One of my cats died today. Only a few months more and she would have been 19.
Yeah. :(
I used to have a cat and five kittens. We had to sell them all. Including the cat. :/
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Eh, they can live until their 20's or even 30s if they're lucky… But that's rare. It was a good age, but it was cancer that took them both. :/
The weight thing would tend to point to cancer… The vet told me something about Anaerobic systems as opposed to aerobic systems. Apparently one burns energy a lot less efficiently and that's the kind that cancers use?
When they eat a LOT and just get thinner and thinner on top of the other stuff, it's probably a sign that it's not worms but cancer. (as you suspect) :(
You should probably take him into the vet and try and get some treatment to slow the cancer spread… pain killers as well maybe? And some super high energy foods, just to make his days more comfortable. It sounds like he hasn't got all that long to go. -_-
so i go to bed late….get called into work early….sit around in 16 degree temperature, for 4 hours….go sit in the office for 4 hours….only to skip out on something important….and more than likely be called in tomorrow….
and on top of that….i had a spare modem i said my buddy could use, so right when i was getting down and gritty with my nap..(half an hour into it)…he calls up and asks if he can come over and get it….leaving me wide eyed and grumpy….
Oh. I think David Icke had one of those…he thinks the Earth is ruled by a subterranean empire of lizard-men now.
WOOT! Animation is finished and up!!!
Captain R: Game Ranger EX
I dont think he pulled that conclusion out of his ass just to get attention and make money.Me neither; I think he pulled it out of his arse because he's a fucking crackpot.
Why reptoids? And why are those reptoids consistent with so many accounts?Mass hysteria is a scientifically-proven phenomenon. Bipedal shapeshifting iguanas are not it's on Wikipedia, therefore you've instantly won this argument.
Reptilians feed on your fears. They cannot comprehend love or happiness or any other human emotion. The only thing they can relate to is fear and pain. If you have love in your heart and come near a reptoid, the reptoid will act clumsy and disoriented and will be uncomfortable. Love drives the reptoids away. :)I laughed very hard. They laughed very hard at Thomas Edison, but you haven't exactly discovered electricity or anything. :/
About David Icke, I have a feeling that HE is a reptoid. If he paints a picture of this all powerful Illuminati that controls everything, who works hand in hand with Satanic forces and lizzies, and makes them look so big and so powerful, isnt he spreading fear?I think I know exactly what it is that David Icke is spreading. It comes out of cows, has an 'i' in it and isn't 'milk'.
And then what? Barbara and David collaborated on this? I doubt it.More likely scenario? They're both fucking crackpots.
Or it could be a possibility that reptoids are really demons from hell. And that it is all a massive psyop by the New World Order in order to reinforce their idea of invincibility? Cool. If we have super alien lizards on our side, then that means we are invincible and theres nothing you can do but be a pack of sheep.Would it not be in the very best fucking interest of a clandestine society of illuminati to make their presence known and visibly assert their authority? Surely the message they would be trying to get across would be 'Worship the frigging reptoids'.
Anyway I started my 'search' based on some of the things I have observed:
1) The gap between the rich and poor.
How is this relevant? How is 2) relevant, either?
2) The high cost of living. Why do people need to have a 2-income household and why is everything so expensive that it is very easy to get into debt.
Inflation. Interest will kick in sooner or later and everything will level out again.
3) The gender conflict. Why cant males and females get along easily? If humans are higher animals, why do supposedly dogs, cats, and other animals male and females get along much better than us?
I don't know your experience, but I generally find the opposite to be true.
4) The military secrecy.
5) 9-11 attacks.
And this somehow has something to do with reptoids?
6) School shootings.
Your point?
7) The absence of love in human society. Manifested in car accidents, crime, corporate greed, terrorism, war, etc. etc. etc.
What the fuck do car accidents have to do with the 'absence of love in human society'?
8) The promotion of the idea that humans are nothing but evolved from apes and there is no soul and all that.
Evolution is no longer a theory. It has been proven. There's no more 'theory' of evolution; it's the fact of evolution. While we are evolved from ape-like creatures, we're far from 'nothing'. I'd also like to know where you get the idea that the concept of a soulless humanity is being promoted in any significant way.
9) The promotion of the idea that humans are helpless and should only rely on God to be saved. No need to do anything. If only every God-believer would realize Nasa diyos ang awa nasa tao ang gawa (In God is mercy, in humanity is action)
If that's the case, why are there so damn many charities run by the church?
10) The destruction of the family. Why are families so easy to divorce nowadays? Where is love?
Shit happens. Nowadays, if a couple decides they want to go their separate ways, they don't feel very bad about doing it. Divorce is also a pretty costly process to go through - it's more likely that both sides the average family would be able to cope with the aftermath nowadays.
11) Why am I different from everyone? Why did I have to be a loner most of my life? Why is my brain frequency seemingly very different from everyone? Because we're rational and mostly lucid, maybe? See my comics… Brood Knight and MAG-ISA. Plug plug plug… Those comics are of course exagerrated versions of the reality.
12) Why dont I feel spiritual completion in religion or atheism? Why are there always gaps that need to be filled?
I'm not finished searching for the truth. And I wont expect to find it in this lifetime. What I know is that I am very very very fascinated with topics like politics, religion, aliens, the occult, and the psychology of the human mind.
I am addicted to finding information. lol!
it's my turn to rant. :D been so long. really too long.
let's get started then.
neverending heartburn! why? i'm only 8-friggin-teen. ;_;
amzie wants a kittum. I LUV KITTMZ.
i keep getting painful lumps on my head from out of nowhere. i think someone is beating me senseless while i sleep.
1) The gap between the rich and poor.
Who benefits from a gap between rich and poor? Of course the elite. As the people get poorer and the purchasing power of their money go down, the less power they have and the more they will become dependent on the elite. Despair weakens the human brain's defenses.
I noticed that much of the world's power is based on how much money you have.
LESS MONEY = LESS POWER. Less money for the people, more power for the elite.
2) The high cost of living. Why do people need to have a 2-income household and why is everything so expensive that it is very easy to get into debt.
Inflation? Why are wages lagging behind the inflation? You know, I really feel sorry for people who have to work so hard (sometimes in 2 jobs) just to get by and pay the rent and raise their children that they have no more time for themselves.
All would be left is an empty shell. Too spent out and tired.
Poverty makes people angry and it causes broken families. And broken families cause children to be delinquent and take the path of drugs and crime. It is a vicious cycle that is dangerous for society.
3) 3) The gender conflict.
- If there is no gender conflict, why are there so much 'dating advice' all around? What used to be circulating in PUA (pick up artist. Men who brag about the number of women they get laid with. success = getting laid) circles is now sometimes appearing in MSN and Yahoo boards.
And to tell you, most of these 'advice' always involve being heartless and the mindset of treating women (and men) as sex objects. Giving mixed signals. Being cocky and funny. Using neghits. Is that an atmosphere of love or deception?
How can LOVE involve treating people like objects? How can LOVE be about disregarding the humanity of the person? LOVE is about GIVING and SHARING and CARING.
Speaking of which, what kind of evil force thrives in an environment full of hate?
4) The military secrecy.
- Its not only about iraq. Think that Iraq is the only thing going on?
5) 9-11 attacks.
- The government done it. Reptoids? Not too sure about that. I have my own doubts on them. The WTC was partly a demolition job. Bin Laden is a CIA asset.
Think about it. Why wasnt Osama captured when he was supposedly cornered in Tora Bora and why did USA invade Iraq? There's something fishy going on.
6) School shootings.
- There are theories surrounding this phenomenon including outrageous ones such as shooters being mind-controlled assassins and part of a government black op thingy.
Now conspiracy aside, one cannot deny the absence of love in the minds of these shooters. Read Richard Mcbeef and Mr. Brownstone by Cho Seung Hui. Full of hatred. And hatred is not born. Hatred is made.
And I was surprised of the reaction of the general public about focusing on beefing up the security instead of focusing on the frequency of love. Instead of reaching out to those in need. Instead of creating a culture of love and acceptance in a school system.
Trust me I've been through a school system. I can sense a higher frequency of hatred and coldness. I feel it in the air and it used to drive me to the edge of depression. If this is the culture where children are being brought up, the next step could be even worse. Think of a place where leaders are cold and full of hatred.
7) The absence of love in human society. Manifested in car accidents, crime, corporate greed, terrorism, war, etc. etc. etc.
See above answers. Btw, most car accidents are caused by selfishness. By rude and aggressive drivers who ignore the rules of the road and want things to go their way. I saw a driver honk at an old lady crossing the street. As much as I wanna scream at the driver, I just prayed for the forgiveness of his sin.
Evolution is no longer a theory. It has been proven. There's no more 'theory' of evolution; it's the fact of evolution.
- Since when did it become a fact? Just because it is repeatedly drilled into schools it is a fact? A 'fact'? Meaning it is no longer debatable? Meaning there is no room to criticize that theory because it came from the holy mouth of Darwin?
Think about it. Whose interest does it serve when the people believe they are nothing but evolved from apes who are doomed to spend their lives in meaningless existence?
Knowledge is Power.
"Because we're rational and mostly lucid, maybe? "
- Who gave you the right to call yourself more rational and lucid? Who decides that?
Again. Its 'us' vs 'them' mentality. The 'them' include people like me who felt like an outcast of society for the most part of their lives. While I could have taken the route to violence, I chose to study society and learn to assimilate. However 'assimilating' requires me to bring out my asshole side. Why is it necessary to pretend to be stupid and to pretend I am someone else so that I would fit in? Why cannot I fit in with my 'normal self'?
Plug plug plug…
lol everyone in dd does that even if the topic is unrelated to their comic and even if nobody really gives a shit about their comic.
That means I cannot do that? Is it one of the rules here in DD that only apply to me that I shouldnt plug? :)
"kyupol" Said:
There're these lovely white jackets available, I think one would suit you.
Anyway on a lighter note, I've always stressed the importance of acquiring knowledge.
For instance I was able to help a friend buy a car. A 95 honda civic. In very good shape. Cost him about $1500. Maybe $2k since I told him to change the timing belt, waterpump because God knows when the last timing belt of that thing was changed.
Thank goodness that I've taken automotive class, worked as a helper in a garage, and read about cars every now and then. :)
I'm no super mechanic though. lol!
it's my turn to rant. :D been so long. really too long.
let's get started then.
neverending heartburn! why? i'm only 8-friggin-teen. ;_;
amzie wants a kittum. I LUV KITTMZ.
i keep getting painful lumps on my head from out of nowhere. i think someone is beating me senseless while i sleep.
Oh for the love of–
Guys. Evolution does not cancel out God. God does not cancel out evolution. The coexistence makes sense, no matter how much you don't want it to make sense.
And now, here's the best logical conclusion I can come up with:
God made the big bang as a huge, heavily figured-out chain reaction and left it at that, to sit back in his red La-Z-Boy and wait for us in the afterlife.
Before anyone asks, I don't believe miracles happen because of divine intervention. If God is going to help some rich guy's grandma get over her cancer, then it's only fair that He helps everyone else with cancer. But He doesn't.
I'm not saying God is apathetic, I'm just saying that he gave us brains to figure things out for ourselves. If we all kill ourselves over what particular divine intervention label we're putting on everything, the first thing He will say when He greets humanity at the Pearly Gates is a resounding, overpowering "EPIC FACEPALM," because it's a total waste of the most complicated organ in the human body.
Guysguysguys! REPTOIDS ARE COMING! They feed off hate and despair and they play football with babies and kick puppies you guys! The only way to defeat them is with love and the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!
Also I think you should keep an open mind but if you don't accept god as your saviour you're going to hell.
Dddaaawww! My big brother saved a lost puppy that was starving and sick!
It was woundering around outside, and he tried to find its owners all over the place, but no one knew who the little buddy belonged to. So he took it in, and feed it up, and let him stay for the aftertoon and evening, but took it to a friends to stay over the weekend before he takes it to the dog warden.
Don't worry! It has a collar and tags, so he's owners should be found. But if they don't come get him, he should be adopted very fast. He was a extermly sweet doggie and extermly loveable. ^_^ <3
There is this stray cat outside who got in a fight and his nose is nearly torn in half! ;A; I felt so sad and sickened, I let him in to eat and cleaned him off with a washclothe and the dull lifeless color of his eyes went away.
I then spread an antibiotic on the area and he perked up quite a bit.
Unfortunately I let him outside again and haven't seen him in about 4 hours. <:( A little piece in my heart would melt if he died. I hope he's there in the morning for feeding…
(I feed stray cats and my own outside cats who live around my house, the strays are from people who pretty much abandon them here because the pounds are full)
Also I've noticed quite a few webcomics on DD that have traced art or just plain copied art.(they are usually adult comics)
I guess i shouldn't care since it's a webcomic, but it's still lame to take credit for something you put no skills into.
Skullbie out.
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