends and we all went to Knotts Scary Farm. That type of thing.
As normal, I really wasn't interested in dating anyone at the time. I still didn't have a lot of money anymore, I was working part time at McD's as a second job, I was living at my father's (rent free, thank god), and I had broken up with my long time girlfriend because of her family. I was at her place having a beer (yes, I did drink under age, I'm not that goodie-goodie) when we got on some strange topic and she started talking about how great I was.
I was getting uncomfortable as I had a feeling of where this was going. I kept telling her how great I wasn't, trying to convince her otherwise and joking about different things when she suddenly started crying. She went on about how I needed to stop thinking so negatively about myself and told me that she was IN love with me.
My response? Well…I actually started laughing my ass off and told her how wrong she was. I'm pretty sure she came around, since she slowly stopped talking to me over the course of two weeks and got a real boyfriend.
wow… I'm glad no one I know locally has any knowledge of me online. Getting a confession IM would be… disturbing.. to me…
God, IM conversations are the worst for that! I feel your pain!
Trust me, the situation only got worse from there. I later found out that the friend that sent the copy/paste IM also had feelings for me. And that he was hiding this from me and confiding in a friend of his about his feelings for me. And SHE felt the same about HIM.
I still miss the bloke for reasons I'd like to say I don't remember anymore but then I'd be lying. Despite how many times people drilled it into my head that it was just teen angst and that I'd get over it within months.
I've still not properly recovered after 4 years since I last saw his face or heard his voice.
It might have had something to do with his feigned (Or possibly considered and he changed his mind) suicide two years ago. The altercations leading up to the police having to come to my house and take statements at 6am on a friday morning are still on my chat history.
Well, I've experienced this firsthand, so I can say what would happen. =D
I took his arm, gave it a firm squeeze, and told him in a sure and sweet tone, "Honey, I'm not really looking for a relationship, especially in Junior High… I'm still your pal, though, you know?"
And then we were the same as always. ^_^
wow… I'm glad no one I know locally has any knowledge of me online. Getting a confession IM would be… disturbing.. to me…God, IM conversations are the worst for that! I feel your pain!
Trust me, the situation only got worse from there. I later found out that the friend that sent the copy/paste IM also had feelings for me. And that he was hiding this from me and confiding in a friend of his about his feelings for me. And SHE felt the same about HIM.
I still miss the bloke for reasons I'd like to say I don't remember anymore but then I'd be lying. Despite how many times people drilled it into my head that it was just teen angst and that I'd get over it within months.
I've still not properly recovered after 4 years since I last saw his face or heard his voice.
It might have had something to do with his feigned (Or possibly considered and he changed his mind) suicide two years ago. The altercations leading up to the police having to come to my house and take statements at 6am on a friday morning are still on my chat history.
oh god, I know your pain. I actually went though the same thing myself. -_-
only on my end, when I was confronted– my response went something like this:
*pretending that I never said it* "Huh? what are you talking about? oh, _______ supposedly copied and pasted that to you? Jeez, THAT was not what I said at all! ________ is always taking things out of context, and putting words into others' people mouths at all… I wouldn't take anything he says too seriously. Just ask any other of his friends besides myself,and they'll tell you the same."
It was true that the one who copied and pasted my sentence to my crush at the time, was always taking things out of context, saying that other people said this and that when they really meant something else entirely. he liked to be an drama king, you see.
so when my crush asked around in ims and found out that _______ was prone to do shit like that after all, he then believed that I didn't say it after all. He however, did ask me what I really said to make _____ copy and paste something like that to him.
I just casually said that I had made an joke about how Crush-guy was so good-looking that it should be a sin. Not exactly what I had said, but I decided to alter the truth there. I also stressed that everything I had had been nothing but good-humored jokes… and he seemed to accept it.
this was way back when I was an young teenager… and in away I'm glad I got out of it that smoothly. at times I look back at it and was amazed that I was able to think and act so quickly before it got out of control.
Another im-related "confession" didn't go so smoothly the second time around for me. =\
This time, the situation was reversed for me… only there was no third-party asshole copying and pasting things out of context…. the guy said it to me directly.
He was some east Indian guy… and this occurred when I was an teenager, but like 3 years later after my first im "incident". At first when he started hinting that he liked me, I didn't take it that seriously at all, and I was just like "okay, i see."
But then he started getting very obsessive in that he was constantly sending me cheesy love poems, pictures, that sort of thing. I kept on trying to tell him nicely that I was not interested in him at all, but he didn't seem to listen. He did some very creepy things… but what really took the cake was when we did webcam chatting…. and he actually started to carve my name into his arm with this knife live on webcam, as "proof" that he loved me. It was very gory, needless to say. I kept on yelling at him to stop doing that and to get to a doctor ASAP… but he kept on asking: "Do U believe me now? My love is true!" So finally I said: "Yes, I believe you… now fucking stop that bleeding and get yourself to a hospital!"
Satisfied, he complied with my wishes and left to go see a doctor.
Afterward the next day, when I was sure that he wasn't going to die of bleeding, I bluntly told him outright that what he did went too far, and was way beyond creepy. I told him that it was no way to win over any woman at all in this day and age…. and that it only served to make me feel frightened of him. therefore, I was blocking him and never speaking to him again.
after that, I blocked him. thinking about it, I still get creeped out, even now.
I have the net as a teen (coughNOWcough), but I have yet to have anything crazy done over the net. Is this a popular trend or something? *eyebrow waggle*
I never had the net as a teen, but I find love confessions online to be creepy. I think they have the best impact when given face to face. Too bad my opinion is based on what I've read in books and seen in movies.
I read a comment on the video which inspired this thread (check my first post in this thread) where the commentor sent the video link to her crush.
But then he started getting very obsessive in that he was constantly sending me cheesy love poems, pictures, that sort of thing. I kept on trying to tell him nicely that I was not interested in him at all, but he didn't seem to listen. He did some very creepy things… but what really took the cake was when we did webcam chatting…. and he actually started to carve my name into his arm with this knife live on webcam, as "proof" that he loved me.
And I thought my ex stalking me online and sending me gifts against my wishes was creepy. This is just messed up! :( I suppose some of my online guy friends have gone a little overboard in trying to romance me in the past, but I can be really bitchy and cold when I want to be so usually I scare them away.
I never had the net as a teen, but I find love confessions online to be creepy. I think they have the best impact when given face to face.
I agree. My only two relationships where online. Now, after all the drama, I advise my friends not to do it. Though, my mom was totally okay with it so I've met both boyfriends face to face on several occasions (The first boyfriend I met once after I dumped him, and the second I flew out to see 3 times.) But it's true, IMs and text messages take away the ability to understand a person's tone, so a good amount of the time we'd get in fights over a misunderstanding. My last boyfriend and I created a rule that if things were getting out of hand, we had to call each other to clear up the misunderstanding.
That obviously didn't really work out though, since I broke it off last October because he was getting high/drunk with his friends and even called me high once, even though he knew I was really really anti-drug. Plus I was fourteen and he was sixteen. An online relationship is too much work, especially when you're young. Now that I have a non-online crush, It's pretty obvious to see how much more enjoyable it is to actually be able to be around that person without the presence of a webcam or an expensive plane ticket.
when my boyfriend asked me out (it seemed sudden) I thought it was some sort of elaborate ruse, didn't believe him (then like the third time I asked him if he was serious he said, "just kidding!" What a guy.) So I made him shake on it, took a picture for photographic evidence…
I didn't trust men.
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