That's pretty sad, Blues.
I cry a single tear.
Enough of this emotion crap.
Can someone grab me a beer?
as long as you're not gonna start crying into the beer, tears prolly spoil it
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I'm in such a good mood today~!
I just got done dying my hair.
Probably for the last time ever.
Because my hair is incredibly long *Well, not incredibly long, but it's about shoulder length now*, and I'm just keeping my long hair until I become a beast.
My brother said I'm going to be his 'project', he's going to get me on a strict diet and workout routine. We're hoping to 'transform' me within the next year or so. I couldn't be more excited! :D
I also just got unlimited texting. Which is big for me, since a ton of my friends have it. So I can, you know, text them.
Also got some old X-Men 2099 comics a few days ago. They are so cool!
Also playing Crash of the Titans, which is a great game. I'm trying to finish it.
you should have built her one. it woulda been like 100$ cheaper. or what ever crazy currency you austrailians have.
i'm moving. but it's 33*F outside. (almost 0*C) it's also flurrying. let me check the weather.—nope, but it is supposed to get up to thirty-8 degrees.–
also, because they came early, and i showed up late, i missed the cable guy, so i'll have neither late night entertainment, or internet at the new place till monday. plus it's really facking cold out there….
allright, so it's job hunting time again. and let's face it, you're lucky if you've got a good one.i still have mine, but it's getting harder to live off of, and i hate to leave it becuase they treat me like family, but times are getting hard.
so i'm looking at applications again and i cant STAND these fucking things…the one's on paper arent bad. you fill in your job history, put down a referance and yer done. BUT, these online ones are just fucking demeaning. 50 pages of the most dumb shit, time wasting questions. do i get frusterated, would i steal a paper clip, would i LIKE to deal with irate customers, do i know anyone who's smoked pot. what the fuck?? and it's PAGES and PAGES of this crap.
you know what? i'm a GOOD employee. i DONT steal, i work my shifts and i'm nice to people. talk to my boss and she'll tell you that with confidence, but if you make me feel like i need to jump through hoops and run marathons just to get you to look at my application then i loose respect for you and loose the drive to want to work hard becuaes 9 times outa ten if you respect your employees, they strive to want to help you out more,despite their wage. but if you're gonna sit here and have me make a clown outa myself for 7.50 an hour like some trick dolphin jumping for a fish then fucking shove it you corporate piece of waste.
i'm on my own, i pay for rent, tv, utilities. i get myself up for work in the morning, i do my laundry, wash my dishes, make my dinner and do what i have to becuase i'm a fucking grown up. i'm a citizen of this country and like most other people in it, i'm trying as hard as i can to get by until this mess gets cleaned up so how dare you waste my time like this.
man this REALLY gets to me. but it looks like i'll just have to put with it and hope that the people in charge arent as braindead as these tests make them out to be.
you should have built her one. it woulda been like 100$ cheaper. or what ever crazy currency you austrailians have.Yeah… I did that last time. I can't be bothered this time, too much messing around. I just wanted to get something that'd look good and work nicely, and be no bother…
RANTNow that's a rant. I think Deirdre just validated this thread.
but it looks like i'll just have to put with it and hope that the people in charge arent as braindead as these tests make them out to be.I love that you end on a note of absurdly misplaced optimism.
I feel so productive lately!
Yesterday, I did a lot of work on the comic.
I renamed it, I scanned each page into 4 parts (because my paper is bigger than the scanner XD), and pieced it together in photoshop, darkened it, and lettered it.
I also tried to put in a new layout for my comic…but, it didn't turn out so well :(
Also did upper body (workout) yesterday :)
Take note I went to bed at 1 AM.
Today, woke up at 7 AM (6 hours of sleep. I'm wide awake!)
Drank some coffee, put my contacts in, and did my homework.
I got done around 9:30, and then I started sketching a new look for the characters. Don't know when, and even if it'll be in the comic. But who knows. Sure looks cool!
And I just got done doing a lower body workout.
I plan on drawing the Cover, Chapter Page, and Page 5 today. Fixing my layout. Start scripting and planning Chapter 2, AND then relax with some nice Crash of the Titans (Wii)
I've been very busy lately, to say the least :3
In the middle of reading watchmen, how, oh how is the movie going to pull this off? There's just no way for a modern film to put this much deep complexity into 100 minutes and appeal to the audience.
And it's impossible to hate Rorschach, crazy, ugly and selfish as he is; he's the least despicable character in the series.
I'm glad I've stopped reading manga so much.
i havent read any watchmen, but i gotta tell ya, after i read what it was supposed to be about, i was intrigued. thing is i only get to hit a comic store maby 4 times a year now so when i get intersted in something i cant usually follow through with it cuase i'm trying to catch up on other series.
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