I've never known a straight man as bitchy as you. :) -not an insult, just an observation on the tone. Gay co-workers yes, I don't know why, just something to do with the subculture I suppose.
As for that image, I dunno. I think Geekside were just advertising then. The first DD crash was because of a bug… and only for unpaid comics. Which was ok with me since I didn't have my comic on DD then, I'd only just signed up ^^
The problem with Geekside was they messed up. I think they were just subcontracting… reselling… They didn't pay their bills. Weren't reachable by email. And all of the DD content got locked away because Geekside's service provider froze their stuff, of which DD was a part.
Which would have been ok… Except the idiots didn't respond to emails etc and before Volte could do anything, the service provider deleted the whole lot. I think Geekside didn't tell him about that till a while after the fact.
—————————— Now, you can be a bitchy little grumpy fella and complain that Volte should have had his own contingency plans outside of that, and all sorts of back-ups, but it was all free, and him slaving away on the whole thing by himself. Of course back-ups would have been nicer and all the would'a been, could'a been, should'a been scenarios. but it was a pretty good deal when we had it. DD bounced back better than ever afterwards due to his efforts once again. :)
Thus, we have the single most important principle… NAY! …RULE of internet publishing…
I've been through so many crashes that I would have been screwed if I didn't keep copies of everything, including everything in hi res and the layout of my website. Whenever I hear about people who lost all their comics because a service provider got wiped out, I just shake my head.
Thus, we have the single most important principle… NAY! …RULE of internet publishing…
I've been through so many crashes that I would have been screwed if I didn't keep copies of everything, including everything in hi res and the layout of my website. Whenever I hear about people who lost all their comics because a service provider got wiped out, I just shake my head.
Most people did, but I want you to think long and hard about the people with 200+ page archives and no automated upload script on DD. You know what happened the first crash? A new upload system was introduced that let you select a whole bunch of files.
Most people did, but I want you to think long and hard about the people with 200+ page archives and no automated upload script on DD. You know what happened the first crash? A new upload system was introduced that let you select a whole bunch of files.
One at a time.
So it was inconvenient and monotonous, but not impossible. We had over 400 pages at the time. I took a couple hours and did it. As a matter of fact, I'm the one that approached Volte about adding an Upload +1, +5, +10 feature for that very reason.
But why whine about how DD used to be? Several provisions have been put into place for that NOT to happen again, including an ARCHIVE feature. You're a real "glass is half empty' kind of guy, aren't you?
Most people did, but I want you to think long and hard about the people with 200+ page archives and no automated upload script on DD. You know what happened the first crash? A new upload system was introduced that let you select a whole bunch of files.
One at a time.
So it was inconvenient and monotonous, but not impossible. We had over 400 pages at the time. I took a couple hours and did it. As a matter of fact, I'm the one that approached Volte about adding an Upload +1, +5, +10 feature for that very reason.
But why whine about how DD used to be? Several provisions have been put into place for that NOT to happen again, including an ARCHIVE feature. You're a real "glass is half empty' kind of guy, aren't you?
That's because every time you add something to the glass, you take out half the contents that used to be there. Let me demonstrate:
DD used to be a glass half full of chocolate milk. Yum! Then DD had half of the chocolate milk replaced with regular milk. Okay, not as thick anymore, but whatever. THEN half of that mixture was replaced with water. That was silly. Now?
DD used to be a glass half full of chocolate milk. Yum! Then DD had half of the chocolate milk replaced with regular milk. Okay, not as thick anymore, but whatever. THEN half of that mixture was replaced with water. That was silly. Now?
Ya, about that… That wasn't actually chocolate to begin with. ;)
DD used to be a glass half full of chocolate milk. Yum! Then DD had half of the chocolate milk replaced with regular milk. Okay, not as thick anymore, but whatever. THEN half of that mixture was replaced with water. That was silly. Now?
Ya, about that… That wasn't actually chocolate to begin with. ;)
I blink and Ka-ZAMMMMM! Y'all change the whole bloody format of DD on me! Sheesh!
"Whine, whine, I'm a middle-aged man and we hate changes! Rant, rant, vent,vent!"
Heh-heh . . . actually, now that I'm over the shock, I sort of like the changes. I thought I had gone to the wrong URL though when I entered DrunkDuck a moment ago though. Really, it was a nice gesture, people, but y'all didn't need to make all these dramatic changes just to impress little ol' me, 'cause I love DD anyway.
Not that it isn't a valid point, but I'm a really sensitive n00b. If I just read a non-me-directed comment alone, it wouldn't bug me, but the example makes me sad – even if no one else recognizes it.
See, that pic in APC's example was at 24 bit depth, so the file size ended up at over a meg for a simple image. -Should have been Jpeg for a colour, detailed picture with large dimensions intended for web display…
NOW, your comic is done using 8 bit PNG. There's a MASSIVE difference. That's 256 colours max, like a gif. Excellent for images on the web with simple colour.
YOU are doing it RIGHT! :) Your images have good file sizes! NOT noobish.
See, that pic in APC's example was at 24 bit depth, so the file size ended up at over a meg for a simple image. -Should have been Jpeg for a colour, detailed picture with large dimensions intended for web display…
But Ozone… I made that picture too…
I apologize, though. I thought you put up the picture (reading backwards, skimming, lack of sleep). I guess it was APC who made me sad by picking that example. "Case in point" doesn't bug me like "n00b" does. It was an *accidental team effort* that did me in.
In any case, I will be using jpg conversions for my colored pages. I don't do them often, so I didn't know.
— Today is a huge do-over for me anyway. I can't seem to think straight and feel terrible for no reason at all. Damn it. I should rant about that. Why am I taking everything so personal today? ; ; *Removes foot from mouth and walks away.*
-Ya, APC did that, I'd never single anyone out… Save your archive images in PNG 24bit if you like, that format is lossless I believe, as well as saving channels and Alpha transparency. It's useful in things like video editing too.
For nice pics with complicated colour though- jpeg. 50% compression is usually a good balance between image quality and file size. -Never save archive files that way (unless it's on CD or DVD-where it's totally read only), because it's lossy, so after opening and viewing it a few thousand times, maybe a few hundred thousand (not sure), you'll notice a deterioration of image quality.
Yah, but Crumpets just rule, no question, also, DD Brit right here! :D
I ought not to rant, but I must! I've been living here for the past 3 years, and there's been a Chip Shop down the road that looks really awesome, and for the past three years i've wanted to go there, so I go out today with moneys with the intention of buying chips, I get to the shop only to realise that it's closed… for a week… starting today |:l
When I still lived in Sheffield there was a chippy literally three doors down from us, they used to give one of our cats leftover fish. Once they had to close down for a while (don't remember why) and he sat outside mewling at the door for days. It would've been cute if he didn't look like he wanted to devour Steve McQueen.
A piece of cardboard just nearly drove me nuts. I only wanted a straight line. I've been trying it for weeks and I couldn't even finish the first box, if I can't draw straight lines, what fucking hope have I got left? Anyway, I just tore the fucker in half, which felt far more satisfying than is probably healthy. Good bye, you arsehole piece of cardshit, you are the most malicious inanimate object I have ever had the misfortune of working with, and I hope you rot in hell.